
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Ch 61 - Ch 65

Chapter 61: Merciless Kill

The princess didn't care about Susan's reminder. She smiled, "Why does I have to care if he lets it slide easily or not?" Do you think Zhirkov letting Semak follow Tropinski around was due to his good intentions? It's better for me if Semak dies now; it saves me the time to ask Knight Captain Romain to do that himself! Hehe, moreover, the one who will kill Semak isn't me; it's the King of Chambord, Alexander!"

The female knight Susan was stunned after she heard that.


At the middle of the square.

The sharp and murderous sensation that was approaching the prince felt almost like a tangible substance. The Little Prince Tropinski was shocked to find out that when he faced such pressure, he could barely stand up despite being a two star ranked warrior. However, he still bit his teeth and held himself together; he didn't even take a step back although he was having a hard time breathing.

Fei continued approaching slowly.

Right now, everyone's eyes blurred. However, the next moment, a tall figure appeared in the circle and stood in between Fei and the Little Prince.

"Who are you?"

Fei frowned slightly. The instinct of the Barbarian warned him about the foreseeable danger. The blonde haired smiling warrior who suddenly appeared gave him an unprecedented pressure. This man was at least a three star warrior.

"Knight Captain Romain-Pavlyuchenko of Zenit Empire." The blonde warrior answered as he smiled. He didn't have the arrogance and egoistic appearance that Semak and the cavalry had; when he spoke, he lowered his head and saluted to show respect to the king. That made everyone think he was warm and friendly.

Fei smiled back, "Oh? It's the mighty Knight Captain Romain-Pavlyuchenko...So, have you appeared here to stop me?"

Pavlyuchenko still had the smile on his face, and his eyebrows rose and said, "King Alexander, to be honest, I wanted to battle with you. You are the one who is the most worthy of my respect among all the kings of the affiliated kingdoms...But, I have received the order from the princess. I'm not here to battle with you. I'm only here to take His Highness away."


Fei was surprised by the answer. He looked at the Little Prince Tropinski who was sweating like crazy and enduring under his murderous pressure, and then something in his mind was triggered. He nodded and said, "I'm not a maniac; of course you can take him away...But the bug named Semak has to stay here. He insulted Chambord first, so he has to die!"

The Knight Captain Romain shrugged his shoulders, then turned around and grabbed the Little Prince by his shoulders. His body swayed and everyone felt a gold flame flash in front of their eyes; the smiling warrior and Little Prince Tropinski had disappeared into nowhere, just as if both of them had never appeared.

Fei's pupil quickly contracted. He had the power of a level 12 Barbarian, but he didn't even catch Pavlyuchenko's movements; Pavlyuchenko was grabbing someone in his hands this time. "It looks like I was wrong in terms of his estimated strength. He's even more scary than I thought. He's way more powerful than a three star rank. He must be at least a four star ranked warrior.

At this moment, Fei felt the urgency of improving his strength again.

"After I solve all these issues, I have to go back to the Diablo World and level up as much as I can. It looks like parent empires are just a joke. A mere two star ranked knight captain dared to flirt with the future queen recklessly at the party in an affiliated kingdom; if some of the higher ups get greedy, it would be a catastrophe for the kingdom...To survive and live like humans on this continent that follow the rules of the jungle, power was essential!

Fei made a decision in his mind. He raised his head and sneered as he got closer and closer to the Knight Captain Semak. Fei didn't rush to kill him. Rather, he approached him slowly. The clear and moderate paced steps stomped on Semak's heart. Fei wanted this reckless and shameless bastard to really taste the terrifying torture of silence before his death.

"No...No!! I'm a Knight Captain of the Zenit Empire. I'm a henchman of Prince Zhirkov...I can't die, you can't kill me!" After seeing his only savior, the Little Prince and Knight Captain Pavlyuchenko leave without even acknowledging him and the King who represented death approach him slowly, Semak was desperate. This was the first time he was this close to death, so he broke down. He screamed and yelled crazily like a cornered hyena who was roaring to threaten its opponents and protect itself.

However, the figure who was coming closer didn't pause at all.

"Nonono...I apologize, I'm willing to kneel down and kiss your boots...I beg you, please let me go, please show some mercy..." Semak kneeled down and begged.

But it was no use.

Fei was still stepping forward coldly. Even the surrounding citizens were pumped by their king's domination. They swung their fists and shouted aggressively, "Kill him, kill him...Kill that bastard!"

Semak was still begging. Numerous angry faces were light up by the bonfires. The weak ant-like low lives who Semak disdained gave him unprecedented fear as he shivered uncontrollably.

Finally –

"Damn it...[Crack Rockburst], die!"

Cornered Semak picked up a sword from his subordinate cavalry and yellow earth energy rapidly swirled around him as he jumped up and suddenly attacked. The energy technique was used right away; the overwhelming momentum was like a tornado, and the strike whizzed as it flew towards Fei.

"Humph, child's play!"

Fei waved the [Storm Sabre] in his hand.

The result was unquestionable. Semak flew back like a punching bag as blood spurted out of his mouth and he smashed into the huge stone god statue again. "Crackle, crackle" it was the sound of cracked bones. This time, the highly arrogant Knight Captain couldn't stand up anymore.


