
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Ch 266 - Ch 270

Chapter 266: You Scared Now?

"Idiot! Since you put your face out there, why shouldn't I?" Fei looked at the fourth prince as if he was looking at an idiot.

"AHHHHHH! Alexander, you are dead! I swear! You will die soon! How dare you hit me? I'm the fourth prince of the empire!!" Chrystal's handsome face now looked like pig's face, and his slit-like eyes were filled with vicious intents. He struggled to get up, and his hoarse scream filled the entire underground hall. "I swear, you will die! All the people around you will die! Chambord will be destroyed..."

"You arrogant ass!"

Fei moved and another transparent crystal palm mark flew across the air.

It was still too fast for the crowd to react to, and the fourth prince who just barely got up was hit again. With blood slashing around, his body turned a full circle in the air as he smashed into the wall behind him again.

This time, the other side of his cheek swelled up.

Most of the people in the hall were experienced warriors, and they were able to tell that the King of Chambord didn't hold back his strength in the last two hits. If the fourth prince Chrystal wasn't a five-star mage and had good strength himself, those two slaps would have smashed his head into meat paste. Even with his current strength, his cheekbones were shattered, and he had fainted.

This level of injury wasn't really lethal; it wasn't deadly.

Both the priest from Holy Church and Royal Healing Mages would be able to heal Chrystal up without leaving any sequelae.

However, the shame that came with being beaten and getting cheekbones broken was worse in Chrystal's mind than death.

The fourth prince Chrystal would live in this shame forever... unless he could return this shame to Fei a hundred times over... But was it possible? Chambord's improvement speed was shocking, and everyone was clear about it. That was unstoppable, and Chrystal can't match that speed even if he was riding a dragon.

For a moment, the underground hall was completely silent.

Except for the people who expected this outcome, everyone else heard their own gasps.

"You... King of Chambord... How dare you hit a prince of the empire? You... are you trying to commit treason?" Beyoncé finally reacted, and her eyes were filled fear and shock. Also, there was a slight excitement and gloat. As soon as she opened her mouth, she stated the word "treason"; it was obvious what her intents were.



Fei's response was simple – Another transparent crystal palm mark.

"Eh….. Puff!"

Like a fly that was being slapped, this beautiful girl got hit and flew back in the air. Blood and teeth also flew out in the air following a strange trajectory. Half of her face instantly swelled up, and she also hit the wall far away.

Beyonce obviously didn't have the strength that was similar to Chrystal. This princess of Beag Family fainted after one hit.


"Is this King of Chambord's heart made from iron? This beautiful girl is chased by a lot of noble young man, but this king is able to destroy this flower?" The crowd thought.

"Eh! Arrogant woman!"

Fei sneered as he turned around and looked at the eleven warriors of the [Bronze Spear] Guard from Fellon Family.

"You... unspeakable! This won't end here. King of Chambord, you have committed huge crimes. You offended everyone!" The number one warrior of [Bronze Spear] Guard shouted in anger. He was wearing a crystal mask and no one could see the expression on his face. However, the surprised, scared, and angry emotions in his eyes sold him out.

He was also afraid.

"Offended everyone? How? I'm only using the same reasoning technique you guys used, how can I offend everyone?" Fei sneered as he walked forward. "On another note, you will soon realize one thing – offending me is scarier than offending everyone else!"


Before he finished talking, his hands already moved. A transparent crystal fist mark instantly formed, and it smashed towards Cande ruthlessly.

This attack was much more vicious than the transparent crystal palm mark, and the wind created by this strike made everyone feel like there was a tornado in the underground hall. Their bodies got pushed back by force as the transparent crystal fist mark thrust forward and make a trail on the hard stone ground; a long trail about one meter in width appeared on the ground, and chipped stones flew everywhere.

Cande was shocked by this even more.

"[Formation of God] ... Combined Attack!"

Cande shouted, and the ten warriors behind him took a step forward in unison. Warrior energy flames on their bodies grew wilder, and the energies consolidated into Cande's body. Cande, on the other hand, was constantly making different hand gestures. He used his own warrior energy to tie all the other warrior energies in various colors together, and he used that combined warrior energy to defend against the approaching transparent crystal fist mark.


The entire underground hall shook as if it was about to collapse.

Fei only lightly moved after the collision of forces.

On the other side, all eleven of them backed off four to five steps. They all breathed heavily with their chest moving up and down violently.

"Huh? Interesting... you can block one punch. But if you think you can deal with me using that, it would be funny ... Haha, take this, the second Sky Frost Fist!"

Fei stepped forward as his power grew, and he slowly clenched his fist. A huge transparent crystal hand slowly appeared in the air, and it clenched into the fist at the same time as Fei.

This clench looked like the hand had grasped onto the fate of the world.

"Sky Frost Fist – One Strike to Kill!"

