
Half My Identity

Reina Calysto is the daughter and only child of the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, the largest and strongest pack in the Celestial Alliance. Reina always felt out of place in the werewolf pack. She was... different from the other werewolves. Regardless of this, the pack is very accepting of her. During her Coming of Age Ceremony on her 18th birthday, a group of high ranking vampires infiltrate the gathering and tell her who she really is in front of everyone there: she's a Pure Blood vampire, a descendant of the vampire Dracula himself. They offer her a chance to rejoin their kin, but Reina politely declines. As the Alpha's only child, she is expected to become Luna of the Eclipse Pack. But with this new knowledge of her true origin, Reina is now torn between her identity as a vampire and as a member of a werewolf pack. She starts to doubt if she made the right choice and wonders if she really belongs among the werewolves.

XJustForFanFicsx · Fantasy
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Fated to be Together

Reina and Jason stood next to each other staring up at the starry night sky together enjoying the breeze that swept through their fur. Reina glanced at Jason's black wolf form as he continued looking up at the stars. She and him were mates now, but there was something that was on her mind.

"Jason? Are you okay with me, a vampire, being your mate?" Reina asked Jason. He turned his head to face Reina's white wolf form and stared into her crimson orbs with his deep blue ones.

"Of course I am. Finding out you're actually a vampire doesn't change the feelings I've harbored for you for years." Jason said as he lovingly licked Reina's face, making her smile.

"Though I will admit, I am surprised that I was paired to a vampire. It's not unheard of that vampires and werewolves are paired together by the Moon Goddess, but it's rare. I guess that means we were fated to be together and I just got lucky." Jason said as he rubbed his muzzle against Reina's. They stayed there for another half hour or so talking to each other until the moon was at its highest point in the sky. Then they headed back to the pack house for the night. Once they got there, they turned back into their human forms. Reina went to her room and Jason followed and closed the door behind him. She gave Jason a perplexed look.

"Jason, why are you in my room? I'm about to get ready for bed." Reina said as Jason chuckled.

"We're mates now, don't you remember? We'll be sharing a room from now on." Jason responded.

"Of course I remember! It's just... I'm not used to sharing a room with anyone, much less a guy." Reina said as she blushed.

"You're gonna have to get used to it eventually. If you're really that uncomfortable with it, I can step out into the hallway while you change." Jason offered as Reina thought about it for a moment.

"I guess you could stay in here. But don't look, okay?" Reina said as Jason closed his eyes and turned around, facing the opposite direction. She turned away from him and began to disrobe. She unzipped her dress and slipped it off and hung it up in her wardrobe. Then she took her bra off. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms snaked their way around her naked torso from behind and pull her against a broad bare chest.

"Jason?! I told you not to look!" Reina said as she looked back to find Jason in only his boxers with his eyes closed. She didn't even hear him undress or approach her.

"I'm not looking. My eyes have been closed this entire time. Your scent led me straight to you." Jason said, continuing to hold her close to him as he buried his nose into the nape of her neck.

"Mmm, you smell so good." Jason cooed as he began to leave a trail of small kisses from the nape of her neck, up her jawline to her lips where he began to kissed her tenderly. She kissed him back with passion. As the kiss grew more intense, Reina felt something hard poking the small of her back and it was growing. Realizing what it was, she pulled away from Jason, a strand of saliva forming between their mouths.

"Is something the matter?" Jason asked as he looked into Reina's eyes with concern.

"It's not that, it's just... aren't we moving along a little fast?" Reina asked Jason.

"Not at all. We are mates now, so this is natural pacing. But we don't have to do it now if you don't want to. I will respect your decision. But if you do decide to continue, I can't guarantee I'll be able to hold myself back. But I'll try my best to be gentle." Jason said as Reina took a brief moment to think. Even though he was already aroused, he was willing to hold off on sex until she was ready. But knowing this actually aroused her more and made her heart feel like it was about to burst. She felt overwhelmed with warm emotions and sexual desire. She couldn't just stop now.

"We... we can continue." Reina said, finally giving in. Jason smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers and kissing her tenderly. The kiss started off slow and sensual then became more heated and passionate. Reina reached back and tangled her fingers in his hair as they kissed. Jason's warm hands roamed her body, eventually landing on her breasts. Gently cupping them, he massaged and squeezed them. Reina gasped at the new sensation and Jason took the opportunity to insert his tongue into her mouth and explored every inch of it. The new experience felt strange yet pleasurable. He pressed his hips to her, rubbing his clothed erection against her buttocks. Reina pulled away from the kiss, both of them breathing heavily from arousal. She turned to Jason and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Let's move to the bed." Reina suggested as Jason nodded and scooped her up into his strong arms. He gently placed her on the bed then crawled onto the sheets himself. He hovered over her, his deep blue eyes were glazed over with lust. He began kissing her deeply again. In the heat of the moment, Jason pulled away from the kiss, removed her panties and delicately trailed his hand to her womanhood. He lightly pressed the tip of his index finger against her clit, rubbing it slowly. Reina let out a small moan. He continued to pleasure her, eliciting small mewls and moans from her throat.

