
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

119 Don't come over!

The appearance of the transfer student did not make Mu Xiaoxiao feel nervous or worried, but instead brought some fun to his "boring" degenerate life.

He never thought that Tanaka Hajime could cause any trouble, even though he had hypnotized the entire school, even though everyone accepted the words of the sex instructor.

But as long as [Absolute Control] exists, no matter how the transfer student controls them through hypnosis, it will always be just the hypnotic spirit and cannot take away the girl's body.

This is Mu Xiaoxiao's [Absolute Control]. There is no doubt that Mu Xiaoxiao has used this ability to control the girls in the school before he was transferred to this school.

If you observe carefully, you can find that although there are many couples in the school, you can hardly see any couple making out. They are all affected by Mu Xiaoxiao's [Absolute Control].

The hints he sends with this ability can cause women to feel physical and physiological discomfort, revulsion, and nausea in response to men's contact, thereby repelling the approach of any man except Mu Xiaoxiao.

Compared to Tanaka Hajime, his methods are much more powerful, so he doesn't have to worry about hypnosis or anything like that.

Of course, only women have "absolute control", not men.

Not only the girls in school, but also the controlled people outside the school are also spreading little by little. When Mu Xiaoxiao goes out and sees beautiful women, couples, and lovers on the street, he will use this ability to give hints.

[Absolute Control] Although he has appeared less recently, he has been using it all the time. This is his true core ability.

And what happened in the guidance room, this wave, this wave was an invisible confrontation between Mu Xiaoxiao and Tanaka Hajime. It seemed that the poor hypnosis master was somewhat powerless.

Seeing how Miyajima-senpai rejected him so much, even if the hypnosis was successful, he still couldn't get this beautiful kendo girl, Tanaka Hajime felt like he was breaking down.

'So, what exactly is going on? !

Why did it become like this? !'

"Kase-kun! What's going on? Miyajima-senpai, why did she become like this?!" He had to turn to the sufferer sitting there, seriously doubting whether this cuckold had done something.

Tanaka Hajime didn't dare to pounce anymore. This kendo senior was too strong and he was no match for her.

"I, I don't know either," Masafumi Kase, who was under the influence of hypnosis when he saw his girlfriend evade the sex instructor's hands, didn't feel happy at all and became irritable, "Miyajima-senpai, why are you doing this? Are you avoiding Tanaka-san's guidance?"

"If we don't accept guidance, senior and I can't...do that kind of thing. Miyajima-senpai, hurry up and accept the guidance of the instructor. It will be easier for me to learn."

The cuckold man earnestly persuaded.

"I know," Miyajima Sakura bit her lip with a complex expression, "I am willing to accept Tanaka-kun's guidance, but...but, I can't do it."

Physical nausea and disgust.

Physical rejection and unwillingly.

Let her not even touch that man, no, it seems not just that man, even Kase-kun as her boyfriend...

"Kase, have you ever been intimate with Miyajima-senpai?" Tanaka was confused at first and couldn't understand the situation, so he asked the victim.

The cuckold man answered honestly and shook his head, "No, senior sister and I... have always been pure and have never touched each other during practice."

Tanaka Hajime winked, "Go over and get in touch with the Miyajima-senpai."

"Is this okay? Senpai hasn't received guidance yet..."

It seems that Masafumi Kase is very self-aware and extremely insistent on his status as the cuckold man.

"How can I guide you in this situation?" Tanaka Hajime was furious. He watched Masafumi Kase approach Miyajima Sakura and wanted to reach out to touch her, but his girlfriend shrieked and dodged him.

Even her boyfriend is just a piece of shit in the eyes of Miyajima-senpai. Would a normal person touch shit?

Seeing that his senpai's boyfriend was the same as him, and that he was no exception, Tanaka felt a little better at first, but it was of no use. He still couldn't solve the situation and was deadlocked.

He still couldn't get close to Miyajima Sakura, and wanted to do all kinds of lewd things to her, and wantonly ravaged this beautiful senpai in front of her boyfriend, but the plan failed just like that!

He obviously have the ability to hypnotize, why is this happening? !

"Miyajima-senpai, would you like to take off your clothes?" Tanaka said in an idiotic tone, "At least let me see your naked b..."

Miyajima Sakura put her hand on the button on her chest, with a look of embarrassment and confusion on her face, "Tanaka-san, I'm sorry, I, I still can't do it."

Her body is out of control.

Miyajima Sakura was a little scared about the abnormality that appeared on her body.

"...Why can't you do anything?" Tanaka Hajime was about to collapse. The transfer student who was still high-spirited in the morning was now dejected and flustered, "Forget it, you guys, just leave."

Miyajima Sakura and Masafumi Kase looked at each other and left with sad expressions.

The couple walked out of the guidance room in silence. They couldn't be intimate without receiving guidance, but even if they could be intimate, they couldn't. Masafumi Kase glanced at his girlfriend next to him and reached out to hold her hand.

Being dodged by Miyajima Sakura, Masafumi Kase became even more gloomy when he saw the disgusting and repulsive look on his girlfriend's face.

"Kase, I'm sorry..."


After Miyajima Sakura and the two left, Tanaka Hajime couldn't stay in the guidance room any longer, so he quickly left the room and walked aimlessly in the corridor of the teaching building.

His eyes scanned the surrounding students.

He didn't know if Miyajima-senpai's strange phenomenon was unique to her, or if it happened to others... He had to experiment as soon as possible.

Seeing a girl with long purple hair, Tanaka Hajime's eyes lit up and he quickly approached her, "Classmate, this classmate."

"Huh? Are you... the transfer student?" Shiina Chizuru turned her head.

"You should call me instructor. Does this classmate have someone you like? As an instructor, my duty is to teach you about sex and love."

"the person I like..."

Shiina Chizuru was stunned for a moment. She thought of Teacher Tsukino, and then nodded, "I do have someone I like... As for guidance."

His eyes turned red, and under the influence of hypnosis, she nodded, "Okay."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the transfer student in front of her extending his hand towards her. Shiina Chizuru, who had no intention of resisting, suddenly became excited for some reason. Goosebumps appeared all over her body, and an indescribable nausea feeling emerged from the bottom of her heart. She involuntarily took a step back and avoided his hand.


Shiina Chizuru was also stunned.

"Classmate, you..."

Tanaka Hajime wanted to continue to step forward, but saw the purple-haired girl take a few steps back again, and said with great repulsion, "No, don't come over! It's disgusting, vomit--"


Tanaka watched her in confusion as she covered her mouth and turned away, falling into doubt in his life.

Not just Miyajima-senpai, but others...

Looking at these girls in school, He thought they were all his harem, and his beautiful life was about to begin, but who knew he could only watch but not eat.

No, he can't even see it——! !


Who did this anomaly happen? !