
Happiness 【 Ray x reader】

❝ As long as I save my children, then so be it. I don't care whose blood I spill or even the amount of blood I'll spill. Demon or human, I won't let anyone take away my happiness from me ❞ ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ Y/n, a lovely girl who is known to be gentle and kind to everyone, but if you lie to her, things will for sure go South. Y/n is loved by all children and she lives a happy life only filled with happiness until she discovers the truth of the orphanage she lives in. Somehow, a cold emo, and nerdy boy fell for you, the opposite version of himself. But after years of being apart, will he still love you despite the ṁ̴͈͕̪́̿o̷̲͚̮̖̾̉͛́̌̾̿́̾n̵̢̪͓̘̝͔̮͊̌̍̎̈̀͝s̴̘̙̣̗͑͂͊͊̈̓̔̃t̴̞͙̹͉͍̳̱̿̋͌̊̍̓͒̈́̓̃e̴̓̈́̄͆̎̋̊r̴̠̯̱͌̓͐ you have become? ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ 【 Join your own Journey filled with Tears and Happiness! 】 ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ ❀ I do not own anything in this story except you ❀ This contains manga spoilers starting from Chapter 13. There may be a few spoilers in chapter 10-12. ❀ If you are interested in reading the story, please read the manga or if you want, I can basically summarize it for you!

ItzBeauty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 9 - Cliff

"Norman and Y/n are getting shipped on the same day?!" Ray yelled at Mama.

"Yes. It's been decided it'll be tomorrow." Mama said as she smiled. How can she smile like that?

"Mom, what happened to Emma's leg?" Ray asked as he looked at Emma's leg and glared at her.

"Don't worry, it was a clean break. It'll heal back to normal without any scars. It'll probably take a month or two to completely heal. I hope it's healed by your birthday, Ray." Mama carried Emma and smiled at Ray who only glared at her.

"Make sure to give me that bag later" Mama said as she looked at Norman.

"Okay. Let's go back to our home." Mama announced as she started making her way to the House.

'I can't feel my legs anymore. I can't. No! Stay strong! Don't worry others. Think about them and how to let them escape.'


"What should we do now?" Don placed his hand over his forehead as he started to sweat.

"Norman and Y/n are getting shipped out on the same day. Our rope is taken away. Emma's leg is broken and she can't move." Don whined.

"Emma's leg will heal quickly." Ray said as he looked away from both of them.

"But why? Why is Y/n and Norman getting shipped out on the same day?" Gilda asked.

"Mom was talking about the next shipment. When she said the situation changed, she was talking about Y/n and Norman. And I can't believe even Sister..." Ray paused.

"She was her usual, energetic self this morning too. She was smiling and doing laundry like normal. But now, she's no longer anywhere in this world." Don added. Gilda covered her mouth in shock and said nothing.

Ray suddenly kicked the bucket that stood close to him and now he has kicked it about 10 meters away.


"Emma." Norman called out. Emma woke up and reached her hand out to Norman. Norman placed her hand in both of his making Emma gasp. She started tearing up.

"Don't worry, all she took was the rope." Norman tried to reassure Emma.

"What are you saying? That plan isn't over yet." Emma said.

"Your leg will heal." Norman mentioned.

"That's not it! We have to do something about you and Y/N's shipment!"

"The escape will succeed"

"You're coming with us! You have to be with us, or else!"

"Hold on. I'll get you both some water." Norman said and stood up and left the room.


"What are we going to do, Ray?" Don asked Ray who was stomping as he walked.

"We'll have them escape, obviously! No matter what!" Ray yelled which startled the two.

"Damn it!" Ray yelled as visions of his special friend and his crush appeared in his head. He tried shaking his head which seemed to work.

"Don. Gilda. Get ready." he ordered. The two nodded and they proceeded to make their way to the infirmary.

When they arrived, Ray opened the door which surprised Emma. They looked at each other and nodded.

"We're going to let Y/n and Norman escape." Ray announced. Ray already could tell what Emma's answer was by looking into her eyes. Soon, the door creaked open.

"Emma." Norman called but was surprised when he saw Ray.

"Norman, tomorrow afternoon, bring Y/n with you and escape by yourselves. We're not going to let the both of you die." Ray said.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You can ask Y/n." Norman tried to say but Ray and Emma answered back with a 'Denied!'

