
6 is to 7 as 7 is to 8

for my early birthday gift I got to ride a tall horse. at the church they gave me a sticker that says I love Jesus so I put it on the bible my biological father gave me with green stamps and Barbie stickers covering it. I was devastated on my official 6th birthday I was all alone no dad no Nathan nobody. all I wanted was a new dad I wished I hoped and prayed for a new dad and life. when I got a little older my last brother was born Joshua we call him josh, when he was both I had to get rid of my fat house cat soft that was part of my small belongings from my biological father my belongings included my purple camera my purple cross my lost tinker Bell book and now my lost soxy. my purple camera I took to school to take pictures of my friends and my first doesn't count boyfriend since I was 6 little Bill. after praying for a dad I meet my angel Bill my dad. one day Nathan broke my camera I didn't talk to him for almost two weeks we became close again before we moved to Bixiby in white Hawk we moved during the summer and Kim was more around now that the environment was safe. Of course we were still kids with poor judgement. we wanted to see our bio dad we spent the summer with him at his friends he had two sons river and tristatian river was my buddy we played wrestlers and mud pies and so and watched Scooby do. tristatian had more of a physical relationship with me ring around spinning airplane I was such a boy tell tristain decided my body was not he foucured me to suck him he made me cry but I was as scared of him as the boy in the shed Tristan always did nice things after doing things I hated like buy me my fav candy yet at the time I didn't know it was another type of sexual harassment I can't way rape because I don't know if he ever took anything and in my heart I hope he didn't. he's dad took inappropriate photos of me and Kim told me the same happened to her but I don't know I don't remember much my memory turns black I'm scared they'll come back and ill remember that it may not be the end of what truly happened. I should of known summer would light emebers to my personal Hell.