
Harem House of The Multiverse

Warning!!! +18 Travel to different worlds. Seduce beautiful women. Complete the mission. David has spent his entire life as a virgin. He's never had a girlfriend and never even kissed a woman, but that's all about to change. David died, struck tragically by the infamous 'Truck-Kun' and unlike most people who move on, David has been given a chance. A system with odd abilities and a gacha that is about to change David's life. From worlds of Fantasy and magic to worlds of galactic battles and alien species, not to mention even to a few familiar worlds. With the system at his disposal and a pocket world all his own, David will finally have his chance, not just to lose his virginity but also to sleep with and seduce women from all across the multiverse. ............................................ If you want to support me and read chapters early then head over to my Patreon. Patreon.com/isrift

I_S_Rift · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 2

When I next opened my eyes it was to a sight I didn't expect. The world around was pure white with no other color in sight. There were no objects, landmarks, or anything save for a wooden desk and chair that I recognized immediately. It was the desk and chair that had belonged to my father and that had been in his office.

Where was I was? It took a moment before I remembered what had happened, and almost immediately I shot to my feet and grasped around my body. I let out a sigh of relief when I failed to find any of the light, but that relief quickly turned into confusion as I tried to piece together where exactly I was.

Was I in heaven? There weren't any clouds or pearly gates, but it was bright. Perhaps I was dreaming? I pinched myself and winced. Yep, definitely not dreaming. Then where exactly was I?

As I tried to make sense of where I was I found myself gravitating towards the chair and desk. I'd never thought I'd ever see this again after the house had been put on sale. It was exactly as I remembered it, from the scratches, ink stains, and other markings I'd placed on it as a child when I'd been up to no good. There had been many occasions where my father had lectured me here, from speeches about how I needed to stop spending so much time on my computer to the talk, which had been one of the most awkward and uncomfortable conversations of my life, not that my father had found it so. He'd laughed his bloody ass off at every reaction I'd made until finally, mom had scolded him.

The memory brought a smile to my face, and I sat down in the chair and let myself relax. I couldn't see any visible exits or anything distant structures so I might be here for a while, and there was no use in wasting a perfectly good chair.

"Where the fuck am I?" I muttered as I once again tried to spot anything that.

Almost as if in answer to my question, there was a sudden flash of light and where nobody had been only a moment ago, now just opposite the chair on the other side of the desk, stood a beautiful woman.

My mouth dropped open and I pinched myself once again as I took her in for the first time. She was of average height with fair skin, long white hair that cascaded halfway down her back, and bright blue eyes that seemed to shine with an inner luminosity. She was dressed in a tight-fitting set of robes that reminded me of a toga and accentuated her amazing figure. Her bust pressed against her clothing and as my eyes moved down her body, I noticed that she had an hourglass figure, not to mention that she had no blemishes or markings whatsoever. She looked like something out of my wildest fantasies, and that was only confirmed when she spoke.

"A pleasure to meet you, Master."

I shiver ran down my spine and for a long moment I just stared at her in shock.

Master? Alright, I had to be in heaven, there was no way this was anything but heaven.

"Ermm, hello," was the only thing that I managed to say, and I berated myself for sounding so stupid. "I mean not that it's not a pleasure to meet you too, it is, I m-mean wow your… erm, I…"

I let out a sigh and felt like kicking myself. What the fuck was I doing? That had not been what I wanted to say.

"Calm yourself, David," she purred softly. "All will be explained in due time, but first allow me to introduce myself. I am Eudoxia, creation, and helper to David Law of Earth."


This time I managed to get my words out without a stutter or sounding like an idiot.

She nodded with a smile. "Yes, your creation. Would you like some refreshment while I explain your current situation?"

I nodded dumbly, unable to say anything. Her smile had shot me still, and I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. Calm down, David, it's just a very, very beautiful woman, you've seen those before.

Who was I kidding? I'd never seen anyone as beautiful as her, not even on the internet or in any anime or video game.

Eudoixa raised a hand and snapped her fingers. A tea tray appeared on the desk in front of me with a steaming kettle that was giving off a very familiar scent.

"My mom's tea recipe?" I asked in shock. "H-how?"

Eudoxia snapped her fingers once more and another chair appeared opposite from me. She took a seat then poured some tea for both of us.

"I will explain soon, Master."

Once again that word did things to me that I'd never thought simple words could do, and from the smile and knowing look in her eyes, she knew what she was doing.

Once she was done pouring the tea she motioned for me to try some which I eagerly did. I'd missed my mom's tea ever since she'd passed. As I took my first sip a dozen memories flashed through my mind, of all the other times I'd drink this. When I was celebrating when I'd been heartbroken, and when I was feeling sad or cold. I could always count on a cup of her tea to help. That had made it all the more devastating when she'd passed and I was left with neither her comfort nor the comfort of my favorite beverage.

"It's perfect," I said in a heavy voice.

Eudoxia smiled sadly and took a sip of her own tea before she set it down and locked her eyes on mine.