Fei;s body swayed and suddenly appeared in front of Semak. He had lost his patience. He grabbed the knight by his hair and pulled him up. He aimed his sword at Semak's throat and whispered into Semak's ear, "Bastard, you want to see the roundtable dance? Go ask your mom!"


Under the terrifying stare of Semak, [Storm Sabre] penetrated his neck easily as if it were soft butter. The tip of the sword which was dripping blood appeared behind Semak's neck. Fei waved the sword; after a flash of cold light, the arrogant Knight Captain was beheaded.

"Whoever dares to violate Chambord... must be killed!!"

The head was thrown onto the altar which was in front of all the god statues on the square. Fei raised up his sword and roared. His figure was sturdy and tall like a god. The sentence "Whoever dares to violate Chambord must be killed!" struck many citizen's heart. Regardless of whether it was a citizen or a soldier, they all shivered in excitement. In this era of war, they felt secure for the very first time.

"Hail King Alexander!!"

Beside Fei, all of Chambord's subjects kneeled down on the ground humbly and bowed. Like the planets surrounding the sun, they all cheered "Hail the king" as they touched the ground Fei was standing on with their heads.


Far away on the stairs of the Palace north of the square.

The old and handsome Bast and number one warrior of Chambord Lampard stood side by side. At this moment, none of them talked, but their eyes shined on the bonfire under the star-filled sky.

As the steward of the Royal Family as well as the father to Angela, Bast should've been the first one to rush on site and resolve the problem. But after seeing Fei's appearance, he held back the urge to rush to the situation. Later on, Bast was shocked when Fei raised his blade and killed the imperial cavalry; the first thing that came to his mind was the terrifying consequence of offending the Zenit Empire. He rushed forward and wanted to stop Fei's reckless actions...but after two or three steps, he suddenly thought of something and went back to where he was standing before.

At this moment, Bast's mind was completely calm.

He even saw the two cloaked figures standing beside the Little Prince Tropinski and Knight Captain Pavlyuchenko on the far side of the square. As a qualified steward, Bast's eyes shined. He instantly knew who those two people were. He thought about his servitude on the way back to Chambord with the Royal Canonization Legion as he tried to figure out the intention of that women...but at this moment, Bast felt there was no need for pleasantries anymore. He straightened his back and stood even taller.

"Bast, you've worked hard this time." Lampard who was silent suddenly said, "Although there are some misunderstandings between you and the soldiers and citizens and they aren't friendly towards you, I believe that Alexander will eventually understand your good intentions."

Bast turned around and smiled back, "Frank, you are wrong this time, it won't be eventually. I believe Alexander have understood my intention all along!"


On the far side of the square.

Seeing the figure who was standing in the centre of the square and didn't hesitate to kill Semak, as well as the surrounding crowd kneeling down by the feet of that figure, the silent princess suddenly sighed and turned around as she walked away.

"Let's leave. We will treat this incident as if it never happened. None of the legion members can discuss this incident in private!"

This was her second command for today.



Although there was a bloody incident, the celebration party for the Chambord Defense War still lasted until the enxt morning. When the sky brightened up, the citizens and soldiers gradually went back home unsatisfied. Messy traces of the carnival remained on the square.

Fei got drunk after he was offered wined by everyone he saw. He stumbled back to the King's Palace with the support of Angela and Emma; he went to sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow and didn't worry about anything else.

The experienced and prudent Brook didn't dare be so relaxed like the king was. Due to them killing the imperial cavalry and knight during the party, to prevent any forms of revenge, he guarded the residence of the Royal Canonization Legion himself with the other hundreds of elite soldiers.

The watchmen on the defensive wall and patrol guards of the inner castle were also operating smoothly under Brook's commands. Pierce, Drogba and other soldiers also dragged their tired bodies onto the defensive wall to do night watch. Except for the incompetent king who was completely drunk, everyone else didn't relax and slack off just because of the success in the war.

Finally, the sun rose to the sky from the mountains on the east side of the castle. The light brightened up the land.

A new day had begun.

In the King's Palace, Fei felt his ass get warm as he half-consciously rubbed his eyes and finally woke up.

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Chapter 62

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Chapter 62: Plans for the Future

Fei had a weird dream.

In his dream, numerous unknown enemies rushed to Chambord like a colony of bees. Although he swung and struck his Barbarian Axe madly, there were just too many enemies; there was no way for him to kill them all. Finally, he became exhausted and the enemies captured and tied him up with ropes. Afterwards, a shameless jerk mage appeared out of nowhere and roasted his butt with a fireball while giggling.

Fei struggled aggressively.

Then he woke up.

He opened his eyes; there were no enemies or mages. The truth was that he slept until noon and the hot sunlight came through the windows on the palace and shined on his naked butt...

"Damn, what's going on? I'm sleeping naked?"

Fei's mind suddenly cleared; all his fatigue was gone.

