
Harbingers of Chaos

This Novel is based on the PlanetSide Universe. The Story is about the Last Terran Republic MAX UNIT of the Outfit, Harbingers of Chaos, simply known as the «HOCZ». A MAX UNIT is a Juggernaut in an incredibly strong and durable power armour. The main chatacter joins random squads of the Republic in the fight against its Eternal Enemies: the New Conglomarate, simply known as the «NC» and the Vanu Sovereignty, simply known as «VS». He is Hated, Feared and Praised by all three Empires. An Outfit can be seen as a Clan or Distinctive, Autonomous Squads that are deployed in the Battlefields and together Fight and Achieve certain Objectives that are given from their Superiors. Among them, the Harbingers of Chaos, was the Best. The «HOCZ» was his only family and the reason he fought. Now, it's previous members defected and joined the enemy, leaving him alone. What is PlanetSide? PlanetSide is a massively-multiplayer online first-person-shooter video game published by Sony Online Entertainment and released on May 20, 2003. PlanetSide chronicles the efforts of Three Factions (Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty) as they fight for territorial control over four continents on the planet Auraxis. Players take on the role of individual soldiers fighting for one of the Three Factions within the game, and can specialize in various fields such as Combat Vehicle Crewman, Infantry and Pilot or a variety of Combat Support  Roles such as Combat Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator, Light Assault, Heavy Assault and MAX Unit. The game is played primarily in a first person perspective, with the option of third-person (only when in vehicles). Unlike most shooting games, in which small-scale matches take place in essentially an instanced map, PlanetSide Battles can involve hundreds of players in a single fight. PlanetSide battles concern control over territory and strategic points, and can cause repercussions to all Three Factions. To date, PlanetSide remains one of the few MMOFPS games ever created, and it's widely accepted to be one of the Best, if not the Best of its kind. In November, 2012 a sequel, PlanetSide 2 was released bringing in new mechanics, graphics, equipment and more fierce battles. #PlanetSide #MakeWarStories #LoyaltyUntilDeath

Some_Random_Guy1 · Video Games
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22 Chs

Chapter 18


William bursted out in laughter as he sat on his desk while watching his monitor. The watched the havoc that took place at Eisa Tech Plant from a spy satelite and couldnt help feeling as if he completely fuck over his purple rival in VS.

He figured that Ivar would cause chaos but the result was even better. Not only did TR claim the largest factory on the planet, but they managed to scare off any enemies occupying the nearby facilities of Eisa Tech Plant.

"Hoooo... If only the other Outfits were as loyal as HOCZ. We should increase the intensity in training new recruits from now on."

Wiliam laid back in his soft, high-tech and expensive chair. He stared at his ceiling with a totally normal grin as he wondered what reward he should give Ivar and his Outfit. Of course he would normally just give the soldiers the medal of honour, but it feels somewhat lacking if you take into account the effort they put in this mission.


"Margret~ Could you come here real quick?"

William pressed a button on his desk as he summoned his secretary.

At this point, the HAVOC MAX units guarding their president began to get scared whenever William grinned. They were used to the boring office room and the uneventful days before William went to meet Ivar in Sanctuary. Now it seems they would have to actually keep an eye out for assassins, since William began making reckless moves against the enemy factions.


The young secretary entered the office while looking exausted. She had bags under her eyes and messy dark hair. She looked like she hasnt slept for days.

"Yes, mister President?" She asked in a tired yet respectfull manner.

William was taken back by the state she was in before moving on.

"...I have an important task for you. Can you fish up a BFR from one of the Republic's old armouries?"

Margret and the MAX gaurds all looked at William in confusion. The BFRs havent been in use for probably a hundred years and are extremely rare since each faction stopped the production of these machines.

BFR stood for Battleframe Robotics. In the story, the technology for BattleFrame Robotics was originally developed on Earth by the Terran Republic. However, the technology could not be perfected there. The republic of Earth then sent the schematics for BFRs through the micro-wormhole between Earth and the Auraxian System to the three warring empires of Auraxis. Each side received the schematics, and began making their own variants of the technology. However, the systems of a BFR were very complicated, proving to be too much of a burden for a single pilot. The Auraxian Core had felt the deaths of all the prototype BFR pilots, and sent the empires of Auraxis a message. This message came in the form of Monoliths that spawned Resonance Crystals that allowed a single pilot to control the complex systems of a BFR. Each empire adapted the crystals into their soldiers, and the empires of Auraxis were able to field BFRs and develop tactics for their use, as well as their defeat.

