
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

105 shaken, hurt

Obata Yui is avoiding Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew this, and so did Chisato, but they didn't expose it.

This has been like this for Yui since Saturday. Although Mu Xiaoxiao is at Obata's house, he is basically with Mrs. Natsumi... As for Yui-senpai, she may not know what attitude to face him with, and maybe she still has some feelings in her heart.

Today, she got up very early in the morning and came to school. Then she stayed motionless in her classroom, with no intention of looking for Mu Xiaoxiao. She usually couldn't wait to go to school with him.

During recess, He always go to Xiaoxiao, or Chi-chan and the others...

It's noon now. In the past, Yui-senpai would eat lunch with Makoto, Chisato and Anna in the library or on the rooftop, but today she didn't go. Instead, she stayed in the classroom to eat with her friends.

"Yui? Yui?"

Shinohara Misaki called out twice and Obata Yui, who was sitting at the table next to her, took her chopsticks and poked the rice in the lunch box unconsciously. She was so far away that she didn't hear her own voice at all, and she couldn't help showing a look of helplessness.

She stretched out her finger and poked her face hard.

"Misaki?" Obata Yui was startled awake, "What's wrong?"

Shinohara Misaki is a classmate and a member of the women's basketball club, and they both have the same hair color. However, unlike Yui, Misaki Shinohara's red hair is tied into a ponytail, and she is also an energetic and athletic girl.

So the two became good friends.

"I should ask you this, what's the matter with you, Yui, you don't eat well, and you didn't respond when I asked you, and you have been in a daze."

'I am in trance?'

"No, just thinking about something..."

"What's on your mind?" Shinohara Misaki held her pretty face with one hand, took a bite of the rice ball, "Is it related to boys?"

"...how do you know?"

Obata Yui is a little ashamed and embarrassed to face her friends.

"I can guess it. These days I don't see you during our lunch break. You often go to the first grade, and I saw you bring two lunch boxes to school several times. There will be no other reason than boys or could it be you like girls?"

Her friend's words made Obata Yui's mind ring before, yes, she used to go to Xiaoxiao and the other girls often, and even took the initiative to cook for him, wishing to be entangled with him every day.

But, these are just because of hypnosis...

This is where Yui struggled. Although she was hypnotized, the villain did not hypnotize her feelings, but modified her three views, and now she is back to normal.

Yui can't swear that the feelings in her heart are false... and she can't sever ties with Chi-chan and the others who she have become friends.

She was even a little obsessed with that happy time, the days when she and Xiaoxiao had lunch together, and the time when she chatted and joked with Chisato and the others.

However, she couldn't let go of the grudge in her heart...

Today she stayed in the classroom to have lunch with her friends, but her mind had already flown outside, to Mu Xiaoxiao and the others. 'Now Chi-chan and the others should be eating bento with Xiaoxiao, right?

Mom also made two lunch boxes today, but I couldn't send them to him...I don't know what he had for lunch.

Huh, even without me, Chi-chan and the others would cook for Mu Xiaoxiao. I was worried about nothing" Obata Yui quickly shook her head, glanced at the bento box in the drawer, her expression darkened.

She was a little frustrated. Even though she tried to avoid Xiaoxiao, she couldn't forget him and would always think of him...

"You're in a daze again." Shinohara Misaki rubbed her eyebrows not knowing whether to laugh or cry when she saw that she was silent and motionless, "Yui, if it's about love, please tell me, maybe I can help you."

"No, it's not love." There was no way to say this kind of thing. Obata Yui shook her head, "Don't think about it too much, I'm fine, Misaki."

After saying that, she put away her lunch box.

"You're not going to eat now?" Shinohara Misaki was surprised when she saw the barely touched food in her lunch box, "You haven't eaten a few bites of such a rich meal?"

"I don't have much appetite, Misaki, if you like it, I'll give it to you," she pushed her bento box to her friend, smilingly.

"There is club training in the afternoon, you..."

Seeing Obata Yui continued to lie on the table in a daze, Shinohara Misaki looked down at the bento box in front of her, helplessly, "I suddenly became a little curious, what kind of person could make you so distraught, and make you lovesick. "


Am I lovesick? How can it be...'

A sad and boring lunch break ended, Obata Yui didn't leave the classroom even one step, and Xiaoxiao and the others didn't come to find her, as if they had forgotten her own existence, Obata Yui was not happy.

She was quite sad.

Even though she didn't know what she wanted, she kept avoiding him, and hoped that he would come to her... As for her boyfriend who she had only been dating for two days, she remembered it, and she just remembered it.

The girl had no intention of looking for him, and had no feelings for him....

The afternoon class was so confusing that Obata Yui didn't even know how she spent her day today. It wasn't until the school bell rang that the girl cheered up a little.

"Let's go, go play, forget about those unhappy things," Shinohara Misaki pulled Yui and walked to the indoor basketball court for club activities.



In the women's basketball department, girls in competitive sportswear were sweating on the court, the sound of basketball hitting the ground, and occasional shouts and cheers.

Obata Yui wears sportswear No. 24 and plays the position of shooting guard. Her movements and footsteps are very sensitive, and she is also very good at controlling the ball. She is elegant and natural, and can easily pass her opponent for a layup.

As a result, the girls watching from the sidelines cheered again.


Obata Yui adjusted her breathing, went back to her home basket and played a round, but when she turned around, she accidentally discovered that there were more people outside the court.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking at the girls on the court with a smile. To be precise, looking at herself, Senior Yui's breathing became turbulent.

Her heart is also confused.

'He, why is he here?

I brought Xiaoxiao here last time, so he knows where is my club is, but...'

Bang bang bang——


Obata Yui accidentally lost her mind and was entangled by the opponent. Her heart was shaken and her movements were also chaotic. She wanted to shake the opponent away, but her legs softened during the chase, and a sense of weakness surged up.

boom! !

She fell to the ground.


"What's wrong with you, Yui? Are you okay!"


The girls gathered around one after another, Obata Yui slumped on the ground, squeezed her feet and forced a smile, shook her head at the club teammates, "It's okay, I'm fine."

However, the pain in her ankle made her forehead sweat.

'It's really... embarrassing.

I was sad, and Xiaoxiao saw my embarrassing moments, another reason not to face him.'

The noisy voice gradually faded away, the crowd parted, Mu Xiaoxiao walked in, Obata Yui looked at him blankly, then lowered her head, hid her pretty face in the shadow, moved her lips, "Xiaoxiao... ..."

"You twisted your foot?"


"It's really careless, I'll help you go to the locker room to rest."


There is no rejection, and she don't want to refuse.

The pain in her feet seemed to have eased a little. Looking at the boy who she couldn't help but hug him forcibly, Yui put her hands through his neck and leaned half on her body through his shoulder. The familiar breath gave the girl a sense of security.

It turned out that she had already become a part of her daily life and could not be cut.