After Fei optimized and refined the second Sky Frost Fist, this strike no longer chased after the stacking of fist marks. Instead, it focused on the speed. This punch was so fast that it looked like it teleported itself onto Fei's opponents.

"[Formation of God] ... Maximum Strength!"

After sensing the murderous intent of the King of Chambord, Cande's face changed color. He unleashed all of his warrior energy, and the ten warriors behind him stood in an arc and also unleashed everything they had. They roared in unison, and the colorful warrior energy flames filled the entire hall; they were clearly doubling down.

Just like the last time, Cande combined everyone's warrior energy into one and used it against the fist mark. However –


It was a dull muffle noise.

The transparent crystal fist mark easily shattered the colorful combined warrior energy.


It was another dull muffle noise.

The transparent crystal fist mark hit Cande's body ruthlessly. In a split second pause, the bronze armor on Cande's body turned into black dust. At the same time, his crystal mask also shattered into tiny bits.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

A series of noises followed as the transparent fist mark went through Cande's body. After it destroyed Cande, it smashed the ten warriors behind Cande into the air.

One strike!

The elite group in [Bronze Spear] Guard of Fellon Family lost!

"Ahahaha... No!" Cande was almost completely naked. His warrior energy flame flashed as if it was trying to save something. He screamed out of desperation like a dying vicious beast, and his strong body collapsed at the next moment. It was turned into a cloud of blood mist and disappeared.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Almost at the same time, the ten warriors behind Cande also exploded and turned into blood mists.

None of them survived.

Bloodiness and killing spirit filled the underground hall.

The fourth prince who just woke up a little screamed and fainted again after seeing this; he was too frightened.

Until now, the crowd shockingly realized that there was also another huge fist mark ironed into the wall behind Cande and his men. The punch from the King of Chambord was so powerful that it still had residual force after killing the eleven warriors. It only went away after venting off the rest of the force into the wall.

Terrifying punch!

Terrifying person!

At this moment, everyone looked at the handsome man who had a disabled little dog in his arms. They knew his identity – the second prince Dominguez, a tricky individual who gave headaches to the forces at St. Petersburg. This reckless prince with power saw his half-brother getting beat, and the crowd wondered what he was going to do.

"En? Finished? This quick? Good... Eh, now no one will bother me in my sleep."

Tired Dominguez who was standing there quietly yawned and stretched his body. He closed his eyes and said something that surprised most of the people in the crowd.


At this time, some smart individuals already saw the similarities between the King of Chambord and this second prince in front of them. The two of them were both reckless, they were both mad and hard to predict, they were both willing to do anything for revenge when getting offended!

Mad! Absolutely Mad!

They were two madmen!

They were the same kind of people!

Like vicious wolves; they would let anyone who dared to offend them pay a hefty price.

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Chapter 267

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Chapter 267: You Are the Third

At this moment, the image of the King of Chambord and the second prince of the empire became one; although they were from two completely different worlds, they became the same person in the people's eyes.


The leader of Resting Tiger Mercenary Group was scared. His lips twitched, and one cold sweat dripped onto the ground from his forehead.

That light noise was clearly heard in the silent underground hall.

"Didn't you guys want my ring?" Fei pointed out his middle finger with the black storage ring on it. He pointed it at the people from the mercenaries group and laughed: "It is here, come and get it!"

Didn't matter if it was on Azeroth Continent or on Earth, the middle finger meant the same thing.

However, these mercenaries from Resting Tiger and Palace of Light had already lost their arrogance. Although they were mad, they didn't dare to look back at Fei. In fact, they all looked away quietly.

They were mercenaries; they had seen it all, and they were really aggressive.

However, aggressiveness didn't mean dumb; they knew they would be killed if they tried to display their emotions.

After seeing what happened to the fourth prince, the princess of Beag Family, and the eleven warriors of [Bronze Spear] that belonged to Fellon Family, even an idiot would know this the man – King Alexander of Chambord, was nothing to mess with! It was obvious that this man was waiting for an excuse. As soon as they do something that could upset him, they would be instantly wiped out. There was no question about it! A madman like this king wasn't afraid of the forces behind his enemies.

"Hehe, you afraid now?" Fei pulled back his hand and said: "I suddenly feel like you guys don't qualify to get a share of this treasure of Blood-Edge. Get lost, don't let me see you again!"



The two leaders of the groups were angry and scared at the same time.

They wanted to say something, but their last bit of courage disappeared after seeing Fei's cold stare. The bloody smell of the blood mist of [Bronze Spear] Guards was still in the air, and both Chrystal and Beyoncé were still lying on the ground far away... the huge and deep fist mark was still on the wall... All of these made the two leaders leave with their men quietly without daring to say anything. Soon, they were nowhere to be seen.

Fei smiled as if there was a deeper meaning behind it. He slowly said: "Ok, now no one will be noisy. We can all talk about how we want to divide the treasure of Blood-Edge. Our Chambord will just take the 30%, and you guys can divide the rest."

