
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
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58 Chs

Ch 256 - Ch 260

Chapter 256: Mysterious Call

"Eh... Are you ok?" After scolding the disciple, Fei turned into a caring elder and asked.

"It is not serious. I have help from the battle armor, and only some of my internal organs are lightly injured. After I drank the potion, I'm all healed." A shy smile appeared on Inzagi's cold face.

Fei nodded.

He turned to the dead leader of Blood-Edge and took the blue robe that was made from the fur of level 7 Demon Beast Blue Fox. Fei was attracted to this battle robe from the beginning. The robe contained an ice elemental magic power; the robe was durable and was able to increase the power of ice-elemental warrior energy. Although the back of the robe had a hole, which was poked out by the knife Inzagi had, the value of this robe was still high.

Fei threw it into his storage ring.

"Huh? This... Send my command. Let Lampard and others slow people down and drag on the time. Don't kill off all the members of Blood-Edge, I need to take care of some stuff." Fei suddenly sensed something and said to Inzagi.

"Yes, master." Inzagi responded politely and disappeared into the darkness.

After closing his eyes and sensing the direction a little, Fei finally determined the way and dashed into the flames. He walked into the number one palace at the headquarter of Blood-Edge and started searching.


"Blood-Edge is done fore!"

The young man who was witnessing this from the tall tower sighed; however, his eyes still looked energetic. After a moment of hesitation, he walked down the tower and disappeared into the darkness.

"Since Blood-Edge is done, it is time to claim the rewards."


"King of Chambord still hasn't appeared yet. Could it be..."

Under the protection of the [Iron Blood Legion], [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin was trying to spot the man he was looking for. However, that figure never appeared... Arshavin was more confused.

"Who could be that mysterious mage be? A six-star mage... He shouldn't be nameless. But why don't I know anything about this mage from the intelligence report?" He thought.

Arshavin felt like he was being very anxious; there seemed to be a veil that was covering the truth, and he wasn't able to reveal it.

"Quick! Investigate!" Arshavin commanded with his cold voice.

"Yes, your highness." An armored soldier kneeled as he responded. After that, this soldier got up and left.

As henchmen that were training by the elder prince of Zenit, they had been with this [Zenit's God of War] through numerous battles. They were unparalleled loyal to the prince, and they had an understanding of each other that were unprecedented. The soldiers knew exactly what the prince wanted and what to do after hearing the single word "investigate".


In the sky, on top of the dark clouds.

"Old guy, did you see through him? Is that mage with the mask Alexander?" Matt Razi scratched his head. After all this time, he still couldn't figure it out.

"No." The thin figure answered.

"Even you couldn't see through him?"


"Hahaha, even the number one warrior of the empire, the Martial Saint Krasic couldn't see through a young man? You couldn't figure out any clues?"

"Completely different power sensation. I can't be sure."

"Huh? You finally said more than one word. Hahaha, let me count...eight words! This broke the record for the last three years! Hahaha" Matt Razi laughed as he opened his eyes wide.

Martial Saint: "..."

Matt Razi: "Come on, say some more. If you say more words, you would appear more terrifying to your opponents."

Martial Saint: "If you say fewer words, you would be more likable."

Matt Razi: "..."

Matt Razi: "Should I go and take off that little guy's musk?"

Martial Saint: "Don't!"

Matt Razi: "Again? Would you die if you say more stuff?"

Martial Saint: "..."


The number one palace of Blood-Edge was really magnificent. It took a lot of space; it looked like a small public square. Although a portion of it was destroyed by Fei's Fireballs and the wooden furniture were burning, the structure of the palace was still fine.

Fei carefully inspected his surroundings. He then summoned the huge wand from his set items [Arcanna's Tricks] and grasped it in his hands. He slowly walked towards the huge throne decorated by two huge lion statues.

"A little leader of a mercenary group dares to sit on the duel-lion thrones that only canonized kings of affiliated kingdoms qualify to sit on. How dare he?"

Fei sneered as he waved his wand.


Air-piercing noises sounded as four Fireballs smashed onto the throne. In the loud booming noises, the entire white stone throne was blown into pieces.

