
Happy Family: In the Name of Love

This Psychological thriller intricately explores the love story of two couples and their ostensibly blissful family life. However, the narrative takes a chilling turn as hidden truths gradually surface, ultimately leading to a series of tragic events, including untimely deaths that shatter the illusion of happiness and unravel the fabric of their lives.

Tejas_KN · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Rosy was a bright presence in John's life. She worked as a nurse at the psychology clinic where John worked. Rosy had a warm personality that made people feel comfortable around her. With her curly hair, sparkling eyes, and rosy lips, she was beautiful, but it was her kindness that really caught John's attention. He found himself drawn to her in a special way. In appearance, john also held a good position. 

They started off as friends, talking during breaks and sharing jokes in meetings and getting assisted during work.

One busy afternoon at the clinic, John notices Rosy's gentle demeanour as she interacts with a young orphan who has come in for a check-up. The child, Timmy, is nervous and fidgety, clearly uneasy about being in a medical environment.

"Hi there, Timmy! I'm Rosy," she says, crouching down to his eye level with a warm smile. "I'm here to help you feel better. How are you feeling today?"

Timmy's gaze shifts nervously between Rosy and John, unsure of what to expect. "I-I'm okay, I guess," he mumbles, clutching his favourite stuffed toy tightly.

Rosy nods understandingly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "It's perfectly normal to feel a little nervous. But I promise you, there's nothing to be afraid of. Dr. John and I are here to make sure you're healthy and happy."

As John observes from a distance, he's struck by Rosy's ability to connect with Timmy on a level that goes beyond mere medical care. He sees how she listens attentively to his concerns, offering words of encouragement and comfort that instantly put him at ease.

"Do you like superheroes, Timmy?" Rosy asks with a twinkle in her eye, noticing the superhero emblem on his t-shirt.

Timmy's eyes light up with excitement, momentarily forgetting his anxiety. "Yeah! I love Spider-Man!" he exclaims, a small grin forming on his face.

Rosy chuckles softly, her tone filled with warmth. 

"That's awesome! Did you know that brave superheroes like Spider-Man always make sure they're healthy and strong so they can keep fighting crime and saving the day?"

Despite Timmy's initial hesitancy, Rosy's gentle demeanour and genuine concern gradually win him over. By the end of the visit, he's laughing and chatting with her as if they've been friends for years.

John can't help but feel a sense of admiration for Rosy and the way she effortlessly creates a sense of trust and security for Timmy. He realizes that her caring nature extends far beyond the confines of the clinic walls—it's a fundamental part of who she is. Witnessing Rosy's kindness towards Timmy fills John with a profound sense of warmth and gratitude. He's touched by her genuine compassion and the way she goes above and beyond to ensure that every patient feels valued and cared for. In that moment, John's admiration for Rosy deepens, and he begins to see her in a new light. Her selfless dedication to helping others, especially those who are vulnerable, resonates deeply with him, and he finds himself feeling more drawn to her than ever before.

John and Rosy going over some patient files, Rosy looked up and smiled. "John, do you ever feel like you can see into people's souls when you listen to them?"

John paused, considering her question. "Yeah, sometimes. It's like you can feel what they're going through, you know?"

Rosy nodded, her eyes shining with understanding. "Exactly! It's like we have this window into their hearts, and it's our job to help them find their way."

Their conversations deepened as they worked together on different cases, sharing their thoughts and insights. During a particularly challenging case, John felt overwhelmed. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples.

"Are you okay, John?" Rosy asked, her voice filled with concern.

John sighed. "Yeah, it's just this case... I can't seem to figure out the best approach."

Rosy leaned forward, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You're doing great, John. Sometimes, it just takes a little time to find the right solution."

John looked up, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Rosy. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Their friendship grew deeper with each passing day, and John found himself looking forward to their conversations more and more. As they talked and worked together, John and Rosy discovered they had a lot in common. They both loved learning about people's thoughts and feelings. Evening, as they were wrapping up for the day, Rosy turned to John with a smile. "Hey, do you want to grab a cup of coffee together? I know this great little place down the street."

John's heart skipped a beat. "I'd love to, Rosy. That sounds perfect." They walked together down the street

Their conversations deepened as they walked side by side, sharing not only professional thoughts but also personal stories and aspirations.

As they sat in the dining room, sipping on cups of steaming coffee, Rosy turned to John with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, John, what's your biggest dream in life?"

John leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Hmm, that's a tough question. I suppose my biggest dream is to make a real difference in people's lives, to help them find happiness and peace."

Rosy nodded, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "That's beautiful, John. I can see you doing amazing things in the world."

Rosy took a sip of her coffee, savouring the rich flavour before setting the cup down with a contented sigh. "You know, John, there's something about a good cup of coffee that just makes everything feel better, don't you think?"

John nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Absolutely, Rosy. It's like a warm hug for the soul."

They shared a moment of comfortable silence, the warmth of their friendship enveloping them like a familiar embrace. As they finished their coffee and prepared to return to home, John couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that washed over him like a gentle tide. In Rosy, he had found not only a colleague but also a confidante—a kindred spirit whose presence brightened even the darkest of days.

Their love story began with simple conversations and shared moments, laying the foundation for a bond that would last a lifetime. It was no delay for John to know more about rosy. As John walked home after their coffee, he couldn't stop thinking about Rosy. Her laughter and kindness stayed with him, making him feel happy. When he got to his quiet apartment, he felt like he wanted to know more about Rosy. He wondered about the person she was beyond her smile and friendly nature. As he lay in bed, John decided he would ask Rosy more about herself the next day. As he closes his eyes, wind from the window tilted the pages of newspaper on his desk. John looks at it. His thoughts are asking him to reach the desk to study his father's research, but his excitement about the possibility of learning more about Rosy is more. Thoughts of Rosy filled his mind as he drifted off to sleep, bringing him comfort and hope for the new day ahead.

The next day at work, John looked forward to seeing Rosy again. As they bumped into each other in the hallway, John mustered up the courage to initiated conversation.

"Hey hi!!," John greeted with a warm smile. "How was your evening?"

Rosy returned the smile. "It was good, thanks! I went for a walk in the park and then caught up on some reading. How about you?"

John felt a rush of excitement at the chance to talk to her. "I spent some time relaxing at home and watched a movie. Say, I've been meaning to ask you, what's your favourite book?" just to continue the conversation.

Rosy's eyes lit up at the question. "Oh, that's a tough one! But if I had to choose, I'd say it's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. I love the themes of justice and empathy in the story. How about you, John?"

John nodded, intrigued by her choice. "That's a great pick! For me, it's 'The Catcher in the Rye' by J.D. Salinger. I've always connected with Holden Caulfield's search for authenticity." They walked all through the hall. As they are about to step into office, John stumbled not knowing whether to rise this question or not, but in rush, maintaining gentle smile, he asked, "Rosy, I was wondering if you'd be comfortable sharing a bit about your family or where you grew up? I think it will be good day start"

Rosy paused for a moment, considering his inquiry, before nodding with a soft smile. "Sure, John," she sighed "I don't have great history to happily share with someone. I grew up in a village not too far from here. You know, John, I come from that village where life is all about sad, pain and screams" she said, her voice soft but sure. John listened attentively, so Rosy continued, "My village is small, but the people there are so innocent. They believe in everything and even if someone is cheating them, they wouldn't know that they are cheating. But, one thing, they have done mistake, and they suffer for it." 

Thinking back to her childhood, Rosy's voice grew a little sad. "I lost my parents when I was young. They got killed by"-stops for while- "Many people, I witnessed their death and it was really hard for me. All then, my grandma is taking care of me." But then, her tone brightened. "Still, I love my village and its people with all my heart. I'd do anything for them. I will return everything that they deserve."

John nodded, understanding. "I am really sorry for your parents. Even I too lost my parents in an accident when I was younger. Someone hit them in the car middle of road and escaped" Rosy eyes widened, John continues "Anyhow, It sounds like even though you lost your parents at young age, you had enough of love from your village and hence people are really special to you, Rosy. Your love for them is admirable." 

Rosy smiled gratefully. "Yes, John. My village taught me so much. I feel I owe them something in return. It's where I found my inner strength and learned to cherish life's simple joys. My Grandma often mentioned that we were expelled from a village, but the I am not sure what exactly she meant. She always insisted on keeping me away from it."

With a hint of self-effacement, she added, "Yes, John, that's pretty much my story. As I mentioned, I don't have a grand history," punctuating her words with a small, wry smile.

John replied with a gentle nod, his eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. "Rosy, your journey and experiences are truly valuable, regardless of their scale. Sometimes, the most profound lessons come from the simplest of beginnings. Thank you for trusting me with your story."

