
Harem king System

I died ......... but that was not the end, they offered me a chance to live again but not in my world, in a different one with a system of my choice. obviously I accepted, but not everything went well ..... because there are ghost beings, warriors, Yokais angels and many other beings in this place ?? !!! I want to go to a world with beautiful women and without dangers and make a harem in that world !!! but now I not only have to live in a world with many dangers ..... now I also have to travel to other worlds and save them from destruction ........ but I will not give up on my dream of doing a Harem !!!! I will achieve it with the help of The System King of the Harem

Lazy_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

5 hours of suffering and a blonde angel with big breasts

Hello, today's chapter is made especially for those readers who have been supporting the story with all their hearts

really thanks !!!!.

Hey do you know that my native language is not english, so if there is any mistake please tell me so that

I can correct it.


My act of opposing Sakaki's great pressure seems to have worked better than I thought.

After Sakaki, He stopped threatening me and I was able to breathe more calmly.

I can see what, Akisame, he was definitely interested in training me, and Ma Kensei, seemed to take a little interest in me.

"… .Ho, ho, ho, ... .now you see it? … .. this young man is Interesting…. Despite being afraid of us, he doesn't panic or try to run away ...…. "

The Older speaks and Akisame seems to support him.

"… .Yes,… .. The young man is definitely interesting ... he's not particularly strong, but he managed to stand in front of Akisame…. That shows a minimum degree of talent… .. "

"… I… .. certainly shows talent, even if it is little…. But I'm worried that his body can keep up with the training… .. "Ma Kensei said that.

They all stop to think about Ma Kensei's words for a few moments, but the Older takes them out of their thoughts and begins to speak.

"… .. Well ... It seems that we are rushing to think about how to train him…. He still hasn't said what he wants to learn ...… "

The l Older looked at me and asked me.

"… ..Tell me,… Maiko-Kun ..., Kempo, muay thai, jiu-jitsu, karate, Weapons ... .. what are you interested in learning? ..."

(That would be a difficult question for anyone else ....

But not for me !!!! ..... I have imagined this situation many times !!!! ..... Do not underestimate the imagination be an Otaku !!!! ..... We Otakus spend hours Imagining the correct choices in each anime we watch !!!! ... All this with the hope of one day being able to live in that world !!!!….

The option that will lead me to fulfill my mission faster and help me become strong without suffering so much, is .... This!!!!!!)






"... Kempo,… Jiu-jitsu…. And… Weapons ... I want to learn these 3 "

"... Hoo? ... I didn't expect you to choose that ... .. could you tell me why?… .. normally other people would choose Karate OR Muay Thai, because they are more attack based .... "

(Hell !!! ..... Now what do I tell you? ..... I can't tell you that it's because I'm afraid of the hellish training I'll go through with Apachai and Sakaki if they become my teachers !!! .... ..think, Maiko !! ..... An excuse that sounds like something a protagonist would say ...… .. Think ... . I HAVE IT !!!)




".... It is true that Karate and Muay Thai have many more techniques based on attack compared to Jiu-jitsu and Chinese Kempo, ... but Jiu-jitsu uses the force of the opponent against itself to counterattack, and Kempo Chino in most cases needs the opponent to make the First attack to counter it ...…. I don't want to get strong to start a fight…. I want to get strong to finish the fight. "

Akisame and the Older understood what I meant by that,… .. I didn't like to fight but if I had to I would win… ..

"... ho… ..but you know?… Maiko-Kun… .. You say you don't like to fight, but you even chose to learn the use of weapons…. Isn't that contradictory? ..... "

".... I choose to learn the use of weapons because I know that not all the people who want to fight me are going to do it with their fists ... And if My fists are not enough to win, if necessary, I will use weapons… "

The Older heard my words and seems to agree with my way of thinking… or so it seemed… ..

"… .. certainly if your opponent is not a martial artist, it is normal for him to use weapons to fight ... and it is reasonable that if you cannot win with your fists, you do so using weapons ...… .."

