
Halo: Reincarnated

A Person from our world is reincarnated in halo with a few gifts from the author

Madara972 · Video Games
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

About this fic

Hello and welcome to Halo: Reincarnated

There are a few thing that I would like to tell all of you who read the story

First- English is not my first language so if I make any mistake please tell me and I will correct them,

Second- This is my first story so it will probably not be a good one but I will try my best to make it at least readable,

Third- The Main Character of this fic will be OP technologically because he has access to a lot of technological knowledge from various Sci Fi and of course he will use it to help humanity,

Fourth- You can propose to me technology you like and I will see if I use it or not,

Fifth- A.I, I saw a few of you propose me some like J.A.R.V.I.S, EDI from mass effect etc but I would like help for this, I do not know what type of A.I they are and by type I mean Dumb A.I or Smart A.I and so if someone could clarify this for me I would be grateful,

That all I can think right now but I will update this page if anything new come up

