

Monsters from myths and legends have coexisted with humans for thousands of years in a world where technology and magic are almost inseparable. And they want to replace humans to avoid living in the unpleasant underworld. As a result, they began to terrorize humanity. When everyone is desperate, the gods revive the group with Pancasaka, who has the god's power to save the world. But their strength was no longer comparable to monsters. Therefore, the remnants of the Pancasaka group tried to revive their strength by recruiting new members and training them in a crater called Candradimuka. Rainer is one of them, and he is a descendant of Gatotkaca and Ravana, two opposites, good and evil. Can he use his two ancestors' powers to save humanity? Or was he swayed by an evil force within him and turned against the human protection organization?

Prati_fent · Fantasy
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5 Chs



Everyone has a responsibility to keep their families safe. Because, the police and military are powerless to intervene. We got a report from them that they are already investigating these successive kidnappings. But these kidnappings don't seem to be ordinary. All the missing people have left no trace of their whereabouts, and we don't know if they were kidnapped by force or voluntarily. So apart from relying on police officers and the military, the only sensible course at the moment is to protect their respective families.

The most vulnerable!

Teenagers and the elderly are currently the most vulnerable to being abducted without a trace. Some of them have been discovered, but they are in poor condition. They seem to be the easiest targets for kidnappers. As a result, we all need to be careful and report anything scary or suspicious that happens. Our responsibility is to protect the people closest to us, and considering the circumstances, we must do the best we can because this is the best solution we can do at the moment.

Military and police

We have had a big problem for the last few months. The presence of the kidnappers is very worrying. We have a short time to save everyone. Since our country doesn't have any bunkers that can be used to rescue our people, the only thing we can do now is work together. To save our family, neighbors, and the entire population.


According to the government, we are the most vulnerable to kidnapping by unknown kidnappers. But the govt ignores something: we are the most powerful and rational group compared to them. Our weapons are brains, not bullets like theirs.


Everyone was in a frenzy after the government issued an order to protect families from mysterious kidnappings. Those who lived in houses with walls were fortunate, but the fear of abduction was a terrible curse for those who lived in houses made of zinc and plywood boards. The poor can't escape, and our hopes are well-founded nonsense. But we don't want to give up. We intend to construct as many barricades as possible to deter kidnappers.


The government and its ideas are annoying. They ask us to provide security for our families. When we are the ones who pay the taxes, the government should send the police and army to protect our families because we are more important! Our presence is what makes the economy in this country rise. But the government doesn't seem to care. It's all because of the crazy kidnappers who are terrorizing the whole country.

Civil Army

The country is in danger, so we are needed by those who can pay us well. We are a long-term solution that is required if this strange case, cannot be resolved. Of course, we will protect, save and sacrifice our lives in exchange for money.


We will help the government investigate this bizarre mass abduction case. We have already obtained some evidence about the kidnappers. But for now, we can't reveal to the public what happened, who the kidnappers are, or what their motives are.


We are a grassroots organization that will protect the elderly. They are neglected, without anyone trying to protect them. As if they were sacrificed animals ready to be given to kidnappers.


Everyone, including us, is suddenly called upon to defend the country. Yes, us! Everyone strangely believed us; all their curses, hatred, and anger vanished because they required the bandits' energy and insanity. It's all because of these amusing kidnapping cases, which are unidentifiable and unreportable, and whose existence can be wiped out in the dark the moment anyone comes to the rescue of the kidnap victim. We, the bandits, are the fearless and mighty madmen.

Religious leaders

We pray that the Almighty will protect us, our families, and our country from all harm.
