

5th grade I meet an annoying boy Zane who never stopped asking me out! ever single day making it difficult for me to be with anyone i truly wanted. I only said yes so that he quit asking at lunch I sat by him that's how I became friends with my Blue. I was shy not many friends fairly new and small I sat at the red table nervous to eat the blonde haired blue eyed boy seemed kind I felt comfortable around him though I didn't know him though I didn't feel like eating he had string cheese I had cheese before but never string cheese and I wanted it! but I was to painfully shy to ask he noded really I ask he says yes I scream. your the greatest and snatched the cheese in a unladylike way I rip the layers putting it in my greedy mouth. it was unusual for me to scream in school after first grade but here I was and that's how I meet my best friend.