
Hakai: From destruction to creation

Its short

EGOKUNN · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The thief

In an entirely different world

"After Kuro's reincarnation"

"Just stop there! Damn you, thief!"

Grab him!

"Stop letting him escape!"

Three men were observed pursuing a hooded man in the Black District, a small area on the outskirts of Salem, who was wearing a black mask and a feathered cloak. The guy was extraordinarily agile, moving through the run-down streets with such grace and quickness that it was obvious they were highly familiar with the area—one might even say they knew it off the back of their hand. Nonetheless, the three assailants continued to inch closer and closer to the hooded figure. The figure skillfully turned into a black shape as the three men rushed up to it.

Where did that dishonest thief go? A large, muscular man said fiercely.

We lost him, sh*t! Another man, a particularly thin man of average height, spoke while displaying obvious signs of irritation on his face.

"We must track him down! If not, the boss will want our heads. He won't be pleased about this, I'm sure. A short, muscular man with a stocky build spoke, showing signs of anxiety in the last half of his phrase, which swiftly spread to the other two's features.

"Call the rest of the gang, search every square inch of this city, look everywhere—we won't stop looking until we locate him! We must take back that child

When I get my hands on that fool, I'll rip him off limb from limb! The muscular man growled as he said.

"Slow down, kozu, but you do have a point. That thief has been annoying us for a while. The worst part is that he seems to have quite the skill, being able to elude our chase while eluding our senses, I have to say, I'm very shocked. At the very least, he must be a level 5 apprentice. In contrast to the outraged looks of the other two, the slender man replied with an amused yet approving expression.

Given how the boss reacts, "You'd better take this more seriously, Lawthor." The large man spoke just briefly, his irritation is evident.

"I get it, I know…I just think we'd celebrate when we finally catch that guy. I just can't wait, I'll even give him a welcome gift" the skinny man said with a sadistic grin which creeped out the other two

"Meanwhile, on the distant mountain range…*

"Whew!...finally lost them. Those guys are more persistent than i thought" A masked figure with no trace of fatigue in his voice.

"Can't blame though…I do have a treasure, a child considered to be the beginning and the end, He's the ultimate treasure anyone could ask for" The masked man said with a smirk on his face

Kuro, who has been around for a week, is the child in question. His parents are unknown, the man who is now in possession of Kuro is a noted thief who is also swift and enigmatic, His lengthy hair is golden in tone. He goes by "Roku."

Roku exclaimed in a panicked tone, "HOW!!, it looks like they've caught up to me, but how can they move such a vast distance in such a short period of time?" Due to "Hunca," we can now apprehend the thief and return the child. Kozu uttered such words while grinning broadly. "You might be wondering how we got here so quickly, Our guy here has the capacity to teleport himself or someone else anywhere in Nowhere" Kozu muttered while smirking

This is awful, I have an idea, I'll teleport this kid to a random location. Anywhere would be better than here; if these guys get their hands on this kid, it won't be a good thing. If he catches up to me, I won't be able to fight back, and I'll probably die. Roku teleports Kuro to an unknown location right away. Roku says, looking dejected, "Hey child, I'm sending you somewhere, take care of yourself, and don't die on me." Roku felt something in his chest and noticed that he was bleeding and had a large hole in his chest. Roku breathed his last and muttered, "think I'm going to die here, hope that baby grows up well."