In return, Rosy smiled. 

As they walked, Rosy felt a sense of peace after sharing her story with John, finding comfort in his understanding presence. With the very well conversation, they headed to work. 

John sat at his cluttered desk, surrounded by stacks of old papers and faded photos he had collected over time. Among them were his father's papers, kept hidden for years, holding onto untold stories of the past. With trembling hands, he began to sift through them. The newspaper articles didn't provide much insight, so John decided to dig deeper into his father's writings. In the midst of the old texts, he stumbled upon a familiar name: Mournton Village, a place he had heard about since he was young. It was the same village his dad had cared so much about. The stories in the papers talked about sad things that happened there, like people dying and feeling hopeless. As John dug deeper into his research, he discovered something unsettling about Mournton Village: there were mysterious deaths happening there that nobody knew about. Despite being hidden from the outside world, these deaths raised serious questions and added to the village's air of secrecy. John felt uneasy as he uncovered more information, sensing that there was something dark and troubling lurking beneath the surface of Mournton Village. With each new piece of information, he became more determined to find out the truth, even though it meant facing whatever secrets the village held. Despite the sad stories, John wanted to learn more about the village. He felt determined to uncover its mysteries and understand its history.

Meanwhile, Rosy's happy face and laughter filled John's thoughts, making him feel warm inside. He wanted to share his thoughts with her, but he was unsure how she'd react to the sad stories about the village.

Still, John couldn't deny his growing feelings for Rosy. She brought happiness to his life, even amidst all the sadness in the world. Throughout the day, John couldn't stop thinking about the village and what it meant to him. With each passing moment, he felt more determined to find answers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, John felt the weight of an unproductive day settling on his shoulders. He hadn't managed to complete anything, not even a word exchanged with Rosy, although she remained in his thought's whole day. On one hand, he faced with the unsettling mystery of the deaths in Mournton village; on the other, thoughts of Rosy consumed him, leaving him burdened as he departed his office. The dimming light cast long, creepy shadows as he gathered his papers and coat, preparing to leave. It was nearing 8:00 PM, and the clinic was empty, no people around him adding to the sense of isolation that gripped John's heart.

As he stepped out, a physical sense of loneliness engulfed him. The silence was heavy, broken only by the sound of his own footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. He quickened his step, eager to escape the cruel atmosphere that seemed to suffocate him. The air was thick with an unspoken dread. He knows something or someone is watching him as if something unseen lurked in the darkness, watching and waiting. Suddenly, the lights flickered and died, plunging the clinic into darkness. John's heart leaped into his throat as fear coiled around him like a viper. Panic surged through his veins as he fumbled for his torch, his hands trembling with urgency. The darkness seemed to press in on him from all sides, suffocating him with its oppressive weight. Then, he heard it – the soft, insidious sound of footsteps echoing in the blackness. His breath caught in his throat as he strained to pierce the veil of darkness that enveloped him. "Who's there?" he called out, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. But there was no answer, only the eerie silence that seemed to stretch on forever. His heart pounding, John swept the beam of his torch around the empty corridors, searching for any sign of movement. But all he could see was the empty darkness, mocking him with its silence. "I'll call the police!" he shouted, his voice cracking with desperation. But still, there was no response, only the relentless echo of his own words. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the footsteps stopped. The darkness seemed to retreat, replaced by an oppressive silence that hung in the air like a shroud. Trembling with fear, John turned to leave, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. But before he could take a single step, he heard it – the sound of footsteps, running towards him with relentless determination. His heart pounding in his chest, John turned to face his unseen assailant, his torch held aloft like a beacon of hope in the darkness. And then, as if by magic, the lights flickered back to life, illuminating the empty corridors with their harsh, unforgiving glare. And there, standing before him, was Sarah, her eyes shining with an otherworldly light as she held out a bouquet of flowers.

"Happy birthday, John," she said, her voice echoing in the empty corridors. And as John stood there, bathed in the harsh light of reality, he couldn't help. 

John couldn't believe what had just happened. He was still shaking from the fright, while Sarah began to laugh.

"I'm sorry, John. I just wanted to tease you, but I didn't mean to scare you," Sarah said, her laughter softening the tension between them.