"To be more precise, tomorrow afternoon, make it seem like you both escaped by yourselves. Disable the tracking device, and pretend that you both escaped. Then hide in the area until Emma's leg is healed." Ray ordered.

"And on the day we escape. You both will run away with us." Emma said. Ray couldn't help but glance at Y/n form time to time with a worried expression.

"But even if it may not be true, if I run away with Y/n, the security will get tighter." Norman retorted.

"That's not a problem. Judging from the House's caretaking policies, security won't increase much." Ray explained.

"Caretaking policies?" Norman asked.

"One, to let us grow freely and comfortably. Two, strict confidentiality. The first point is best for our developing brains. A healthy child who grew up freely with rich emotions. That's the minimum obligation for the person in charge of the House." Ray explained in more detail.

"So that means point two is also..."

"Yeah. The demons won't show themselves. If they rule us with fear, our brains won't develop the way into what they want. If they do change the security, they would only increase the number of guards or caretakers. That's something we can deal with. No, we will!" Ray confidently said.

"Even so...if they increase the height of the wall to something we can't climb, how will you climb over it then?" Norman asked.

"You can make a ladder while you're hiding or something!" Ray yelled.

"What if they change the tracking device into a more complex one?" Norman argued.

"If they implant new ones, we'll know where they are, so we can just take them out! We can handle it!" Ray yelled.

"You get it, right? You both don't have to die! I'll supply both of your food! We'll keep you both hidden no matter what! We can more or less deal with tighter security! I still have a trump card to outwit Mom! So live! Pretend to run away and with this method..." Ray got cut off.

"No. We can't do it. It won't work. It's not just about security. If we run away, you and Emma might get shipped out in both of our places. If one of you dies, I can't forgive myself. I know Norman feels the same way." I said as I sat up.

"Y/n! You're ok!" Emma said as she grinned at me but then she suddenly frowned.

"Look, they can have my life. Just not anyone else. You feel the same way too, right Norman?" I asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure your escape will succeed. We'll ruin what Mom has plotted and make sure everyone escapes. Both of you, thank you. While we're gone, you both should come up with a plan and escape." Norman said.

"Don't be ridiculous you two! Then, what were the last 6 years of my life for?!" Ray yelled, disappointed.

"I sincerely apologize." I apologized, Ray looked at me and I could see his glossy eyes.

"Damn it!" Ray cursed and approached me and sat on my bed. I reached for his hand which caught him off guard. He held my hand in his and we all sat in silence.

"Then, Ray, you should break your leg too. It's ok, right? Yeah, let's break a bone!" Emma cheerfully said. We all looked at her as if she was some kind of psychopath.

"Emma, what are you..."

"You know, since I'm hurt so badly, I don't think I'll get shipped out in any of your places. Remember what the demon at the gate said? We're high-grade merchandise, and we're also special. When we go, we have to be in perfect form. So if they need a replacement, it'd be Ray. So if Ray were hurt badly as well, he wouldn't get shipped out immediately." Emma said cheerfully. Ray started to laugh.

"That's a great idea! All right, let's get cracking!" Ray said as grinned.

"Right?" Emma said with a smile on her face.

"But wouldn't my arm be enough?" Ray asked as he looked at his arm.

"Oh yeah. Then, let's break your arm." Emma agreed. They're crazy

"No, wait. It's not guaranteed that you won't get shipped out if you get hurt!" Norman tried to stop them.

"Then, catch a horrible cold." Emma said with a smirk.

"The demons won't eat me if I'm sick, right?" Ray smirked as well.

"Breaking your arm is super painful and it'll be exhausting to be sick, but you'll be fine, right?" Emma asked.

"Yeah" Ray replied.

"W-wait, you two, did you both go nuts?!" I tried to argue but they only smirked at me.

"We can discuss escape plans through string telephones or something." Emma suggested.

"That's good. We won't have to worry about Mom hearing us." Ray agreed.

"B-but" Norman tried to argue.

"If that doesn't work, we'll think of something else. I'll do anything." Emma said.

"Why? You're crazy for doing this." I said as I felt my heartache. My heart feels warm, but it's aching. I like the feeling, but I hate it at the same time.

"It's better than having both of you die. Remember what we said? We'll all escape together, with everyone. If you guys aren't part of this, I won't accept it!" Emma said.

"And plus knowing Y/n, she doesn't like it when she sees someone hurt." Ray smirked at me.

