
Half-System In Cultivation Multiverse

(Author note - All the readers thank you for reading this novel . There are some technical issues so this novel can not take the part in Spring 2022 contest and i want to participate in contest so this novel will be continued in the same name as this novel and that novel content are same so please check it out all the next chapters are continuing in Half system in Cultivation Multiverse novel same name as this novel. Sorry for this inconvenience , you can check it out (continued novel) in my Novel section *. I already uploaded new chapter on my New Novel (continued novel) please check it out , thank you ) What is this Half-System? all of you what to know about Half-System but the Half-System you think it not the Half-System here it exactly opposite of your imagination. The story of the boy who Reincarnated in Cultivation World Where power is everything.But the road that the boy choose is not typical road that protagonist walk nor villain nor side charter now mob character the road that boy choose is very unique and unimportant. Hope this unique stroy of boy you all can like it and thank you for reading.

KING_Novel · Eastern
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There are always people like them every where

"oh is it the young master of Jin family" the voice says"

I heard that voice and turn around then i saw 3 people one in middle is tall man with 6 foot hight and he has Balck hair brown eyes he not handsom but not ugly either and then 2 people are following him are twins same hair and eye colour and they also 6 foot tall ,the middle youngman was i remeber in the memory is that he in song yagi one of the 4 strongest family in Empire of course not strongest as Jin family there are always distribut between 4 family so they not miss the chance to overlook and humiliated the other family.

then other two i don't know there name but they are song yagi likary s and they are also from high grade family (the family distribution like low, middle,high,top,royal)

(4 strongest family are top grade family)

"so the young master chen hear to pick up the sect mission but why are young master chen pickup low grade mission " song yagi say

then he continued " It seems that young master of Jin family only capable of doing low level missions and what we will aspect from lowest telent of Jin family ,Jin Chan "

then one of twin says "our young master yagi heare multiple middle grade mission and one high grade mission "

"why are you comparing young master yagi to young master chen they are different like haven and earth"other twin says and continue" how can we compare top grade spiritual root to high grade spiritual root they are also like heaven and earth "

the other twin spoke "our young master yagi is core disciple and young master chen is only inner disciple how can we compare to our young master "

" why are you spiking like you two are done all this " voice heard from back

it was a young handsome man with brown hair and blue eyes he was 6.2 foot tall he was Lu Ming one the friend of Jin Chen and he one of the 4 strongest family in Empire he is same situation as Jin Chen the only high grade spiritual root in family of young generation

"is it young master Lu ming, what have we have herar the two of you only high grade spiritual root of young generation main family of 4 strongest family what a great team"song yagi say

"you" says angry voice

then says "so what, we are from 4 strongest family even if we have high grade spiritual root we are one of the talented people with in Empire not like we have middle spiritual root like your two likarys

"so what they are from High grade family not like you two from top grade family and only pick low grade missions"song yagi says and glare at me

"it has nothing to do with you"lu ming says

"don't tell me that you can't even clear mid grade missions" song yagi say and laugh and continue " If you are truly from top grade family then done some middle grade mission or high grade like me"

"we can do it, brother Jin Chen let's pick a high grade mission and clear it that see how they make face " lu ming says angry voice and the see softly to Jin Chen

"brother lu ming i want to take that low grade missions to training and experience my technique not for show like them "

and continue"There are always people like them every where we just have ignored it and move to our goals" i say to lu ming