Slowly, the stone dusts settled.

A secret pathway with a mysterious gate appeared behind the destroyed throne. The pathway was dark, and Fei didn't know where it led to.

On the side of the gate, there were numerous mysterious silver patterns engraved on it; they were a type of strange magic arrays. Didn't matter the magic pathings or the gate, they were really different from the current styles. After Fei carefully observed the gate, he realized that this gate was made from a huge piece of stone, and it was completely inlaid onto the opening of this pathway. This piece of stone was obviously from another era; it had an ancient feel to it, and it didn't match the feel of the pathway at all.

However, the magic patterns on the gate gave Fei a familiar feel.

Fei's intuition told him that this gate was a good piece.

"Let me save if first..." Although he didn't come to a conclusion, Fei switched to Barbarian Mode and used his brute strength to break the gate off of the pathway. Then, he threw it into his storage space.

After he did all of that, he walked into the pathway.

The summoning call he sensed a little early unintentionally came from this pathway.

The pathway was really thin; only one person could fit through while slanting his or her body. Stone steps slowly led to a deeper and gloomier underground. After walking down for 50 meters, the pathway slowly got wider. Light shone ahead as the treasure lit up the area.

Any regular person would pace himself or herself if he or she suddenly saw such bright lights in this thin pathway.

However, Fei stopped.

He could tell that although the walls looked normal, there was a dangerous sensation. Even Fei was scared by this sensation a little.

"Magic traps?"

Fei didn't expect Blood-Edge would have such a scary hidden cave.

Fei thought about it and switched to Assassin Mode.

Out of all the seven classes, the assassin was the best at making and destroying magic traps. It was the best option in this situation.

Under Assassin Mode, Fei clearly felt that there were numerous traps of all kinds hidden on the walls ahead. Those traps were delicate and well-hidden; if one wasn't professional, even a six-star warrior would be at a disadvantage. If this warrior was unlucky, he or she would be killed.

Fei slowly walked forward.

He was trying to clear out some traps, but he didn't clear all of them. He created a strange path that only one person can walk through.

"Strange... these designs are really interesting, but the execution was garbage. Looks like someone who didn't know much about magic traps set them up as he or she tried to mimic other traps..." Fei slowly discovered some strange facts. There were so many traps in the area, but the power of those traps decreased because the number was too many; some of the connected traps were set up incorrectly. It seemed like the person who set up this place only went after the numbers and didn't know much about the interconnectedness of the traps.

This part of the pathway that was about 50 meters long took Fei 30 minutes to get through.

Fei didn't trigger any traps, and he didn't leave any footprints; it looked like no one walked pass through this pathway yet.

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Chapter 257

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At the end of the pathway, there was a stone wall that had nine symbols engraved on it; those nine symbols contained some kind of meaning that Fei didn't know. The symbols were engraved with a bloody-red energy, and it made the nine symbols look very mysterious. Fei stood in front of the wall, and he was surprised that he had seen these symbols before. However, these symbols weren't the kind of symbols the monster in Diablo World would drop.

Then, Fei showed his "greedy" personality.

He switched to Barbarian Mode and used his swords to carve out these nine mysterious symbols by using his physical strength. He threw these symbols into the storage space; he planned to show these to Akara and Cain; those two could probably figure it out.

After carving out those symbols, Fei turned to the right of the stone wall.

The pathway turned 90 degrees, and the dreamy light came from there.

There weren't any more magic traps here, and Fei stayed in Barbarian Mode.

After several 90 degrees turns, there was a huge underground hall.

After stepping into the hall, the light shining off of the treasures lit up the place. Fei was even stunned by this. There were at least 20 dreamy mountains made from piled gold, silver, jade, gems....

Those were all the treasures that Blood-Edge accumulated over the years.

To be able to get wealth, Blood-Edge literally did anything they could, including capturing slaves and even dirtier trades. The law of the empire had many loopholes, and the evil people were able to exploit them. Under the support of the superpower Fellon Family, the mercenaries of Blood-Edge commit a ton of sins. They should no longer be called mercenaries; they were a bunch of greedy and immoral bandits. As a result, they had stacked a large amount of wealth.