"Ray! That's mean, using my weakness to your advantage like that!" I scolded and stood up making Ray stand up too. We went to Emma's bed.

"Everyone, let's keep living, together. Okay Y/n? Norman?" Emma's eyes were glossy, so was Norman's.

"Yeah." Norman said and I nodded. I felt a tear escape my eyes and we all hugged.

"Y/n, Norman, use this to disable your tracking device tomorrow, and then go hide in the forest." Ray said as he handed us a device.

"I made two since Y/n had a hunch that something like this might happen." Ray said as he looked at me. I smiled.

"And then climb the wall.." Ray said and Norman continued Ray's sentence.

"...and inspect. Let's get it done before they increase security." Norman continued.

"Don and Gilda are making a new rope right now. They're using spare sheets stolen from the linen room." Ray smirked.

"So it's complete." Emma sighed in relief as she looked at the device made by Ray.

"Ray, how do we use this device you made? Is there a certain procedure to do?" I asked and he nodded.

"Press it against your left ear and press the button. That'll disable the tracking device. With this method, it won't notify Mom." Ray replied.

"Did you make that from the camera parts?" Emma asked as she looked at Ray.

"Not just the camera. I used parts from all the other rewards I got beforehand. I just wanted the strobe light form the camera." Ray replied.

"You spent six years getting parts from different items so that Mom wouldn't figure it out." Norman said as he looked at the device in his hand.

"Amazing" Emma whispered.

"It's not amazing or anything. After I realized the secret of the House, I had to do it. That's all." Ray said as he scratched his head.

"Ray, something has been bothering me lately. Do you mind?" I asked. He shook his head, telling me to continue.

"How did you find out the secret of the House? I never really got the chance to ask you since you were always reading." I asked.

"From the beginning. I knew it from the beginning. Do you know what infantile amnesia is?" Ray asked. Must've been painful

"What's that?" Emma asked.

"Without being aware, people forget their memories from when they were a baby. That's infantile amnesia. But in some rare cases, it doesn't happen to some people. You thought me that, Ray." I explained.

"Ray, you don't mean.." before Emma could finish Ray had already opened his mouth to answer Emma's question.

"I have memories from when I was an infant. There were inconsistencies between my own memories and my life at this House. That's how I found out. My first memory is being inside a dark, warm liquid. A lullaby I could hear from a distance." Ray replied. A lullaby?

"How much do you remember?" Emma asked.

"It's in fragments, but highly detailed. I remember how the demons looked, and that there were other babies. The tracking devices were implanted, and they were divided into groups of five." Ray explained.

"Groups of five..." Norman mumbled.

"After that, I passed through a dark tunnel and arrived here." Ray added.

"The tunnel being the gate?" Norman asked and Ray nodded. Some thoughts started flooding my mind when he mentioned the word lullaby.

"Wait. So past the gate isn't outside, but..." Norman paused.

"Headquarters. The headquarters and the adjacent five plants. That's what makes this House." Ray answered.

"So what Sister said was true after all." Emma said, disappointed.

"The gate can't be used as an escape route. Beyond that is not just a few guards out there. It's swarming with demons and adults." Ray mentioned.

"Isn't that bad?" Emma asked.

"No. That's why the security towards us is light. They'll focus on the gate and won't increase security. Once Emma's leg is healed, we'll escape." Ray said.

"I see." Emma looked away as she placed her hand on her chin as if she was thinking.

"There's no need to be afraid. Tomorrow, you'll both disappear." Ray said as he put his hand in front of him.

I smiled and placed my hand over his. Then Emma followed and Norman placed his hand over Emma's.

'I'm sorry everyone...' I thought since I never planned to escape. I have a feeling that a forest isn't beyond the wall.


"Listen up, everyone. I have good news." Mama said with a smile on her face like nothing is going to happen.

"A Foster family has been decided for Y/n and Norman. They'll both be adopted into the same family. I know this is sudden, but they'll be leaving tomorrow night." Mama said. Norman and I tried our best to smile.

I heard Shelly dropped what she was holding and she started throwing a tantrum. Some congratulated us except the ones who I had told the secret to.

"This suddenly?" Lannion whispered as he looked terrified.

"We're going to miss them, huh?" Thoma said as he placed his arm around Lannion. They both looked terrified.

More of the children congratulated and said that they'll miss us. I'll miss you too.

