
Notice: Very Important

Yo it's your boi memes here and I come to you today with I guess a small discussion? Anyway it's important because it relates to this fic.

Without beating around the bush I will go ahead and say that I am currently thinking of doing a rewrite/reimagining.

Pause. Stop typing those angry comments and your speech about "i ToLd yOu hE WoUlD qUiT" because that's simply not the truth. If anything quitting is simply not in my dictionary, but that's besides the point. Also I have kept my promises so far so let this not be an exception because I am not dropping (I am way to invested in writing a story than to just fold).

Basically I am thinking of rewriting this fic and changing some MAJOR things but still maintaining some of the connections already seen. Kinda like what Arokey did with his RWBY fic.

I also have realized that I fucked up quite a bit of lore and my OCD doesn't allow me to just 'get away with it' so to speak. For example, Kurt was actually listed MIA due to a 'mishap' with a thruster pack which was actually set up by ONI so as to fake his death and recruit him for the Spartan-III program. I also missed just how hush hush ONI is like even more so then was displayed hell even saying the name is basically taboo in the lore.

There were also some things I in retrospect should change such as the opening 8ish chapters being super slow and more or less being exposition dumps. The system (yeah I still fucking hate it) being included when it really wasn't that needed. The fact I included a "reincarnation" so as to give him prior knowledge of the events but didn't/couldn't really use it nor capitalize on it.

Then there are the missed opportunities. Like because I used Noble 6 as the "Mc" I missed a almost good 20 years of the war and only had like 8ish arcs planned with part of them being quite short and the others being forced to travel a similar path even though the "Mc" has prior knowledge. I wasn't able to go in depth in the training portion like I kinda wanted to.

Now that is not all to say that I think I did terrible with my writing so far. To be honest, besides the opening chapters I think I did pretty good to not have written any story like thing before. I also have the ability to recycle future plans into the possible rewrite and the greatest of them all! Planning which I will try to do unlike my lack of it in this fic (BTW if you guys have any writer tool websites that would be awesome if you could drop a link).

I guess I will give a little teaser about the possible fic. I wanted to start back at the beginning if I do go through with this and start with the Spartan-II program. No reincarnated Mc and No system. Though that's not to say the Mc won't be "special" (Seriously Mcs have to be different/special otherwise anyone could theoretically do what they did). That specialness will most likely come in the form of genes similar to this fic's MC but more in depth. He'll be taking the place of Samuel S-034 (Won't be named Sam ironically and will instead be given a new name and number) and will be with blue team a great deal but like all Spartan-IIs will be working with other teams like Red,Gold, and Green teams for instance.

Just some of the things I could include would be a fresh perspective on Spartan-II training, Battle of Chi Ceti, Operation: Silent Storm, a short stint with Omega team as a QRF, and so much more including the arcs I planned to include in this fic originally.

Now some of you may be wondering what spurred this quick change of mind. Truth is I had a itch to do this for the past 3 weeks, and this is like the last chapter before I MAJORLY begin changing canon. Also I had been doing research and found out that I had been lowballing Spartan-IIs in combat by like A LOT. For example, if we do not include Halo: Legends stories as canon only 2 named Spartan-IIs died in combat before 2550/2552 that being Sheila S-065 during the battle of Miridem and Samuel S-034 during the battle of Chi Ceti. They were quite literally unbeatable in any ground force engagement and were able to turn the tide of nearly any battle when deployed as fireteams.

Anyway leave your thoughts and questions about anything. Hell feel free to say that my thoughts about a rewrite is terrible and I should stick with this one if you want.

That's about it I will be MIA for about 2 weeks anyway (Going house shopping for this upcoming semester and work) so I will See You Star Side and hope you have a blessed break from my ramblings.

Next chapter