
Harem Caravan

Some time has passed since the events of Harem Dynast, so Lorent and Ansandra have a teenage daughter and Lucy has a teenage son. The story follows that son who is childhood friends with the princess and has been placed in charge of a merchant caravan full of beautiful girls and women.

Jonas89 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Harem Caravan: Chapter 2 - Below the Journey’s Sky

"Good morning."

Orfeo opened his eyes in the morning to see almond-shaped eyes with long eyelashes.

"Hm!? …Ah."

Surprised, he tried to escape, but a cold hand firmly held his penis.

"Look how hard you are even after cumming so much last night."

The beautiful smile belonged to Silvia.

It all came rushing back to Orfeo: Last night, he had become one with this pretty young woman and ejaculated more times than he could remember. He must have fallen asleep after that.

That pleasurable experience sounded like a dream, but her presence here was undeniable proof that it had been real.

With her right hand still holding his morning wood, Silvia held the boy's shoulder with her other hand and moved her face to his ear.

"I had heard young boys were incredibly intense lovers. It seems I heard correctly."

"W-wait, um…please don't stroke it."

She ignored Orfeo's plea and gently massaged his manhood with her delicate hand. The pleasure caused his entire body (save one part) to go limp.

"They say young boys can cum thrice without pulling out, but you did it ten times. My belly is full of your stuff and my hips are too exhausted to get up this morning. Next time, young master, a little warning before giving me such an intense night♪"

Silvia whispered sexily to him and then kissed him.

Orfeo protested in his heart while she slipped her tongue in his mouth and captured his tongue.

She had it backwards. She had refused to stop until he had cum ten times. No, he had been too overwhelmed to even keep count.

At any rate, this coquettish and beautiful young woman was a beast. A sexual beast.

She had silky skin and a pleasant body to hold. And her honeypot was maddeningly pleasurable. His body had melted from the kisses she rained down across it and his brain had melted from the moans entering his ears.

He had used his hips the best he could, but her demonically rough hip movements had taken control of the boy, led him to climax over and over, drained every last drop from his balls, and caused him to pass out.

"Nh, nnh…"

When her greedy kiss ended, Silvia whispered mischievously to him.

"How about one more fuck for the road?"

"No, I've had more than enough already."

"Oh, too bad. Doing it first thing in the morning is exciting in its own way."

She finally released his weak point.

He breathed a sigh of relief and she placed a hand on her cheek while breathing an overly dramatic sigh of her own.

"But I'm honestly relieved. I'm getting older, so I wasn't sure what would happen to me if I was subject to your youthful vigor any longer."

What an obvious act, thought Orfeo, but Silvia glared at him.

"What? You aren't going to tell me I'm still young?"

"Eh? You obviously are. You could search the entire continent and never find another woman as beautiful as you."

The boy frantically tried to smooth this over, so Silvia smiled at him and got up.

"Thank you. After all that exercise last night, you must be hungry. Breakfast has been prepared."

She stepped out of bed and exposed her nude body to the morning sunlight.

Her beautiful body was stained by the boy's fluids, but even that was beautiful in a sexual sort of way.

"This way."

She draped a single piece of sheer fabric across her body before setting the table.

It was a nonchalant action, but everything she did looked sensual and like a work of art.

Orfeo was embarrassed by how erect his manhood was, but since she already knew every embarrassing thing about him, he sat at the table as instructed.

The boy nervously reached for the silverware, but Silvia stopped him.

"Here, say 'ah'."

He was hesitant, but he opened his mouth and ate the soup the beautiful entertainer offered him.

She always held out the next bite exactly as he finished chewing and swallowing, so all he had to do was move his mouth. His eyes were naturally drawn to her essentially naked body.

He was amazed anew at how beautiful she was.

He still could not believe he had spent a night sleeping with someone so beautiful.

She felt incredibly soft in your arms. Once her fleshpot had your manhood, it would softly surround it and refuse to let it to escape.

