
Harbingers of Chaos

This Novel is based on the PlanetSide Universe. The Story is about the Last Terran Republic MAX UNIT of the Outfit, Harbingers of Chaos, simply known as the «HOCZ». A MAX UNIT is a Juggernaut in an incredibly strong and durable power armour. The main chatacter joins random squads of the Republic in the fight against its Eternal Enemies: the New Conglomarate, simply known as the «NC» and the Vanu Sovereignty, simply known as «VS». He is Hated, Feared and Praised by all three Empires. An Outfit can be seen as a Clan or Distinctive, Autonomous Squads that are deployed in the Battlefields and together Fight and Achieve certain Objectives that are given from their Superiors. Among them, the Harbingers of Chaos, was the Best. The «HOCZ» was his only family and the reason he fought. Now, it's previous members defected and joined the enemy, leaving him alone. What is PlanetSide? PlanetSide is a massively-multiplayer online first-person-shooter video game published by Sony Online Entertainment and released on May 20, 2003. PlanetSide chronicles the efforts of Three Factions (Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty) as they fight for territorial control over four continents on the planet Auraxis. Players take on the role of individual soldiers fighting for one of the Three Factions within the game, and can specialize in various fields such as Combat Vehicle Crewman, Infantry and Pilot or a variety of Combat Support  Roles such as Combat Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator, Light Assault, Heavy Assault and MAX Unit. The game is played primarily in a first person perspective, with the option of third-person (only when in vehicles). Unlike most shooting games, in which small-scale matches take place in essentially an instanced map, PlanetSide Battles can involve hundreds of players in a single fight. PlanetSide battles concern control over territory and strategic points, and can cause repercussions to all Three Factions. To date, PlanetSide remains one of the few MMOFPS games ever created, and it's widely accepted to be one of the Best, if not the Best of its kind. In November, 2012 a sequel, PlanetSide 2 was released bringing in new mechanics, graphics, equipment and more fierce battles. #PlanetSide #MakeWarStories #LoyaltyUntilDeath

Some_Random_Guy1 · Video Games
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22 Chs

Chapter 11

(This chapter starts at the main headquaters of the Terran Republic on Auraxis)

*step step step*

A secretary hastily walked through the halls to the president's office.

Ever since humanity lost contact with Earth when the wormhole closed, the Republic had to elect a temporary president. They needed to elect someone with enough leadership and military experience to fill the role and left the Republic in a tough situation. In the end it was decided to elect the General William Guderian of the main Terran army on Auraxis.

Due to the nanites on the surface on the planet, President William did not age as fast or even at all, wich allowed him to serve as the temporary TR president until a way is found to contact or return to Earth.

Currently the president's secretary is anxiously standing in front of the president's office. She is wondering how to explain the current situation to the president as she doesnt have enough detail on the matter about Ivar.


She finally opens the doors and enters the office. She approaches the president's desk with him sitting behind it, still reading a digital document.

"Seeing as I dont have any appointments this week, this must be very important?" President William asked.

"*Gulp* Yes, sir. There is a situation on Sanctuary where--" She gets interrupted.

"Oh I already know. He broadcastted it to EVERYONE! Even the fucking NC and VS!" William yelled out in anger.

"This is going to encourage our enemies to invade us on every continent and its going to affect our relationship with NS!"

The secretary stands there in fear and doesnt speak.

"Not only did he murder all the high ranking soldiers in the area, he even killed TR goverment officials! If we send any high ranking personnel over there then itwould cuase even more damage!"

There is a puase of quiet for a few minutes before William threw some documents towards the wall on his right.

"*sigh* I guess there is no other way... I will have to go there myself and stop this." William said exuasted.

"But Sir! What if he--" She gets interrupted again.

"Dont give me that bullshit. I was a soldier first so I know how a soldier thinks. Just follow me and get my gaurds." He ordered before getting up and walking out his office.

The secretary quickly did what he said and almost instantly, two HAVOC MAX units appeared and walked beside them.


(Back to Ivar in Sanctuary)

Ivar stood in front of the teleporter, waiting for either a new enemy or someone who outranks him.


Ivar aimed his weapons at the unkown figures passing through the teleporter but soon stopped when he saw the big man himself, the president.

"*Ivar salutes* Welcome Sir! I've wiped out all the traitors on this satelite! Do you need my report?!" He yelled with his rough voice.