John settled back in his chair beside, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. Rubbing his face in relief, "Ah, Sarah, you nearly gave me a heart attack," he chuckled, grateful for the light hearted moment they shared. "Thank you, Sarah. I completely forgot it was my birthday. I've been so preoccupied lately."

Sarah's eyes softened with understanding as she leaned forward, eager to catch up after their long absence. "It's understandable, John. I knew you would be busy. Anyhow, how have you been?" she inquired; her voice filled with genuine concern. 

John smiled warmly, grateful for Sarah's understanding. "I've been managing, Sarah," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness. "Work has been keeping me on my toes, but I can't complain. How about you? It's been far too long since we caught up."

Sarah leaned back, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "I've been keeping busy too, John," she shared, her eyes reflecting a mixture of nostalgia and contentment. "But I've missed our conversations. It's good to see you again after all this time."

He glanced at Sarah, who was still amused by his reaction. "How do I look, John?" she asked, hoping for a compliment on her dress. "You look lovely, Sarah. Yeah, how did you know today was my birthday?" John inquired, curious about her sudden gesture.

"You know, it's important to remember the things we truly care about, love about" Sarah replied, showing her affection for John.

"What do you mean by things "we love"?" John probed, intrigued by Sarah's statement.

"Ufff, Do you remember When I first met you at the clinic, I shared my pain of losing my parents with you. You cared for me so well and helped me unload that burden. In just one hour, you changed my mood and my perspective. If you were with me all the time, I wouldn't have room for sadness or pain. That's why I need you, John. I love you," Sarah confessed her feelings earnestly to John. 

John found himself in a dilemma he couldn't easily shake off. Here was Sarah, a girl with a heart of gold, expressing her love for him openly. Yet, his heart still belonged to Rosy, the one he envisioned sharing his life with. He couldn't bring himself to reject Sarah and add to her pain of losing her parents, but neither could he accept her knowing his feelings for Rosy.

"Sarah, you're a wonderful person. You have qualities that any man would value, but..but it's too late for us. If you had come to me earlier, I might have accepted your love. But I am already committed to Rosy, and I need to convey my feelings to her soon. I'm truly sorry. However, I hope we can still be the best of friends, if that's alright with you." John conveyed his heartfelt sentiments to her. Sarah, who had been holding the bouquet of flowers, let them fall to the floor as she sank into a chair. Happiness on her face drastically changed by the denial of John, her head in her hands. John understood the depth of her pain and reached out, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

 "I'm sorry, Sarah. I never meant to hurt you. But there's someone else in my heart, someone I've imagined spending my life with. You have very good life and I am sure that you will find a man better than me" he explained gently.

"It's okay, John. It's my mistake. I should have known you were already taken. I'm sorry," Sarah said, her voice trembling with emotion. She stood up abruptly, her face streaked with tears, and headed for the door.

"Wait, Sarah, where are you going at this hour? Let me drop you home," John called after her, concerned for her safety. But when he stepped outside, she was nowhere to be seen, leaving him bewildered and filled with confusion about where she had gone. John stood there, grappling with the complex emotions swirling within him, knowing that his decisions had consequences that would ripple far beyond this moment. While in the midst of his search, she suddenly appears behind him, saying, "I know you've been investigating the mysterious deaths in that village. I've seen the papers on your desk. But there's something you don't know. Your love, Rosy, is from Mournton Village. Take care of her, is she aware of the deaths?" Sarah advises John earnestly. John couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sarah's revelation only fuelled his curiosity further, realizing the weight of responsibility he now bore to protect Rosy. Despite the possibility that she might not be in any immediate danger, John felt compelled to ensure her safety. 

"How can you say that she belongs to Mournton?" John asked. "I have heard about her when I was younger and I heard that she belongs to the same village" Sarah replies. "Thank you, Sarah, for sharing this with me. Now, I'll delve deeper into her village and uncover the truth," John expresses his gratitude. "Please, allow me to drop you off at your house," he offers. Sarah accepts, and they arrive safely at her doorstep.

 John's curiosity to unravel the mysteries of deaths, his admiration for Rosy grew together, he felt the need to express his gratitude in a meaningful way. 

One evening, after their clinic duties, as the sun began its descent, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, John led Rosy to their favourite spot in the park. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle rustle of leaves provided the perfect backdrop for what was about to unfold.

"Rosy," he began, his voice slightly shaky with nerves, "there's something I've been wanting to ask you."

