
Halo: Be Human

In a cold unforgiving universe a soul finds himself waking up in the body of a orphan. Baffled to his new predicament he comes to find out he is in one of fiction's most terrifying universes: The Halo universe. With the knowledge of the universe's fate in the future he is offered a choice. With it he will decide humanity and the universe as a whole's destiny. (I own nothing, not even the Cover I found on google)

MEMES_R_gud · Video Games
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51 Chs

Chapter (24) Rejection and...Rejection again?

(Luna Pov)

"WELL LOOKS LIKE WE MISSED SOME," Announced the big tall, and hairy beast that had opened the door to our hiding place.

'W-What is that!?! What does it mean by missing some?' I frantically think to myself as I move to hug my brother.

Suddenly I hear a second voice from behind the dark black monster, "OOOO can I have some of the smaller one? I think the small ones taste sweeter,". Behind I see a cone-shaped creature that is as tall as my mom.

'W-wait taste? Don't tell me..' as the realization of the meaning behind the thing's statement sets in I feel my heart start beating faster and faster. My chest hurts and it feels like it will explode and my heart will jump out onto the floor.

At this point, I am holding my brother for dear life. If not for him being equally as terrified as I am I think he might have gone blue by this point. Though he is gripping me with similar tightness as our fear makes us tremble in each other's arms.

I see a tall lizard-like creature licking the area around its mouth reinforcing the fact that me and my brother will be eaten, 'I want mommy. Please don't let me and Dante be eaten. Please, please, please someone anyone help me. God, please save us!'

My thoughts are broken by the sound of a small metal bouncing on the floor. I look at the feet of the creatures that are in a hurry to devour our flesh. Strangely the cylinder has a couple of holes on the outside of it.

Everything unexpectedly became white accompanied by a sudden loss of sight I could no longer hear anything, 'Is-Is this what the afterlife is like?' I thought to myself, reasoning that I was killed and that this was the white light that everyone said to walk towards when they were dying.

However, unlike what had always been told to people in movies and books I didn't go towards the light. I stayed put and didn't move. I could still feel my brother so either we both went to heaven together or neither of us are dead and just can't see.

Eventually, I began to slowly see and hear again. What I saw standing in front of me surprised me to no end.

In front of me was the figure I had seen crouched down and setting up a wire through the crack in the door. He was spinning a pistol around his finger like those 'Cowboys' did in that old movie Dad had us watch. He seemed to be searching the room for something.

It was at this moment I noticed all of the aliens that we were so afraid of were lying at his feet. There was a purple goopy substance and a similar glowing blue material that was forming a puddle on the floor. It seemed close to what blood was like so I figured it was the blood of the aliens.

After what felt like an hour the figure turned around. He asked us a simple heartfelt question in a distinguished male voice.

"Are you alright?" He asked seriously.

Just hearing those words made me feel as though a ton of rocks were lifted off of me, 'Me and Dante are going to live! BUT is the man ok? He's bleeding from his stomach and had to do some fighting to save us. WAIT what about Mom and Dad….please don't tell me they were eaten,'

Overwhelmed with emotions regarding far too many questions running through my mind. My brain and body did the only thing they could do to help process the situation.

I teared up and began crying.


(Mc Pov)

So when I planned my ambush I did not expect for there to be anyone in the kitchen. Especially not thinking that there would not only be people in the kitchen but that there would be 2 children in the refrigerator. Of course, I had previously chalked up any hope of survivors to foolish optimism and wished to be proven wrong if there was in fact anyone still living from the original staff.

Though the fact that there were children put another snag in the mission I wasn't cursing my luck like I had done multiple times earlier. I was instead happy and thankful that not only one person but two had survived this ordeal. With that sense of joy running through my mind, it was all but said aloud that I would willingly take another bolt if it meant bringing these two out safely.

Thankfully God decided to allow no more issues to occur in the subsequent skirmish. Everything went exactly as planned. I killed all enemies without incurring another injury and without exacerbating my already existing wound. All in all, it was about as perfect an engagement as I could execute. It was quick, ruthless, and efficient.

I was proud of my work and decided to gloat a little by spinning my pistol in my hand which I had been messing around with for the past few months. I kinda took a little inspiration from Doc Holiday after remembering an old Western movie from my past life. Though I would never admit this verbally I kinda wanted to look at least a little badass in front of the kids. Just for fun, ya know?

So to say I was confused as hell when they both suddenly burst into tears would be an understatement.

'Ah fuck fuck fuck. I am bad with kids. What do I do?! Uhhhh, give them candy? Would that help with the eventual 'sorry but your parents have been killed by aliens' talk?' I frantically began to wonder in my head what course of action to take.

I began to try and picture what others that I had met would do in my place, 'I mean thinking about it logically I should probably comfort them somehow, but the question is how? Emile would probably laugh at them or scare them to be quiet. Kurt would probably make them do push-ups while secretly crying under his helmet or something. Carter would probably just stay silent. Jack would probably make a very poorly-timed joke and make them cry more. Both Anna and Jill would be panicking like me….I have some very bad examples of normal people….' After going through a list of possible reactions from other people I realized that I shouldn't base normal human interaction off of the people around me. Seeing as most of them are quite far from normal people.