Now, Fei seemed to be a completely different person. He looked a lot gentler, and he wasn't arrogant at all.

As if nothing had happened, people like Paris, Romain, and Balesi smiled and looked calm. They chatted with Fei politely, and no one brought up the storage ring again. They quickly negotiated and came to a conclusion.

Since the representatives of Fellon Family got wiped, Fellon Family's share got distributed to the elder and second prince equally. Since the fourth prince and the princess of Beag Family all fainted, their shares got given to priest Balesi. And since the two mercenary groups got sent away by Fei, their shares went to Soros' Merchant Group.

The soldiers quickly separated the treasures into piles according to the new agreement.

"I'm here because Mr. Kaka, [God's Favourite Child], wants to cooperate with your majesty in the future. After seeing the heroism of your majesty, [Sky Covering Fist], I got what I came here for. Mr. Kaka is about to leave St. Petersburg in a few days. Before he leaves, he really wants to invite you to dinner. I hope your majesty can make it!"

As he said that, he waved his sleeves and blew 20% of the shares he got to Fei.

No warrior energy or magic power surge was sensed, but he moved tens of thousands of gold coins and magic gems by 5 to 6 meters. The piles of treasures didn't change shapes, and that secretly shocked everyone. Fei was shocked a little as well. His level 43 Barbarian's physical strength was paramount, but he couldn't control everything so accurately. Therefore, the Holy Power Priest Balesi had was significant.

"Sky Covering Fist?" Fei was really intrigued by the noun Balesi said.

"Hehe, Alexander, the name of Sky Covering Fist is the nickname that some traveling poets gave you. It has been passed around in St. Petersburg, and these poets told your stories around the pubs in the city everyday..." Paris giggled as she explained while fixing her hair.

Fei rolled his eyes.

The name of Sky Covering Fist... it was really bad... it sounded like the name of a bandit.

"Hehe, these gold coins and magic gems are my presents to your majesty. Please don't reject them."

As Balesi said that, he waved his hands and stored all the high-level armors and weapons into his own storage ring. Before everyone could react, he turned around and walked back towards the gate. He looked slow, but he was really fast. In a few seconds, he was nowhere to be seen.

No one expected that.

Fei was a little surprised. Although he didn't know what this priest was up to, his expression didn't change.

A silver light flashed by, and Fei sucked all the treasures that belonged to him into his ring.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Mr. Kaka to be so interested in you. The big pie of Blood-Edge got a lot of forces hungry, but you got the biggest portion..." Paris' smile was beautiful as always. She pulled off another pedal of the rose and placed in her hair. As the wind blew down the tunnel and into the underground hall, her white dress and black hair fluttered. That moment of beauty took almost everyone by surprise.

"You can only see the good but not the bad." Fei said seriously: "Numerous Chambord citizens died in the mine pit, and that was how Blood-Edge build up its fortune. What I'm taking today is well owed!"

"I'm only kidding! Why are you so serious?" Paris smiled, and a special light flashed through her beautiful eyes. She turned around and walked to [Red Beard] Granello. After she said something to him, she turned back and said to Fei: "It is almost dawn. I will walk you guys out of here. What happened tonight will cause a series of waves at the Capital!"

Fei nodded; he knew she was right.

Didn't matter how careful this operation was planned, such event would cause an uproar among the civilians. Even though the big forces knew what happened, the officials needed to give an explanation to the regular people.

What was going on in St. Petersburg wasn't calm.

After chatting with Romain and Ziene and telling them to convey his greeting to Tanasha, Fei said goodbyes to them. Then, he followed Paris and walked toward the exit.

"Hey boy, wait a second."

As Fei was passing by the Imperial Patrol and Granello, the handsome young man with the disable dog in his arms suddenly opened his sleepy eyes and said.

The atmosphere suddenly got tense after this young man spoke.

"Eh? What is up?" Fei lightly frowned.

Although Fei noticed that this extremely handsome man only said one line the whole night and he looked weak as if he was a non-important bystander, this man seemed to have attracted the attention of everyone. Even both Paris and Granello who stood in front of him didn't dare to block his view. Like stars around the sun, all the guards surrounded this man as if he was the center of the galaxy.

A pair of lazy yet sharp eyes carefully observed Fei as the man said: "I'm Oka, Oka Dominguez. I like you."

Fei's face changed color.

Although Fei clenched his ass after he was "confessed" to by this handsome man in public, he wasn't reacting to that. What surprised him was that this man was the second prince of Zenit; the legendary man that rivaled [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin.

Fei was guessing this man's identity when he came in.

But the king didn't expect this handsome man to be a prince of Zenit.

Another question Fei had was why this man called himself Oka Dominguez. "Shouldn't he be called Andrew Dominguez?" Fei thought.

Of course, all of those thoughts only flashed through his brain in a split second.

