
Harbinger of Calamity

a Neet who has worked hard his entire life, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, living much of his life in poverty, depression and drug addiction, at the end of his difficult road, dies of cancer at the age of 26. Having suffered his entire life trying to face the cruel reality of the world, always chasing higher pursuits and exploring ideas but his pursuit of truth only leads to his own collapse. In his last days instead of weeping, he laughs, he laughs at the absurdity of it all. It seemed as if fate had played the biggest joke on him, he had taken too seriously what had no value. What is life? a blink of an eye! as unreal as a dream, what a mysterious world, we are just born out of nowhere only to vanish later on. A profound sigh was uttered "If only I wasn't dealt such bad cards! I was made for the heights yet here I am crashed in the abyss of life."  Looking at the world he was soon to leave, he sighed "Humanity truly has fallen in this era, it has crashed from the heights of embodying divinity to succumbing to their animalistic selves becoming creatures of decadence, slaves to pleasure, lust and the lowly desires of the body. Truly my heart weeps for the tragedy of humanity, the industrial revolution, a slave society disguised as 'modern society', poisonous foods filled with chemicals, an entire network engineered to enslave minds called the internet, an absolute infestation of decadence and mediocrity in the very Human spirit that used to overpower all. All humanity is enslaved, what can't parents even teach? they are slaves themselves. Atleast in this life, I refused to be a slave, I was a free being, atleast in the later half of my life, I followed my own passions and lived my own life but in the end, sigh I failed! But oh well, who ever lived a perfect life in this world? as the darkness of death engulfs him, he fully accepts it and is gone. A pair of eye opened and an absolutely stunning sight appeared, he was transmigrated. For the first time in so long, he could see clearly without glasses or contacts, he could feel physically powerful instead of a sickly body and a destroyed pleasure system. He resolves that this time, this life, He would pursue his own freedom! He would never give up on himself and he will walk his own path to the very end. "That's right, I was wrong depending on sympathy. Cold, heartless, I won't forgive them, they can't be forgiven! That's right, it wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world that was wrong!" A descent towards Madness. A cruel world where no refuge can be found, countless obstacles obstructing one's path, mountains of corpses, an abyss of blood, a heart of darkness, a cruel fate to all living beings. No heart or soul, only an abyss of despair and a heart to ascend beyond. ... Support me directly : patreon.com/aloneinthisworld (only if you don't pay for chapters) Discord : https://discord.gg/aGumZnuF3u

aloneinthisworld · Eastern
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48 Chs

illustrous pink lotus

Days passed.

In the purple illusory world, a figure suddenly appeared : "the Great era is near."

It was a tall majestic woman with long brilliant purple hair, she had a flesh body and looked ancient, ethereal and magical.

The woman that Nameless had talked with took a step turning into a flesh body before she kowtowed and spoke : "We've been expecting you Progenitor. If our ancestors had been alive, they'd rejoice over your divine presence!" 

"Stand up, my child we are all equal before our Mother. It seems something had triggered my awakening."

"Yes, Progenitor, it is true. First may I know how to adress you?"

"You can call me illustrious pink lotus but I am unworthy of such a high title." she spoke with a dignified expression.

She continued : "and what is your name?"

"My name is Ava, thanks for asking ancestor."

Ava gratefully said before she continued : "Illustrious pink lotus ancestor, the traces of the formation that mysteriously kept existing finally fully vanished triggering your sudden awakening."

"What?! Are you kidding me?! How can that be?!" illustrious pink lotus had a bewildered expression.

"Yes, its true ancestor, We failed in the past. Even all the Ancestors failed for it was impossible before but Heavenly demon had set up his formation on top of the traces left and upon its activation it seemed it used the remaining traces that were left to fuel the formation."

The tall purple haired woman couldn't believe it!

"That's wonderful! truly a miracle! I still can't believe it and to think so soon! the traces were already millions of years old but they were impossible to remove, the fact that our enemy was what benefited us. Hmph! as we thought Heavenly demon must have obtained His inheritance to be able to set the formation on top of it!"

She continued : "What rank is Mother in?"

"Rank 8 Peak but slowly marching towards Quasi-Rank 9."