He rubbed the back of his head and tried to remember what had happened on the square last night after the incident. All he remembered was that he was crowded by the enthusiastic soldiers and citizens and they all offered him drinks. Fei was an open person; once he was in the mood, he would drink as much as people offered. Ultimately, he was so drunk that he couldn't remember how he got back here and got himself into the current situation – completely naked with a rising morning wood.

Fei had the urge to act like a women who was touched by a perverted man and cover his chest and scream, "Man! I've suffered a big loss. Although I'm a man, I'm still a virgin...I'm not sure if anyone saw my little brother down there."

He sat on the bed for a while and a breeze came through the window.

Fei looked around. After seeing that no one was around, he got out of bed and tiptoed to the closet to grab his clothes. He rushed to get dressed. Walking nakedly in the palace everyday might not have been a big deal as a king, but Fei didn't have these kinds of perverted habits – However, during the process of getting dressed, he found something that puzzled him: people in this world didn't wear pants.

Due to the lack of time and huge pressure, Fei didn't even catch that. But after he thought about it, he realized that people dressed in the style of Ancient Europe. Most poor citizens only had a large cloth on them that was tied to them by a rope. It looked like a robe, but there was nothing inside. Some people were even naked from the waist up. Nobles and wealthy families were slightly better – they wore two pieces of cloth, but Fei didn't know if they had any underwear on them. Fei found that he only had a triangular piece of silk cloth for his crotch. Except for that, not to mention pants, many people .didn't even wear skirts of any type. They walked around with their thighs exposed. Only the wealthy nobles would wear "pants" similar to dresses; smaller pieces of cloth were linked together with golden strings and placed under the larger cloth, allowing for the breeze to easily reach those areas.

After he got dressed, Fei felt uncomfortable because his dong was chilly.

After some thinking, he decided to wear the leather knight armour, because least this armour guarded his dong. Although there was a lot of friction from rubbing against each other, it would protect his dong more than if it were just hanging loose.

The palace was quiet and Fei turned around and walked to a window.

It was massive – about the size of a huge door. The palace was made with piles of huge white stones; it looked very magnificent. Giant stone pillars and statues of gods stood in the room, and incredible murals occupied the walls. Giant windows were open on all four sides of the walls. Sunshine and wind easily came into the room and made Fei feel like he was merged with nature.

This world was not as polluted as Earth; the sun was bright, the grass was green and the birds flew and sung in the blue, clear sky.

Due to the terrain, the King's Palace was higher than all the structures beside it. Standing by the window, Fei could easily view the scenery of the whole castle. After some detailed observations, Fei found out that this was a castle that was also made purely from piling huge white stones. Except for a few structures, most of the residential houses were made from huge stones. The streets were wide and open and were all layered by this unknown white stones. Ten or twenty yard (m) high statues were standing everywhere. It was the first time that Fei had time to look at his kingdom this closely. He was surprised by the clear and reasonable functionality of the region. He could vaguely distinguish the residential regions, market regions, squares, training arenas, assembly regions and ritual temples...there were even some areas for garbage disposal.

"Unbelievable! This castle feels like it was designed by someone from the modern civilized high-tech world..." Fei couldn't help but sigh. He looked across the Zuli River and his vision landed on the boundless green plains on the south bank. Fei felt that his hypothesis of Chambord Castle hiding some secret was 99.9% true. It looked like everyone currently in Chambord were latecomers and weren't the ones who actually built it. There was no way that with the current population size and construction abilities, the people of Chambord would be able to build such a classical fortress.

As Fei was sighing, the sweet voice of his fiancée Angela sounded.

"Alexander, you're awake. I've already prepared you breakfast...Eat it while it's still hot. After that, according to tradition, nobles and ministers will come here and give an audience to the king." Angela was carrying a golden plate with her; on top of the plate were some fresh fruits and a cup of steaming goat milk.

Fei ate his breakfast while looking at Angela who was smiling; his mood was better than ever. He peeked at Angela's sky-blue open neck dress and thought lewdly, "Is she wearing a bra and panties under that? For women on the Azeroth Continent, could it be that except for dresses and robes, they also only have a triangular silk cloth to cover their privates?"

"Maybe I should change the dress code for the people of Chambord. Men deserve to be able to protect their balls and women shouldn't have to have a pair of saggy breasts!"

Fei envisioned the clothing reform in his head.



"What? Bazzer and Gill both disappeared?"

One hour later at the King's Executive Hall, Fei sat uncomfortably on the throne clustered by two lion monsters' statues that were on top of three yard (m) high stairs. He was surprised after he listened to Brook's report.

"Please forgive my negligence, King Alexander, The soldiers who were monitoring Bazzer all night didn't find anything unusual. But this morning, the head minister's butler panicked out of the mansion and reported that Bazzer and his son disappeared during the night.

Brook lowered his head and said with a shameful expression.

Fei was a bit stunned; according to Brook's previous descriptions, Head Minister Bazzer was an ordinary person who didn't have any energy or magic and his son Gill was only a novice mage. They wouldn't just suddenly disappear and escape under such close monitoring, unless...

"Brook, it's not your fault..." Lampard who was quiet suddenly said, "If Bazzer wants to leave, no one in Chambord could stop him, even if both King Alexander and I tried to stop him together."