"Nice to meet you, Your Highness." Fei didn't know how to respond to this "confession", so he lowered his head and greeted.

"Hey, hey, hey. I told you I'm Oka. You can call me Oka from now on. Hahaha, kid, you are lucky. You are only the third person who is allowed to call me Oka in Zenit."

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Chapter 268

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Chapter 268: Actually, I Have a Dog Too

Dominguez murmured. He looked at Fei as he scratched his head, and he looked nothing like a prince with that messy hair. Instead, he looked like a hooligan and stood there casually. In addition, the dog in his arms also stared at Fei out of dissatisfaction and barked at him,

"Hehe, baby. Quiet down a little." Dominguez rubbed this little dog that was ugly and disabled. The latter breathed heavily and licked Dominguez's smooth face.

Fei was really surprised.

"Ok, so this is the second prince who I tried to get information on. So this is the second prince that even Zola couldn't get anything information... SO he is like this."

"Actually, I have a dog too, and its name is Black Tornado. He is my mount." Fei said as he paused for a second.

"Oh, interesting. A huge dog named Black Tornado? I heard about it... Hahaha, that is why I like you. This little guy is called Oka as well... Yes, Oka as in Oka Dominguez." The second prince of empire said.

Fei was secretively sweating.

The prince in front of him looked like an idiot.

But if Fei treated this man as an idiot, then Fei would be the number one idiot in the world

How could an idiot matchup against the team of [Zenit's God of War] and [Zenit's Goddess of Intelligence]? How could an idiot earn the loyalty of someone like Paris and Granello? Also... how could an idiot get to become a legitimate candidate for the throne from an identity of love-child?

Since Dominguez wasn't dumb but acted dumb, there was only one possible explanation:

Act like a fat pig and eat tigers when needed!

A prince who loved to act low-key.

Fei signed and said: "Alright, Oka, thank you for your liking." Fei clenched his ass as he said that subconsciously. He forced himself to continue: "However, I need to leave now since dawn is approaching."

After Fei said that, he felt like hitting his head against a wall.

"WTF? Shiz, what is going on? What I just said sounds very gay!"

"Alright, but I think we will meet very soon again. Haha, all of these are yours!" Dominguez laughed as he patted Fei's shoulder. As if he was copying Priest Balesi, he waved his arm, and the small mountain of gold coins and magic gems were being pushed to Fei under a powerful warrior energy surge.


The treasures were moved.

However, most people in the hall wanted to cover their faces up out of embarrassment.

Only a small portion of the gold coins and magic gems were actually pushed to Fei. After the second prince waved his arm, the small mountain of treasures was blown to everywhere like straws after a storm... The scene was really messy.

"Eh.... My bad, my bad." The second prince scratched his head and he murmured: "Interesting, that priest just waved his arms, and he was able to do it. Could it be that he is a lot stronger than me?"

Fei was completely speechless.

This second prince became a very interesting character in his mind. If everything Dominguez was doing to act like a fool, his acting skills were exceptional.

From what he just did, Fei sensed that this prince's warrior energy level was about four-star. Compared to Balesi's vast Holy Power, he was really weak. From this, it could be said that the second prince's individual strength was far from Arshavin's six-star warrior energy.



"I didn't expect His Highness to be so fond of you, Alexander."

After walking out of the underground hall, meeting up with Chambord's warriors like Lampard, joining with Cech and three other Saint Seiyas outside of Blood-Edge, changing into Imperial Patrol's uniforms, and heading out of St. Petersburg, Paris said to Fei casually. With an influential figure like Paris leading the way, the return trip was very smooth.

"Really? Should I be thankful for that?" Fei smiled.

"I know that being liked by the second prince isn't something big in your eyes, but that is because you don't know much about Dominguez His Highness. After getting to know him, I'm sure you guys will become good friends." Paris knew what Fei was thinking about, so she explained as she walked forward.

"Eh... His Highness is a very interesting person."

Fei had to admit that the second prince left a very good first impression tonight compared to when he first met Arshavin. Although both princes almost destroyed Chambord during the battle on the Peak of East Mountain of Chambord, Fei knew the law of jungle – He would only be respected after getting a good level of strength... if Fei had to choose between the two princes to support in the future, he would choose the second prince for sure.

Didn't matter if the scene today was set up by the second prince or the legendary second prince was really like this, Fei had to admit that he was moved after seeing the prince treating a disabled dog as a friend.

Humans can lie and act.

But animals can't.

Fei loved animals, and he was able to clearly sense the emotions of animals. Fei clearly sensed that the disabled dog named Oka had complete trust in Dominguez, and it relied on Dominguez. This meant that the second prince treated the dog like a friend in front of people and behind everyone's back. The second prince really this disabled and ugly little dog that would die in three days in it was left on the street.

Fei believed that a man who treated an animal like this... couldn't be a bad person.