But it was not just her vagina that felt good. Her soft body was amazing to hold in your arms.

She was definitely worth the great sums that wealthy men had paid for her company.

"Hee hee hee…"

Her laughter brought him back to his senses and he quickly looked away. His face nearly burst into flames when he thought she had realized he was having lewd fantasies about her.

He said the first thing that popped into his mind to change the subject.

"Where were you born, Silvia?"


The beautiful entertainer gave him a sidelong glance before smiling.

"It is considered rude to ask an entertainer where she was born."

Orfeo was shaken by this peculiar atmosphere. It was true inquiring about the past of someone like her was poor manners. Whether they had been sold by their parents or orphaned by war, it was not going to be an enjoyable story.

"Sorry. It's just that you seem different from the other entertainers. Oh, it makes sense that you're more beautiful since you're the top seller and the star of the brothel, but, um, how should I put it? It's like you have a different kind of beauty."

"Oh? And what kind is that?"

When the young woman gently prompted him for more, he made the best argument he could come up with.

"You're like the one pedigree cat mixed into a group of normal cats… No, you're like the one elegant lily mixed into a group of wildflowers. However you describe it, you're something special."

"Hee hee. Has my upbringing betrayed me?"


"I will tell you the truth, but make sure you don't tell anyone." Silvia suddenly straightened up and put on a straight face. "Long ago, a certain kingdom succumbed to Domos's military might. As a sign of that kingdom's servitude, the princess and 199 other beautiful girls were sent to Domos. However, the kingdom's top officials disliked that spineless diplomacy and rebelled. They slaughtered the royal family and officially declared war on Domos. And what happened next could not be more obvious."

A sad smile appeared on Silvia's white face.

"A great Domos army attacked soon thereafter. The rebel officials were slaughtered. This left no place for the girls sent to Domos as hostages, so they were left wandering the roadside. One thing led to another and the princess eventually became an entertainer in this very city."

"…Y-you mean that was you?"

Orfeo was dumbfounded by that shocking past, but Silvia softly held his hand and smiled in a teasing way.

"Oh, that was just one of the fables entertainers invent to add to their value. Did you believe it?"

The pure boy was unsure what expression was appropriate.

"Men prefer to sleep with a princess of a fallen kingdom than a war orphan or a daughter sold off by a destitute village, so we tell these stories. They know it's a lie, but it still opens their coin purses. Letting men live out their dreams is one way of describing our business."


Orfeo tried to argue back, but he was stopped by an index finger pressed against his lips.

"Allow me to give you an important life lesson, young master. Entertainers and women in bars are liars. You must not trust what they say even while in bed with them."


"Of course, it is up to you whether you believe your first woman was a humble farm girl or the princess of a fallen kingdom."

She was intent on keeping her past a secret. Any further attempt to pursue the truth would only be seen as a nuisance.

Once he finished breakfast, she had him take a bath. She washed his back and she gave him a handjob while she was at it.

Silvia dressed him and then smiled at him while walking him to the front entrance.

"Young master, your penis never runs out of energy, does it?"

"I can't help it when you wash my back with your boobs."

Orfeo blushed and made an excuse, but when they reached the brothel's entrance, Eulica, his teacher, was waiting for him with gold monocle agleam.

The princesses of the brothel saw him off in a group of a hundred.

"Young master, I hear you will be traveling around the continent in a caravan."

"That's right."

"I hope to receive a souvenir when you return. And then all of us will provide you with an even more wonderful service."

(What kind of wonderful service would that be?)

The boy's imagination brought a flush to his face. And the entertainers used that opening to get him to promise he would return.

It was not as thanks for that, but the entertainers gave him some interesting information.

"I've never seen Silvia grow so attached to a customer before."

"Right? Neither have I. Even spending tons of money on her isn't enough to guarantee she'll sleep with you and she tends to act all noble even when she does share the bed with someone. Of course, the customers seem to enjoy that… Still, I don't think I've ever heard her moan so loud or keep going until the following morning."