Many people gasped in the hall; none of them knew why though.

"A three star warrior and a king that can kill three star warriors can't stop a thin old man? How?"

Seeing many people staring at him with perplexed expressions, Lampard continued: "A long time ago, I discovered that for some reason, a powerful three star warrior was on Bazzer's side and was working for him. I even battled with that mage in private, but I wasn't able to defeat him...to a three star mage, if he wants to take two people and leave Chambord Castle without getting the soldiers' attention, it's too easy."

"How is this possible?"

"A three star mage? Lord..."

"Bazzer had a mage working for him?"

"No wonder why Gill was a novice mage, so that's why..."

"Damn Bro, that guy hid really deep."

After hearing the number one warrior reveal this secret, many people in the hall stared at each other and their faces paled. None of them could have thought that aside from Lampard, the proud three star warrior of Chambord, there was also a three star mage hiding in the dark...It was too bad that the mage was working for Bazzer, the ambitious schemer. Otherwise, with a mage and a warrior, two three star masters could instantly raise Chambord Kingdom into a level 5 affiliated kingdom, and becoming a level 4 affiliated kingdom wasn't a dream anymore.

However, people also instantly understood the reason that despite the fact that Bazzer abused his power and lusted over Alexander's throne, the number one warrior who was also the best friend of the old king only protected Alexander's life and stabilized the military, but didn't restraint Bazzer's behaviours. Many people were disappointed by that. Now, they have uncovered the root cause.

Fei nodded as well.

When he switched to Sorcerer Mode in the watchtower on the defensive wall, he felt a huge flux of magic power beside Bazzer and suddenly understood many of the problems. Now that Lampard confirmed this, it further supported his hypothesis. "But how did a little figure like Bazzer gain the loyalty of a powerful three star warrior?"

Fei was baffled.

"Brook, start a search throughout the entire castle to confirm that Bazzer has left and is not hiding somewhere in Chambord and conspiring against us..." Fei waved his hand and put a close to the discussion of this incident. "Also, free all the servants and slaves at Bazzer's mansion; let them fend for themselves. The mansion and all their belongings shall become the king's."

After he said that, Fei sat high up on the beast throne and glanced at everyone in the Executive Hall: Pierce, Drogba, Brook, Torres, Lampard...also the old handsome Bast, and a couple highly respected and reputable elders at Chambord. These people would be the future key leaders of Chambord.

"Unfortunately, the strength of this team is too weak. I have to find ways to improve everyone's strength...Can I find some solutions in the Diablo World?" Fei thought to himself, "Plus, reconstruction of the military and correcting the Kingdom's laws and policies will also have to be put on the agenda. On this war-driven continent, constantly increasing our strength and power is the only way to survive."

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Chapter 63

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Chapter 63: The Kingdom's Policies

Although he had some ideas and plans, Fei didn't immediately change the structure of the military and the kingdom's policies. He'd only been here for three days, so there were too many things that he didn't know about. If he tried to rush everything, it could potentially create more problems and take longer to implement the changes.

Fei was planning to use these couple days to get to know more about the kingdom.

The meeting continued. It wasn't as serious and majestic as the meetings with kings and emperors in TV series and movies on Earth. It was quite the opposite; the atmosphere in the Executive Hall was very lively. In the area under the throne was an artificial thin flowing river going through the hall. There were even a few pretty goldfish swimming in it. On both sides, there were two rows of neatly placed stone chairs. Soft leather covered the chairs so the participants of the meeting could voice their opinions comfortably. Everyone had equal power and opportunity; they could stand up and state their opinions without the king's consent, and they would even get into heated arguments if they had conflicting opinions.

A subtle and infant feeling of democracy and liberty quietly diffused into the hall.

This was the first meeting that Fei hosted as a king after his "recovery" into a normal person, so everyone with status had the chance to participate. On the side of the military, except for the general Brook, the twenty-two strongmen including Pierce and Drogba had formal seats. These "leaders" of Chambord said whatever came to their minds regarding the structure of the kingdom. Some gave very constructive ideas, while others came prepared and gave Fei their opinions written on paper made from white cloths and animal skins, especially the couple of white haired, highly respected and reputable elders at Chambord. Like magic, they took out huge stacks of paper with huge essays explaining their opinions and recommendations written on it. Fei felt his head getting dizzy just by looking at the size of the stacks.

There were floods of opinions and recommendations, some explaining the abuse of power of the former Head Minister Bazzer and others showing their disappointment in the previous Alexander's IQ. Chambord had numerous tedious affairs for the king to deal with. Fei felt buried in all the paperwork. Seeing the mountain of documents in front of him and the pages of recommendations his secretary was recording down on the side, Fei felt his head starting to hurt. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head painfully.

Seeing Fei act in this manner, the strongmen laughed gloatingly. Even the old and handsome Bast had a meaningful smile on his face.

Fei was pissed, but an idea suddenly flashed in his mind. He said to his future father-in-law righteously, "Uncle Bast, I'm not even an adult yet and I don't have any experience. As an elder, you have to help me. Hehehe, how about this, can you separate and organize these paperwork and documents for me and make recommendations on each one? That way, it'll be easier for me to make decisions."

