
Hands of fate

18 year old Sophia Wilson has endured nothing but pain in her lonely life. Her parents abuse her and her friends abandoned her to fight for herself. However, running away from her problems won’t work anymore. Eventually she learns the truth of her life. But will she manage to accept it?

arrieanna_jones · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 2

As I finished making my parent's their breakfast and setting the table my stomach grumbled loud. I know that I should eat but if i'm not given permission I don't dare touch the food. I've learned my lesson the last time I was hungry.

"Breakfast is done" I say and with that I grab my bag, phone, and jacket leaving to begin my walk. Walking down the street I sneak a glance at my old best friend that lives across the street from me. He's too busy making out with his girlfriend to see me anyways.

Checking the time on my phone I decide to take my time walking to school. I mean it's already 8:15 so by the time I get their I would've entered first period in the last 3 minutes, and I don't want people starring at me. I scroll through my apps on my phone looking for Pandora when the sound of a car horn gets my attention.

"Get in" my ex best friend says as he rolls the passenger window down.


"I never took you for someone who was blind. You must be deaf too cuz I said get in." He opened the door on the inside making enough space for me to get in the car. I know what your thinking why the fuck are you going with him when you should be kicking his ass right? Well if I don't go i'll be late to school and that will result in me having it put on my permanent record. I have never been late or missed a day my entire life and i'm not going to start now.

The second I close my door we fly down the street. I was use to his crazy driving so I didn't complain. Five minutes later he stopped the car. We were a block away from the school and me knowing what he was going to say stepped out of the most beautiful car I've ever seen before he had the chance to speak . And just like that he zoomed into the parking lot with 5 minutes before class started. I however, was brought back to reality preparing to enter hell.

Bracing myself for the pain I was about to endure after I entered the stainless steel and glass front doors. "Remember keep your head down and stay out of everyone's way. Do your work and remain silent when spoken to by anyone especiall-"

"I hope you finished my homework troll" she said with her two minions behind her cutting off my thoughts.

"Y-yeah C-Clair" I say searching through my back to find the hot pink folder with her name on it."H-here you go." She snatched it out of my hands before I had the chance to reach it out to her. "Very good. I have a biology paper that's due next Monday and a chemistry take home quiz that you have to do tonight. I'll put in your locker BYE!"


The first few periods had gone by in a total blur. And before I knew it, it was lunch time. My stomach growled looking at the cheesy pizza and curley fries with a blue Gatorade. I make my way outside to my designated place during lunch when the football team approaches me.

What the fuck can't you see I'm hungry!?!?

"Well if it isn't nerdy Sophia" the smug smile on his face scared me with all my heart. "Let's go for a walk shall we?" And the food I desperately craved was thrown into the garbage but I didn't dare lash out. " W-what did I do Jacob?" He never bothers me unless I do something to upset him." You don't know what you did" he laughs bitterly looking at his two friends behind me.

With one hand motion I'm being dragged into an abandoned classroom. No one ever goes inside of unless they want to sneak and....well you know.

"Leave" he say leaning his head sideways towards the exit.

He slapped me "I saw you today." He slowly approaches me and grabs me by my neck pinning me to a desk." I seen you with Tucker" he whispers venomously in my ear.

" why do you care who I hang out with?" What the hell am I doing he could kill me we both know it. But instead he let's go." I don't give a dam. Your nothing but a nerd no guy would want you anyway." And I know that's not true but my eyes began to leak the tears I never wanted anyone to see me shed.

"Are you fucking crying right now? Get yourself together i'm going to let you off this time but if I see you with him again i'll make sure that you wish I hadn't." He looks me up and down with a look of such disgust in his eyes it almost hurts me inside." Don't forget, I own you," and with that being said he walked away.


I wanted to tell you guys thank you for reading my book.
