
Hardcore Fantasy

Greed. A single word of five letters but with the potential of destroying whole races. In a lost past, the races living on Pandora got too greedy for their own good and tried to tweak with a technonlogy that shouldn't belong to them. Even now, hundred of years after, people still suffer the effects of this greed. Having lost their home planet, the inhabitants of Pandora now are confined to spatial stations, floating around their now in ruins and inhospitable planet, they face a miserable situation for more than a century now. Problems with population, problems with food, problems with magic, problems, problems, and more problems plague the population and the threat of extinction is more evident than ever before. Amidst such chaos and whirlwind of problems, Akihiko, a reincarnator, finds his way into this world. Having his novelty about reincarnations into game worlds broken first-hand, he now tries to not die in this hardcore world. Chosen among the yonger generation, he along with other students from the Academy are sent to Pandora, to learn and participate in the desperate struggle to have their planet back. However, his situation might not be that easy, with him being a man in a yuri-themed eroge game's world, and also being childhood friends with the protagonist. ----------------------------- Tags (might change): #Strong MC / #Calm MC / #Cold MC / #Beautiful female leads / #Smart female leads / #Survival / #Yanderes / #MILFs / #Multiple races / #Multiple reincarnated individuals/ #Multiple transmigrated individuals / #Military / #War No yuri. NTR or NTL (netori) ----------------------------- Hello there, I hope you're having a wonderful day! First, I'm going to address some points: 1- If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee at: ko-fi.com/kyle_kingsmaker (it costs only $1). Toss a coin to your author; 2- I'm not a native speaker, so I apologize in advance for grammatical errors and such. I do use Grammarly but there is still going to have a few here and there; 3- This is my take on a reincarnation into a game trope, it might seem generic but do give the first few chapters a try, you might find it interesting; 4- Constructive cricism is welcomed, but be respectful with me, the other readers and yourself. If you post hate or review with hate, just know that I don't bother leaving it there since there's no purpose in doing so; 5- The current update schedule is sporadic due to some things IRL, with the chapters being 1.500 to 2.000 words on average. 6- Lastly but no less important, I use AI-generated images but also images I find on Pinterest. The ones I find on Pinterest, I don't posses the rights over them and will hence, put the source for the image. If you're the owner of one or more of those images and wishes for them to be taken down, please message me via comments, review, or DM on Discord. Also as a side note, the cover was found on the Pinterest and I only edited the size and wrote on it; the link to the image on Pinterest can be found on either the auxiliary chapter, or in the Discord

Kyle_Kingsmaker · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Hardcore Fantasy – Chapter 23: The First Exam [III]

Descending to the next floor, the group encountered almost the same situation.

Skeletons lying around, debris, and smashed tools.

Following the same procedure, they managed to clear the floor in half the time they took on the previous.

After they installed the spells, they went down to the next.

The process repeated itself five more times before they spotted an anomaly.

As they descended the stairs, Akihiko's nose picked up the strong scent of dirt.

Before he could convey it to the others, the frontline halted their advance.

"Elizabeth, there's a problem." – Olivia whispered.

"..." – Elizabeth didn't answer. Her eyes were focused on said problem.

Before them, the stairs ended. The stairs were destroyed in such a way that it looked like something dug them as only a hole lay ahead. 

In the hole which was almost the equivalent of a freefall, the group could also see other parts of the stronghold such as rooms, stairs, and even part of the mountain, all of which had also been dug.

The hole seemed to be kilometers in diameter and encompassed a great part of the whole structure, to the point that some among the group questioned how the place was still standing.

It looked like a laser passed by and obliterated everything it touched.

The problem was that deep down, kilometers below where they were, possibly even lower than the ground floor, there was a plain made of earth with several holes spread across it.

On this plain, humanoid beings could be seen walking around while mounted on top of giant moles.

"I guess we found what Aki warned us about…" – Elizabeth muttered and the glow in her eyes increased.

Her vision distorted before zooming in on those things.

The height of a human adult, donning dirty and old cloth clothes with masks completely covering their heads and without any holes on it, be it for the mouth or eyes.

