

"I have seen countless parallel universes and timelines, still the brilliance and stupidity of mankind never ceases to amaze me. Nonetheless they are the a very good source of entertainment in this endless circle of immortality."

--- kischur Zelretch schweinorg

My old man always used to tell me, "be careful what you wish for, because karma is a bitch that grants those wishes in the most fucked up way possible, and kick your balls in some more when you're down for the count". I never really took the words to heart, but oh boy! do I wish I did. maybe, just maybe, if I listened I wouldnt have caught the attention of that aggravating and wretched old troll. I was just a somewhat normal highschool kid who grew up in the states. My dad was a very successful archeologist, while mom was was a professor who taught latin at the community college. Although I wasnt exactly a stunner, I was above average in the looks department. sitting at 6'2 with natural white hair, and according my mom with "sky blue eyes that made it easy to get lost in them". So it wasnt exactly shocker when she named me caelum, which is latin for sky, caelum hunt.

Now what was a shocker for me and I am sure anyone who ever been through this, is having your parents sit you down and start to try explain that you are adopted. wow! that was a uppercut and a k.o right there. Apparently my parents had been trying for a child, and after five years of miscarriages and pain, they were thinking about filling for adoption, when one night while walking back from the movies they a baby's cry from a box right by the sewers, upon my mom's insistence they took me home and completed the paperworkthe next day. Not too long after I was adopted, by some miracle my mom got pregnant and nine months later gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she was named Andrea . Although what still baffles me is the location I literally dumped *pun intended*, I mean I can understand that whoever dropped me off didnt want me, and usually they would the baby at an orphanage or someplace of a similar nature but really the sewers? who does that?

***** Dimension 2751-.Clock Tower.

*echuuuu* The old troll sneezed again, " dammit, who's talking about this old man?". He looked at the city, rubbing " is it Alaya, or maybe that brat Justeaze, well I did stea... ahem tactically aquire the einzbern's summoning relic for the next grail war, or maybe Alaya is still pissed I stole her panties and auctioned it. I gotta say those church fanatic are crazy they actually went straight to $12m just to make sure no else got it, and they even made it a holy relic hahaha. I wonder what they called it, 'the holy panties of god?' . hehehe"******

However after the initial shock wore off. it only took a few day for me to get over it. Especially when I saw my mom was about to burst into tears, I realized it really didnt matter if they were my biological parent or not, they had taken care of me and always showered me with love and affection and then some, and to me that was all that really mattered. Then I spent the better part of the day with my mom consoling and reassuring her that i was still her 'baby boy', while shooting death glares at my old man who giggling like a school girl at our antics. Man! those were the good days, but happiness never really lasts.

The years went by, and I was 17 in my senior year of high school. I was in class reading the latest update on my favorite manga while the chemistry teacher droned on and on, when the principal walked into the classroom.

" caelum hunt, come with me son"-principal

He had solemn and sympathetic look on his face and that sent shivers down my spine. Principal Haywood was not a sympathetic guy at all, usually he had annoyed look on his face, like the world was too bothersome and he would be one of the guys that laughed in glee as it burned to the ground. then again with a name like Haywood jablomi, his childhood must have been hell, in fact I am suprised he even has a job. imagine walking to an interview and they ask for your name and you respond and it sound like 'hey woulja blow me'. That was why seeing that look made me anxious, I know i havent gotten in a fight in about a month or so, my grades never a problem because even causing a bit of trouble here and there, I was still a straight A student. My mind was whirling looking for possible reason to called to principal haywood's office.

He sighed, and said "Have a seat".

I did, trying not to show my nervousness because my mom would absolutely kill me if i got in trouble again, I just got out of the red zone.

He siged again and continued," Caelum I am sorry to tell that at approximately 2:00 pm this afternoon your were involved in a hit and run. they were pronounced dead on the spot"

Time seemed to complete stop, my brain was still trying to process what i just heard.

"Excuse me, but what did you just say?" my voice squeaked. I was trembling all over.

"I know its a very painful thing to hear, but you have got to hang in there"- pricipal Haywood

Ever since then everything felt surreal, I was just going through the motions. The only light at the end of the tunnel were my sister, and my grandma who took over my care, I spent most of time consoling my sister, telling her it was going to be alright when even I didn't know if was going to be alright. The most infuriating part being that they found they murderer, turns out a senator's son and his friends got plastered and where driving under the influence and slammed into my parents' car, and get this, not a single one of them died getting away with only minor injuries. As if that wasnt enough the whole issue got swept under the rug, I got a visit from the senator's lackeys giving me a check for 20 grand, when he saw i was just staring at him with hatred, he sighed.

"Look kid, i understand how you feel. I truly do, but you will come to realize that in this world the only thing that truly matters is power. Now the elections are coming up and our good friend senator richardson doesnt want anything that can make his reputation go sideways and it sure would be a pity if anything happened to that pretty sister of yours or the old lady now wouldnt it. so just do us both a favor and agree to the deal."-lackey

Faced with a threat like that there wasnt really much I could without endangering Andrea and grannny . It was then that realized that all the bullshit about justice, Karma, and decency, were exactly just that Bullshit. Caught up in my depression I got into the habbit of going to the bar on fridays to drown my demons in alcohol. I knew the bouncer Jake, so i could get in easy, espcially considering he was the one who helped me get my fake Id in the first place. I had just sat down they bartender already whipping up the usual for me. when I heard a voice I would would come to admire and Hate in equal measure. no I take that back my hate surpass my admiration for that man.

"Well son you look like someone picked you right out of sewers, took a look at you and threw you right back in"-Zelretch