However, after thinking about Tanasha, Fei suddenly felt he shouldn't be standing on the other side of that pair of mesmerizing blue eyes.

"The second prince seems to really like that little dog named Oka." Since the topic of the race for the throne was a little too heavy, Fei tried to change it.

"Hehe, I knew you would ask." Paris said: "Oka has nothing special, and it has a simple background. When His Highness was summoned back to St. Petersburg six years ago by Emperor Yassin, one of the wheels of the carriage rolled over this little dog's hind legs. When Oka was dying in its blood, His Highness sensed something and got off of the carriage to save its life. His Highness got the most famous doctor in St. Petersburg to treat Oka, and Oka had been with His Highness since then..."

"Maybe he felt like his situation was very similar to Oka when it was lying in the pool of blood." Fei said.

Fei could imagine what a powerless love-child of the emperor was facing when he walked into the center of power of Zenit. He could imagine what Dominguez went through.

"You..." Paris opened her mouth as she stared at Fei. "If I don't know what kind of person you are, I would assume that you are attacking His Highness." After a short pause, she continued: "But what you said is correct. For a while, His Highness compared himself to the poor little dog, and that was how it got its name Oka.

Fei suddenly thought of something and asked: "I'm curious as to where the name Oka came from. The royal family name of Zenit is Andrew, so why is His Highness' name Oka Dominguez?"

"Oka is the family name of His Highness' mother. Although His Highness gradually got used to his identity of the second prince, grew his influence and power, and is now competing for the throne, he kept his last name firmly. Even though he was attacked by a lot of nobles and ministers on this, and even Emperor Yassin expressed his dissatisfaction, Dominguez His Highness isn't willing to back off." Paris sighed.

It started as a filler conversation, but Fei started to get more curious about Dominguez after hearing the story.

"Dominguez His Highness said there are only two people at St. Petersburg can call him Oka, and I'm the third one. I'm curious to know who are the other two?" Fei thought about another question and asked.'

"I'm sure you can't guess it..." Paris smiled as she fixed her hair. After pausing for a second, she said in a soft tone: "One of them is Mr. Granello of Imperial Patrol; most people at St. Petersburg call him [Red Beard]. The other person is very close to you..."

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Chapter 269

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Chapter 269: Wishing for that Day

Fei opened his mouth in surprise and took a moment before speaking: "okay, um…I really would not have guessed. I thought that the two other qualified people would be Emperor Yassin or other influential figures who lived in the Imperial Capital."

"Influential figures…Haha, did you really think that anyone else can compare to his highness, Dominguez? Nevertheless, I'm surprised as well. I can't believe his highness let you call him by his first name, Oka, when you met him for the first time today…he seems to like you!"

As Paris spoke, she took out the jade plate that revealed her identity and showed it to the guarding soldier up front so he would let them through. Then, she turned around and showed a glistening smile.

Fei was at a loss for words.

Being liked by a man…they should probably talk about something else.

"I heard that the empire has declared war against Spartax. As a king of an affiliated kingdom, may I ask how the battle is going?" Fei quickly changed the subject.

Paris shook her head. "No one knows this better than the nobles that control the military. Spartax Empire deployed more than a hundred thousand troops by their border as early as autumn, and three of the ten battle legions of the empire were sent to Razor City, one of the key cities at the border. The newest information is that since the declaration of war, both empires have been battling around the Razor City region for more than ten days. There have been wins and losses, but the good news is that Bolun Zhang, the second famous general of Zenit, is in control of the overall situation, so it doesn't seem to be too bad…"

"Really? You make General Bolun Zhang sound very experienced."

"Of course he is. Before the first prince rose to power, General Bolun Zhang was the ultimate military authority of Zenit for fifteen years. He was a very famous general." Paris furrowed her prominent eyebrows as she explained. "Has the king of Chambord never heard of Bolun Zhang, once the number one general of the empire?" She wondered with curiosity since most princes of affiliated kingdoms treated this person as their idol.

Fei shrugged his shoulders and used his actions to quietly tell her that he was a useless idiot.

Paris smiled mischievously at this.

After working together many times and thanks to Paris' deliberate effort, the duo seemed to have a closer relationship.

"Why did Spartax Empire decide to invade and deploy armies at this time? They have been increasing troops at the border since autumn – in my opinion, it would be easier to plan a surprise attack than announce intentions beforehand. Is Spartax Empire trying to fight like a gentleman?"

Fei wanted more information from Paris. Since the beginning, Chambord had very limited information sources; therefore he had no other choice but to obtain information this way.

"Because they are waiting for a real opportunity." Paris said with a serious expression.

"A real opportunity?"

"Yes, they are waiting for Emperor Yassin to pass away."

"How's that possible? Is Emperor Yassin really going to die?" Fei asked in surprise.