They didn't wield anything and aside from their clothes, had nothing on them.

The moles were roughly 8 meters tall and a bit more than 20 meters long, and aside from their sharp nails and maybe their tail, they didn't have anything that looked threatening.

"Those things appear to be a species that live underground…" – Elizabeth muttered to herself – "Combat on the ground will be dangerous." – Her mind quickly worked on strategies in case a battle broke out.

"…" – Melody's throat dried when she saw those beings.

She felt the urge to shout at everyone to just get away from those things but that would spell a mountain of problems.

'We have to get out of this stronghold.' – Being inside a building with those creatures is the same as wanting to get buried by debris.

She turned around and was about to speak but someone was faster.

"I think it's best if we back off for now." – Nyza broke the silence – "Those things might have sharp senses." – Her vision couldn't pick many details given the distance but seeing that those things appeared to live underground, she surmised that their hearing might be sharper than their other senses.

"…" – Hearing her, Elizabeth slowly nodded – "Rearguard, start going back slowly."

Under her orders, Melody unconsciously heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't be too anxious." – Diana nudged from the side – "Those situations are normal." – She comforted the girl, misunderstanding her worries.

Melody smiled awkwardly – "T-Thanks…" – She started retreating and averted her eyes, a glint of guilt flashing in them. 

Seeing the rearguard retreating, Elizabeth motioned for the center and the flanks of the formation to do the same.

Before long, the frontline also pulled back.

However, when they were retreating, Lathz's feet touched a pebble near the edge of the hole.

The pebble rolled toward the edge and fell inside the hole, almost dramatically.

Soundlessly falling, the pebble took a few seconds before crashing to the bottom of the hole.

"Tsk…" – One humanoid being turned its face up.

"Tsk, tssk, tskk!" – It clicked its tongue harder, seemingly shouting to those near it.

Two others mounted on top of moles nodded and also turned their faces up.

The moles put strength in their legs before jumping up. 

They jumped more than 10 meters in a straight line and before their momentum died down, the ones mounted on them jumped off.

They violently crashed on the destroyed walls and started crawling up.

'Elizabeth, there are two of them coming.' – Elizabeth's master warned her – 'They don't seem to have noticed you yet.'

Akihiko's ears twitched.

Elizabeth glanced at the rearguard – "Move quietly and stay ready for battle, there are two coming up." – She whispered.

Melody's body stiffened.

Flashbacks of "game over" screens appeared in her mind. 

The background image of a mountain of debris and the faint sound of something digging the earth.

Finally, she couldn't keep it anymore – "We need to get out of here." – Her voice was hoarse and shaking, almost shouting – "Now." 

The others turned to look at her, confused at her sudden small outburst. 

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed at Melody – "And why is that?"

Trying to come up with an excuse, Melody braced herself – "That's-" – But her words were cut short.

Akihiko put a hand on Melody's mouth and made gestured for the group to stay silent.

"Tsk, tsk." – The faint sound of a tongue clicking could now be heard by everyone.

Slowly turning around, the group looked ahead and saw two humanoid beings walking toward them.

"Tsk! Tsk!" – When they got less than 5 meters away from the group, one of them started to click its tongue harder and its body shook.

"Tsk, tssk." – The other appeared to become cautious.

They were faster than the group thought.

The team briefly froze upon seeing the strange things before them but recovered just as quickly and assumed battle positions.

"What are they saying?" – Darlan, with both swords in hand, asked the stupid question plaguing everyone's mind.

"…" – Elizabeth's face remained serious and borderline expressionless – 'Master…'

'Yes, they appear to have some intelligence.' – Her master confirmed her suspicions – 'I would classify them above goblins and maybe around the same level as orcs regarding intelligence. However, I might be wrong.' 

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" – The most agitated one turned to its companion and seemingly shouted at it.

"Tsk, tss…." – The other answered more calmly and then turned back to the group – "Tsk, tsk, tssk?"

Melody's body shook. Scenes of this same sequence of events flashed in her mind.

