
Halo: Be Human

In a cold unforgiving universe a soul finds himself waking up in the body of a orphan. Baffled to his new predicament he comes to find out he is in one of fiction's most terrifying universes: The Halo universe. With the knowledge of the universe's fate in the future he is offered a choice. With it he will decide humanity and the universe as a whole's destiny. (I own nothing, not even the Cover I found on google)

MEMES_R_gud · Video Games
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51 Chs

Chapter (4) Intriguing individuals (1)

(Mc Pov)

'It's about time for some food. I am starving. I haven't eaten anything in nearly half a day and though it's bearable I am not someone who willingly forces themselves to suffer." I think to myself

Looking at the somewhat pathetic sight in front of me with what seems to be small ration packs along with small foam cups of water. I can't help but crack a bitter smile at the apparent state we are in. I am guessing that we don't have enough supplies for everyone on the ship. Most likely caused by having more people than the recommended supply amount. It doesn't matter though any food is good food, and I know what it's like to go hungry.

The pain and aches in your abdomen. The feeling as though your stomach is going to eat itself in order to try and fill the lack of nutrients. Don't forget the rumblings and the eventual taste of bile in the back of your throat. Of course after a few days the pain goes away, but then you begin to feel weak and out of control of your own body. The experience of starvation is not something someone should wish upon another lightly.

I shake my head as I push the topic to the back of my mind and begin to think about the other elephant in the room 'That doctor seemed suspicious as hell. Though I do not know exactly why she needs our blood. Maybe for a blood type test? I saw a bunch of people that were severely injured and losing a ton of blood when I first boarded the ship. That reminds me I am surprised to remember the ship I boarded to escape.'

Thinking back while in the transports to the ship in orbit I remember the giant white painted words on the side. The UNSC 'Light of Understanding' a Phoenix class colony ship that seemed to be modified for militaristic purposes. It reminds me of the 'Spirit of Fire' from Halo: Wars the rts game.

Hopefully we don't run into any patrolling Covenant battle groups searching for survivors that escaped the destruction of Jericho VII. If we do run into any then I might as well kiss my ass goodbye and begin preparing for my 3rd life. Not only would the Covenant have fire power, defensive, and speed superiority, they would also have a target that couldn't fight back. Leading to us being a heavier clay pigeon to them….Knock on wood that I didn't just jinx us.


(Dr. Naomi Hunter Pov)

"Now that you have sat down with your food and begun eating. I will be calling out names that you provided when you first boarded. Once I have called your name raise your hand so we may come collect the blood necessary for our tests. Do not raise your hand unless called upon or there will be consequences, and you will not like them." I stated sternly so there would be no confusion with my orders

(Thirty minutes later)

The blood tests are mostly handled by machine so that should not be too much trouble. All there is to do is simply collect the blood from the children without contaminating it and place it within the machine.

But therein lies the problem. I am drawing blood from a bunch of kids.

'This is a nightmare.' I think with an exhausted expression on my face as I collect blood from the 34th kid.

'I am only a small fraction of the way through these brats and I am already fed up with this. It's only a little shot so why do they keep crying?' I question as I begin to clench my jaw in annoyance. 'Ackerson owes me big. I wasn't a big 'people' person to begin with, but now I can certainly state that I hate kids. This type of work is beneath me, but Ackerson just HAD to send a follow up message asking me to do it personally. All because he wanted me to note the ones with 'useful characteristics'. He didn't even bother to tell me what they were.'

"The nerve of that asshole." I curse under my breath at the man forcing me to voyage through this current predicament.

"Jameson, Locke?" I call out searching for the next puny hand of some spoiled brat with a tearful expression

While I am turning around in search for the kid who's name I just called out. I eventually spotted a small darker skinned hand raised on the far side of the room.

As I am making my way to the owner of the hand I began to examine and study his expression. Now while I am not a very sociable person I do have a knack of reading and understanding expressions. Even with that talent however I believe that just about anyone can identify the hate filled expression this kid has on his face

'Interesting' I think to myself finally stopping in front of the African American child. "You are Jameson Locke correct?" I ask to confirm before beginning to prepare to draw his blood.

