
Harem in a Labyrinth

A man dies and takes place of Kaga Michio in another world with an extra op cheat. The plot will follow loosely on the manga, novel and anime of Harem in the labyrinth of other world. The story is me mainly "rectifying" the oozing ball of negativity that is Michio. The world and system has loads of potential but I will see how far it goes. Lastly Roxanne bestt girl!! Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y

Avi2112 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 31: My Dream

[Radia Maxi Nantes Gozzeru <Female*Age 20>

Knight Level 27]

The Beautiful Female Knight enters with 5 other Knights, one of them is the Level 4 Knight who checked my intelligence card. They entered looking ready for a fight but paused seeing just me and Roxanne inside the room. The other knights relax visibly seeing the room empty while Radia comes towards me.

"Weren't you the one who defeated those runaway thieves?" The Female Blonde Knight speaks directly to me. The party behind her was not paying attention to the conversation happening here. They took a corner of the room and sat down.

"Hello my name is Kaga Michio, yes we just met yesterday" I stretched out my hand confidently.

In my mind I thought about imitating some kind of noble etiquette. But the attempt would show that I am faking it, and I shouldn't be in the know about her being a noble as she never told me her name.

She takes my hand and gives a firm handshake.

"Radia Maxi Nantes Gozzeru, did you clear this trap? Just the two of you?" Radia releases her hand and asks with a bit of shock and interest while looking at me and Roxanne.

"Yes, we found this room by accident filled with Needle Woods and cleared it" Now up close I can see her clear white face, and her tight Knight clothes. Yep she is hot, but more so I found out that I have a uniform fetish.

"You are really strong Michio. But I have never heard of a Kaga family? And I don't think that such a labyrinth would provide much money" Radia asks with her arms folded over her chest plate as she looks at me with a shine in her eyes.

New labyrinths are more dangerous and don't provide much money, especially the lower floors. She just doesn't know that this is my first time in a labyrinth.

"I just have a weird hobby of exploring different labyrinths. And my family is not from the Northern parts" I answered smoothly with a smile.

"Not from the North? I would love to know more about that" Radia asked in mild shock. I think her interest in me just increased exponentially because of that statement.

"Perhaps some other time, we can have a chat over tea, preferably somewhere that is not in a labyrinth" I reply with a chuckle and motioned towards Roxanne who was standing behind me silently "I and Roxanne will take our leave then"

"If you go towards the right side of the junction, there seems to be the entrance to the second floor" Radia told me as Roxanne picked up the backpack.

"Thank you, Take care" With a nod to Radia and her Knight party we both went out of the room.

There is no need to dip my fingers into the nobles of this country so soon. I will approach them when I am sufficiently prepared, only then can I get maximum benefits for myself. But first I have to increase my strength.

I looked at Roxanne walking beside me and can see that this whole encounter didn't affect her a bit. But now I have definitely confirmed that my charm has increased exponentially as in the og story Radia even after knowing Michio's strength would not spare him a second glance.

Entering the right side of the junction I stopped.

"Let's go back to the inn for now, we can enter the Boss room later" telling Roxanne I used Warp on the wall and a Black door materializes on it.

"Yes, Master" seeing her nod I go ahead into the door while Roxanne follows behind me.

We came out inside the Adventurer's Guild. The guild looks lively even in the early morning.

"E-eh Master how?" Roxanne looks in shock at the surroundings and at the vanishing door.

"I will tell you back at the inn" postponing her questions for now, we go towards the inn.

On the way I could see the straps of the backpack pressing against Roxanne's Boobs from the side, even the layers of cloth couldn't hide those big bazookas. I would take a peek sneakily while walking, even if I was caught multiple times Roxanne would just sweetly smile at me.

Taking the room key from the man at the reception we climb the stairs to our room on the 5th floor. Entering the room I take out all the equipment, keep them on the table and fall on the bed in exhaustion.