(Eh? Does that mean I was special?)

Orfeo looked up at Silvia and she smiled back.

"Young master, you mustn't trust women when they say something was a first."


He was unsure how to respond to that. That young woman seemed to have two sides to her. Whenever he spoke with her, he was unsure what was true and what was a lie.


"We will be waiting for your next visit♪"

Orfeo gave a quick word of parting and the princesses of the brothel responded in unison.

"Young master, please wait a moment. Your hair needs combing."

Orfeo started toward Eulica, but Silvia stopped him.

She pulled out a silver comb and fixed his hair. And she whispered to him while she did.

"Training in your line of business is important, but so is training your skill with women. If you don't, you will disappoint Princess Alesteria."

"Eh? Why are you bringing her up?"

"You are a candidate for her husband, aren't you?"

She had apparently taken Torié at her word last night, so Orfeo quickly denied it.

"I'm not that important. It's just that my mother is the queen's aide, so I've known the princess since we were little."

"Hee hee. If you say so. But I wonder what the princess thinks. Your type is popular with women."

She was teasing him again. He knew it, but he still blushed.

He liked Alesteria, but he had given up on anything happening there because his social status was so much lower. Plus, he was not cut out to marry the first princess of the great Domos Kingdom.

Once Silvia finished combing his hair, he walked over to Eulica. That supervisor greeted him with a full-face smile.

"Welcome back."


He took a step back on instinct because he had never seen her smile like this. And was he only imagining the tension in her forehead? For some reason, she scared him very much.

Could she be angry? But about what? He could not even imagine the answer.

He was overwhelmed as he followed her to where a carriage was waiting.

"Young master, did you enjoy your first time at a brothel?"

"Well, um, I…it was okay…I guess."

For some reason, he was hesitant to admit how much he enjoyed it, so he stammered and gave a wishy-washy answer.

They boarded the carriage. The plan was to depart after returning to the mansion.

Eulica used the travel time to read through some documents. Orfeo had been given a list of caravan staff.

He was of course the caravan leader. Second in command was Eulica. Torié and Lena were on the list as well.

"Hm? Who is this Barbara in charge of the caravan guards? I've never heard of her before."

"She is a newcomer to the company, but she is an old acquaintance of mine. You can trust her strength and her personality."

"…I-I see. Then that shouldn't be a problem."

Orfeo was just for show and Eulica was effectively leading the caravan. If this Barbara had her approval, there was no reason to oppose it.

"I know a lot of these staff members and they would be as useless in combat as me, so what if bandits attack?"

Eulica answered him only after glancing up from the document she was reading.

"We will recruit travelers and other caravans traveling along the same roads as us. Yes, I imagine we will maintain a combined caravan of more than a thousand people. There is strength in numbers. If there are enough of us, bandits will be hesitant to attack."

It was true attacking a group of a thousand would be difficult. Even if there were a lot of bandits in this war-torn age, they could not maintain groups on that scale.

When their groups grew too large, they would become targets of knights from nearby kingdoms. And if a group was small enough to escape the notice of the knights, they would be too small to cause trouble.

But a new concern occurred to Orfeo.

"Eh? Will we really be safe traveling with strangers? What if some of them are working with the bandits? It would be a serious problem if they got into our food or medicine."

"We will of course confirm their identities. Also, poisoning a pot of food can only kill so many. And I am sure you can imagine what will become of anyone who tries anything like that."

"I see."

Anything Orfeo could think of would already have a standardized solution.

Relieved, the boy quit reading the document and focused on the woman sitting across from him.

This was a luxury carriage used for their business, but it was still a small space. Their faces were quite close.

She had a hard sort of beauty and her gold monocle glittered as her eyes raced passionately through the documents.

He had known she was an attractive woman, but it was strange how he looked at her differently now that he had experienced a woman's body.