"No one in our empire wants to believe that the strong and powerful hero who established Zenit Empire would die one day of old age; especially someone who was unparalleled as him. However, this day will come for anyone – years of wars and battles has injured him and shortened his lifespan. His health has been deteriorating since last year, and he has been on his bed for a while now. I heard that he is getting sicker every day and might pass away anytime."

Paris' face dimmed as she said this. Heroes, like beautiful women, never showed others their weakness.

Paris has been acting odd throughout their journey; she was nothing like the witch she usually was. She has answered all of Fei's questions.

"On our way to the Imperial Capital, I heard that the Martial Saint Krasic will soon engage in an ultimate battle with the Martial Saint of Spartax Empire on the Martial Saint Mountain?" Fei suddenly recalled.

"People from the Imperial Capital has known about this for a while now, and it's not a rumor. In two weeks, this battle will take place on the Martial Saint Mountain. To a great extent, it will decide the fate of the empire. However, Alexander, you should not worry about this right now. Neither of us can do anything about it. However, I have news that you will definitely be interested in."

"What news?"

"The royal palace has announced that the Imperial Military Practice Competition will take place in three days. Due to the war that has erupted, this competition will be extremely important, and rewards will be much better than usual. Those who perform well in it will be able to lead a battle legion to fight against the enemies on the frontline."

This information was very important.

Fei thought as he sank into deep thought.

This was indeed a rare opportunity. In addition to participating in military competitions, affiliated kingdoms could also gain honor and privileges through accumulating military merits. This way, they would be able to increase their population and military limits.

Chambord was currently only able to exercise partial sovereignty. Since the kingdom did not have enough population and military power, Fei could only make sure all the soldiers he had were elites.

Moreover, it was currently impossible to separate from the Imperial Empire. Fei's powers were not great enough to resist the powerful master warriors of the empire, and he would have to play by their rules before his skills became on par with theirs.

Therefore, if he could gain military merit through the war, his kingdom would be able to level up like a rocket blasting to the moon.

Once his kingdom leveled up, Fei would have the opportunity to utilize all the powers of the Diablo World.

This was one of the reasons why he agreed to come to the competition of Zenit Empire. The other reason was that he could come see this place for himself and gain more knowledge of this world.

Thanks to Paris, the dozens of people from Chambord passed through the guards without trouble. After leaving the gate of the Imperial Capital, they successfully bypassed numerous checkpoints in the three kilometers clear zone. At the sight of the campsite of Chambord, it was about time for Paris to wave goodbye.

"Throughout the trip, you obtained quite a lot of information from me. So, Alexander, I have a question for you." Before arriving at the Chambord's base camp, Paris slowed down her pace and walked side-by-side to Fei. Her bodily fragrance was very sweet.

"Oh? Ask away."

"Who was the mysteriously masked mage that helped you tonight?" Paris asked as she moved her body close to Fei's

Fei remained quiet for a second. Paris was too close to him, and her scent was too mesmerizing. The wind blew gently by Fei's ears as a tickle snuck up his body. After stepping away, he replied as if nothing happened: "He is the Darknight Demonic Envoy, one of the six demonic envoys of my kingdom. His name is Sharp Horn."

"The six demonic envoys? The Darknight Demonic Envoy, Sharp Horn? I've never heard of this person and you've never mentioned him…" Paris said with a spurious smile on her face. She obviously didn't believe him, "Why do I have a feeling that the person was just you?"

Fei smiled faintly: "I have six demonic envoys under me whose identities are extremely secretive. You'll soon get to meet the other five as well."

"Fine, I'll believe you for now, humph! Don't you dare lie to me!" Unsatisfied with the information she obtained, she rolled her eyes at Fei. But somehow, her beautiful face made it seem more like a flirt than a threat.

Fei smiled and fell silent.

In the night, the cold wind hit like sharp razors.

No light was seen aside from stars and torches here and there.

The air around them fell silent,

Neither of them talked.

Ten minutes later…

"King of Chambord, I don't expect you to side with Dominguez and fight against the elder princess and prince. However, I do hope that if anything were to happen to His Highness, you would save him once."

Paris didn't even enter the gate of Chambord's campsite. She left hastily, leaving nothing but the shadow of her cloak behind.

The last sentence this smart woman said to him left Fei in wonder.

Amidst the thick white fog, a smear of red appeared from afar.

It was the blood-red rose that this girl had in her hair.



The sun had yet to rise after a night of blood and murder.

The moon was hidden behind the clouds, and the heavens and earth were shaken by the heavy winds that blew up the snow from the ground and created howling noises. An unprecedented frost had covered the land.

Lifting up the thick curtains, Fei walked into the central tent.

It was as warm as spring inside the tent, and a beautiful girl was leaning quietly by the stone table. Caped with a black furry coat, her white wrists supported her chin, and her hair as dark as ink fell onto the table like a black waterfall. She had obviously fallen asleep from waiting for him for too long.

