
Happiness 【 Ray x reader】

❝ As long as I save my children, then so be it. I don't care whose blood I spill or even the amount of blood I'll spill. Demon or human, I won't let anyone take away my happiness from me ❞ ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ Y/n, a lovely girl who is known to be gentle and kind to everyone, but if you lie to her, things will for sure go South. Y/n is loved by all children and she lives a happy life only filled with happiness until she discovers the truth of the orphanage she lives in. Somehow, a cold emo, and nerdy boy fell for you, the opposite version of himself. But after years of being apart, will he still love you despite the ṁ̴͈͕̪́̿o̷̲͚̮̖̾̉͛́̌̾̿́̾n̵̢̪͓̘̝͔̮͊̌̍̎̈̀͝s̴̘̙̣̗͑͂͊͊̈̓̔̃t̴̞͙̹͉͍̳̱̿̋͌̊̍̓͒̈́̓̃e̴̓̈́̄͆̎̋̊r̴̠̯̱͌̓͐ you have become? ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ 【 Join your own Journey filled with Tears and Happiness! 】 ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ ❀ I do not own anything in this story except you ❀ This contains manga spoilers starting from Chapter 13. There may be a few spoilers in chapter 10-12. ❀ If you are interested in reading the story, please read the manga or if you want, I can basically summarize it for you!

ItzBeauty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 27 - Empty

"This is...the human world. Everyone wake up! Come on, look!" Phil started wailing his arms around.

"Urgh" Norman groaned as he held his head in an attempt to stop the aching pain.

"We're here?" Lannion couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the body of water.

The sea softly doused the beach. The waves were crawling gently to the shore as they kept carelessly dribbling onto the sand.

The mesmeric beauty of the beautiful music the ocean waves played was heart-swelling.

"We did it!" Don cheered.

"It's the human world!" everyone cheered with huge grins on their faces.

"We really made it!"

"Look, there are living people over there!"

"There are no demons here!"

"We did it, Emma!"

"Isn't this great, Emma?"

"We finally did it, Y/n" Ray sighed as he squeezed the air that he thought was Y/n.

"Y/n?" Ray gasped as he scanned the shore in search of the person he had sworn to marry.

"Emma?" Phil called.

"It's not just Emma, Y/n is gone too!" Ray yelled as he frantically looked around in panic.

'They're not here' all of them thought as they had realized the situation they're in.

"Norman!" Don exclaimed as he saw Norman who kneeled down due to the aching pain.

"Emma, where are you?" Gillian shouted.

"Y/n, please answer if you're nearby!" Gilda yelled as she looked around in worry.

'Damn it! Did she really? So there was some kind of compensation. It was a lie that there was nothing. I knew something was off!' Ray thought.

'I believed in her words. That was how she really felt. It wasn't a lie. That's why I let my guard down, thinking it would be okay. I'm such an idiot!' he thought with a scowl on his face.

'But it doesn't make sense. Why is Y/n gone too? Maybe she just saw some flowers and decided to go there like the adorable person she is' Ray started searching around for any flowers, but there were no flowers in sight.

"Because I like Emma. That's why I want her to always be smiling."

The words Norman said to Ray a very long time ago echoed in Norman's mind.

'What am I doing? I was so careless.' Norman scolded himself.

"I was just holding her in my arms. I didn't let go of her. Why isn't she with me?" Ray mumbled as he stared at his arms that once held Y/n.

"My name is Mike Ratri, Peter's uncle and currently the proxy head of the Ratri Clan." a man introduced himself which caught everyone by surprise.

" 'Code Solid', I already know. I'm not your enemy. Our clan will no longer harm you, children." Mike reassured them.

"We'll take you in. Climb aboard before things get complicated." the mysterious man gestured to his future looking vehicle.


"Next, we are reporting on the mysterious children with numbers an markings on their necks and their stomachs who have been discovered all around the world." the news reporter announced.

"This is..."

"We're securing the other children as we find them. Don't worry." Mike reassured them.

Ray's POV

This is the North American Branch of the Ratri Clan. We were found in the former United States of America. The East Side of the region is now called Area 01.

The Human world in November 2047 was different from what we had imagined...different for the world. We learned about up to 2015 from books and maps at the House.

From 2020 to 2030, there were recurring instances of abnormal weather natural disasters, epidemics, and food shortages and a World War erupted and lasted for years.

With so many lives lost and the system, broken...the world changed drastically.

Only caring about yourself at the expense of others would no longer work. In order to survive, humanity as a whole needed to be saved.

National borders were abolished. The world became one large nation.

"There are still many challenges, but humanity has finally started to live forward. We're in the midst of reconstruction"

That's what Mike Ratri or the uncle of Peter Ratri told us. Is this good news? Is it really?

"The world isn't at war and the environment isn't significantly polluted." Norman mentioned.

"Actually, with National Borders abolished, there's no concept of immigrants." Phil reminded.

"The situation makes it easier for us to be accepted. We're lucky." Norman said.

"What? We're not lucky at all!" Cislo yelled.

"Yeah! What's the point of living if Y/n isn't here with me. She's was my only friend who actually cared for me." I think her name was Barbara said.