The twin mounds in her blouse were quite large for how skinny she was. Her thighs stuck out from her miniskirt. It took effort to resist the urge to rub her smooth skin.

While Silvia had seemed to drip with sexuality, Eulica's was a closely-guarded beauty.

(Eulica must have sex too. Someone this good looking has to have a lover.)

He had trouble imagining her hard beauty cracking and a sweet voice escaping her lips, so it was even harder to imagine her moaning while a manhood penetrated her or her moving her hips in pursuit of pleasure.

(Knowing her, she would take her relationships seriously. I bet she has sex in a really smart way.)

But he had trouble imagining what "smart sex" would entail.

(I have heard it's the more serious women who have the wildest sex. Maybe she's even lewder than Silvia and she squeezes you real tight with her pussy.)

While he fantasized uncontrollably, Eulica looked up again.

"Do you have another concern?"

"No…it's nothing."

When she looked him in the eye, he blushed and quickly looked the other way.

He could never admit he was imagining what she would look like while having sex.

Eulica gave her master a puzzled look while his eyes wandered and he scratched his cheek, but she finally opened her mouth again.

"Young master, please take a bath once we return to the mansion."

"I just took one."

"You reek."


He had no idea what she meant.

"You still smell like those women's makeup and perfume."

She wrinkled her brow in displeasure.

"I doubt I have anything to worry about with you, but I will warn you just to be safe. It is not uncommon for stupid men to ruin themselves at brothels. Show restraint in your womanizing. Do you understand?"


Orfeo obediently responded.

He was no match for this aide. She may have seen through all of his indecent fantasies.

Once back at the company, everyone was busy getting the caravan going.

But thanks to all the advance preparation, the first day came to a close with no major issues.

Orfeo's caravan would travel around the continent in about half a year. After leaving Domos's second capital of Curling, they would travel north to Domos's capital of Fenrir. From there, it was east to Ralfint, south to the Jade Sea, west to Ishtar, and north through Domos's inland rival of the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom.

The Legins Company served the Domos Kingdom, but it was allowed to do business in other kingdoms. After paying heavy tariffs, of course.

And on the first night of the journey…

"Young master, do you have a moment?"

They had rented out the finest inn in the town and Orfeo was staying in the finest room in that inn. Just as he was preparing to go to sleep, someone called to him from the door.

It was Eulica. He was entirely reliant on her, so he had no intention of denying a request to speak with her. He immediately opened the door.

"H-has there been some kind of problem?"

That supervisor and second-in-command stood there with her usual hard expression, but she looked somewhat troubled.


"Come in."

Eulica would not tell him what it was, so he gestured her in.

"Thank you."

When she stepped past him, he detected a faint soapy scent. She must have just taken a bath. It was inappropriate, but this reminded the boy of the women at the brothel and his heart began pounding.

Eulica acted oddly after coming in. Instead of taking a seat, she simply stood near the door.

"So what is it?"

"Well, um…how should I put this?"

She searched for the words while casually brushing back her short, cream-colored hair at the top of her ears. She was usually so prompt with everything, so this was unusual.

Orfeo figured it had to be serious and tensed up as Eulica hesitantly opened her mouth.

"Um, is there anything you feel is lacking, young master?"

"Hm? No. I'm quite comfortable."

Orfeo was enjoying his first journey.

"That is not what I mean. Um, won't you feel lonely at night?"

"I'm not a child. I can sleep on my own."

He was unsure if he should be miffed or bitterly amused that she thought he was such a child.

"I am well aware that you are an adult. So, well, I was worried you might head out to visit a brothel. There are many women in that business seeking clients at this inn."

Orfeo finally realized what Eulica was trying to say.

"You told me not to hire such women, didn't you?"

"I told you to be cautious if you do, but I will not tell you to abstain from sex. In fact, satisfying your lust can help you maintain a clear mind when doing business." Eulica quickly corrected him. "You should be regularly having sex for that reason and it is true that sex workers can be a valuable source of information about the local city. Also, many of our wares fit women's tastes more than men's. To be a successful salesman, you must first be experienced with women."

