

What secret are Lyka's parents hiding from her? What secret so sinister would make her almost loose her best friend? What secret makes her change her way of thinking about her self? What secret makes her befriend her sworn enemy and the most popular girl in school? What secret makes her keep on having visions? What secret helps her defeat her own blood uncle from taking over the human race?

Audreyn77 · Urban
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4 Chs

I have Powers?

Lyka lay in her bedroom thinking about the events of yesterday , first she lost her best friend, the first time her parents gave her attention she got the most surprising news ever and on that same day her uncle tricked her into helping him rule over the world, she couldn't take it she had alot of questions

Do werewolves have powers?

Since she's half white wolf and half black wolf did she gain Powers from both sides?

Could she bring peace to the two tribes?

Then she remembered her friends, she was siding between telling them and not telling them, she then remembered...

Lyka on the phone: hey Chloe

Chloe: hey lyka, I'm so so sorry about yesterday, I'm deeply sorry

Lyka: no worries apology accepted

Chloe: really?

Lyka: yeah friends are supposed to forgive each other you know

Chloe: thanks Lyka ure the best

Lyka ended the call and went downstairs to ask her parents her questions

Mom dad do werewolves have powers?

Dad: yes Lyka we have powers, whitewolves can heal anyone's wound, they can make plants and water do their bidding

Mom: and black wolves can brainwash or hipnotize people who are not from our clan and they can also go through walls, but a power black and white wolves share is we can alter our DNA to look like someone else that's why we look like humans we only are able to access our powers when we turn 14

Dad:but there are people out there who are not wolves but show powers like them Dont be fooled they are followers of your uncle Erin, and also we've got something to tell you

Lyka: no not again

Dad: don't worry I'm just telling you a couple people in your school who are wolves too and can help you in enhancing your powers

Lyka: wait there are wolves at my school?

Dad: yeah, Kylie, Alya, Jeremy, Zoe, Kyra and you won't be happy to quite hear this but Samantha

Lyka: Samantha? Which kind of wolf is she, ughhhhhhh!! Samantha and I are not gonna be working together, but did I hear you say Kylie? Kylie as in Jermain's step sister as in miss Roxie's daughter Kylie?

Dad: the same*he chuckles* we're in an underground group, we meet every night the main reason we always shut our doors at night, sorry if we've been distant all your life

Lyka: no worries dad, I love you both

Mom&dad: we love you too honey

Hello guys, yes ure at the end of this chapter, hoping it wasn't boring😅I couldn't focus whiles writing this chapter, my sister kept making edits to it