Angela was an extremely light sleeper.

Her eyes opened as soon as Fei entered.

"Alexander, you're finally back…" Her eyes sparkled like comets as she saw Fei come in. She smiled in relief when she saw that he wasn't hurt. She pulled opened the folding screen to her side.

There was a small side tent behind the folding screen. And inside the tent, there was a big bath bucket with hot steam rising into the air. There were small magic arrays carved into the bucket with magic gems on them. These gems were used to power up these fire-elemental magic arrays to heat up the water inside the bucket.

Angela bought this bath bucket for Fei when they were at the Hot Spring Gate, and now she finally had the chance to use it. She had filled it up with water before nightfall and kept the water at the perfect temperature so that Fei could take a hot bath as soon as he came back.

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Chapter 270

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Chapter 270: A Sleepless Night

This had almost become a tradition.

Every time when Fei went out to the battlefield, Angela would wait for her beloved Fei to come back and prepare hot bathing water for him to bath in, so he could wash away his tiredness in the warm water.

To Fei, he was so powerful that he did not need to reduce his fatigue through bathing in warm water. He also had magic potion like [Rejuvenile Potion] that could make him recover his physical vitality at any time and maintain an optimum physical state. But maybe it was due to Fei's illusion, he always felt so comfortable and wanted to hum every time when he lied in the warm water that Angela prepared for him. It was a true relaxation of his mind; every pore on his body would open up. It was as comforting as when his mom sang a lullaby to him when he was young.

"Oh right, Angela, I have a gift for you."

After taking a hot bath, Fei changed into a loose robe, which made him look more handsome. He came to the stone table and ate some of the breakfast that Angela prepared. Then, he suddenly thought of something and took out an item from his storage ring with a smile on his face.

That thing was the blue furry robe made from Demon Beast Blue Fox's fur; it belonged to the leader of Blood-Edge before.

Fei took out a plain paper and a bottle of ink that were made from the paper factory from Chambord. He thought for a moment and quickly formed a sketch of the charming wide-sleeved fairy dress that Kui Long wore from a TV series [Chinese Paladin 3] in his mind. With his sketching skills, he quickly and accurately drew down the general shape of this dress on paper.

"Woah, what a unique and beautiful dress," Angela was looking at it quietly, and she could not hold back her admirations any longer when Fei was done drawing it.

"As long as you like it. This dress was known as wide-sleeved fairy dress, and there was a beautiful tale about it." Fei cuddled the beauty in front of him and told her about the beautiful love story between a prince and a princess who were from a different space. Afterward, Fei took the furry robe that was in his hands and used force to wash away the last sense of the leader of Blood-Edge that was left on it. He smiled and said: "This fur is shining and crystal-like with an eerie blue light on it. It was peeled off from a level 6 Demon Beast Blue Fox. Not only can it immunize you from any ice elemental magic below four-star, it also has an incomparable effect on keeping the warmth. It is just right to make a real wide-sleeved fairy dress for you. Imperial Capital's severe winter is coming; if you do not have a dress like this, you won't be able to endure the severe coldness since you don't have any warrior energy or magic energy."

Angela had small with an hourglass figure; this furry robe was more than enough to be made into a dress.


"What? You two do not know what Paris and His Majesty were talking about, but they were talking the whole time along the way?"

Inside the tent beside the King's tent, the blonde little loli Emma was looking for Drogba and Pierce to have a talk. The talk's main focus was on whether the coquettish demonic girl Paris tried to seduce Alexander or not during their mission at the Imperial Capital.

Even though through their talk during the day, Emma had a much better impression of Paris and already resolved her hatred towards her, the little loli took her bestie's side firmly since this mattered to Angela's. Before the mission group left, little loli already told Drogba and Pierce to look out for His Majesty the King in secret; she ordered them to never let Paris who was a potential threat to Angela to have a chance to hook up with the King. However, who would have thought that during tonight's battle, Pierce and Drogba were addicted to killing and completely forgot about the order from the little loli.

Upon seeing the blonde little loli with an unkind face, Drogba and Pierce were feeling a little uneasy.

"Emma, don't worry. Angela Her Highness is gentle and kind-hearted, she is a goddess descending from the sky, and she is the most precious pearl of Chambord. There is no way that His Majesty would fall in love with that demonic girl…"

"Right, right, right. You didn't see it, but that demonic girl was with a very, very, handsome man who was carrying a little dog. I bet he is her boy-toy… There is no way that she would like His Majesty either!"

The two morons found many excuses to distance themselves from responsibilities. They tried every possible way to persuade Emma who was still skeptical, and they finally sent this loli that they were scared of away.

"Pierce, but why do I feel that judging from the expression of that girl, she might actually like His Majesty…" Drogba went back to the tent as he scratched his head and asked thoughtfully.