BFRs are no longer used because of their impractical design and expensive production cost, not to mention the scarcity of the Resonance Crystals needed for each pilot.

"Uhm... Yes, sir. I'll go through the data logs."

Margret answered William and looked very upset as she would have to look through thousands of old files just to find some old mech suit.

"Thank you. You can also take a vacation once you're done." William responded.

Margret became fully energised after hearing those words and sped out of the office to find the BFR so she could finally get a fucking break.

As the secretary left, William laid back on his chair again with his wide grin.

"This is going to be interesting~"


Meanwhile, the HOCZ Bastion docked in the Outfit's satelite base after they completed their mission.


Gaint retractable stairs connected to the bastion, made way for the tired soldiers as they exited the massive space ship.

Ivar carried the unconscious Gwaf towards the exit leading through the terminal rooms. He had a angry expression on his face and walked past NS robots who rushed to offer assistance the the HOCZ members.

The twelve Vanu soldiers who helped Ivar and his Outfit were being escorted by heavily armed NS robots towards the holding cells in the lower levels of the satelite. They surely made the mission easier for Ivar, as he would probably have bursted in rage and shot everyone if it wasnt for Damien and his squad.

"Officer Buck? Is it okay if we go to the caffeteria?" Jane asked Buck politely.

Buck was surprised at the red headed girl's politeness and reminded him of his own daughter.

"Sure, missy. You all can relax the rest of the night." Buck responded cheerfully.

After those words, the HOCZ soldiers started moving to the caffeteria while some of them unstrapped the heavy body armour that they wore from the begining of the day when they were still training before Ivar took them on the sudden rampage.

Buck took a final glance at the Bastion as he felt proud of himself for finally flying the big space ship after many years in service for the Republic. He walked out of the docking bay and moved towards the infirmary, where Ivar most likely went off to.

"Can one of you bring a bottle of Vodka and a bottle of Whiskey to the infirmary?" Buck asked one of the NS robots that stood gaurd in the hallway.

The robot quickly complied and ran off, leaving Buck behind as he approached the infirmary.

Buck didnt really know what to do in this situation, but he knew he should probably keep Ivar company at the very least. He was glad of course that they were able to save one of Ivar's comrades and the original leader of the Outfit, although Ivar would probably stay the leader since he took control of it after the desaster.

Buck entered the infirmary and saw Ivar's gaint red figure looking down at the unconscious soldier on the hospital bed as some NS robot nurse seemed to be treating him.

"So. What now, Son?" Buck asked Ivar.

Ivar's gaze was fixed on Gwaf almost as if he is affraid he might dissappear if he looks away.

"I will contact the President about the mission after I stay here. We should let the members rest a few days to recover from today." Ivar answered.

Gwaf's wounds were already healed by the Combat medics at Eisa Tech Plant and looked to be in good shape, but as for any mental damages... Ivar stood close so he could calm him if he might go crazy after waking up.

"What do you think they used him for?" Buck asked as he stroked his gray moustache.

"We will know once he wakes up." Ivar awnsered coldly.

"What are we gonna do with those prisoners we captured by the way? Are we gonna interrogate them?" Buck asked.

Ivar stood silient for a moment as he stood and thought to himself.

"They helped us save Gwaf, so I spared them for now. We will interrogate them for a while, but I do not trust anyone that betrays their comrades." Ivar said as he reminded himself of the past.


The NS robot Buck ordered in the hallway returned with two crates of Vodka and Whiskey. Buck thought to himself that the robot had to be deaf since he only asked for a bottle of each.

Ivar grabbed a bottle without much thought and started to chug it all down before grabbing another. Buck also joined in with his Whiskey as he looked excited.

"So, you reckon that MOP BOT finished cleaning your room?" Buck asked with a smile.

Ivar chuckled a bit as he forgot about his room and the state it was in. He was still amazed by the mess one girl can create in a night.


Gwaf started to groan, but unfortunatly remained unconscious.

"Lets go grab something to eat. He'll be fine here. Best thing we can do for him now, is let him rest."

Ivar hesitated for a moment before finally agreeing and walked with Buck to the caffeteria. They chatted as they walked down the hall and it looked as if Ivar loosend up a bit compared to earlier.

Ivar and Buck entered the Caffeteria all while in a good mood until they saw starving soldiers who got denied food cause the Chef bots refused to serve food until Ivar was present.

"Lets eat!" Ivar yelled at the Chef bots.