Rosy looked at him curiously, her warm brown eyes filled with kindness. "What is it, John? You can tell me anything."

With trembling hands, John reached into his pocket, feeling the weight of the small velvet box nestled within. His heart beat in rhythm with the fluttering butterflies in his stomach as he gazed into Rosy eyes, shimmering with anticipation and love.

"Rosy," he began, his voice soft yet resolute, "from the moment I met you, my life has been transformed in ways I never thought possible. You've brought light into my darkest days and warmth into my coldest nights. With you, I've discovered a love so pure and true, a love that transcends time and space."

Rosy's breath caught in her throat as she listened, her eyes sparkling with emotion.

"And now," John continued, dropping to one knee, "I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days by your side, loving you, cherishing you, and building a future together filled with laughter, joy, and endless adventures."

With trembling fingers, he opened the velvet box to reveal a dazzling ring, its diamond sparkling in the fading sunlight.

"Rosy, will you do me the honour of being my wife? Your 'yes' means everything to me." he asked, his voice filled with a vulnerability that laid bare his deepest feelings.

Tears glistened in Rosy's eyes as she reached out to cup John's face in her hands. "Oh my god, John. Yes" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Yes, a thousand times yes." 

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in a soft, golden glow, John and Rosy sealed their love with a kiss, knowing that their journey together was only just beginning. 

"But John there's someone we need to talk to first."

"Who is it?" John asked, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"My granny," Rosy replied, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "She's the elder of our village, and her opinion means a lot to me. If she agrees, then I'm okay with it too."

With a newfound sense of purpose, John and Rosy made their way to Rosy's village, nestled deep in the countryside. The journey took them through winding roads and dense forests, the eerie silence of the evening enveloping them like a thick blanket.

As John and Rosy walked into Rosy's village, John felt a bit scared. Roads are completely filled with dust; Sunny afternoon feels like drought. The air was heavy and still, and there were strange sounds in the distance. When he looks around, the trees looked burnt and spooky, and the forest next to the village seemed dark and mysterious. The houses in the village looked old and empty, with vines growing over them. The sunlight made everything look creepy, casting long shadows on the ground. John felt like he was in a scary story. Despite feeling scared, John kept walking with Rosy. She seemed calm and didn't mind the spooky atmosphere. To her, the village was familiar and safe. As they walked, John couldn't shake the feeling of fear creeping over him. Everything seemed strange and unfamiliar, like he didn't belong there. Few people from far distance sitting under the tree staring at john disturbed a lot. These people don't seem to belong here. No happiness on face as if they lost hopes on lives. He has no doubts why the many deaths are occurring in this village. But he kept going, knowing they had to reach Rosy's grandmother's house. Deep down, he hoped everything would be okay in the end.

Rosy led John to a quaint cottage at the edge of the village, where her granny lived. The old woman greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with wisdom beyond her years.

"Granny," Rosy began, her voice filled with respect, "Hoping you are doing good." 

"Rosy, I told you to not come here till festival, why did you come?" Her concern voice reaching rosy "This is not safe for you"

"Granny, I have a very good news," Pointing to towards John "this is John, He's asked me to marry him. We came here to have a word with you and for your acceptance"

Granny's eyes twinkled with delight as she listened to Rosy's words. Granny looked up at the sky, her wrinkled hands clasped together in prayer.

"I know this is all your play. Like this at least you are trying to save them. Thank you, my dear lord," she murmured softly, a sense of relief washing over her.

Turning to rosy, Granny's face lit up with joy. "My child, you have my blessing. May your union bring you both happiness and love for our family."

John felt a wave of gratitude wash over him as he embraced Granny, his heart overflowing with joy. In that moment, surrounded by the ancient whispers of the village, he knew that he had found his true home—in Rosy's loving embrace and in the warm embrace of her village. As they readied to depart, John gently directed Rosy to the car. 

"Rosy, you go to the car. I'll join you in a moment," he assured her. 

Turning to the elderly woman nearby, he ventured, "Granny, I've heard about the frequent deaths in this village. Do you know what's happening?"

Granny chuckled softly before responding, "Ah, child, those deaths have always been part of life here. Nobody questioned when everyone killed those before. But now, everyone's curious why these are dying. It's all fate, my dear. Best not to interfere too much. The truth can be dangerous and the day you hear the truth, you will be no more." Granny retreated into her house, her words lingering in the air like an ominous warning.
