
Half Split

Author: Mika_Augus
Ongoing · 403 Views
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What is Half Split

Read ‘Half Split’ Online for Free, written by the author Mika_Augus, This book is a War&Military Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Belladonna Academy: School of Magic and Wizardry

Five thousand years ago in the land called Phantasia, a school for people with gifts and abilities was built. It was the first-ever magic school on the land, occupying seventy percent of Phantasia. The school was named after the Enchantress, Belladonna. She's the most powerful being in the land and thus hailed the enchantress for she have defeated Rose, the wicked fairy who wants to take over the world. For their century battle, it was over with Belladonna as victorious. She sealed Rose's soul on a magic bottle, hidden and locked away on the depths of the sea. Belladonna then strengthened the school's magic barrier to keep the evil elements out of the student's reach. Belladonna academy not only teaches the fellow gifted how to control and nourished their powers but also houses them to keep them safe at all means. Belladonna Academy is composed of six sections: Lumiere, Shifter, Lingual, Intel, Elemento and Centre. Lumiere section is a class composed of students who can manipulate and produce light magic. Shifter section is a class composed of students who can form their magic into different objects and can shapeshift into animal form. Lingual section is a class composed of students who can communicate ancient language and animal language. Intel section also known as the Intelligence class is composed of students who masters tekenesis, telepathy and advanced thinking. Elemento section is a class composed of students who wields the four elements' magic. One can produce fire, air, water, earth magic or all of the above. Centre section is the highest class of all. Those who possess remarkable magic and power that are mainly put into front lines belong in this section. Most of the students in this class are nobles and have Royal blood. Unlike the other sections, Centre has special classes that includes combat training. The school organizes an ability test and strength exam on the first day of class, to determine which rank will they be put on. The sections have two ranks: the flags and the wingless. The Flags Rank are students who master their magic and power above the standard strength that one has. Students who showed excellent performance during the exam will be given a pin on their left chest, above the pocket of their school jacket. Thus they belong to the Flags. The Wingless Rank is composed of students who cannot wield their power well. Those who fail the standard exam will be automatically assigned to this rank.

nananina_hime · Fantasy
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救人原本是件好事,被救的是邱漠,救他的是陆燃。 但后面因为陆燃突如其来的一个巴掌,彻底让这件事情发生了转变。 那时候有人调侃邱漠,“漠哥,你不是是在泡她吧?” “泡你个面啊泡!”邱漠狠狠地说,而他的左脸上还有明显的巴掌印。 *** 多年后,有媒体拍到邱氏集团总裁夜会女星,而这女星的身份更让一众网友吃惊。 陆燃可是娱乐圈出了名的‘难进一步’,据小道消息透露,私下追她的人不在少数。 可从没见过她对那些追求者笑过,甚至一个眼神就能让对方望而却步。 吃瓜网友纷纷发问:“邱少在泡娱乐圈的那个冰山美人?” “天呐天呐,这是真的吗?” 随后不久,只见某人悄咪咪的开通了微博并发表了第一条微博,内容如下。 “泡什么泡,她已经是我的了。” 陆燃吹完头发后裹着浴巾走出来:“看什么看的那么认真?” “没什么,我就是表了个态,说你是我的人。”邱漠关掉手机后微微挑眉看过去。 “不要脸。”陆燃故意逗他。 下一秒,邱漠拉过陆燃的胳膊让她倒在自己怀里。 “你...你在...” 邱漠笑了笑:“我接下来要认真且具体的贯彻你说的不要脸。” --- 初见时,陆燃用左手给了邱漠一巴掌。 后来邱漠在陆燃的左手上,给她戴上了婚戒。 本文前青春校园,后都市现代。

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