Bast was stunned after hearing Fei's words.

Maybe Fei hadn't even realized it, but all the duties he described were part of the job of the former Head Minister Bazzer. This request from Fei meant that he had given all the executive powers of the kingdom to Bast...That meant from today onwards, Bast would become the new Head Minister; this sudden appointment overwhelmed the old fox Bast.

He didn't even have enough time to react, and the other people in the hall didn't expect anything like this either.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the Executive Hall became silent. After three or four seconds of silence –

"Your Majesty, I must respectfully disagree!" Someone stood up.

"King Alexander, I disagree as well..." Another instantly chimed in.

"Yes.... King Alexander, Bast is a dirty and shameless traitor. He's stolen more than half of royal property only half a month ago. Because of Angela, we let it slide, but his actions are still unforgivable. How could we let a man that lacks integrity and honor take on such an important role of Head Minister?"

"I agree! Young King Alexander, you can't be partial!"

"That's right… I feel the same way..."

Suddenly, a wave of disagreement exploded and the whole Executive Hall became chaotic. Fei didn't expect such a situation to arise. He glanced around quietly and was surprised to find that Brook and the strongmen who were sitting on the west side of the hall didn't say anything; rather, the ones who were the noisiest were a dozen of new faces. These dozen people appeared in front of him; most of them were dressed luxuriously with silk robes and diamond and crystal embedded silver crowns. They all seemed energetic and spoke passionately. They patted their chests and appeared great and dutiful.

"Who are they?" Fei turned his head and whispered to his personal guard Torres.

After the blonde boy heard that, he lowered his head and whispered back, "My King, the six men in the front of you wearing the silver crowns are the high nobles in the castle, and the five luxuriously dressed men are the wealthiest merchants in the kingdom. According to the customs of the kingdom, these people have important roles in the King's meetings; they can even influence the king's decisions."

"So it's like that." Fie nodded and vaguely understood what was going on.

Regardless of whether it was on Earth or in this world, there were always some well-spoken and seemingly loyal politicians who had tons of wealth taken from society and enjoyed the power to act above the law. They could take credit from the military, play around with their powers, form conspiracies and promote their "justice and honour". All of it was to satisfy their own selfish desires.

At this moment, the nobles and merchants in the Executive Hall were acting the same way.

This discovery made Fei sigh again, "So Alexander the King was living such a chaotic and wronged life. How could these fat and stupid profit driven merchants appear in the King's Executive Hall? The whole place is as noisy and chaotic as an open market...It looks like Chambord Kingdom is just like a small town on Earth and I'm just the town's mayor..." Fei realized that to build the ideal kingdom in his mind, there was still a long way to go.

"Quiet, stop arguing. You, tell me your name." Fei waved his hand and raised his voice to interrupt the heated argument. He pointed at the silver crowned man at the very front yelling the loudest and asked.

"Louis, Your Majesty. I'm Viscount Louis." The silver crowned man stepped up and lightly bowed with a standard noble's salute, and then answered proudly.

"Oh, Viscount...Louis?"

Fei felt that the entire name was hard to pronounce. To be honest, he had no idea how the Western Titling system worked, but that didn't affect his next question, "Mr. Viscount, if Uncle Bast isn't a good fit, who else do you think could perform this duty well?"

"King Alexander, to be clear, I'm not trying to be haughty, but I firmly believe that I am the best candidate..."

Louis tapped his chest again and said proudly, "I'm the most pure-blooded noble in Chambord. My father had the honour of being summoned by the Emperor of Zenit and meeting him in person. My family has a proud history and innumerable honours. I...Therefore, I'm the most proper candidate for the position of Head Minister."

Before he could finish, the other nobles and merchants stood up one by one and applauded as they voiced their agreement.

Brook and the strongmen on the other hand all showed disdain on their faces.

Fei shook his head as he didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. He knew exactly what this is – it was a battle for power and profit between the politicians. However, the few unqualified politicians in front of him were too stupid; their act was too lame and created the laughable scene. Fei looked at Louis who was still proudly announcing his noble honours disgustingly, then he suddenly said, " Alright Viscount….eh…Louis. I only have one question for you. If your answer can satisfy me, then the position of Head Minister is yours."

Louis was stoked. He said confidently, "Your Majesty, please ask! I bet you that there isn't anyone out there that's better at executive duties than me."

"Sounds good. Now let me ask you this: when all the soldiers and citizens of Chambord were battling and bleeding for the kingdom, WHERE.WERE.YOU?"

Fei sat high up on his throne. He sneered as he said each word; he didn't even try to to hide his ridiculing expression.

"I..." Viscount Louis was stunned.

"Hahaha, when we were fighting and bleeding alongside the King, Mr. Viscount must have been hiding under a woman's crotch and shivering and whining. Hahaha..." Drogba was a straightforward man. After he listened to that much bullsh*t, he couldn't help but stand up and mock Louis and his followers. Brook and rest of the strongmen instantly burst in laughter.