"Yes" He says in a short sharp tone while not being able to contain his disgusted countenance.

'Wow this kid really hates me or something about me. Lets find out shall we.' I decide to prod him in order to understand why he is the way he is.

I begin to set up the syringe for blood slower on purpose and ask a question "So what do you think?"

His face switches to a look of confusion for a second before regaining its previous repulsion and replies "About what?"

I give him a small smile and say "About everything really, it must have been hard to lose your home right?"

He looks away from my gaze for a second before answering.

"Yes and it's all your fault" He answers with an absolutely loathing and scathing stare focused right on my eyes.

I was admittedly a bit surprised by his response. Not for the fact he had just practically admitted to hating the UNSC, but more for the fact that it was so easy. All I did was just flash a smile and talk in a sweet voice. If I had to guess, he most likely wants his discontent to be heard in order for me to apologize and perhaps dissuade his hatred away from the governing body of humanity.

'He said it was my fault most likely attributing his feelings of loss to something deeper, something that can't be rebuilt like a home…Aha he lost some of his loved ones and probably wants some form of comfort because deep down he knows that it wasn't really the UNSC's fault. Little does he know however that I am quite heartless and he will find no sympathy from me'

While these thoughts were circulating in my head there were no changes to my outward appearance. Like all of the other children I prepped the equipment and found the required artery/vein in his arm and extracted the blood as the regular procedure. I then wiped away the bleeding hole and covered it with a band aid. I secured the vial properly and was ready to walk away to my next patient before deciding to give a response.

"I see" I simply stated while walking away from the boy Jameson Locke

'Maybe he will provide some usefulness if we can redirect that hatred of his' I think to myself mid stride.

It was about that time that I realized that perhaps Ackerson was correct when he appointed this task for me to carry out personally. Though I will take that to my grave and never give him the satisfaction of me telling him that he was right. At least not willingly might I add.

I look down to my clipboard marking the name Jameson Locke as one who has been "treated". Then I look down to the next name on the list. Stopping at the 36th name I read to myself and am greeted with a somewhat unorthodox name.

'Well atleast I can pronounce it unlike some others.' I think to myself

"Samson Reese?" I state in a raised voice


So this is the second chapter of today I didn't initially plan on releasing a second one but well here we are.

I know it's a bit shorter than the others but to be honest I don't have a set word amount and just write till I feel like it is at a acceptable length.

So if you didn't already know the African American kid was actually agent Locke. Crazy I know I was also a bit surprised to learn that Locke's home planet was Jericho VII. I plan to make him a bit of a recurring character with personality and not a 1 dimensional asshole as he is kinda portrayed in Halo 5. Though you are going to have to wait a while for that.

Then we also have Naomi and the Mc's reactions and actions in the chapter.

For Naomi I wanted to show that her usefulness isn't just in research and also show that Ackerson is also not a bumbling idiot when it comes to recruiting and tasking personnel. I also wanted to show how right now she is pretty cold hearted. I will probably give her a bit more back story if I end up having her stick around but who knows.

Now I know some of you might be angry at the fact that the mc didn't immediately see through Naomi's ploy for blood. To you I can only say one thing.


The mc is definitely quick witted, smart, and intelligent that much is certainly true, but he can't just see through every possible scheme and 5 head every possible unforeseen circumstance. He is only human. I want to keep him realistic for the most part and not have him as some delusional power fantasy.

As for the reason he didn't see through the scheme, that can be attributed to multiple things. One at the time he believes that the scientist has no reason to do anything deceitful. He doesn't know how the Spartan-III's were screened besides the fact that they were chosen among orphans. Even with that fact he is only 1 out of likely millions of orphans created by the covenant war and there was only around 1000 Spartan-III's in total.

That's about all I have to say I hope you have a great evening and I will See You Starside.