
(2) meeting my first teacher and godly explanation

[now ray alexander,you shall be warped into a new dimension as a benefit from the system,and meet this universes god and your teachers]

Ray heard this and was even more confused,and seeing this from his host,the system replied.

[you will get your questions answered real soon,now brace yourself,you will now be warped]

Suddenly a great pressure that was like being compressed by a black hole,and just as fast as I felt it,it dissipated and I was in a room that was eerily quiet,with the only noise being sand that was being poured from and unknown location.

As Ray was looking around bewildered he hears a voice.

"Where the hell am I?! One minute I was fighting kakarot and broly and next I'm here! Explain what's happening this instant!"

Ray turned around and what he saw stunned him,who he saw was prince vageta,and he was glaring at Ray demanding an explanation.

Unconsciously Ray bowed at the Saiyan,practically cowering,"please don't hurt me sir I'm just as confused as you are!"

Vageta frowned upon hearing Ray,but just as he was about to tell the man to get up another voice.

"I can explain why you are both here!!" Said a man in a red suit at which startled vageta threw a punch which the new person dodged.

"Stand down you walking McDonald's advertisement!!"

Vageta upon hearing this stopped before shouting,"what the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"A restaurant the readers know all too well." The red man said while looking at a direction that showed nobody being there.

"Hold on…are you the merc with a mouth?" Ray asked cautiously to the red suited man,who grinned at Ray.

"And we have a winner folks,and here's what he's aaah!!" Deadpool got hit with an energy blast and looked at vageta.

"Enough games where the hell am I?!" Vageta roared at Deadpool,at which Deadpool got serious.

"Fine Mr always serious yet always gets the silver medal,do you remember that lucid dream you had showing this fallen soldier? Well he's host to a system that allows him to learn from different beings across the multiverse!!"

Vageta who heard this was stunned,but instead of asking questions he gestures for Deadpool to continue.

"So here's the deal you two,Ray will gain up to three aspects from his teacher,and not vageta's warcrime of a hairline! But I digress,vageta you get to offer up to three things Ray here can gain what you offer,and it can be anything,from saiyan dna,to senzu beans,but wait there's more! Ray can also gain acces to your world wherever you the teacher are,the only catch is after he leaves he can't come back for two weeks,also when he enters another world time will stop indefinitely for ray's world,did you all get that?"

Vageta hearing all this shook his head due to not understanding everything,but Ray spoke up.

"So…basically I can train under vageta and get offered what he is wanting to give me,from saiyan dna to other things,and even gain access to his world to train,but the caveat being I can't enter again for two weeks,like a recharge."

Deadpool hearing Ray'a explanation nodded in appreciation hearing a concise assessment.vageta upon hearing this was stunned.

Deadpool then turned to vageta and placed a hand on the prince,"so that's all ,train him and he shall show the glory of the saiyan race."

And at just a blink Deadpool disappeared leaving a portal to vageta's world and the two individuals.

Vageta cleared his throat before speaking to Ray,"alright Alexander considering what was told I am to give you something for training,so I'll give you the dna of a pure blooded saiyan,the other two items I'll leave to my wife,now be warned I'm not going to go easy on you,so give up and I'll make sure you regret it."

Ray hearing this nodded before speaking,"I've been on battlefields and I never gave up then,but if I am going to have saiyan dna I need a saiyan name as well,so teacher,grant me a name."

Vageta was stunned at the human's resolve and smirked,'I like this kid,he has the pride within it being saiyan' he thought to himself before speaking.

"All right,then I am giving you the saiyan name paragus,stand proud Ray,for this new name will hold your pride,now let's go."

The two turned and walked to the portal and so began the training between vageta and Ray.

hope you enjoy the chapter,and sorry is I didn’t get Deadpool’s 4th wall break right.

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