"... Yes…..that's why I want to learn To…."

Before I can continue to soften the Older yells.


His scream released a huge gust of wind that threw me a few inches behind ...


"… .. Certainly your body is not yet trained to the point where it is considered a weapon…. But we can fix that… ..Ho, ho, ho… "

With a strange glint in his eyes the Older lifted me onto his shoulder and spoke to Akisame.

"…. Akisame… .. follow me…. We will reform Maiko-kun's Body so that she understands what true martial arts can do !!! .... "

"..With pleasure Older ... with my new training machine the young man will have a useful body for martial arts"

His words and the gleam of emotion in their eyes was scaring me….

(No, no, no ... No !!! ... I know what these madmen are capable of doing to me if they don't contain themselves with training !!!! .... I don't want to die !!! .... NO !! !!!!! )

"...… a,… Excuse me… .. don't you think that First We have other things to talk about? ..... For example the payment of my registration to the Do-jo…."

I said that in the hope that it is a good excuse to avoid training.

… .. unfortunately it didn't work

"… .Don't worry about that, we will talk about the payment later,… .. if you want to survive in this Do-jo, first we need to give muscles to your body…., ho, ho, ho !! .... I'm excited !! .... I already want to see you after training !! .... "

Older and Akisame drag me out of the room

Sensing the imminent danger I tried to ask the other teachers for help ...

".... Easy young… .. You will not die ... .. Maybe… .. "

Master Ma Kensei said trying to reassure me.

"Ha, ha, ha !! ..... Brat, it's your funeral ...."

Sakaki said mocking my impending suffering

"..Apa… Don't worry Maiko .... Akisame is a good teacher! ..... "

Apachai, as always, he had no idea what was going on ...

(Don't talk nonsense and save me !!!! ... Someone !!!! .... Please help !!!!! ...)

They wouldn't help me… .. there was only Shigure-san…. My only hope of saving myself from my horrible fate of dying at the hands of these training monsters….

I Fixed my gaze on my last hope,…. Shigure-san and… ..

"...….. good..... luck ...… ,."

As always she responds curtly ... She is always great and Beautiful ... Unfortunately for me I needed her to help me….

(… NOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!! ...)


And so I was dragged into training hell ...….

I already had an idea of ​​what to expect, after all I saw Kenichi's training in the manga… .. but mine was much worse !!!!!!

After suffering 5 hours of hard training I only had one thought in my mind ....

( It was a terrible idea trying to impress them !!!!!! ..... now they are excited to train me !!!!!! .... HELP !!!!! )


And so our protagonist began with his training to become stronger ...…

And while he suffered a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes was entering the Do-jo


"… Whoa… .How good that I managed to buy everything for dinner ...…."

"... Tonight I'll make a delicious Chowder ... ... .. ?? ....."

She, heard a lot of noise coming from the backyard of the Do-jo ...

"….? .... What will have you so animated? ... Well…. Then I'll check, I'll make dinner first ... "


(Maiko Pov)

Have you ever felt that your legs and hands are so weak that you can't even move them? ... No? .... Or have you imagined that you could be like Son Goku when after a strong fight, could you get up to continue fighting? .... if you have, let me tell you something ....


how do the SHONEN Protagonists make this look easy!!!!! ??? ....

Right now I am on the ground breathing heavily while all the teachers observe my suffering… ..

I wanted to say many things to complain about !!! .... But if I did, it would ruin the good image I made in front of the teachers !!! .....

For the first time I hate acting like a leading man !!! ...






"… .Ho, ho, ho ... Very good, Maiko-Kun .... You endured the warm-up very well ... Tomorrow we will go straight to do the real training…. "

(He said that this was just the warm-up !!!! ??? ... No !!!!! ..... IF THIS CONTINUES I WILL DIE !!!! ..... I DO NOT WANT TO DIE WITHOUT HAVING SNU, SNU WITH SOME GIRL !!!! ..... PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE ME !!!!)