"Uhh... Look, son. I think you gotta tell the chefs that they should serve the food even without you, cuz the way I see it, if something happens to you then we all might just die from starvation..." Buck explained.

"They have orders to serve food if I'm not in the base." Ivar replied.

Buck just shook his head and went to his seat to get his food. The food prepared this time was steak, lamb chops, sweet potato and mash pumpkin. The soldiers were all very happy and looked as if they were in ecstasy. They were somewhat curious how Ivar managed to get meat from farm animals, since they were all in Auraxis instead of Earth and there are no animals... at all. But a good thing they all learned from their experience in this Outfit is to just accept it and hope they arent actually cannibals.

Jane sat with Ivar as usual, but she was too tired to flirt.

"Jane, you were stationed at Vanu archives before you came here, so you must have heard some information regarding the man we saved." Ivar said as he ate his third steak.

Jane pause for a moment trying to remember.

"The guy we saved was the mad Engineer then? I overheard some of the scientists talk about reviving someone... or something." She explained.

"Reviving? Just that?!" Ivar asked in angry confusion.

Gwaf was notorious for his inventions throughout Auraxis as mentioned before. He was the one who built Ivar's indestructable power armour after all. So Ivar was confused about the fact that they would use him for revival experiments.

"They talked about reviving the 'Great One' or something. They chatted about it all too vaguely for me to really understand." Jane explained further as she finished her food.

Ivar was still a little confused, but he just accepted it and thought that he would need to hear it from Gwaf himself before making assumptions.


As Ivar finished his food, the red NS MAX robot from the armoury stormed into the caffeteria once more. The only difference this time is that a shit ton of other NS robots also stormed in.

"Sir! Is father here?!" Red MAX bot yelled as the other NS robots gathered around Ivar's table.

"Yes. He is in the infirmary." Ivar responded in a less cold way than normal.

The NS robots that stormed in, stormed back out as they really wanted to meet their father again. Ivar noticed this so he wasnt really angry at them since they probably felt a strong attachment to Gwaf.

The other soldiers in the caffeteria who witnessed this event were all scared shitless and thought something like a robot apocalypse was gonna happen, especially when they saw MOP BOT with a flamethrower instead of a mop... you can probably guess why.

The red NS MAX still stood infront of Ivar like he had somthing more to say.

"Sir! May I have permission to inject father with one of his adrenaline shots?"

Ivar remembered that Gwaf really liked anything that would give him energy and would rarely sleep. Most people thought he would die from kidney-, heart-, liver- or stomach failure. He sniffed a line of Cortium dust one time... just so you know Cortium is used as Colossus fuel and making orbital strike warheads.

Luckily for the mad Engineer, he had the Regeneration implant wich basically kept all his organs from exploding.

As Ivar thought about the past, he decided to deny the NS MAX's request.

"Let him rest now. He has been through a lot so keep it for later instead." Ivar replied.

"Yes, Sir." The NS MAX saluted before leaving as well.

Everyone remained silient until Ivar eventually stood up from his table and exited the caffeteria.

Ivar was heading to the main terminal room to contact William to basically tell him what he already knows. As he walked down the hall, he passed by the group of robots that were packed in the infirmary to just quietly stare at Gwaf.

Ivar entered the main terminal room and quickly contacted William.

After a few minutes, William's face appeared on the screen and reveal his wide grin.

"Sir! The mission was a success and Eisa Tech Plant is ours! We managed to capture the facilities around Eisa as well!" Ivar reported.

"Great job, General! I just knew it was the right call to send you in! I have a special reward that I'm sending to your satelite, so enjoy it! I dont really have time right now to keep chatting I'm afraid so lets speak another time instead!"

Although the transmission was cut off short, it was probably for the best since Ivar wasnt in the mood to chat. Instead he went off to his room instead to get some rest.

As Ivar walked towards his room, he saw that the sliding doors of his room was spotless and shining as if it was a light source. Once he entered his room, he was met with a blinding light as everything in the room was reflective and shiny. Even his pet Viper had a pink bow on its head.

Ivar looked satisfied and climbed out of his power armour and just fell face first on his bed the impact of him falling on the bed shook the floor a bit.

And just like that, Ivar fell asleep. MOP BOT also stood gaurd in front of Ivar's room just to make sure no one dares enter. He had suffered cleaning all of that shit in the room so he was prepared to shove his mop up someones ass if they just looked at Ivar's room.

Poor Jane...

Meh dunno

Some_Random_Guy1creators' thoughts