
Half-System In Cultivation Multiverse

(Author note - All the readers thank you for reading this novel . There are some technical issues so this novel can not take the part in Spring 2022 contest and i want to participate in contest so this novel will be continued in the same name as this novel and that novel content are same so please check it out all the next chapters are continuing in Half system in Cultivation Multiverse novel same name as this novel. Sorry for this inconvenience , you can check it out (continued novel) in my Novel section *. I already uploaded new chapter on my New Novel (continued novel) please check it out , thank you ) What is this Half-System? all of you what to know about Half-System but the Half-System you think it not the Half-System here it exactly opposite of your imagination. The story of the boy who Reincarnated in Cultivation World Where power is everything.But the road that the boy choose is not typical road that protagonist walk nor villain nor side charter now mob character the road that boy choose is very unique and unimportant. Hope this unique stroy of boy you all can like it and thank you for reading.

KING_Novel · Eastern
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11 Chs

Jin Chen

[Memory of Jin Chen will be transferred to the host ..]

Then my head started to to heart like hell in 10 min later my head herting is stoped now I know who's body is and who is Jin Chan.

Jin Chan is the name of the current body i am in .Jin Chan is the son of clan head of Jin clan.

Jin Chan father's name is Jin Lothian he is one of strongest people in this Empire.Yes empire this empire are called holy dragon empire one of the strongest empire in this ' lowers haven'.

Why lower haven world you ask because it resides in lower world this world revised in resided in lower part of this world.the world divided into 4 parts lowest heven,mid haven,highest heven,upper haven.

(author note : world means haven in this novel)

how do I know because this novel(i Reincarnated in to Cultivation world ) i read when i am in earth but this world not same in novel because this universe collided with hundreds of universe and become one i don't know what will happed in this world.but i know that i have to survive in this word and i have to become strong enough to protect my self.in this world strongest rule weak.

and Why i am say that i will become strong and protect 'only' my self because i don't care about any one , in this world one i am me and i don't care about protagonist or antagonist nor Side Character nor mob character and about heroine i don't care about them of course that if they become mine and join me and they become in my Harem i care about them or else killed them or have them as of slave.

And about my family i don't care about them ither in family none of them love me or care about me my father only thinks about family and in family He only care about strong like my senior brothers and sisters.they are only name for family but they don't care about me they only care about reputation and power my siblings are fight for clan head position they tried to kill me last time but berly escape and severely injured and that happed last week and i am uncosis then.

why you say of courses because clan position but there are other reason my mother. 18 years Ago My father went in war to other nation and survey injured then he escaped the n he met my mother he said that my mother is beautiful than fairy my mother heal him they spend time together and fell in love with each other , my mother and got pregnant she then gives birth to me but she can't live with my father mother because she said she from upper world and can't come and have to go upper world from certain reason but she gave my father weapon(earth grade) that can be highest weapon can be used in lower world but no one know that it haven grade weapon because it written in a novel. and it sealed because of lower world.and them my father not love any of other wife of his that because they dislike me or tried to kill me. And also give me pendent while i just a child.

(weapon, Cultivation art, marital art, artifect graded as a yellow, profound,earth,sky,haven, supreme etc.)

i don't know about my mother because I don't see my mother nor that thing mentioned because the Jin Chen is Side character of villain side.because in novel Jin Chen was with villain side when protagonist and villain fort and villain side died miserably.but i don't know what happened in this world because universe collided i don't know how much story change but one thing I know that there are lots of protagonist and villains and lots of world destroying danger.

and i don't think it be not wise choice that still protagonist oporchunity because of the danger this world facing and also collided part but of course i still miner oporchunity protagonist than don't effect him and full oporchunity from villain, side charter and mob character.ohe i forgot mob character Don't have opportunitys.i sorry for mob carecter from my heart.

Now i that think about that other time now

i asked "status"
