
Half My Identity

Reina Calysto is the daughter and only child of the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, the largest and strongest pack in the Celestial Alliance. Reina always felt out of place in the werewolf pack. She was... different from the other werewolves. Regardless of this, the pack is very accepting of her. During her Coming of Age Ceremony on her 18th birthday, a group of high ranking vampires infiltrate the gathering and tell her who she really is in front of everyone there: she's a Pure Blood vampire, a descendant of the vampire Dracula himself. They offer her a chance to rejoin their kin, but Reina politely declines. As the Alpha's only child, she is expected to become Luna of the Eclipse Pack. But with this new knowledge of her true origin, Reina is now torn between her identity as a vampire and as a member of a werewolf pack. She starts to doubt if she made the right choice and wonders if she really belongs among the werewolves.

XJustForFanFicsx · Fantasy
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A Summer in Childhood


The Howling Massacre was the largest dark rogue attack since the signing of The Pact. Rogue werewolves had attacked the vampires of Tepes Castle and the surrounding village. Reina was just a newborn at the time when her mother hid her away in a thicket as she was being chased by the rogues in order to give her a chance at life. Unfortunately, her mother was caught by the rogues and murdered. Reina, however, was never found by the rogues but instead found by the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack: Raizen Calysto. He adopted her and raised her as his own.

~Main Story (6 Years Later)~

It was end of the last day of school for Reina and all the other werewolves at Celeste Academy, a huge school for werewolves of the Celestial Alliance. It was located at the Center of the Celestial Alliance Region within the Eclipse Pack Territory near the edge of the border. The school included grades kindergarten through high school. The bell to dismiss the last class of the day rang and all the kids and teenagers flooded out of the building, yelling excitedly out of relief that school was out for the summer.

"Wait for me, Reina!" A little boy with short black hair and deep blue eyes called after Reina as she hurried out of the school building. He was about the same age as her, both of them just finishing kindergarten.

"Well then come on and hurry up Jason." Reina said as she looked back behind her. Jason was running after her, trying to keep up. When he finally caught up to her, he put his hands on his knees and panted.

"Geez Jason, for the son of an Alpha, you're pretty slow." Reina teased her best friend Jason Grey, the son of the Alpha of the Moonlight Pack, the neighboring pack to the Eclipse Pack and the closest pack to the school outside the border.

"Just you wait Reina, someday I'll be able to beat you in a race!" Jason declared, pointing at Reina.

"Heh, we'll see." Reina said as she took off again at full speed.

"Hey! No fair!" Jason said as he ran after his best friend. The two children engaged in a game of tag on the school grounds. Just then, Reina's name was called and Beta Devin exited the car.

"Reina, It's time to go home." Beta Devin called out. He was usually the one who picked Reina up from school since Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia were usually really busy with pack matters. Reina reluctantly went over to Beta Devin and Jason followed.

"But Jason and I were playing tag!" Reina whined and pouted. Jason got a disappointed look on his face.

"I know, but there will be plenty of time this summer to play with Jason before 1st grade starts." Beta Devin said to Reina. Then he turned to Jason.

"I'm sorry to cut your play time short. We'll see you later Jason. Feel free to come over to our territory any time. I'm sure Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia won't mind. And Reina here certainly wouldn't mind. Just make sure your parents are okay with it first." Beta Devin said to Jason who nodded.

"Okay. I'll go ask them to see if I can come over today!" Jason said excitedly. He really wanted to continue playing with Reina. Beta Devin just chuckled.

"Do you want me to call and ask them right now? That way I can just take you with us." Beta Devin said to Jason who nodded. Beta Devin got out his cell phone and called the Alpha of the Moonlight Pack, Jason's father. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello Alpha Allen? Yes, this is Beta Devin of the Eclipse Pack. Your son Jason wants to come stay in our territory so he can play with Reina." Beta Devin said to Jason's father.

"Is it okay with Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia?" Alpha Allen, Jason's father, sounded over the phone.

"I said Jason could visit Reina over the summer whenever he liked as long as it was okay with you and Luna Allison. I'm at Celeste Academy now picking up Reina and I could take Jason with us if you give him permission to stay for the day. I'm sure Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia won't mind at all." Beta Devin told him.

"Well then, it's okay with me. Let me get Allison and ask her. Give me a minute." Jason's father said over the phone. Beta Devin waited as the phone went silent for a little while. Then he faintly heard the Alpha Allen talking with his mate in the background before he returned to the phone call.

"She says it's alright for Jason to play with Reina for the rest of the day. We'll tell our Beta that he doesn't need to pick up Jason from school. Thank you. We'll have our Beta be there right before dinner time to pick Jason up." Alpha Allen told Beta Devin.

"We can save you the trouble and drop Jason off at your territory. He can even stay for dinner if that's okay with you two." Beta Devin kindly offered. Luna Allison, Jason's mother answered this time. Alpha Allen must have put the phone on speaker for her to hear.