On top of that, Fei was sure that this was only a portion of the money that Blood-Edge earned over the years; after all, Blood-Edge had to give money to Fellon Family and other forces.

This amount of money was enough to buy a hundred castles like Chambord.



Fei's blood started to boil as he looked at all the treasure in front of him.

Anyone would be stunned and lose the ability to speak when seeing this huge amount of resources.

However, Fei forced himself to calm down.

The reason why he was able to conquer Blood-Edge was that Paris had planned it out. All the superpowers including Fellon Family abandoned this sinister-like group. That was why Fei was able to attack without the intervention from imperial soldiers and Imperial Patrol. According to the agreements, Fei was able to get 30% of the total rewards. If he took all of the resources to himself, the other forces would definitely get mad. Although Fei wasn't scared of it, it wasn't worth the trade-off.

Fei didn't need the entire empire to turn against him.

After all, Fei had access to Horadric Cube, an item that shouldn't exist in the world. Fei was able to make numerous high-level gems using low-level gems. Normal monetary resources weren't really attractive to Fei who had a golden-finger like Diablo World.

Fei didn't take a single gold coin from the first mountain.

He walked by the mountains made of gold and jade.

Behind these mountains, there were more impressive items.

There were a dozen weapon racks that had all kind of weapons and equipment on them. Those items were all rare top-tier weapons and armors. Fei took a long sword from the rack and struck it in the air. A chilly energy filled the surroundings as the thin blade of the sword danced in the air like a silver string. Fei knocked the blade, and one of his falling hairs was cut by the sword cleanly.

Nice Sword!

Fei had to admire the blacksmith who made this sword.

He put back the sword and picked out a few other weapons. They were all sharp and stiff weapons that were obviously made by master-tier blacksmiths. The armors in the area were able to protect all the vital points on the human body, and the connecting areas of the metal plates were stuffed with fur of Demon Beasts. The armors made with such details were light and offered great defensive abilities... Even only a small portion of the elites could receive items like these in the top ten battle legions and Royal Palace Guards.

However, Fei was still not moved. He put back the weapon and continued to walk forward.

In the mysterious underground cave in Chambord, there was almost an unlimited amount of [Demon's Remains] and [Black Stone Essences]. With Charsi's top-tier forging skills, items on this level could be made with ease. The weapons Charsi could forge were actually even better than these items, so Fei didn't really care.

Behind the weapon rack, there were six bookshelves.

This surprised Fei. "Are these bloody bandits into reading?" He thought.

But after reading the names of the books, Fei understood what was going on.

The books on the shelves were all warrior energy training scrolls, and these scrolls were all pretty high-level. These training scrolls actually even contained combat techniques that deal good damages. Especially on the last wooden bookshelf that had a deep fragrance to it, there were a few ultra-rare mage training scrolls; one of them was the training journal of a six-star mage.

These items were so valuable that Fei couldn't even overlook them.

That training scroll made by the six-star mage named [Low-level Space Magic Theory – Decryption] could be one of the rare items at any auctions in St. Petersburg, and numerous powerhouses would fight over it.

This time, Fei wasn't as chill as before.

Without hesitation, he threw those training scrolls along with the bookshelves into his storage space. What Chambord needed the most in order to improve wasn't money but these training scrolls.

Walking deeper into the hall, Fei saw some well-kept food and water; there were magic refrigerators that were powered by ice-elemental arrays. Except that, there was a full kitchen ... all of the stuff here was enough for a person for a full month.

"Did someone plan to use this place as a hideout?"

Fei was a little confused.

Fei didn't know that the leader of Blood-Edge was a really calculative character. He knew about the crimes he committed, and he knew about the forces that he offended. Therefore, he had been planning his escape for a long time. This underground hall had been around for a long time, and the leader of Blood-Edge discovered it by accident. After that, he had been renovating the place in secret. He was the only one who knew about this place, and he was planning to change his identity, get a noble status from Fellon Family, and go somewhere remote to spend the last half of his life. The reason why there were so many weapons, money, and training scrolls was that the leader of Blood-Edge was trying to start his own kingdom afterward. At the same time, risk-averse leader of Blood-Edge created a small living space for himself as he was afraid that Blood-Edge would be destroyed one day.