William stood in horror as he saw the countless corpses and bulletholes all around them. The two MAX gaurds were obviously nervous since they stood in a defensive stance in front of William and his secretary.

"I-I see... Give your report." William said trying to control the situation.

"Yes Sir! Lower ranking soldiers as well as some officials ordered me to come to Sanctuary, wich was their first felony! They then pointed their weapons towards me and failed to lower their weapons as I commanded them! They then proceeded to try and apprehend me because I delivered punishment to a soldier who disobeyed orders several times before! This was corruption and such as the rules of the Republic, any corruption and corrupted persons must be eliminated! End of report Sir!" Ivar explianed all while saluting.

William stood silent as he was thinking of a way to resolve this matter. At first he thought of just executing but after seeing the amount of damage, corpsus and MAX units he killed by himself, he was starting to shit himself.

William was seen as one of the best soldiers based on his skill and leadership, but for the first time he was afraid.

William stepped past his two MAX bodygaurds to face the gaint steel figure.

"*William saluted* Good job soldier! At ease!" William yelled with a grin.

William thought that Ivar was an amazingly fierce soldier and seeing his loyalty to the Republic made him excited. First of all, Ivar is really patriotic and would do as he is ordered and would even seek to destroy any corruption, small or big.

"Thank you, Sir!" Ivar said while standing in a more comfortable stance.

"Although you did a good job here, you broke the rule of reporting before taking action, but I will let you go since I have a special mission for you~" William said with excitement.

The secretary and the two bodygaurd looked at them in confusion since absolutelly everything both of them said in the last ten minutes were confusing and terrifying.

"Yes, Sir! What mission must I do?!" Ivar asked with a hint of enjoyment in his deep rough voice.

William's grin became wider and he let out a little laugh.

"I'm sure you already know the situation we have on Indar? We are constantly under attack by Vanu and they have been seizing bases at a fast rate. They have recently taking over Ti Alloys, wich you already know is beside The Crown. I want you to capture the facility and report to me immidiatly after. Is that understood?" William said all while grinning.

"YES, SIR!!!"

Ivar's voice boomed through the empty satelite. He immidiatly started moving towards the teleporter to return to his base.

"Oh before you leave!" William stopped him.

Ivar stood still awaiting his next words.

"It would be better to change your outfit name seeing as it is reborn. Is it alright if I rename it for you?" William asked.

Ivar stood still but he agreed after a while.

"Why not call it 'Harbingers of Chaos' and 'HOCZ' of short? I think it fits!"

"YES, SIR!!!" Ivar yelled before walking through the teleporter.

As Ivar disappeard, William's secretary moved towards him.

"Uhm, Sir? Why didn't we apperhend General Ivar? He killed all the important personnel in Sanctuary as well as a CEO of NS corparations..." She said confused.

"Are you a idiot? That man is bred for war. Look at that row of MAX corpses! He doesn't even have an engineer to help him and he manage to wipe out special forces alone!"

"Doesn't that make him a bigger threat to the Republic?" She asked still confused.

"No. He is loyal only to the Terran Republic. The ones he killed here were all Outfits and officials that work with outfits! Ever since Outfits started in the Republic, they have been moving independently, smuggeling, trafficking and spying for other factions. Havent you noticed how lazy our soldiers became? How many have defected to other factions? But Ivar is different! He sparks courage and loyalty. And the best part is that he kills anyone who even looks corrupted."

William's grin grew wider and after walking around and inspecting the damage, he saw that there was still a woman breathing. It was Susan. He gestured to one of the MAX bodygaurds to take her as he continued to inspect the chaos created.

'He truly is the Harbinger of Chaos' William thought while laughing.


Ivar went back to his outfit's Satelite base and was met by his NS robot gaurds who instantly greeted him and gave him details about the base's condition like always after Ivar leaves.

Ivar walked through tha hall towards the armoury all while avoiding the questions flung at him from Buck after he saw him.

"What the fuck happened?!!" Buck yelled as Ivar still continued towards the armoury.

"I'll tell you later! First gather everyone in the VR training room!" Ivar ordered.

Buck stood still while Ivar walked past him and eventually did as he was ordered and called everyone to the VR room.

As Ivar entered the armoury, he ordered a NS robot following him, to get him more Vodka.

"This is going to be FUN!"

Let me know what you think of the story so far!

Also i know im not that lore accurate.

Some_Random_Guy1creators' thoughts