Eulica rattled off her explanation with a cold sweat on her brow. Discussing sexual matters may not have been her forte.

"Is that how it works?"


Eulica nodded with a straight face, started to say something, and then stopped.

"Is there something else?"

She did not leave but did not bring up a new topic either, so Orfeo tilted his head.


After some hesitation that was truly unlike her, she managed to force out the words.

"If you like, please use my body for that purpose."


At first, he was unsure what she had said.

She was not the type to joke. Her white face was flushed and her shoulders were trembling a little.

She was clearly forcing herself and Orfeo had a feeling he knew what was going on here.

"U-um, Eulica. Did my dad tell you to do this? I know you're a workaholic, but you don't have to do everything he says."

"No, this was my idea."

Eulica held herself and looked like she wanted to run away.

"I am a woman like any other. Women too have sexual desires, so many of the caravan staff are out searching for tonight's partner. But the time and effort of such a search can be eliminated by keeping a regular partner. I know some of the staff have found another woman to use as a regular partner, but I know from experience only men can satisfy my desires. This brings us to the crucial point: you are the only man in this caravan."


Orfeo was unsure what to say.

He liked her and respected her, but he had never thought of her in this light.

"I am your teacher, so it is only fitting that I would teach you about sex. Please use my body to satisfy your lust while I do the same with yours."

After getting through all that with her voice strong, she suddenly grew quieter.

"However, my plans have already run in to problems."

"How so?"

"My plan was to take your virginity as your first lesson in sex, but then your father set you up with that sex worker."


"But hopefully there is still something I can teach you."


That beautiful merchant always seemed brimming with confidence, but now she looked so unsure of herself.

She was the closest woman to Orfeo and he had long looked up to her. He trusted her as the greatest of aides. There was no way he could say no to this. Sweat poured from his body and his penis grew noticeably erect in his pants.

"C-can I kiss you?" he asked.

"Y-yes, of course."

Eulica stuck her beautiful face out and Orfeo walked over and hesitantly kissed her.


He opened his eyes a bit and found hers were closed.

Her face looked like it was delicately sculpted from glass and it was truly beautiful from this close. And her beauty was not just skin deep. She also had the inner glow of a woman who knew how to do her job. She was the perfect mix of skilled and sexy.

Her beauty was a different kind from Silvia's or Alesteria's, so Orfeo felt his heart skip a beat.

"Sh-shall we move to the bed?"


Orfeo's voice cracked with nerves, but he managed to take her hand and head to the bedroom.

That young woman normally walked with a confident swagger that let everyone know how capable she was, but now she obediently followed him.

They sat on the edge of the bed side by side.

Orfeo removed the bright orange scarf the second-in-command wore around her neck and began unbuttoning her blouse.

"No, I can do it."

Eulica took his hand.

"Don't worry," he said. "Just leave it to me."

Hearing that, her eyes wandered, but she finally let go.

When he opened her blouse, he saw her black bra within.

The underwear was brand new and it was clearly a luxury good what with the detailed embroidery. It was arousing, but who was wearing it made it look somehow intellectual.

He untucked the bottom of the blouse from the waist and had her lie on her back.

Just the one piece of opened clothing allowed a powerful female aroma to reach him.

He gulped.

During his first time with Silvia, he had been at her mercy and it had ended before he even knew what was happening.

But this was different. He could do as he wished with this superb woman.

When he had trouble with her bra, she took on her teacher's role and taught him how to remove a woman's bra.

But after he had removed it, she hid her breasts behind her hands. The boy felt such powerful emotion when he saw the young woman covering her breasts out of embarrassment.

"Move your hands. I want to see your boobs."

She blushed at being ordered around in bed, but she still obeyed her master.

The two mounds kept their shape well and they were the size of grapefruits.