"You've become so wet." Jason chuckled as he slipped his middle finger inside of her core, not even giving her time to scold him for saying something so lewd which she definitely would have done. Reina instinctively closed her legs around his hand. He began to pump his finger in and out of her. He gradually added more fingers and increased his pace, making her squirm and call out his name with ecstasy. Hearing Reina's lewd voice was like music to his ears. And seeing her unravel beneath him like this was very erotic. It all drove him crazy. Jason lowered his lips to Reina's neck and kissed it up and down until he found her sweet spot. Upon discovering it, he bit down, just hard enough so that it would leave a mark. He began nipping and sucking at her neck, darkening the mark. He pumped his fingers faster and faster inside until Reina was close to her limit.

"Ah~! Jason... I'm close~!" Reina cried out his name. He withdrew his fingers right before she climaxed. The sudden loss of physical stimulation made her whimper. Jason swiftly removed his boxers, freeing his erection from its fabric prison. He positioned his member at her entrance, nudging the tip against her folds.

"Are you ready for me?" Jason asked Reina who nodded.

"Yes, please Jason... take me, make me yours." Reina said as she reached up and locked her hands behind Jason's neck. He wasted no time and thrust into her. She winced as she felt a sharp pain shoot through her lower region as he broke past her virgin walls. Jason resisted the urge to move as he waited for her to adjust to his size. But the lack of physical stimulation was driving him crazy. He tested a thrust to which Reina moaned out loud. From that reaction he determined that she was no longer in pain and began thrusting his hips at a slow pace. Gradually, he picked up speed and put more force into his thrusts. Erotic moans escaped her lips as Jason rammed into her. His grunts and groans further aroused Reina.

"You're so tight Reina... it feels amazing~" Jason breathed out, his breath tickling her ear. Just as Reina thought she couldn't feel anymore pleasure than she already was, he hit a certain spot inside of her that caused a shock wave of intense pleasure to wrack through her body. She let out a loud erotic moan, throwing back her head and arching her back as she tightened her grasp on Jason's shoulders. He lifted one of Reina's legs up and rested it on his shoulder as he thrust harder and faster. This new angle allowed him to reach deeper into her core and get at her special spot much easier.

"Ahh~ Yes, Jason! Right there~!" Reina moaned out as she wallowed in the depths of ecstasy. Her insides pulsed around Jason's member as she neared her climax, squeezing him in rhythmic spasms. He was also quickly approaching his orgasm, his thrusts becoming more frantic and sloppy.

"Reina... I-I'm gonna cum... Ah~! Reina~!" Jason called out her name as he made one more powerful thrust and released his warm seed deep inside her, filling her up good. His final thrust hit Reina's g-spot hard, driving her to her climax. She called out his name as she came. Jason made a few more weak thrusts, not wanting to leave her snug warm core just yet. Once he was completely flaccid he finally pulled out, his semen seeping out of her and onto the sheets. He collapsed next to Reina on the bed. The two of them lay there catching their breaths from their passionate love-making session. Jason turned over to his side to face Reina and lovingly brushed strands of her hair out of her face.

"I love you Reina." Jason said softly as Reina smiled.

"I love you too, Jason." Reina said back as Jason leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. As they lay in bed together, Reina thought about what the vampire Vesper said about who she was and where she came from. It was still bothering her.

"Hey Jason? What did you think of what Vesper said at my Coming of Age Ceremony? About me being a vampire and your mate?" Reina asked Jason who scooched closer to her.

"Honestly, I was quite surprised and shocked. But it didn't change anything about how I felt about you or how I see you as a person. To me, you're still Reina... my Reina." Jason said as he rubbed his nose against Reina's.

"And to be completely honest with you, I've always wanted to fuck a vampire girl." Jason said with a smirk.

"Jason! Wait a second... Is that what you meant earlier when you said you got lucky being paired to me?" Reina said with a frown, slapping his shoulder.

"Kinda?" Jason chuckled, rubbing the spot on his shoulder where Reina hit him. Then he reached for her hand.

"But I also meant it in the sense that I got an amazing, one-of-a-kind mate. It's not just because werewolf and vampire pairings are rare. You're uniquely you and I love you for who you are." Jason said as he lovingly pressed his forehead to Reina's and intertwined his fingers with hers. Reina couldn't help but smile at his words. Suddenly a wave of sleepiness washed over her. Jason pulled the covers over them and surrounded Reina in a warm, nude embrace. She snuggled up against his bare chest and fell asleep nakedly in his arms. Jason soon drifted off to sleep as well. They both slept soundly throughout the rest of the night.