My prayers were heard by the heavens and they sent an angel to save me ... A blond angel with big breasts…

"... .. Dinner is ready !!!! ... what are they doing ? ... !!!!!!"

The Older's granddaughter, Miu Fūrinji, arrived where we were to tell us that dinner was served… .. but what she did not expect was to see the body of a young man, on the floor of her home.

"....Tell me…. Why is there a Boy almost dead on the ground? ... "

"..... New.... Disciple ...… "Shigure replied.

"...asa....now I understand ...… !!!! ... But, he's almost dead !!! ....."

"…Ho, ho, ho….Don't worry MIu, he is very resistant .... "

"... No matter how resistant he is at this rate he will die !!! ..... Please let him rest and in the meantime you guys go to dinner ..."

"… We can't do that., we promised Young Maiko that he would help us develop the muscles of a true martial artist.." …."

"...Today's dinner is fresh Fish soup… .."

".. !!! .... Cof, .. Cof… .Well…. A lot of training would be bad for him the first time,…. Well, for today is all the training we will do ..…. LET'S GO TO DINNER…. Young Maiko…. Rest and when you can move go home, come back tomorrow for more training ... "

All the teachers leave me on the ground… .. in the end only Miu and I remain…

She approaches me and helps me to get up, in the process I can see her breasts move every time she takes a step…. And by helping me I can feel her breasts touch my arm

(God !!! ..... THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME FEEL THIS DIVINE SOFTNESS !!! .... Miu Furinji,… she is just as beautiful as in the anime .... I'm sorry Kenichi but your future already it will not be by your side ....)

(first I have to leave a good impression on Miu, she likes honest and nice guys .... I'm not honest but I can pretend that I am .... Good !!! ..... OPERATION BE THE HONEST LEADER ... IT STARTS !!!!)

"... .. Thanks for the help ... If that continued I'm sure I would die ...."

"…. I'm sorry about what you went through ... .. They usually do this to scare off the weak-willed… .. it's a test to see if you can stay in training… .. "Miu replied.

"…..I imagined..... I am Maiko Shuu… .. a pleasure to meet you… .. and again thanks for helping me…. " I replied while I used one of the most powerful techniques of a protagonist,….

The Honest smile !!!! .... My smile was so perfect that the system added it as a new skill

[Congratulations you got the skill [Honest Smile]]

[Depending on how you use it, you can make people believe that you are a good person incapable of lying or you can use it to help you win a girl's heart.]

The ability seems to work, because I could see for a moment a little blush on Miu's cheeks, although it was only for a moment.

"… Fu-… .. Furinji Miu… .."

"…..No…. You don't have to thank ... Normally I make sure that they don't overdo their training ...… but I went out to buy things for dinner…. "

When she says that I realize that the sun has gone down and it is already night, ... I was so busy keeping my Poker Face that I did not notice that it was already night…

(..... Night ...… Tohru !!!!! ... She is alone at home !!!! ... I have to go back now !!! ...)

"... It's so late already !! ??? ... I'm sorry but I have to go home, ... I promise I'll return the favor one day, ..."

Before she can answer I ran in the direction of the exit of the Do-jo…. But before I left I shouted from afar that I would be back tomorrow at the same time.


Maiko was running home because he is worried that Tohru will feel home alone, and if he knows anything, it is not a good idea to leave a Beautiful Dragon girl alone for a long time ...

If she gets depressed it would be bad for their relationship ... that's why, ignoring the pain she felt in her body, Maiko ran through the streets and teleported a certain distance to shorten the path ... all in the hope of getting there faster ..

But when she got home he didn't expect to meet Visits…...


ready 👌

a super long chapter for the story,

I have read your votes and so far HOTD is leading, then this is Hundred, Kimetsu no yaiba and goblin slayer.. If you have not yet voted Forward leave your vote because it may be the decisive

if you liked the chapter leave your precious power stones

That is all for now. goodbye