
Half-System In Cultivation Multiverse

(Author note - All the readers thank you for reading this novel . There are some technical issues so this novel can not take the part in Spring 2022 contest and i want to participate in contest so this novel will be continued in the same name as this novel and that novel content are same so please check it out all the next chapters are continuing in Half system in Cultivation Multiverse novel same name as this novel. Sorry for this inconvenience , you can check it out (continued novel) in my Novel section *. I already uploaded new chapter on my New Novel (continued novel) please check it out , thank you ) What is this Half-System? all of you what to know about Half-System but the Half-System you think it not the Half-System here it exactly opposite of your imagination. The story of the boy who Reincarnated in Cultivation World Where power is everything.But the road that the boy choose is not typical road that protagonist walk nor villain nor side charter now mob character the road that boy choose is very unique and unimportant. Hope this unique stroy of boy you all can like it and thank you for reading.

KING_Novel · Eastern
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11 Chs

How can I find cultivation technique


[ Main Quest 1 : build a foundation on 13 Qi condescending realm with solid foundation ]

condition 1: build foundation at 13 Qi condescending realm

Condition 2 : build a top level or above foundation with earth grade or above Cultivation technique

Reward : 50 system point , 10000 cultivation points,one free random store item. ]

"how can I find earth grade or above Cultivation technique , oh in store there are earth grade cultivation technique present i can buy this but i don't have cultivation point let see cultivation technique first"i thought

"system open store and search earth level cultivation technique" i order


"what the fuck there are none but in novel thare are cultivation techniques at list 3 of them"i skimmed

[ only half of store product are available so system function only choose best half of the product so the earth grade cultivation technique are not present]

'now how can I cultivate earth grade cultivation technique an in lower world thare are only 5 cultivation technique i know and it impossible for me to acquired that level of technical now what will I do now'i thought

'let's come down first i have to solution for this current situation i can become core disciple off the heven dragon sect but it impossible for me becouse spritual Root and other has to have royal family and thers are other one is in other empire and one in hand of evil sect and last one in the secret realm and secret realm are open in one year can't wait for that i have to do anything in half year or wait for secret realm to open' i thought

it in the secret realm protagonist search the sky grade cultivation technique but it only half part but protagonist use system one time function to combine half part(earth grade) in Sect and combine it that it becomes haven rank cultivation technique but i can't do that because i don't have second part and i can't still the opportunity of protagonist because i don't want to deal with the future danger that protagonist face in lower realm or upper realm i have to as low key as possible and become strong that to survive and if i can become strong in uf to rivel the protagonist i don't know but i know i wanted to become strong that. i can make all my whish come to true or i becomes that strong existence that no one will be sare to offend me then i do anything i wanted that fuck 1000 girls and make a herem or rule ower planet or become emperor or etc

"now i have to search or obtain the earth grade or above Cultivation technique to build foundation i have to search for the remain of upper world than i can do it , i know in story ther is in other empire there are other secret realm that hidden of course it not know that it big or not but it have a upper world legacy in it in a novel when that hidden realm founded that time war occur in kindoms and empire and last it decided that 10 people from the all function can participate is courses thers is limit. of only Qi condensing realm can enter jast like the main secret realm "

Now i have to go there i have to do it in excuse to go there i can't not go there because dragon empire and other Empire that has legacy on it is

Phoenix empire thay not strong as holy dragon empire but they're forced is 75 persent strong as holy dragon empire and they are in bed terms.

now i have search for excuse or slip true this empire now let see what can I do i have to go mission bord in sect so i can pick up the sect mission near the Phoenix empire or in Jin family there are any business near the Phoenix empire or in Empire i have to check it out.

'now let see what is the store can offer' "store " i asked system