"Damn it! Lucky? How? In what way?" I cursed under my breath.

"So there was some reward"

"That jerk!" Barbara yelled.

"The Ratri Clan is searching for them, but they haven't been found in any of the other regions." a sister said.

"Did Emma die? Was Y/n sent back because she was a demon?" Phil asked.

"No. If Emma made the promise exactly in those words, أ£#$ can't take Emma's life and keep Y/n in the Demon World." Nat retorted.

It doesn't make sense. Nothing does. I can't even think properly. I need to hold Y/N's hand to calm down.

Why does this keep happening to her? First her shipment then this? It doesn't make sense.

Why was it Y/n specifically?

Why was she the one that went?

It makes sense for Emma but it's even more confusing if we're talking about Y/n.

Why does it have to be her?

Why can't it be me?

Where is she?

Why didn't she come with us?

She should've been here if those were the words that Emma had told أ£#$.

Why does everything I care about get taken away from me?

I need Y/N's comforting touch. I'm gonna throw up. My head hurts, I'm gonna faint.

I stuffed my hand in the pocket of my ripped jeans to find an object or two in there.

Pulling them out, I noticed that one was a picture of Y/n and the other was a flower bracelet she made for me.

Holding it close to my chest, I can feel her warmth radiating from it. It was merely a gift and yet...

It was so comforting, it was like she was telling me not to worry and that everything will be all right.

Hold on just for a little longer...Y/n...Emma

We're coming. We'll find the two of you for sure

I promised that I wouldn't let you go, I'll keep our promise for sure.


༻✦༺ ༻ 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤༺ ༻✦༺

"The reward that I want is your family. Your family is most important to you, so I want your family." أ£#$ demanded.

"Does that mean you want to kill and eat my family?" Emma asked.

"No" أ£#$ simply said which caught Emma by surprise.

"I can't kill you or your family, and I don't intend to. Don't worry. All of the children can live and go to the Human world" he reassured.

"..." Emma was lost for words. She didn't know what to say. She was questioning herself if he was telling the truth.

"...Then..." Emma tried to speak but she didn't know what to say after that one word.

"But" أ£#$ spoke up which caught Emma's attention.

"You'll say goodbye to your family and the person you care about the most." أ£#$ said.

"Person I care about the most?" Emma repeated in confusion.

"I want to play with...what was her name again? That 24194 girl...ah yes, Y/n. I want to play with her more." أ£#$ mentioned.

"What will you do to Y/n?" Emma growled as she glared at Him.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything harmful to Y/n. She'll live a peaceful life with family, friends, and what any other girl would wish for." he reassured once more.

"Your past memories and future connections. Everything. I'll take your family from your world. That's the reward. I'll grant your wish, but in return..."

"The two of you will never see your family again"

"What would Y/n want me to do? Will she accept this?" Emma muttered as she thought about what Y/n wanted.

"It's fine, Emma. As long as the children are safe, I'm fine. It doesn't matter what happens to me." Y/n whispered in her ear.

Emma turned around and saw nothing. She touched her ear and unconsciously held her breath.


༻✦༺ ༻ 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ༺ ༻✦༺

"Hey, hey. A child? What is a human being doing here?"

Emma's POV

"Urgh" I groaned as I held my head in an attempt to reduce the pain.

"You awake?" a voice that I do not recognize inquired. I looked up to see an old-looking man.

"Where'd you come from? Why were you out there?" he asked. I was about to answer but then...why was I there?

"I don't know" I croaked out. What was I doing there in the snow? Where am I? What am I doing here?

"Why was I...where did I...I can't remember anything." I confessed as I tried to recall something but my mind was blank.

"What's your name?" the man asked another question that seemed simple enough for me to answer.

"I don't know" I replied. What's my name?

"Where'd you come from?" he asked the same question from before.

"Your parents?" he asked. Do I have parents? I can't remember a single thing.

"What were you doing out there, without a mask and wearing such light clothing?" he asked but I stayed silent.

"I'm sorry" I apologized for not remembering even my name or why I was put in the cold.

"No need to apologize." he said.

"Well you're not hurt, I'm glad you're okay. There are no villages nearby, and we don't have signal up here. I can't call for help until Spring." he informed.

"I can offer you food and a place to sleep. You might remember eventually. Don't rush, just rest." he advised.

"Thank you..." I muttered a small thank you.

One month later...

"That dream again..." I mumbled. I've been having this dream where these people keep saying 'Emma'.

Who are all of you? Who's Emma? Who are those people? Why was one of them crying and asking for help as she said 'Emma'?

Walking down the stairs, I looked around the room and I couldn't find the kind mister.

"Sir?" I called out but I got no response. I looked out the window and saw him going somewhere so I chased after him.

While sprinting, I saw an old church that seemed to have collapsed. Its parts were scattered on the floor and some remained intact.

I had finally caught up to him. He was staring at multiple wooden crosses standing on the ground.

"They're my family. My family, my friends...my home. I've lost them all...in a stupid war. I alone was left behind, alive." the man frowned.

"That must hurt." I remarked and he nodded.