I continued frantically turning my head at each of the small kids' faces like I was watching an energetic ping pong match. Until eventually someone popped into my head,' What would Jorge do?' I wondered to myself.

Finally after a minute or two of deep contemplation and panic a light bulb moment went off in my brain.

I approached the children who were still sobbing while staring at me. They recoiled and kinda both tried to get a bit of distance by pushing themselves away with their legs. I continued walking ahead unfazed by their actions.

Once I was right in front of them I crouched down. Looking down at them still even while practically sitting down on my right ankle, I took off my helmet. Even while knowing I kinda just broke a MAJOR UNSC regulation I carried on my actions without hesitation.

After taking off my helmet showing my somewhat pale face (the one part of my body not riddled with scars) I looked at both of them in their eyes switching after a minute. I then leaned in and hugged them both bringing them into my chest. My face was still blank lacking emotion but I closed my eyes and patted and stroked their hair. In an effort to make them feel more than just the cold metallic armor that was pressed against them.

They continued to weep even while in my arms, and they even let go of each other opting to wrap their arms around me. I didn't comment on how they were putting a bit too much pressure on my wound because I knew they probably needed this more than I could understand.

The only words said during this time were a short simple phrase that left my mouth.

"I won't leave and it all will be alright,"


(3rd Pov)

"Now then, back to the project of a theoretical third company of Spartan-IIIs. As you have all read from the file in front of you Beta Company under the new direction of training has had a 15% increase in efficiency along with the reduced training time," said Ackerson motioning to the file in front of him. Though he left out the fact that mortality and dropout rates during training had increased from below 5% to between 20 and 30% requiring Beta Company to have an equal class size to Alpha even though Beta was supposed to be larger.

"With these improvements and after learning many harsh lessons from the first two companies. I believe that with a third company, we could get as close to perfection as possible with the augmentations and training. That is all I have to say," with that Ackerson had finished his pitch.

"Very well," said Margaret Parangosky, "With that we will put Colonel Ackerson's proposal to a vote. A simple raise of hands will do for those in favor," She paused after speaking, "All those in favor raise your right hand.

In the room only Admiral Parangosky the head of the Office of Naval Intelligence and Levi Asher the head of the UNSC branch of Marines. The other 3 high command members did not vote in favor for one reason or another. Though Parangosky with her sensitive position as leader of ONI could force the issue to begin the project. She ultimately decided against it and thought that it would only be a matter of time until the UNSC would be forced to implement another Spartan-III company. She already began making plans to bring the project back up after a year and was certain she would in the end get what she wanted. She always does.

Though Ackerson wasn't happy with the result of the vote in the slightest. His face turned from the smug look he had while talking to Admiral Hood to a cold blank expression. Underneath the calm facade, he was seething in anger. He believed that whatever morals the ONI high command members had should have been left behind years ago. If they would approve this initiative then another batch of Spartan-III's could be made by the end of the decade theoretically or maybe a year after.

He viewed the 3 in disapproval of the project as weak. They didn't have the ability to do what was necessary to win this war and should be replaced. They knew what was at stake and still held back due to their beliefs. Morals while based on wonderful ideals were in the end ideals. The goal of this war wasn't to save their pathetic beliefs nor to determine who was right or who was wrong. This war was a fight for survival and morals weren't a luxury anyone could afford.



"Now we have finally reached the last and quite possibly the most important topic of the meeting," Margaret calmly stated, gaining the entire room's attention after stating her last words, "The outlier discovered almost a decade ago Samson Reese quite possibly humanity's greatest hope alongside John S-117,"


Sup so new chapter here probably will be one later today so look out for that.

Something funny and weird I found is that the version of Halsey from Halo Legends: The Package ya know the one that looks like a young woman. Is actually like 50. Crazy right? I will try and drop a pic but I just want to say that ages in Halo are weird as fuck.

Hmmmm what else? Oh this small portion of the first arc is almost over maybe 1-3 chapters left. Then it will lead into the main MEAT of the arc which...will take a bit because I got plans! I can't share them with you right now because the haters will try and stop me but I got plans!

Oh yeah I also tried really hard to make a bit more intelligent and mature child Pov. Hopefully it was believeable at least for a child in the Halo universe.

I am going to have to go pick up a couple of books probably to read. I gotta get Ghosts of Onyx most of the info I got from that is from videos and the wiki. I have the Fall of Reach and spoiler alert WE GONNA NEED TO READ THAT. I am going to use a GOOD portion from that book for events but things will be a good bit different. I am thinking of getting First strike and maybe contact Harvest First strike I will probably need because that would be a fun arc. I want to get silent storm but that won't help this fic very much seeing as those events have already come to pass.

I think that's about it so the song of the day is "Someday" by Sugar Ray

And I hope you all have a blessed day and I will See You Star Side.