However, he didn't expect anything like that would occur today. None of what he planned was used, and he was killed by Inzagi in a sneak attack.

This might be karma doing its job.

Everything he planned for in the first half of his life was now an easy piece of pie for Fei.

After going through the food storage area, the light in the area dimmed. The deepest part of the underground pathway was a huge pit. It was so deep that it was completely dark down there, and it felt chilly and gloomy; no one knew what was under the pit.

Fei switched to Sorceress Mode and waved his wand to create a dash of fire that he sent down the pit to light it up temporally.

The things in the pit were now visible.

Fei looked down and his face changed color.

There were numerous white bones in this pit; a huge cloud of blue "ghost flames" ignited as the fire triggered this reaction. Like ghosts who were trying to hurt the newcomer, a dark and chilling sensation filled the area.

"Those people who died in the pit must hold strong grievances; that is the only way that these 'Ghost Flames' would be created. But how did they all die here?" Fei thought.

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Chapter 258

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Chapter 258: Are You?

Fei switched to Paladin Mode, and the golden aura covered his surroundings.

This aura contained holy power, and it was the best counter for this kind of gloomy energy. All the chilling energy disappeared like snow in the hot summer day as it touched the aura. Fei used the skill [Prayer], and the golden light around his body intensified. The entire underground hall was lit up; it was even brighter than the gold mountains. Under the cleansing of this power, the atmosphere of the hall turned peaceful and calm.

After all of this, Fei switched back to Sorceress Mode.

Then, Fei sensed an even stronger call; he sensed a familiar and intimate feeling as if his loved one was calling for him. This calling came from the white bones in the deep pit.

Fei didn't hesitate and jumped into the pit of bones.

This scene wasn't really too much for Fei. In Diablo World, he had been through a lot of bloody and terrifying places. Compared to those living hells, the chilling white bones were way cuter.


Fei broke numerous bones as he landed on them.

These bones seemed to have been around for about ten years. From the way the bones corroded, Fei could tell that they weren't high-level warriors when they were alive. The bones were really fragile, and they were only able to keep their original shape because there was no wind in this space.

As soon as Fei broke the bones, white bone dust shoot into the air.

"Huh? There are some tools?"

Fei found some unexpected items with the help of the light from the fire.

Under the bones, there were complete sets of building tools like shovels and spades. There were also some metal buttons that looked like they were on some clothes.

Fei immediately knew who these bones belonged to – the slaves and craftsmen who participated in the building of this underground project. After this hall was completed, they were all killed off to keep the secret.

A bunch of poor souls.

After Fei reached the bottom of the pit, the calling he was sensing grew even stronger. He realized that this calling was behind one of the sidewalls of the pit.

When he wanted to get close to that sidewall and take a better look, his eyes froze. About half a meter away from that sidewall, there was a pair of perfect footprints on the bones.

The footprints were about 30 centimeters long, and they were really clean compared with the messy bones and bone fragments around them. Fei squatted down to take a better look, and he was sure that the footprints were facing towards the wall; they were formed from someone stepping here for numerous times.

"How could it be? What kind of person would appear here and step at the same location?"

Fei thought as he stood up and stepped into the footprint.

Tink! ... Crack!

It was a really light metal spring sounding noise. A series of gears gliding noises followed after. Fei felt a light shake under his feet, and the stone wall in front of him had five silver dots appeared on it. Those five silver dots quickly danced on the wall and drew some pretty curvatures. Those curvatures soon formed a magic array that looked like a stone gate.


Before Fei could react, the magic array started to operate on its own.

A sensation that Fei was really familiar with appeared as a light buzz sounded. A sky-blue oval shaped teleport portal that was two meters tall appeared in front of Fei.

Fei was stunned.

He was too familiar with this scene.

It was a portal.

