1 Dethroned

interior the lord's astate it's a big manner with what is said to have the best garden in the whole kingdom.However that garden is now all but destroyed.For the turfs that once praised the lord of this land name.have turned against him the reason is uncertain as the lord stands looking out over the madness of the hurd of people aiming for his demise he is dumbfounded.his most loyal friend walks in, the lord does not move it's as if he can not look away from the madness.thow he can't pull him self away he still welcomes his friend.at that moment two curved daggers pierce the sides of the lord's body as the color red starts to run down his clothes as if covering the green and gold that he wears but he won't just collapse instead he places a hand on the window he was looking threw to hold himself up.the lord knows he is dead so with his last moment a single word he uttered "why"the world fades to black and in the Opus of death his consciousness is left to wonder and look back on his life .suddenly the lord is somewhere else but when he looks at his hand he is but a soul as if a flashback he see him self grow up everything from his father being banished to his whore mother killing herself to his nonstop hard work to make sure his family name is not demis for he has one goal to stay at the top it was hard a young boy trying to stay noble when everyone is aiming for your spot and to see you fall but it wasn't all bad.the memory of meeting who he thought was his best friend come and goes as more memories come until his last .then he is back in thee opus but this time he is not alone a form appears before him this being does not seem to have body it is more of a existence in itself a calm blue energy seem to flow about it.his mind or to be more precise his consciousness feels as if it is going to break like weaken glass before this uncomprehensible existence.this being doesn't state it's purpose.we do not know for what it is.A reaper perhaps , maybe a God or the universe inbody whatever the case it is here now and whatever thy has planned is yet to be see but will soon be known.sudden something happens a the a shaking is felt and a ringing like none feeling the area as the blue energy swarms about it comes straight for his soul and in that moment a shift is felt in time and space and things we cannot measure or give name to for they are above us.and just like that it's calm and softly the blue energy deems and we are in black but this time it does not feel as death with the fear and pain but like Night darken and eyes close before a peaceful rest.

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