
An Encounter

It was just like any other day in one of the rural cities of Romania kingdom, one could see the waves of people making their way through the busy city, buying and selling or just simply enjoying the gentle breeze of the air.

Amidst the crowds two men, or rather a man and young boy, especially stood out, both wore suites and emblems, the marks of nobility, the only difference one could observe was that the child had moonlight white patterns that no one from this city couldn't recognize, the moonlight of House Luna the major noble household of the city.

-Alfred, what do you think of father's decision to send me here instead of the academy ?

=His lordship way of thought i never understood but i have no doubt that he values your safety above all else.

-If he is so concerned about my safety why doesn't he send me to the academy ? Even the biggest households wouldn't dare under the Headmaster's watch.

=Young master Hams, you, more than anyone else, know what could happen if you exert yourself using magic, his lordship and the lady wouldn't bear to see you suffering.

-You disappoint me Alfred, you talk just like father.

-I am not the same as back then.

=Forgive me master Hams, as your butler i may have overstepped my boundaries.

-It is fine Alfred, i was the one who asked for your opinion i am rather grateful for your honesty.

-It has been a while since we came back here i want to take care of some personal matters first, you can head to the mansion first and get the preparations done for my return.

=Yes with haste my young master.

With those words once there no more Alfred was already gone, Hams on his own continued his journey making his way through the busy streets and before he knew it, by the mixing aroma of different types of food, he could tell he arrived at the restaurants district. Passing through the virtuous, glittering and delicate restaurants as well as the more common people's inns

-I wonder what Alfred is planning for dinner tonight. he thought

-I think it was right around here. said Hams as he stood in front of one rundown bakery at the end of the district. Broken windows, cracks in the walls one could even think he saw rats dashing through the walls. Hearing some noise from beside the building, Hams went to investigate.

He already knew what awaited him from his insight but the scene didn't fail to strike sorrow within his heart. A man so huge he blocked the entire alley was beating a child, the child didn't scream nor try to run he was already unconscious on the ground.

-Cease this violence at once. shouted Hams barely holding his tears.

The man turned to Hams his face fiery red with anger, Hams, despite shaking with fear, knew he should never run because if he ran he would only end up as the poor child on the ground.

But the man didn't stop step by step he went closer to Hams and once he stood in front of Hams he immediately fell to his knees ??!

=Forgive my behaviour young master but that filthy rat over there and his friends kept stealing from my bakery and thanks to them my bakery is as you see now.

-And you think that gives you the right to do the crime you done ?

=I only thought the world would be a better place with less of these rats

-Silence!! shouted Hams in anger

-I don't recall you being a judge, in what authority and in what right do you get to decide the fate of people's lives.

=Forgive me master. Said the Baker as he fell to his knees once more

-Take this. said Hams as he threw a bag filled with gold in front of the baker

=My master but this is too much. said the baker as he embraced the gold.

-It isn't your alone, the next time the poor come knocking your door you better feed them or else your only compensation then will be jail. Said Hams as he made his way past the baker to the child on the ground, up close the child looked even worse than hams ever thought wearing ragged cloths, so thin you'd wonder for how long have hunger been devouring his flesh and bloody all over from the amount of beating he got.

-Oh master of light have mercy upon this child, REJUVENATE!!

With those words the child's injuries emitted light and one by one they started to fade away.

-I am leaving this child in your care Mr. Baker, i will be checking on him frequently.

=Yes with pleasure, young master.

And like that Hams went on his way back towards his mansion again back through the no longer busy streets, sun was already setting it is no wonder that most people will seek the comfort of their homes. Hams was enjoying the beautiful harmony between the people's homes and the large vast green plains behind them when suddenly his world was engulfed in darkness and before he knew it his cheeks were facing the cold rough ground.

-I can't believe this, i thought i didn't use that much mana.

-This means his injuries were much more severe than i thought....i hope he is still alive. Those were Hams thoughts as his conscious faded away.

=Oh my a child sleeping in the middle of the road like this, can't leave you like this,can i ? Hams heard someone utter these words but he couldn't see who. Finally giving up to darkness, the last bit of hams senses went away.