They were smaller than Silvia's melon-sized ones, but they were nice and firm.

The nipples were small, as were the areolae. They were so perfectly proportioned that they had the beauty of a sculpted object.

Her skin looked like marble with blood flowing below the surface.

"S-so what do you think? I doubt they can compare to that sex worker, but I have seen firsthand how much men like them. So enjoy them as you see fit."

"Silvia is Silvia and you're you. They're absolutely wonderful."

In pure sexiness, Silvia was clearly superior. She had the body of a mature woman with the soft curves, large breasts, and large hips that entailed.

But that did not meant Eulica's body was inferior. Her overall body was slender, but her bowl-shaped breasts were nicely sized and her butt stuck out to either side.

Her body was also very beautiful.

Silvia's beauty was the kind that inspired male sexuality while Eulica's was that of an independent woman. They were different types of woman, so they were not really comparable.

An air of mystery hung around Silvia and that was attractive, but he knew Eulica very well and that gave far more meaning to seeing her nudity.

"Can I touch your boobs?"

"Of course."

Once he had permission, Orfeo reached for her white breasts with an intense sense of elation.

(These are Eulica's titties. She has such a hard personality, but they're so soft.)

They were too big to fit in his hands, but they were not too large. Their firmness felt nice in his palms. He massaged them and placed his lips around the left nipple.


That serious young woman gasped and a tremor ran through her soft skin.

He could sense her faint body heat on his face and he could smell her sweat and a soapy smell. That was the scent of her skin. It was completely different from the entertainer's strong perfume.

Sucking on that intellectual young woman's small nipple filled him with arousal. It did not taste like milk or anything else, but it seemed to be secreting some mystery substance that kept his lips latched onto it.

He continued sucking on the nipple and persistently rolled it around with his saliva-covered tongue tip. He could feel the small nipple growing stiff.

"Ah, ahhhn…"

Her reaction grew stronger once the nipple grew erect. Orfeo enjoyed that, so he sucked harder and rolled the hard nipple around even more.

"Ah, ahn…young master…"

Eulica let out a plaintive cry, so he began sucking on the other nipple to balance things out.

As a result, both her nipples were splendidly erect. But that was not enough for the boy, so he continued licking them and began pinching them as well.

"Ahn, please don't tease me so much…"

She arched her back, which pushed her chest out toward him, and her face had a sensual glow to it.

Still not satisfied, the teenage boy stuck his face below her armpit and licked it. His smooth tongue found nothing but the aromatic flavor of sweat.

"Ahh, not there… If you would just let me-…."

"No. Stay still."

"Yes, of course."

Eulica tried to take control of the situation, but she acquiesced once he insisted. After enjoying the smell of her skin, he pulled up her green miniskirt.

Her long legs seemed to make up more than half of her body. She wore stockings that rose to halfway up her thighs and they were held in place with garter belts.

And she wore black panties at the base of her legs.

The fancy underwear matched her bra, but unlike the bra, the crotch was extremely wet.

(Wow, she's so wet you would think she had pissed herself.)

Eulica of all people wouldn't have done that, so it had to be love juices. Still, since she took everything so seriously, the boy's heart danced at seeing her pussy so wet.

He could not help but imagine what he would find inside when he removed the panties.

When he rushed to do so, he realized she wore her garter belts over them.

That may have been her way of showing she was an adult woman.

Orfeo grabbed the sides of the panties and she lifted her hips so he could more easily remove them. Then he quickly pulled them down her long, slender, and stocking-covered legs.

A female smell filled the air.

Orfeo could not suppress his arousal after removing the wet panties, so he reached for the backs of her knees and spread her legs.


Eulica tried to resist the embarrassment, but not even she could fight the boy's raging lust.

There was an intensity to a women spreading such long legs.

As expected, her crotch was damp. Below the swollen mons pubis, the flesh slit had some light pink petals sticking out of it.