"Wonderful! Haha truly a miracle!"

she spoke rejoicing before tears came out of her eyes : "Ah finally, finally! we are back, the journey was so long, it seemed almost endless but we succeeded in the end! the countless sacrifices had been worth it!"

After a few minutes of jubilation, she finally asked for the details : "What did the formation Heavenly demon set do?"

Ava responded : "Ancestor, we cooperated with the Uraya kingdom to set up a rank 8 lightning cave to bait a demonic cultivator of lightning path called "Raijin" that is part of That organisation before he used the formation to create the immortal fetus."

Illustruous pink lotus paled.

"But it failed."

"You little child, you made me fear for the worst, I thought he tried to revive Heavenly demon."

"My apologies ancestor! I really didn't mean to, the cultivator only empowered the formation to obtain a new body after Hand of justice, a recent emerging powerful figure in the Uraya kingdom killed before him before he could use the formation to obtain a new body, she or other cultivators of the Uraya ancient kingdom might have already taken care of the space path and time path demonic cultivators of That organisation."

"Well done, the Uraya nation has always been a powerhouse."

"However ancestor, it seemed the immortal fetus created a new body-mind."

"What do you mean?"

"First, the immortal fetus formation was weakened repeatedly and the energy scattered but it then remerged and created a body, the immortal fetus however was weakened beyond measure and with the tribulation, it expended even more energy before it only gave birth to a peak rank 3 body with only a rank 1 dantian."

"Understandable, Heavenly demon probably set up that formation for himself but half a million year has passed since then although his inheritors tried to protect it and maintain, it inevitably withered beyond measure, as for the person who was born, did you already kill him? let me examine his corpse."

"Ancestor, that is..."


"He is still alive."

"Why leave him alive?"

Ava proceeded to explain that Nameless had nearly been eaten by a dark abyssal hyenah before he was thrown in the purple domain of the Tree of eternal life, making him go through a dream realm.

"The dream realm was very tough to get through and it seemed Mother analysed his body and mind while he was going through the dream realm and because he survived the mental trial, Mother left him to leave."

"Understandable, its very rare to get through through dream realms, did you atleast offer him to join us?"

"I did ancestor but he refused!"

"What? he dares?! did you kill him?"

"My apologies, I was about to before I felt a peaceful aura, it seems Mother didn't want any bloodshed and wanted me to atleast allow him to leave peacefully. He only had a rank 1 dantian after all, I did leave my will to him."

"I see, no wonder, its merely an insignificant worm anyway, a mere rank 1 dantian cannot even kill a beast nor use a decent cultivation technique, let alone survive in this forest. Its okay, lift your head up, you did well. One day, you will also be in my place too, you are already wise beyond your age. Seeing your loyalty, I'm willing to take you as my disciple."

Ava rejoiced before kowtowing : "Really? Thank you ancestor! Thank you!" 

illustrious pink lotus lifted her up : "Get up my child, it's unsightly to see my own disciple prostrating to me."

She continued asking : "How come no other Guardian is here?"

Ava responded : "Master, we have sent all the guardians outside to investigate the formation and other than the spies and organisation, I alone am left here."

"Don't tell me these last generations keep hibernating?

"Yes Ancestor, the previous ancestor told us that the last ten thousand year generations have all been basking in Mother's consciousness with no desire to leave, some even became so amoral, Mother had to put an end to their amoral existence."

"What failed generations! back then, a hundred thousand year before, our sole purpose was to live and protect Mother but these last generations have become too superficial, Hmph!"

She continued : "It's all Heavenly demon's fault, that bastard! If he just didn't find His inheritance, he would have never been able to grow so strong defeating our ancestors, the fact that he even dared to set up a formation top of the traces left is a disgrace we can never wash away. It was so close if he just didn't get lucky he would have never been able to defeat the previous ancestors five hundred thousand years ago."

"Ancestor, I wonder what you meant by "His" inheritance, we were never told who left the traces of the formation restricting Mother."

Illustrious pink lotus face suddenly turned as cold as ice as deep killing intent that was as dark as an abyss was emitted from her, at this moment she looked more like a crazed killer than a righteous cultivator.

Ava felt a suffocating pressure that pressed on her make unable to stand straight nor breathe.

Illustrious pink lotus finally spoke with a crazed expression :

"It was the Primordial Demon Fang Yuan!!"