
Harem god: Saviour of realms

In the midst of the supreme deity's blissful encounters with his harem, an unforeseen event occurred — his essence spilled into the realms. This ethereal essence dispersed throughout different realms, eventually congealing and forming what is now recognized as the orb of destiny. This mystical artifact possesses the extraordinary ability to elevate ordinary mortals into divine beings, granting them god-like power and influence. Meanwhile, Renjiro, consumed by his lustful desires, pursued a young woman in an inappropriate manner, ultimately meeting an untimely demise. To his astonishment, Renjiro's consciousness was transmigrated into the body of Zephyrus, a noble teenager residing in a completely different realm. Initially, Renjiro perceived this new world as a paradise, free from problems and complications. However, his perception quickly shatters as he discovers the hidden truths and challenges that await him. Join Renjiro on his remarkable journey as he ventures into the uncharted territory of this unfamiliar realm, embracing the countless possibilities it offers. Will he overcome the obstacles that lie in his path and uncover the true destiny that awaits him within this enigmatic realm?

The_Enigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
251 Chs


[warning: Hp draining too fast]

[Hp is now below 5]

[Hp has fallen to 0]

This was the last thing renjiro heard before he lost consciousness, now he was floating in a strange space, there was no gravity, no concept of up or down, left or right. It looked like there was no end to the space he was in, a large screen appeared in front of him, it looked like the same screen that always popped up in his head.

[hp dropped to 0 and avatar was destroyed]

[revive avatar]


The sight of this made renjiro very happy, that meant that he would go back to his new world but there was also a prospect that he might be revived into his previous body or maybe transported to a new world.

Renjiro clicked yes anyways since being alive in any world was better than him being dead, immediately he clicked the yes option the space he was in began to quake violently.

[regenerating avatar from last saved avatar]

A rip suddenly appeared in the space and a suction force pulled renjiro into it, and he lost consciousness again.

Lyra and myoko looked dejected, lady caelia's privacy policy had put them back in square one. lyra strongly suspected that zephyrus was the suspect they were searching for and the video would give them a clue as to what they were searching for.

"can we see a video recording of outer part of the castle" lyra pleaded

"you can but I have to tell you that lady caelia has already gone through them and all the cameras in the exterior parts of the castle became scrambled about five hours ago so we couldn't get anything.

Lyra and myoko left the observation room looking dejected, they had exhausted all their options, lyra had swept the whole castle and she coulnd't find any traces of him.

"my lady, I suggest we look around again we might discover something" myoko offered

"let's do that" she agreed

A speck of light formed on one of the chairs in the garden where renjiro was stabbed to death, the light grew very quickly and in about five second the light had expanded and taken the shape of a human being curled up, the light faded away and the figure of renjiro appeared but he had his school uniform on instead of the noble regalia he had on the previous day.

Lyra and myoko eventually stumbled upon the garden where renjiro lay and they saw him asleep on the bench, lyra gave a shout of joy and she rushed over to where he was and lifted his head onto her lap, his face was a bit cold but he was breathing.

"He wasn't here a few minutes ago but here he is now and in his school uniform, I wonder what's happening" myoko thought to herself, but she was still happy that renjiro had been found and ran to get lady caelia.

Lyra also noticed that he was wearing his school uniform but couldn't be bothered by it at the moment since she was so happy that he had been found, lady caelia arrived at the scene with myoko right behind her and ran towards renjiro, holding his face tightly to her chest, if he had been conscious he would have been very ecstatic.

"stop standing around take him to his room and get him cleaned up" caelia instructed the guards and maids that accompanied her to the garden, she released renjiro to them and turned towards lyra

"I am very grateful to you, and I am sure you must be tired, you can head up into the castle to get some rest" lady caelia said to her

"I would have to decline to your offer my lady, I have a few errands to run" lyra said.

"that's alright, good bye then" lady caelia said with a smile

Lyra waved her goodbye and walked away, caelia's face hardened immediately, the area reeked of death and evil energy, there were traces of it everywhere but she could not pinpoint where it came from or its direction.

"I wonder how I missed this the first time I came around looking for zephyrus, looks like I am becoming a bit too comfortable and someone really had the guts to bring vile energy into my home" lady caelia thought in rage.

Renjiro's eyes fluttered open and he had a banging headache, he looked down at himself and he was clothed in a pair of soft white pants and a plain blue shirt, he pinched himself and almost jumped in joy but had to restrain himself Incase someone suddenly barged into the room.

"but how did I end up here, last I remember I was being stabbed in the heart by that creepy assassin bastard" renjiro thought in anger as he remembered the man who killed him

"I am going to have my revenge but before that I have to get stronger, now I know how to get points to boost my attributes attaining power shouldn't be that hard" he though and was trying to get the systematic screen in his head to pop up but his mother barged into the room at that moment without knocking.

"zephyrus!" she said with a smile, "where were you hiding all this while you had everyone worried"

"ermmmm….. I really can't remember, I heard sounds of a battle in the garden and went to see but I lost my consciousness before I could see anything" renjiro explained not giving a true account of things.

"but when we found you, you were putting on your school uniform, did you change into that before you went towards the garden" caelia asked

"no but I think the uniform thing must have been a prank by someone" renjiro said

"alright then" caelia said and hugged him, pressing his face into her bossoms, renjiro struggled and managed to detach himself from her embrace.

Caelia left the renjiro's room but was not satisfied with the information he provided her, she still couldn't reach devil thorn and that unsettled her.

Renjiro was lost in thought too he also wondered why he was revived in his school clothes, he tried summoning the system in his head hoping that he could find the answer to his questions there.