"But although they're dead, they're still family. And this buried village is still my hometown. As long as I stay here and remember them, I can be with them." he stared sadly at the ground.

"I wish I could search for my family too." I mumbled with a small frown.

"If they're alive, you'd want to see them, yes?" he asked.

"I don't know. Since I don't remember anything." I stammered.

"Even though I try, the inside of my head is like this snow. Pure, white, and blank, but..." I paused.

"When I look at this necklace, I feel something. The morning after I have that dream, I feel sadness." I mentioned.



"Where am I?" I mumbled as I looked around the dim room that was being lit by a warm fireplace.

I had a red plaid blanket around my body. I sat up and observed the area with my keen eyes.

"Hello dear, it seems you are awake. How are you feeling?" a woman asked. She looked around her 30's.

"Uhmm...I'm fine. Who are you?" I asked as my feet were dangling from the couch.

"I'm Stacy dear, what's your name?" she asked.

"My name?" I repeated. What's my name?

"I don't know" I muttered.

"I see...what were you doing in my garden?" she asked. In her garden?

I looked out the window and saw a garden of flowers. My eyes sparkled with joy.

"Your garden looks lovely" I gawked at the lovely variety of flowers that decorated the garden.

"Thank you. Gardening is my hobby and I thought I should change how my garden looked." she said.

"Oh yeah, you asked me a question. I sincerely apologize, but I do not know why I was in your garden." I replied.

She frowned, but she immediately smiled and gestured to the plate of food in her hands.

For the next month, she became my adoptive mother and took care of me as if I were her own.

She made me food, gave me clothing, and provided me a home. I even gained some friends.

I was granted my own room where I would sleep and play games with my neighborhood friends.


I sighed as I collapsed on the bed after playing some video games with my friends. They had to leave since it was time for their dinner.

I had already eaten mine, so I was the only one available to play. I gently grabbed the stuffed animal that was lying on my bed and brought it close to my chest.

I named the stuffed animal William since I felt like it when my mother first gave it to me.

I placed a flower pin on William since I thought it looked cute. This flower pin is very special to me.

It was given to me as a gift on my birthday by someone I care about so much.

Wait...who? Who's the person I care about? It doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense.

Why am I suddenly in this stranger's house?

Why did I become her adoptive daughter?

Why do I have plenty of friends?

Why am I so blessed?

Even though I have a family...

Even though I have friends and everything a typical girl would wish for...I felt...


























































































































I couldn't feel a thing...

Some say loneliness is the worst feeling you can feel in the whole world, but to me...it was emptiness.

Emptiness is being surrounded by so much life and yet feeling so little.

The world isn't crashing down. It isn't raining outside. Nobody is breaking my heart.

I'm not sad, but I'm not happy either. I'm neutral.

There's a void inside of me that I can't seem to fill.

I don't know why I feel so empty. It's like my heart is missing something so important, but...I can't remember what was so important.

I can't remember anything...I hate this feeling. I felt tears streaming down my plump cheeks.

The feeling of emptiness in the pit of my stomach is aching. Something is missing and I don't know what it is.

I have a lovely life, so why?

Why am I crying over something that I don't even remember?

I just want to cry and scream and let it all out because this feeling of emptiness is what's killing me inside.

Emptiness is one of the worst feelings I know. Because you just feel nothing. Not anything at all.

And that's even worse than feeling bad, sad, or shattered. It's just so much better to really...feel.

Do you ever feel so sad, so sad that your chest starts to ache and your heart beats in an abnormal manner?

But despite your heart pounding, it's like...it's like...your heart is pounding for nothing.

What am I living for?

It's like I'm waiting for something that's never going to happen.

Why am I still living?

It's like I'm living without a purpose. I feel like a living corpse...living but inside, I have already died.

Why am I so desperate for happiness?

Because I want this void in my heart to be filled. I want to love and to be loved.

It doesn't make sense, I am loved, but it's not enough. I want to be loved by the right people and I want to love too, but who are those people that will heal the deep wound in my heart?

I have this deep hole inside of my heart where their love should be. I need them to fill it so this wound can heal.

This emptiness is slowly killing me.

I'm always searching.

I'm always hoping.

I walk this Earth alone, never letting anyone in. I feel like this feeling of solitude is never gonna end.

My heart is always stone cold. Each day passes by in a blink of an eye as my heart slowly hardens and turns ice cold.

I long to be free from the torment of my freezing heart.

Like a lone wolf, I'm always searching, always hoping...

For something that I think will fill the void in my heart...for something to fill it with happiness.

Mother always tells me that everyone has a jar of happiness and right now...my jar is completely empty.

I'm not happy, but I'm not sad either...

Nothing in this world makes sense. I know that I should be grateful for the life I have at the moment, but...

I can't help but think about the numerous questions that were left unanswered.

How did I get here?

Why am I here?

Why do I feel so empty?

Why can't I remember anything?

Why do I feel so much warmth when I hold this specific flower pin?

Why is my life here so perfect?

Why can't I feel anything?

I guess...

My stone-cold heart is just


















(A/N: Hey hey hey! Anyways, that's 2962 words for you. Peace out!)