"Congratulations!" I heard someone start crying. I gasped and looked at Sherry. I smiled and lifted her up and gave her to Norman.

"Y/n, continue that story!" Naila said as she tugged my skirt.

"Y/n, Norman, let's play lots and lots tomorrow!" Eugene said as he also tugged on my skirt. I smiled gently at them and patted their heads.

"Okay, let's eat dinner." Mama said as she started walking to the dining hall with a kind smile on her face.

After dinner, everyone went back to their daily routines, as if this whole farm thing isn't real.

I went to the library and started reading with Ray. Ray was holding my hand from under the table. I heard the door creak open and turned around.

"There you are, Y/n! Naila said as the room was now flooded with children. I giggled and they all jumped on me.

"Y/n, continue that story! You promised that one day you'll tell us!" Sherry said. I sighed and told them to take a seat.

"I was wondering where the kids went. Turns out they all went to Y/n like usual" Don said as he took a seat, Gilda then took a seat beside him.

Phil was sitting on my lap as he was reading the book that I was just reading a moment ago before they entered.

"Ok. Sadly, the Prince and Princess don't end up together at first. Her mother found her and took her away from everyone and she also took one of her friends. The mother hurt one of the Princess's friends. They got separated but after a few years, they met up once again and ended up together and they lived happily ever after." the children cheered.

"Y/n! Y/n! What's the prince's name? You're the Princess, right? Who's the Prince?" Mark asked eagerly as he stood up and looked at me. I started to sweatdrop. I looked at Don and Gilda for help but they smirked at me.

"Ray! Are you the Prince?" Sherry asked as she ran to Ray and sat on his lap. I looked at Ray who started blushing.

"Hmm...sure. I'll be the Prince." Ray smirked at me which made me heat up. The children cheered while Don and Gilda were screaming.

I'm going to miss all of this...


Norman and I started running. We jumped over the fence and continued to run until we were face to face with the stone wall.

Norman started to tie the rope around a tree. I held the other end of the rope and pulled it to make sure it was safe and tied properly.

When it was, I saw Norman nod at me. I nodded too and I stepped back and sprinted while holding the rope.

When I almost reached the top, I let go of the rope and used one hand to grab the top of the wall and I pulled myself up.


Don and Gilda looked at the forest in worry, thinking about what could be Y/n and Norman's condition right now.

Emma looked at the forest as she stood under the tree, supported with her Handicap clutches.

Ray read a book under the tree so that he would be shaded from the sun's brightness.

"Don't worry." Ray reassured Emma which made Emma look at the boy under the tree.

"It'd go as planned" Ray confidently said which reassured Emma since she smiled.


I smiled as I looked at the forest beyond the wall. Walking forward, my smile dropped. I gasped and started walking backward.

"So?" Norman asked as he got down from the tree. When I took one step back, I slipped and ended up falling.

"Y/n!" Norman called and he managed to catch me. I sighed but my breathing was unstable.

"What happened?" Norman asked as he helped me stand up. I shook my head and I felt my legs shaking.


"Where's Norman and Y/n?" Mama asked as she realized that the two disappeared.

Mama looked at Emma and Ray and she took out her 'pocket watch' and checked it.

As she gazed intensely at her pocket watch, Ray smirked, Emma smiled, Don looked impatient, Gilda looked worried.

Mama smiled which made them surprised. She spun around and smiled at the two approaching figures.

"Welcome back, Y/n, Norman" Mama smiled at the two. Emma had her jaw dropped while Ray was glaring at them.

"Why?" Emma mumbled as she looked at Y/n and Norman approaching Mama. When they arrived, they smiled at her and she smiled back.


"You bastard, what the hell?" Ray harshly grabbed Norman's collar and picked him up.

"You can still run away." Emma pleaded as she looked at the two.

"Ray, stop it." Y/n demanded as she placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down but he smacked her hand away which surprised everyone, even Y/n.

Ray would never make physical contact that would hurt her. He never pushed her away and he also never did anything bad to her.

"No. We had no intention of running away. Anyways, I want you to listen to Y/n." Norman smirked. Ray dropped Norman and he stuffed his hands in his pocket. Y/n held her hand and backed away.

"It was a cliff. Beyond the wall is a cliff. No one can jump it." I said as I rubbed my hand.


(A/N: Eyoo! I'm back again to using more than 3000 words again, oof. Anyways that's 3218 words for you. Peace out!)