"You... you bunch of dirty ruffians... Since when were you guys eligible to appear in the Executive Hall?" Viscount Louis's face suddenly turned red, and yelled as he explained himself, "Nobles have the right to be exempt from war recruitments...As the most pured-blooded noble in Chambord, of course I won't be like you bunch of lowly farmers, doing all the boring jobs of fighting and killing."

"Fighting and killing are boring?" Fei's face turned cold as he heard that. He said angrily, "Alright, that's it. Viscount Louis, I'm very dissatisfied with your response. Unfortunately, you won't be getting the position of Head Minister...Also, dear Viscount, be careful who you insult. These people you call ruffians are the heroes that defended Chambord. If I hear you disrespecting the heroes of Chambord again, you'll have the honour of being the first unlucky soul that has his noble title stripped away by me."

As he said that, his murderous intention was no longer able to be contained within his eyes.

Louis was stunned and didn't dare say a word.

Then, Fei turned around and said to his future father-in-law, "Uncle Bast, it looks like I have to trouble you with organizing the documents and paperwork for me. Hehe, this Viscount Louis just reminded me; I now formally declare that starting from today, you shall be appointed as the new Head Minister of Chambord."

By this point, Bast had completely calmed down from his initial shock. After hearing this formal appointment, the old handsome man didn't decline; he bowed gracefully to show his acceptance.

"Humph, Your Majesty, I disagree. You can't do this! This is clearly favouritism... Appointing a traitor as the Head Minister would destroy the entire Chambord Kingdom." Within the group of fat merchants who were sitting on the east side of the hall, one bearded fat merchant stood out bravely and challenged Fei's decision unconvincingly as he saw Viscount Louis' meaningful glance.

Fei was enraged.

If someone was a coward, then they should've just tucked in their balls and pretended to be dead. However, the men in front of Fei were pushing him to his limit. They acted as if they were righteous and dutiful. Fei hated these kinds of fake politicians; crappy memories about this from his life on Earth suddenly appeared in his mind. His didn't hold back at all as he slammed his palms onto the handles of the throne, stood up, pointed at the fatty's nose and swore in a rough manner, " Go f*ck yourself! I like favouritism; who do you think you are? What can you do about it? From now on, these kinds of embarrassing dumbasses shall never appear in my palace again... Where are the guards? Throw these unqualified fat pigs out of here!"

As soon as Fei finished, a dozen of armoured soldiers rushed in, took away the couple of fat merchants and threw them onto the streets.

Under the gasps and unbelievable expressions on everyone's faces, the six remaining nobles stared at each other in embarrassment and finally sat back down quietly in their seats.

Fei sat high up on the throne. He glanced around, and not a single noble dared to look him in the eyes.

The immense power of the nobles, the messed up power distribution and political system had strengthened Fei's determination in restructuring the kingdom's administrative system and the military. "Since I'm already the King of Chambord and my fate is closely tied with the people in front of me, I can't afford to not work hard. I have to change the current situation and guard and protect all the things that I treasure."

After he thought about it, Fei knew treating a deadly disease needed heavy medicine. He had to give the kingdom a heavy dose of medication to solve this problem.

He switched to Paladin Mode and a holy, bright and honorable sensation emanated from his body. He stood up in front of the throne and with a firm expression on his face, he said decisively, "As the King of Chambord, I declare that during these next ten days, I will be revolutionizing the power distribution, administrative systems and military. From today on, all the orders and procedures in the administrative system and military shall be abolished, and the whole kingdom shall enter a 10 day long post-war adjustment. During this time, all the administrative and executive tasks shall be taken care of by Bast, and military duties shall be taken care of by Brook. If any of you have good ideas for this reconstruction and revolution, talk to Bast and Brook about it and they will report it to me."

The magnificence of the king and the holiness of the paladin combined together at this moment. Fei's voice echoed around the palace. No one dared to refute him; everyone bowed and submitted to Fei's command. Even the nobles who felt reluctant sweated buckets and didn't dare to talk. Under this atmosphere, they even felt the illusion of everything being the way it should be.

This was the benefit of Paladin Mode; it could increase one's persuasion, influence and majesty and make opponents submit to one's commands. It was the most recent cheating method that Fei figured out.

After that resolution had been passed, the meeting afterwards went pretty smoothly.

As the meeting was finishing, Brook, one of the two new authorities of Chambord stood up and mentioned something else, "My King, there's something very important that I have to remind you about. In about half a year, the Military Exercise between all the affiliated kingdoms under Zenit Empire hosted every three years will begin. If we want to get a good rank, we have to start preparing now."

After Brook said that, everyone in the hall nodded and made sounds to agree with him. The atmosphere was getting heated again. Drogba stood up and yelled as he hammered his chest, "This time, we have to wreck our old rival Blackstone Kingdom and advance to a level 5 affiliated kingdom."

Fei was curious and asked, "Affiliated Kingdom's Military Exercise? Eh, what's that for?"

Regarding the fact that after King Alexander returned to normal, he had always forgotten a lot of basic and common sense information, everyone had gotten used to it. Brook explained patiently, "Your Majesty, the Military Exercise is a competition hosted by our parent Empire-Zenit to measure the strength of each kingdom, so all of Zenit's affiliated kingdoms must participate. If we perform well in this competition, we will have a chance to advance Chambord's position to a level 5 affiliated kingdom. This is a great opportunity for us."