In the game, those things were called earth dwellers. They were added in a later update as a race that lives under the ground and rarely comes to the surface, being essentially a primitive civilization living in colonies with tunnels and caves.

Normally, to stumble on them, the player would need to dive deep underground in caves, canyons, huge craters, and so on, places where they didn't usually go.

The reason why they were so feared among the players was that if someone entered their territory and didn't have someone with a mana affinity related to earth, they would attack the player the moment they were spotted. This resulted in scenarios like characters being devoured by a mole jumping from one wall to another, collapsing places where the player tried to hide, and so on, basically making the ground unsafe.

And if the player had someone with mana affinity related to earth, the earth dwellers would come out and try to talk with the player, however, there were no relates of a skill available in the game related to understanding the earth dwellers' language. In the end, as the player was unable to answer something they understood, the earth dwellers would deem the player as an enemy.

"Whu gu ult horo." – Melody spoke with her mouth covered while sweat trickled down her forehead. 

<All of you, don't move.> – Elizabeth used her magic and created a telepathic connection with everyone.

Akihiko's skin crawled and he felt as if a hammer hit his head when Elizabeth's voice echoed in his mind.

Suppressing his discomfort, he took his hand off Melody's mouth.

Noticing that the situation wasn't going in a good direction, and observing that the group had no reaction aside from taking positions, he decided to act. 

Stepping forward, he calmly walked among the group and bypassed the frontline, standing face-to-face with the earth dwellers.

"Tsk! Tsk!" – One earth dweller clicked its tongue at Akihiko.

Akihiko put a hand on his neck and felt the phantom pain of a slash ripping his throat open.

He coughed a few times before parting his lips – "Tsk, tsk, tss, tskk." – He clicked his tongue in a strange rhythm.

"Tsk?" – The second earth dweller tilted its head.

"Tss." – Akihiko answered.

"Tsk, tss, tss, tsk."

"…" – Akihiko took a moment to ponder before answering – "Tskst, tss, tsk."

<What is he doing?> – Bianca asked.

<He's talking with them.> – Elizabeth answered in a matter-of-factly tone – <Don't do anything unless things go south.>

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" – Akihiko clicked his tongue harder.

"…" – The two earth dwellers faced each other and clicked their tongues, talking for a few seconds before nodding.

They then turned to Akihiko and clicked their tongues in the same rhythm.

<Aki, what did they say?> – Elizabeth's question made everyone stare at her, confused.

<They asked if we are with the others.> – Akihiko's cold and emotionless voice echoed in the group's minds. 

<Others? > – Lathz felt a bad omen.

"Tsk, tsk. Tss, tsk?" – Akihiko inquired.

"Tsk." – One of the earth dwellers moved its arms, gesturing – "Tsss, tsk, tskk."

"Tsssssssk?" – When he asked this question, Akihiko's instinct warned him of danger.

"Tsk." – The other earth dweller responded.

<A nun and a paladin, probably acolytes. Both captured for entering their territory uninvited.> – The reaction to his words was immediate.

Everyone flinched and their complexions darkened.

It was an unspoken rule to always prioritize those from the Cathedral since they were the only ones who could use proper healing magic, making them extremely important to any team or base.

If there were really a nun and a paladin with the earth dwellers, then the group couldn't just escape and destroy the building.

Especially considering the relationship between the Academy and the Cathedral. Escaping would spell not only failing the exam but also getting marked as someone who abandoned acolytes, something that would render a ticket to a sure-death mission on the frontline, at the best of the cases.

"…" – Akihiko remained silent until both earth dwellers turned around and motioned the group to follow them.

<They invited us to their colony and said that both acolytes are safe for now. By the way, Liza, please turn off my connection. My head hurts.>

Elizabeth thought for a moment but, in the end, denied – <Sorry but I don't think it would be wise in this situation. Please bear with it, Aki.>

Akihiko resisted the urge to click his tongue in annoyance, the earth dwellers might think he was saying something. He suppressed his growing discomfort and forced himself to remain calm.