It was the portal that [Town Teleport Scroll] would create in Diablo World.

Same magic surge, same magic color, same oval shape, same strange appeal... Fei was completely sure that this was a teleport portal, but he didn't know where this portal led to.

Fei found that the situation was getting more and more interesting.

He thought that he was taking revenge for his loyal subjects who were suppressed and killed by Blood-Edge, but things went on a tangent.

After summoning out his armor and dual-swords from Diablo World, he stepped into the portal without much hesitation.

In the next second, a dark space appeared in front of Fei's eyes.

Before he was able to see anything else, bones filled his vision.

It was a golden skeleton.

Different from the bones of the slaves and craftsmen that were really weak, this skeleton looked as if it was made from pure gold. It was shiny, but it was a lot smaller than an ordinary person; it was only about 1.2 meters tall. The skeleton was complete, and it was standing there still. Its arms were grabbing onto a huge battle axe that had a red fire symbol on it, and the skeleton looked like it was guarding and protecting something.



"Shiz! The mercenary group is done... fortunately, I have a Plan B!"

With the fires in the background, one of the six top fighters of Blood-Edge [Earthy Tiger] Cahill looked at the buildings that were being devoured by the flames. He was running away with 20 of his henchmen and the treasures that he accumulated over the years.

Blood-Edge's headquarter was really big; with huge defense wall-like buildings that cut off the access from the outside, there were only four exits.

[Earthy Tiger] Cahill and his henchmen looked relieved as they were only about 20 meters away from getting out on the west end.

As long as they could get out of this exit, they would be able to disappear into the capital like a drop of water into the ocean; zero traces of them could be found as they were really familiar with the terrain and the structure of St. Petersburg. After all, every bastard had his own escaped planned out ahead of time; they were confident that they couldn't be traced by any organization.

"Quick, follow me... Right, Andy, did you bring those two girls?" Cahill asked in a low voice.

"Head, don't worry, I got it." A short and thin mercenary with an eye patch sneered. Beside him, there was another tall and strong mercenary. Both of them had a big bag on their shoulders, and it was clear that two people were locked in the bags under the light of the moon and the torches. However, it was obvious that those two girls' mouths had been stuffed. They were only able to whine in desperation.

"Too scary! Real scary! Who is that mysterious mage with that mask? He is a devil from hell! The leader with five-star ice-elemental warrior energy is quite a character in the empire, but that devil easily chopped his head off." One of the mercenaries sighed as he staggered.

"Doesn't matter who he is….. We made it out... Hahaha, when we actually get free, we can vent off our frustration on these two girls, heheheh." Some mercenaries were just glad that they were lucky.

"Shut up, all of you!" Cahill turned around and shouted in a low voice: "I have plans with those two girls, so don't lay your fingers on them! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." His expression looked cruel.

All his henchmen didn't dare to say anything.

After seeing this, Cahill turned his head back around. However, before he could keep running, his pupil contracted, and cold sweat slid down his forehead.

In front of him, there was a man with a huge sword stabbed into the ground. This figure was bulky, and he was standing in the shadow of the walls. With a set of mysterious armor, this man looked like an invincible lion. He was wearing a layer of stars, his red hair was fluttering in the air, and his capes was making a lot of noises in the wind.

Powerful. A terrifying sensation came off of this figure.

The mercenaries only took one look at this man, and they already felt like they were like stray dogs standing in front of a king of the jungle. The flood-like momentum that was being given off by this man was shocking.

"Who... Who are you?" Although Cahill was a strong character, his voice was shaking as he knew he was no match for this man.

"Blood-Edge?" The man asked with a clear voice.

"Who... Who are you?" The mercenaries' face changed color; they knew that this man was after them.

"Are you guys a part of Blood-Edge Mercenary Group?"

Tick, tick, tick... It was the noise of upper teeth colliding with the lower teeth rapidly. The mercenaries had already sensed the murderous intent coming off of the man, and they felt like this was their end. They had imposed this desperation feel onto their powerless victims, and they felt like great rulers of other people's destiny. However, when they were on the other side of the table, they suddenly realized how scary the desperation was.