"Not only the demonic girl; I think the Elder Princess Tanasha also had a pretty good impression of His Majesty. Hehe, they say that she gave His Majesty a black token as a token of affection when she left…" Pierce was also like a moron who enjoyed gossiping.

"This can't be helped. Since Alexander His Majesty is young, handsome, and has unbeatable power, everyone has heard the name – [Sky Covering Fist] King of Chambord, across the camp area and St. Petersburg. Hehe, with a man like this, every woman would want to pursue him!" Pierce said as if he was a "know-it-all of love".

It was the darkest moment before dawn.

Masses of dark clouds swam from Moro Mountains and covered all the stars in the sky.

Pretty mercenary Elena with powerful magic equipment sat beside the river quietly while holding her arms around her knees. The longbow that never left her hand was carefully put beside her legs, and her smooth and pale chin was resting on her knees. The night's wind swayed her fire red long hair, and the beautiful eyes that were full of murderous spirit and determination during the battle had become peaceful. She was looking at the running water in silent.

She was a Valkyrie who was resting between battles and thinking of the person in her heart.

With her power of being almost six-star, she would not have felt cold even if the weather was a hundred or a thousand times colder. A magic energy surged within a meter radius around her, and the pale blue light disappeared and reappeared; it was beautiful and dreamy under the dark sky.

Even though she just came back from a battle, she was not tired.

But only if that man could be at her side to provide a thick shoulder for her to lean on. How good would that be!

But no matter what happened, Elena knew that she would only draw her bow and fight for one person in her life!

This was a sleepless night.


"Oh, Priest Balesi gifted all of the treasure to Alexander?"

Imperial Capital, Elder Princess Mansion.

Elder Princess Tanasha only wore a gauzy dress that emphasized her thin but hourglass-like figure. Everything about her gave off an elegant and intelligent vibe. Her feet that were as pale as jade half-lied on her soft and fragrant bed. After hearing the pretty girl in purple clothes Ziene's report, her thin and long eyebrows knitted, and she asked rhetorically with a quiet voice as if she could not understand something.

"That's right, Your Highness. Priest Balesi acted as the representative of [God's Favorite Child] Kaka from Holy Church before he left, and he invited Alexander to another meeting," Ziene carefully narrated what happened in the underground hall at the headquarter of Blood-Edge.

"Holy Church has always valued themselves very much. They never pay attention to others, and that [God's Favorite Child] Kaka is an important person from the headquarters of the church as they say. When he visited the mainland this time, he was keeping a low profile and a mysterious figure. When he came to St. Petersburg, he declined to see all visitors, even father could not meet him. But Kaka invited Alexander…Why? Even though Alexander's power and potentials were shocking, he was not at the level of [God's Favorite Child] who is highly likely to be the future successor of Holy Church. Maybe… There is something else that we do not know?"

Elder Princess talked to herself.

Her eyebrows knitted even more tightly, and she bent over her head as she had a hard time forming her thoughts together. She looked so weak that everyone would want to protect her.

"Alexander humiliated the fourth prince, but Dominguez did not try to stop it. Dominguez also even allowed Alexander to call him Oka… Well, I guess this crazy prince brother also thinks highly of the King of Chambord. I have to admit, he did a much better job than brother Arshavin tonight!"

"But I don't understand it. The older brother has always been keen on drawing and recruiting heroes and men of virtue and talents; why does he always hold a grudge against Alexander!"

Elder Princess became more confused in the end.

But she quickly made her decision, "Send someone tomorrow and deliver all treasures we got from the headquarters of Blood-Edge to the camp of Chambord. Say that ... Just say that I, Tanasha, want to gift these to my dear friends Angela and little Emma."

"Yes, your highness," Ziene nodded.

Upon seeing this, Elder Princess suddenly laughed, and the whole hall lightened up. Her dark blue eyes gave out an enchanting light as she asked: "Ziene, if I remembered it correctly, you were one of those who met the king of Chambord pretty early on, and I think you suggested that I should kill him. What do you think now? What is your opinion of this man?"

"Hmm… I won't be able to kill him now!" Ziene lowered her head.

"Hahaha, if you can kill him, will you do it?"

"I… King Chambord should not be killed!"

"There is someone that Ziene thinks should not be killed?" Elder Princess laughed.



On the second day.

When dawn just came, there was a sudden turmoil in the camp area. It was so chaotic that chickens were flying and dogs were jumping.

Many soldiers from Imperial Capital stormed in and started the strictest search ever. Many cavaliers rushed in between the campsites of different affiliated kingdoms on their horses, and even people from the ten level 1 affiliated kingdoms were ordered to stay within their campsites. The camp area was full of patrols formed by soldiers; except for soldiers from Imperial Patrol, [Iron Blood Legion], and four Battle Legions, the Cavaliers of Imperial Knight Palace who had kept silent since the defeat of the four Executive Knights by King Chambord finally joined in on the more and more serious search for the assassins from Spartax Empire.