<What if we don't accept their invitation?> – Roxanne questioned while tightening her grip on the rifle.

<They sunk the stronghold and if we survive, they hunt us.> – Akihiko answered bluntly.

Melody's face paled.

'What do you think, master?' – Elizabeth already knew there was no backout from this situation.

'You know it too, you will need to rescue the acolytes or at least confirm their situation.' – Her master's words were as she expected – 'If someone gets wind of you all escaping, you might be spared but I doubt the same will happen with the others.'

'So we can only choose the lesser evil.' – She wanted to click her tongue but held back – 'Thanks, master.'

<We will follow them in.> – Elizabeth decided – <It's not as we planned but there are too many downsides if just ignore this and escape.>

<… > – The others belatedly processed the situation and seemed convinced.

<I disagree.> – Except for one.

The group turned to look at Lathz with surprise.

<And why is that?> – Despite the clear refusal, Elizabeth remained calm.

<It's too dangerous and we don't have any clear information on those monsters. We even know if they are speaking the truth.> – Lathz's amethyst eyes then turned to Akihiko – <Besides, since when can you understand monsters? Why haven't told something so important until now?> – Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"…" – Akihiko didn't answer and clicked his tongue, speaking with the earth dwellers.

"Tsk, tsk." – One of them nodded and the other started to tap its feet impatiently on the floor.

<I… I agree with Lathz.> – After her words, a domino effect started as Monica chimed in – <I believe it would be best to escape. Maybe if we tell instructor Evelyn…> 

Eventually, one by one, more people become inclined to Lathz's opinion.

Casting a glance at the group, Elizabeth noticed that the opinions were now divided, and reaching a middle ground would be hard under the current circumstances.

Lathz had broken the union of the group with her refusal.

Considering her options and taking into account they lacked time, Elizabeth's eyes turned icy cold – <I won't say what you should do if choose not to go, however, I will be going. You can try contact instructor Evelyn wish.>

Lathz stared Elizabeth in the eye, her expression resolute – <I deeply apologize for this, however, I don't want the team to take such a risk.> – Her hands were shaking slightly.

<… > – Elizabeth looked at the other party's trembling hands and then back into her eyes – <Take those who want to go with you. I can't guarantee you will be safe but believe are already aware of this.> – She then looked at the others – <Is there anyone who wants to go with me?>

No one raised their hands.

Not even Akihiko's group.

As it was an exam, Evelyn had warned them beforehand that she would be near but wouldn't supervise them as she did during the episode on the nest. This time, they were on their own.

<I see…> – Elizabeth didn't take it to heart.

<I-I will go.> – Gathering courage, Beatrix took a step forward and under her team's surprised eyes, she walked toward the frontline.

Tightening her fists, Nyza looked at Elizabeth and then Akihiko before making her decision – <I'm going too.> – Her tentacles nervously swayed behind her but she paid them no mind.

Olivia walked forward without a word.

<Anyone else?> – Elizabeth asked but there was no response.

"Tsk! Tsssk!" – The earth dwellers were starting to become impatient.

<You can use the rope on way out.> – Akihiko's reminder was like a knife stabbing the ones who decided not to go – <For precaution, avoid being on the ground until we say otherwise.> – His emotionless voice and cold nature didn't help.

He then walked toward the earth dwellers as Elizabeth, Olivia, and Nyza followed behind.

<Sorry… I'm really sorry…> – Lathz lowered her head – <I can't… not again…> – Her trembling increased.

She flinched when she felt someone putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down." – Darlan whispered – "It's ok."

She raised her head and noticed the others looking at her with similarly conflicted expressions on their faces. 

"Let's go." – Darlan gently nudged her.

Turning her gaze to the group going down the hole, she closed her eyes before recomposing herself.

"I'm sorry." – She whispered and felt the connection being cut. 











Akihiko’s statuses



Time: 00:41:25


Mood: Irritated (caused by the telepathic connection) / Focused / On guard / Slight discomfort (caused by the injury on his arm)





Hope you have enjoyed the chapter!


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