"Of course that's okay with us! That's very kind of you, Beta Devin. Thank you so much! We've been really busy with handling pack matters lately. This is perfect!" Jason's mother said over the phone to Beta Devin who chuckled.

"Okay, we'll drop Jason off after dinner then. Goodbye." Beta Devin said as Alpha Allen and Luna Allison said goodbye as well. He hung up and smiled at Jason.

"Looks like your parents gave you the okay to stay in our territory to play with Reina." Beta Devin relayed the good news to Jason.

"Yesss!" Jason said as he jumped and pumped up his fist in the air. Beta Devin smiled and took the two kids back to the Eclipse Pack's pack house. Jason and Reina played with each other, engaging in a games of tag or racing. They even played house where Reina and Jason pretended to be the Alpha and Luna of their own made-up pack. They played together until it was dinner time at the pack house. Jason and Reina ate quickly so they'd have some time to play before everyone else in the Eclipse Pack was done eating. Because Jason had to go home after dinner.

~Time Skip: A Half Hour Later~

Beta Devin went looking for Reina and Jason who were having another race again. Reina had won every race so far but Jason just didn't know when to give up.

"Won again!" Reina said as she crossed the finish line they had agreed on. Jason crossed the finish line second, out of breath and panting.

"You win this time." Jason said as he sprawled out on the grass.

"I've won every time, Jason." Reina said as she leaned over Jason who was laying in the grass on his back.

"Yeah but one of these days I'll win." Jason said with a determined smile on his face. Reina smirked.

"Oh? We'll see about that." Reina said as Beta Devin approached them.

"Jason it's time to go home." Beta Devin said as the two children whined in protest.

"Jason, I promised your parents I'd bring you home after dinner. Reina, you can come with me to drop off Jason if you'd like. But Jason has to go home now." Beta Devin said firmly.

"Okay." Jason said as he reluctantly went to Beta Devin's side.

"I'll come with." Reina said as she went over to Jason and Beta Devin who started to walk them to the car. He opened the rear door to let the two children in and made sure they wore their seat belts before getting into the driver's seat. Jason and Reina talked and laughed the entire drive to the Moonlight Pack Territory. Jason's parents were waiting for them at the border between their pack territory and the Eclipse Pack Territory. Jason's father, Alpha Allen, was tall and muscular had short black hair and light green eyes. He looked like an adult version of Jason. He was a bit bigger than Beta Devin, but a little smaller than Alpha Raizen. Jason's mother, Luna Allison, had the same build as Luna Lilia, but was slightly taller. She had straight long raven-black hair and deep blue eyes just like Jason's. Beta Devin pulled up next to Jason's parents and parked the car. He got out and opened the door for Jason.

"Thank you so much for bringing Jason home." Luna Allison thanked Beta Devin as Jason went over to her side.

"We really appreciate it." Alpha Allen said to Beta Devin. Luna Allison noticed Reina in the backseat and greeted her.

"Hi there Reina! Just know that you're welcome here as long as your parents are okay with it. You can come over to play with Jason whenever as long as it's within reason." Luna Allison told Reina.

"Okay!" Reina said as she nodded her head. Luna Allison and Alpha Allen both smiled at her as Beta Devin closed the door. He said goodbye to the Moonlight Pack's Alpha and Luna and got back into the driver's seat. When they got home, Reina was sent straight to bed since it was late. The next morning, Reina had her breakfast and asked her parents if she could go over to the Moonlight Pack's territory to play with Jason. They approved and had Beta Devin take her there after notifying the Moonlight Pack's Alpha and Luna. There, she and Jason played all day long until after dinner when she went home. Jason wasn't the only friend Reina had. She had plenty of friends from school from other packs. Her entire summer was spent playing with her friends and training like a young werewolf should do. Training is important for all werewolves, especially for the offspring of the Alpha and Luna of a pack. Even though Reina was actually a vampire, she was raised as werewolf through and through. Her parents Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia never told her about her origin and what she really is. The only ones who knew Reina was a vampire were her parents, Beta Devin, Gamma Lukas and some of the pack warriors that were there the night of the Howling Massacre. On the last day of summer Beta Devin and Gamma Lukas were watching Reina, Jason and their friends play. As he watched the little ones have fun, something was bothering Beta Devin.

"Hey Lukas? Can you keep an eye on the kids? I have to speak to Alpha Raizen about something." Beta Devin said to Gamma Lukas.

"Huh? Oh, sure thing Dev!" Gamma Lukas said with a cheerful smile. Beta Devin nodded and headed off to find Alpha Raizen. He found him in the pack house in his office doing paperwork. Beta Devin knocked on the open office door to get Alpha Raizen's attention.

"Hey, do you have a minute Alpha?" Beta Devin asked as Alpha Raizen raised his head and faced him.

"Sure. What is it you wish to talk about?" Alpha Raizen asked Beta Devin who entered the office and shut the door behind him. He sighed before he spoke.

"Are you ever going to tell Reina that she's a vampire?" Beta Devin asked.