And when he lowered his gaze even further…

(Oh, that's her anus. I can see Eulica's anus…)

He was oddly amazed when he saw the lovely shape of her anus.

"Hey, Eulica. I want to see every part of your pussy, so can I look?"

"Didn't that sex worker show you hers?"

"No, I was too preoccupied to ask."

When having sex with Silvia, he had simply thrust his hips like an animal and ejaculated over and over again.

It had felt so good his mind went blank, but a boy was naturally curious about a woman's body. He wanted to take a good look inside her female lips at least once.

Eulica looked briefly conflicted, but she finally breathed a heated sigh and opened her mouth.

"Please look as much as you want, young master. I am your teacher, so use my body to learn all about female anatomy."

Orfeo let go of her knees, but she did not try to close her legs. Her body trembled from embarrassment, but she endured to fulfill what she saw as her duty.

Then she placed her fingers on either side of her slit and spread it. With a sticky sound, the inside was revealed. A warm and intense sex smell reached the boy's face.

"Oh, so this is what it's like."

Within the lips, he saw the vagina surrounded by delicate folds of flesh, the urethra, and the protrusion above that.


Eulica's soft skin trembled as he viewed that shameful body part.

Being seen apparently brought her pleasure.

"The juices just keep flowing out. I can't see it very well like this."


Not even her strong will could stop the secretion of love juices. In fact, the more it embarrassed her, the more was secreted.

Eulica had made a name for herself in the company at a young age, so she could be affected and somewhat inhuman.

But she still had such a raw female sex organ.

Drawn by the female scent, Orfeo lowered his head.

"Wait, that is dirty."

"No, it isn't. It's your pussy, Eulica."

He lowered his tongue to her spring and found a salty flavor with a hint of sourness.

(So this is Eulica's flavor.)

He slurped up the love juices while running his tongue all across the folds of flesh within.

For someone with such a cold beauty, her vulva was hot. The sexual flesh below the stickiness was well worth licking and sucking.


She could not help but utter a sensual moan.

Eulica had been his supervisor and teacher since he was young, so this private side of her felt quite raw.

"…Wh-what do you think?"

"You have a really lewd look on your face."

"She quickly covered her face.


"Oh, don't hide it. I want to see your lewd face."

Orfeo was not aware how harsh a command that was for a woman. It was a cruelty born of innocence.

(So even she can look like that. I want to pleasure her even more. I want to see that lewd look.)

After stripping away her intellectual mask and revealing the face of an aroused woman below, his male instincts told him to keep moving his tongue.


During his first time, Silvia had been in control the entire time and he had just been along for the ride.

But Eulica was offering all of herself to him and she let him be in control.

The boy's curiosity knew no bounds. Not satisfied with licking across her labia, his tongue also reached her anus.

"Ah, that's my-…ahh!?"

Her eyes widened in confusion.

He licked at it with his tongue tip coated in love juices and saliva, but it was closed tight and he soon gave up.

The confused look on her usually composed face was amusing, but she did not seem to be enjoying it much.

Having discovered another spot she reacted more sensitively to, he stroked her feminine bud with his fingertips.


The talented woman arched her back with her legs still spread and cried out.

"Hey, Eulica, does this part feel good?"

"Y-yes. That is called the clitoris and it is a woman's weak point …ahh, ahh…"

Eulica was a woman in her mid-twenties, so she would be well-acquainted with the pleasures of the clitoris through masturbation if nothing else.

"Hm, I see. Then I'll focus on licking there."

With that innocent announcement, the boy began licking the weak point his teacher had taught him about.

"Ah, ahhh…ah…"

She had been forbidden to cover her face, so she clenched the sheet in her hands and writhed on the bed.

(She's so cute…)

Orfeo had never expected to think of Eulica as "cute".

(I need to pleasure her even more to make her even cuter.)

Eulica had seemed like such a frightening person, but now he observed her face while his tongue tip licked all over her weak point.