"Advance to a level 5 affiliated kingdom? Are there any benefits?"

"Of course, your Majesty. Chambord is currently a level 6 affiliated kingdom of Zenit Empire, and ranked the lowest among all other kingdoms. Therefore, we are only able to receive a very limited amount of support from Zenit Empire. If we take this opportunity and advance to a level 5 affiliated kingdom, we wouldn't just receive more and better materials and financial support; we would also be allowed to increase the number of citizens and soldiers that Chambord has to get more land and territory. We could even possibly be rewarded with higher star ranked energy training scrolls. With all of that, the strength of Chambord would be improved significantly!"

This was the first time that Fei heard anything like this. He asked without thinking, "Are there currently limitations on the population size and military size of Chambord? Also, you mentioned land and energy training scrolls…How does that work?"

"Your Majesty, according to the Law of Zenit, a level 6 affiliated kingdom can only have less than 10,000 citizens, 500 soldiers, only one castle and less than 500 acres of land. Once a kingdom surpasses these restrictions, the excess property would be stripped away if given a light punishment, or the kingdom would be severely punished by the parent empire for breaking the law if given a harsh punishment. Also, level 6 affiliated kingdoms can only have two star ranked energy training scrolls and two star ranked energy technique scrolls. Trading and acquiring higher ranked energy and technique scrolls are strictly prohibited; the consequences of violating of this law would be even more severe." Brook continued, "Once we advance to a level 5 affiliated kingdom, Chambord will be able to acquire and retain double the resources it currently has now, and Chambord's strength will increase exponentially...in accordance with that, if we could advance to a level 4, level 3, level 2 or even level 1 affiliated kingdom, the restrictions would loosen up even more."

"What are these sh*tty laws? Doesn't Zenit Empire want its affiliated kingdoms to get better and stronger?" Fei couldn't instantly understand.

"There's an old saying on the Azeroth Continent – a dog that's too vicious can rip out its owner's throat. To the parent empires, they must make sure that their dictatorship won't be threatened by anyone else. So on the basis of not decreasing the overall strength and power of the empire, all the strength and power of their affiliated kingdoms must be strictly limited.

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Chapter 64

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Chapter 64: Re-entering Diablo

Fei was surprised, but he quickly understood what Brook meant. This situation was almost like colonization.

Fei nodded and asked another question, "Continue, how exact does this Military Exercise work?"

"My King, according to Zenit Empire's traditions, the Military Exercise comes in two forms. The first form is a battle between the strongest individuals among all the kingdoms. Every affiliated kingdom can send their six most powerful mages or warriors to participate in the battle. The second form is a battle between troops of each kingdom. Every kingdom can send 100 elite soldiers to participate in four rounds of matches. There will be 10 matches for both battles. The kingdoms that win the most matches during the selection round will maintain their current affiliated levels. On top of that, they will also receive the opportunity to challenge a higher leveled kingdom; if they defeat them, they can take its place and advance levels." Brook, the new [Military Guru] at Chambord was afraid that King Alexander didn't understand, so he explained everything in detail.

"Alright, so how did we perform in the last Military exercise?"

Brook's expression was dejected, and the other people in the hall lowered their heads as well. The atmosphere turned cold and depressing. After a while, Brook took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, Chambord was originally a level 4 affiliated kingdom and had influence among all the other affiliated kingdoms. However, in the Military Exercise three years ago, we were defeated continuously by both Hull Kingdom and Blackstone Kingdom, and that resulted in our drop to a level 6 affiliated kingdom. Therefore, if we can't succeed in the next Military Exercise, our kingdom status will be stripped away and Chambord Castle will be awarded to the other great performers as a prize by Zenit Empire."

"Dropping 2 levels in one competition?" Fei was surprised, "Since we were a level 4 affiliated kingdom, our strength shouldn't have been weak. How did we perform so horribly?"

After Fei said that, the atmosphere in the hall became very awkward.

Brook coughed and said, "Your Majesty...Last...Unfortunately, two month prior to the last Military Exercise, the old king passed away. It...It was you who was in command. Eh, your intelligence...You weren't normal yet...so...Eh...Except for Mr. Lampard who won his battle, we lost all the other 19 matches, so...Eh, so we dropped down to a level 6 affiliated kingdom."

Fei was suddenly embarrassed. Very embarrassed.

He now understood why the other people in the Executive hall had weird expressions on their faces. "So it's because of me that we're in such a terrible position. The reason we lost so badly was due to the disappointment of the previous Alexander. But there's nothing I can do about that. How could we not lose when a retard who had the intelligence of a three year old commanded the troops?"

"Cough, cough." So it's like that...Eh, you're right. Both Hall Kingdom and Blackstone Kingdom are truly hateful. We have to redeem ourselves this time...Brook, you can handle this, start preparing right away... "Cough cough." That's all for today. The meeting is dismissed, dismissed. Hehehe!"

Fei was ashamed and embarrassed, so he dismissed the meeting immediately.

