
Mother and Son

In 2002 my mother got my mother delivered a boy who was named Hamaton kisagha in a village in Taita Taveta in Kenya, her age was too young to get pregnant she was 16 years old, my grandfather did not like that because was a student in Mghambonyi primary school,so he decided to drive her away. she had nowhere to go, she started living in a cave which lived a python, she lived in four months living the baby inside the cave and she could go look for food, her mother brothers and sisters could still food and bring to her

One day neighbors reported the case to the Chief of the village the father was called and he was a rested for only 1day, and he accepted her daughter to go home with him.

The arrived the daughter though it was better to put the baby on the bed, the family was cheering alot, after sometime the baby started to carry the grandfather was angry, so he called her daughter and say I don't want noise in my house her daughter took his son and when outside the house,the boy did not stop crying till night the grandfather told her she should not enter till the boy stopped crying but the boy didn't, she decided to sleep with the cows outside till morning, The Grandfather of the child was the provider he stood and Sayed I will be eating on hotels coz I can't wasted my money with foolish children, the grandmother stood up and abused his husband so the started a fight as the fighting their daughter went to separate them as he was moving his father away her mother got a advantage to slap his father, he was angry so he chased her away, the daughter stared selling bang of a way of earning money for 4years

in 2006 man had a crash to her so he took her and married her with his child the loved each other his husband got work, the earned alot, so she decided to go and visit parents she arrived everyone could not believe what the saw the father was a shamed and she apologize to her daughter and start living a good life his child when to a good school and he was brighter, after sometime woman got a baby girl and still she was pregnant.

In 2008 the broke up which lead to a hard life, the woman got seriouly ill she had no one to be helped, so the boy decided not to go to school he could jump 4days without going and 3days going, the boy started sell water bottle and cooked he didn't know but he did it till her mother delivered a baby boy , after sometime the woman was fine and she started doing mining she found a red garnet stone which changed her life and all her child learned in national school