I wasn't that exhausted but just wanted to lie down for a while. I looked at Roxanne who was keeping her and my equipment in the backpack.

"Come here" I sat up on the bed and beckoned her.

Roxanne obediently comes towards me. I take her hand and make her sit beside me.

"Whenever we are alone, I would like you to sit closer to me" I said while hugging her soft body.

"Yes, Master" Roxanne closed her eyes and said softly.

"If there is something I do that you feel uncomfortable with, you can always speak up. I won't punish you" I tell her while playing with her soft ears.

"No Master … I …It's alright I don't mind it" The last part was said in a soft whisper but I could hear her perfectly.

Smiling, I started petting her head.

"Do you have a dream Roxanne?" I asked the question in a whisper

"No, Master's dream is my dream" Roxanne replies with conviction

"You must have a dream before you become a slave" I take her hand in mine, "It's not an order but I will be happy to hear about your dream" I tell her sincerely while placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Umm Master …. I always dreamed of clearing a labyrinth one day" Roxanne speaks softly with some hesitation.

"That is an admirable dream. Don't worry now that you are mine, consider your dream an inevitability" I smile and tell her confidently

"Yes if it is Master then we would definitely be able to defeat a labyrinth" Roxanne answers cheerfully. I am happy to see her so cheerful about our future.

"That spell I used was Warp, it's not Dungeon Walk of Explorer or Field Walk of Adventurer, it's my Bloodline Power. It also doesn't have the restrictions of both those spells, I can even teleport through shielding cement" I explain to her how Warp works.

Explorers can use Dungeon Walk only inside the labyrinth. So the Black door I saw just outside the forest yesterday was not Dungeon Walk, it was Field Walk. The Job Adventurer is unlocked at Explorer Level 50, so it's like an Advanced Job of Explorer.

The Field Walk can be used outside of the Labyrinth and not inside. For using it you need a flat vertical surface like a wall or a thick tree. People can teleport over cities if they wished, just the distance is directly proportional to the MP used.

But both these spells have a major weakness, they both cannot teleport to or from something covered in shield cement. Like this whole city, every building here is covered in shield cement so nobody can teleport to and from these walls or houses.

The only place where there is no coating is inside the Adventurer's guild. That's why I used Warp and entered the city through the Adventurers guild as even though I could use it everywhere, I don't want other people to know that.

Normally I shouldn't even be able to use Field Walk as I am not an Adventurer. But high level Explorers can change their job to Adventurer so people can just assume that I have changed my Job.

"Master is Amazing!" Roxanne looks at me with respect, " …. Does, Master have a Dream?" she asks a bit hesitant while looking at me from the corner of her eyes.

"My Dream" I hugged her tighter, "…For now I just wanna become stronger and enjoy my life with the people I love" Saying that I move her face closer to mine and give her a deep kiss while moving my tongue inside her mouth.

"Mmm" Roxanne just hums with a shy look. Seeing her this cute, I climb on the bed and go behind her and hug her from behind.

"For now I want to establish a base where we can grow. Expand our party, gather more followers and enjoy our life" I tell her while grabbing her waist and pressing her buttocks to my hard member. She just nods silently.

"Roxanne you are my first, so even if I buy more slaves you would never have to worry." Seeing her this silent I grab her boobs from behind, "I am a very selfish person, so I would never let you go … you are mine forever" I tilt her chin and taste her sweet lips slowly. My hands keep molding her breasts through her clothes.

"Yess… Ah Master" Leaving her lips I can see that she is already in the mood, but I remember that we are in the inn and it's still morning.

"This room is too small for us, let's have breakfast and then see if we can rent a big Mansion somewhere" I regrettably stopped our hug and got up from our bed with a stiffy. I have to move up my schedule of searching for a house.

The things you do for your little bro.

I added and updated the Aux chaps.

There is also an Aux with every reward of the level up system.

Avi2112creators' thoughts