Before long, the hood had been removed and the swollen flesh bud was exposed, but the boy continued licking all the same.

"H-hee, eeeee…"

An obscenely sticky sound and even louder moans echoed through the room.

She normally had skin like marble and a perfectly composed expression, but there was no sign of that any longer. Her sweaty skin was flushed pink, she thrust her hips up to an obscene extent, and her face was tearfully crumpled.

It may have been a subconscious thing, but the way she raised her spread crotch made it easier for him to perform cunnilingus. He attacked the exposed clitoris, the vagina, and even the urethra.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhhhh!"

While she writhed and moaned, the young woman lifted her hips extra high, screamed even louder, and then uttered a low groan.


As she groaned, something warm sprayed from her feminine slit and hit Orfeo in the face.

The boy had no idea what had happened, so he blinked in a puzzled away.

"Sorry," apologized Eulica. "I can't believe I did that."

"It's fine. It surprised me a little, but I guess women can ejaculate too."

He had not noticed, but Eulica had urinated a little. But as an adult woman, she could not bring herself to admit it.

"Young master, I can't wait much longer…"


Realizing what she meant, he pulled down his pants and underwear.

His penis had been close to exploding while trapped inside there.

It burst into the outside world as if springing upwards.

"What do you think?"

"It is wonderful."

The young woman could not take her eyes off the male reproductive organ.

Orfeo's penis was a decent size for his age. It was not exceptionally large, but it was not small either. And it curved back toward his navel with the vigor of youth.

It stood tall and trembled like a young warrior awaiting battle and it looked like it could pierce steel.

"I'm putting it in."

"Yes, please do. This vagina will accept your desire for the remainder of the trip."

He liked the sound of what she said while spreading her legs wide and spreading the feminine lips between.

He held his manhood in his right hand and placed it by the sexual flower that was sticky with nectar and trembling.

He slowly inserted it.


Eulica groaned a bit, but Orfeo could not stop. His male arousal drove him to continue the penetration.

He could feel himself piercing the sticky flesh cave.

Finally, it was in to the base and he lay on top of her.

(It's tight. But it feels great. So this is Eulica's pussy.)

She squeezed so tight he thought she would crush his manhood, but he could also feel the bumpiness of her vaginal walls.

He looked to Eulica's face and saw a single tear behind her monocle.

"Eulica, are you crying?"

"These are tears of joy. I have taught you for so long, so I am overjoyed to have such an intimate view of how much you've grown."

Eulica was so cute. Orfeo's heart was full of love as he had sex with such a strong young woman.

When you got down to it, Silvia had been sleeping with him for money. Eulica, on the other hand, had chosen to do so.

Overwhelmed by emotion, Orfeo began the extreme thrusting that had caused Silvia to cry out.


It caught Eulica completely by surprise, but she did not utter a word of complaint.

Because of that, he gave no thought to her and simply obeyed his own desire.

Her tight fleshpot gradually loosened up and stimulated him with its bumpy flesh.

(Ahh, this is so good… Do all women with such cool personal lives have such good pussies?)

This was entirely different from Silvia's soft squeezing. Her fleshpot felt like it had roe hidden inside and his rod kept growing bigger within it.

He had fantasized about her fleshpot during the day, but this was nothing like what he had imagined. His expectations had been betrayed in the best way possible.

"Eulica, I'm about to cum…"

"Go ahead. Cum inside me all you like…hh!"


Orfeo thrust his hips to break through the door of pleasure he saw himself approaching.

He penetrated her with the youthful intensity Silvia had taught him to harness. And just like with the beautiful entertainer, he did not last long.


He cried out and exploded inside her sexual flesh.

"Ah, ahhh… Yes, it's filling me up. There's so much of it…"

Her beloved student was ejaculating inside her. Her face was pale and sweaty from the intensity of the pleasure, but she looked happy.

Their fluids had stained the sheet, but Orfeo chose not to worry about it until morning.