"You are no doubt confused and feeling lost," She began. "But have no fear, I shall explain everything. Firstly you are not dead, nor are you in any form of afterlife. You in fact are in a pocket world of your own making or your subconscious's making. You see, David. That light that hit you and engulfed your body was what can only be described as an extra-dimensional cosmic force. It is part of a pair that are locked into a cycle. Every billions of years, in earth time mind you, the two will venture off and find a vessel. Once found they will grant this vessel a spark of their power and implant themselves deep within their host. The host is then is granted a set amount of time to grow stronger in all aspects because eventually the pair will meet and clash. The victor will lose their side of the force but will keep all the powers they gained from it while the loser will lose both their side of the force and all the power they gained from it along with their life. This is the cycle which you are now a part of."

I stared at her, my teacup halfway to my mouth as I tried to take in what she'd just said. I wasn't dead which was a good thing, but I'd never expected this.

"What sort of power?" I asked.

"That depends on the person I'm afraid, yours manifested in a unique way if I may say so," she explained. "You see, the type of power and how you gain it depends on a number of factors. Likes, dislikes, emotions, desires, wanted, among other things."

"And what about you?" I asked as excitement filled my chest. There was a part of me that didn't want to believe this was happening and that this was all just a lucid dream, but if there was even a small chance it was real I had to grasp it.

"You're a large fan of the digital products more commonly known as video games aren't you?"

I nodded. "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well in video games there is commonly something a tutorial to help new players adapt and get a grasp on the game," she said. "In short, David, I am your tutorial, your helper, created by your mind. As for my form? Well, I think you ready know why I look like this. My voice, my personality, my very being was designed by your subconscious."

That made sense, especially now that I thought about it. The beauty, her perfect figure, the seductive voice. It was definitely one of my many fantasies to know and meet a girl like this among other things.

"So what happens now then?" I asked. "Do I just stay here and learn how to use my powers or do I get sent back to earth."

"Neither," she answered, taking a sip of her tear. "As I said your power manifested in a rather unique way. If you would please utter or think the phrase, status, you will understand."

I frowned but did as she said, and a moment later a semi-transparent blue and white screen appeared in front of me.


[General Information]

Name: David Law

Race: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male

H-Tickets: 1

P-Tickets: 1




[System Skills]


[Dimension Status]

Type: World

Owner: David Law

Manipulation Type: Will

C-Points: 10




I marveled at the screen and thought back to all the anime and light novels I'd read. It was a system. I had a bloody system. I couldn't help but smile as I examined everything. There were a few things I didn't understand, but that's what Eudoxia was here for.

One part that immediately grabbed my attention was the tickets. A gacha system. That's what it seemed like I had, but a gacha for what?

"Can you explain a few things for me?" I asked as I looked back to Eudoxia.

"Of course," She replied. "Your system is based upon the popular gacha games and a few of the other more traditional systems from light novels you've read. The first section is self-explanatory. There will be plus sign you see when you use a ticker and gain a power or companion and it is simply something you can focus on for more detailed information if you wish."

"And the tickets," I asked eagerly.

"I'm getting there," She replied with a smile. "You have two types of tickets. The P-Tickets will when used will grant you a power or ability from a video game or anime you are familiar with. These can come in the form of a superpower, knowledge, skill, or even a biological body change. The H-Tickers will allow you to form a construct of a female character from a video game or anime you're familiar with."

I frowned. "What do you mean constructs, and why?"

"Let's say you summons a female character from a video game," Eudoxia started. "They will look exactly like that character, with their voice and all, along with their powers, abilities, and skills, but they will only have an echo of their personality and it will be up to them as to what their true personality ends up as. They won't be the actual characters from the fiction as the characters are just that, fiction, they don't actually exist. The tickets will simply create constructs of those characters."

She sighed and leaned back slightly. "As for why? Well, Master. You are a virgin."

She said it softly but I still flinched.

"I'm not insulting you, David," She said apologetically. "Your subconscious has created a way in which you can gain female companionship, and not just in the way of the gacha system. If you wish I will relieve you of your virginity right here and now before we get into the rest of the explanation of the system."

For a moment I thought about denying her words, but who was I kidding. It would be just like my inner subconscious to come up with something like this. It's not as if I wasn't desperate enough, but was it moral. Perhaps it was stupid to think about, but was it ok to want this? Was I a bad person for coming up with this?

Eudoxia must have noticed the conflict on my face because she stood and walked over to stand by my side. She leaned down until we were face to face, and once again I marveled at her sheer beauty. "I can tell what you're thinking and no, it's not wrong. This is one of the reasons i was made and one of the reasons the others will be made. If you make a hammer and then never use it for its intended purpose, what would it be?"

"Illogical," I answered.

"Exactly and you should know, I very much want this," she replied. "Yes, it's most definitely because of how I was created, but that's not a bad thing. I wouldn't be here without you, and the fact that you're even considering the morality of the situation and rejecting me should prove you are not a bad person."

I stared into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity before I finally made u my mind. Without hesitation, I leaned in and kissed her.

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