Everyone in the hall saw the king's embarrassment. The nobles blinked their eyes as they saluted and exited the hall; Drogba, Pierce and a couple other guys laughed heartlessly. They winked at Fei and also turned around and left the Palace. Fei had to hold himself back from pointing his middle finger at them.

Everyone else was gone except for Brook.

"My military commander, do you have anything else to report?" Fei asked curiously.

Brook suddenly kneeled onto the ground; he spoke with a pleading expression on his face, "My king, please hear this presumptuous request of mine. I wish that you could revamp Chambord's Iron Prison – Water Dungeon. Mr. Peter-Cech is very loyal to the kingdom, and because he didn't want to conspire with the former Head Minister Bazzer, he was framed for treason and prosecuted. There are many other innocent people who were framed just like Mr. Peter-Cech in the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon. Brook earnestly requests Your Majesty to cleanse this injustice and pardon the innocent people."


The name sounded familiar to Fei. After thinking a little, he quickly remembered that he heard this name the night before when he was getting information about this world from Brook. Peter-Cech was the former First Commander of the King's Guards and was higher positioned than Brook. However, he was locked up in prison after he offended Bazzer, so Fei never got the chance to meet him.

By the extremely concerned expression on Brook's face, Fei felt that this First Commander Peter-Cech should be a righteous warrior. Moreover, he could stay on top of Brook who was a one star warrior, which meant that Cech's strength should be higher than one star. These kinds of masters were what Chambord needed the most at the time.

"You can head to Iron Prison – Water Dungeon right now and pass on my command. Tell Warden Oleg to organize the prison and pause all interrogations and torture. I will be visiting the prison with my guards this afternoon to review the files for each prisoner."

Brook was dazed. He quickly saluted in extreme gratefulness and turned around and walked out of the palace.

Fei sat quietly on the three or four yard (m) high stone throne. Numerous thoughts came to his mind as he stared at the empty Executive Hall. This was the first time that he issued orders as the king. The feel of controlling everything was ecstatic. From now on, he would be the supreme leader of the kingdom. Although Chambord was as weak as a newborn who struggled to walk, to Fei who had the support of the magical Diablo World, it was a perfect point. One day, he would use this to agitate and move the entire Azeroth Continent.

"I hope Warden Oleg isn't that dumb. If he understands what I mean by this, he will make some changes in the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon in half a day to recover some of his previous mistakes."

A mysterious smile came onto Fei's face.

Although he wanted to enter the Diablo World to improve his strength, the main reason that he didn't go with Brook to immediately revamp the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon was that more or less, he wanted to give Warden Oleg some time to prepare. Oleg was one of Bazzer's henchmen, and he had made a lot of mistakes, and was also very afraid of death and wasn't a brave warrior. However, he was a one star warrior and did gain some credit in the soul-stirring battle on the stone bridge yesterday. Fei decided to give him a chance; half a day was enough time for him to make up for some of his mistakes. That way, it would give Fei a reason to let him live on.

"Fernando, go and find Uncle Bast. Let him prepare a document on all the information about the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon. If he can provide detailed information for each prisoner, that would be even better." Fei said to the young guard Fernando-Torres behind him.

"As you wish, Your Majesty! But, Mr. Bast doesn't control the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon, I'm afraid that there isn't much information on his end..."

Fei smiled as he shook his head, "Fernando, don't worry. Just go and notify him."

He rubbed his chin as he watched the blonde boy exit the hall.

"How could Bast not know what's going on in the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon?" Fei dared to bet his lower body that there wasn't anything that the old fox didn't know in Chambord. He knew that his father-in-law wasn't as simple as he appeared to be on the surface. Maybe he and the number one warrior Frank-Lampard were preparing for this day to come all along!



Diablo World

At the edge of the [Cold Plain], dark clouds covered the sky and it rained rhythmically.

After a slight buzzing noise, [Necromancer Fei] fell from the sky and landed on a pile of corpses of monsters and demons. The land was stained by blood, and corpses and limbs were scattered everywhere. Crowds of bluebottle flies flew off the corpses due to Fei's sudden appearance. It had been a while since Fei left the Diablo World, and all the monsters and demons who were after Fei had dispersed.

Fei picked out some valuable items that were dropped by the monsters and used a [Town Portal Scroll]. He walked into the portal got returned to [Rogue Encampment] and found Female Blacksmith Charsi and sold all the items he didn't need to this sullen NPC.

Fei didn't return to the wild and try to level up.

He exited from Necromancer Mode and returned to the 3D character selection screen. Without hesitating, he chose Barbarian Mode and re-entered the Diablo World.

[Barbarian Fei] appeared directly in [Rogue Encampment].

The third quest of [The Forgotten Tower] was already activated when he was rescuing the old "obscene" Cain, so he didn't have to find a NPC to get the quest. He walked towards Kashya, the Military Leader of the camp and found the hot mercenary Elena.

"Mr. Fei, you finally came!"

After seeing Fei's arrival, Elena was super happy. An unprecedented smile came onto her face as she ran towards Fei from her tent.

A dozen young and pretty female rogues followed Elena. Their smiled and giggled as they stared at Fei with curiosity and envy.