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Chapter 259

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"You are not going to admit it? So you are?" Under the stars, that man slowly pulled out the sword by the exit. "Zodiac Leo Saint Seiya Frank-Lampard of Chambord is here to kill!"


Until now, the Blood-Edge Mercenaries finally knew where the origin of this chaos was.

"King of Chambord?"

"Actually him?"

"Let's all attack! Kill him!" Cahill was a little scared. He commanded his henchmen to initiate the attack while he slowly backed off; he was already thinking of his escape.

But at the next moment –

Clench of the fist.

At the center of Lampard's fist, a bright dot shone; it was so bright that it lit up the nightly sky.

This dot was as bright as lightning, and it hurt the eyes of all the mercenaries. Then, the dot branched out and created numerous fishnet like light strands.

Lightning Speed Fist!

The mercenaries felt like their visions blurred, and the man in front of them disappeared.

They were all standing still, but they realized that they lost the control of their bodies. While they were surprised, they suddenly heard a series of dense ramming noises.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

It sounded like fists hitting the metal armors. All the mercenaries were shocked to find numerous caved fists marks on each other's armors. As if they were hit by invisible fists, a series of bone crackling noises sounded; even Cahill got his bones broken.

The only people that were unharmed were the two girls inside the bags on the two mercenaries' shoulders.

"Fast... fast... such fast... fist.... I... You..."

As his pupils started to dilute, [Earthy Tiger] Cahill started to realize that the lightning-like light web was actually the paths of his opponent's fists. The speed of those fists was so fast that he didn't catch them at all. Only after that man finished the attack, they felt the desperation as the powerful energy destroyed their bodies.

There was no way that they could have dodged that attack.

"How powerful is he? How can he use something like this?" The mercenaries thought to themselves.

"With strength like this, he is not weaker than the leader... How can someone like him be so loyal to the King of Chambord?"

"Just how powerful are the Chambordians?"

When he was dying, Cahill finally understood what kind of enemy Blood-Edge created for itself. At the same time, he knew that what happened tonight wasn't just an assassination of their leader; he felt like the King of Chambord had already planned everything out, and it was impossible for anyone at Blood-Edge to escape.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Clouds of blood mists appeared.

The mercenaries of Blood-Edge exploded like bombs, and their bone fragments and tore organs stained the walls. This terrifying scene was created by Lampard who injected his lightning elemental warrior energy and fist power into the mercenaries' bodies.

Died without leaving behind full corpses.

"Ounn..." Terrified whining sounded from the bags as they landed on the ground.

Lampard frowned as he looked at them.

At this time, another figure suddenly appeared by the exit. After that figure saw the scene, he was stunned: "Eh... all killed? Damn, I'm late!"


"Hahaha, this path is blocked!"

Under the moonlight, Pierce and Drogba who summoned their Capricorn and Taurus Star Saint Set looked like two Iron Gods of Slaughter. They stood in the middle of the exit on the east side of Blood-Edge's headquarter, and they sneered viciously at the mercenaries who were running towards them. Their huge bodies completely blocked the path for the thirty to fourth mercenaries.

"Who are you?"

"Fuck off!"

"You want to die?"


The mercenaries of Blood-Edge who were running for their lives swung their chilling weapons as they rushed towards the two men; they weren't really scared as they had the numbers advantage. Among them, there were warriors who hadn't even met the star-level requirements, there were three-star warriors, and one of the six top-tier fighters of Blood-Edge – [Violent Lizard] Danti was hidden in the group as well. They were all planning to rush out of this exit.

However –

"Hahaha, taste the anger of the Golden Taurus – [Gigantic Long Horn]!"

"Godly Blade of Judgment – [Saint Sword Excalibur]!"

The two strongmen charged at the vicious mercenaries of Blood-Edge, and the blurred images of a tough golden bull and an ancient sword appeared behind them. The two complete different surging energy appeared, and they merged with the two strongmen's bodies.

At the next moment, the energy disappeared.

Both Pierce and Drogba appeared behind the crowd.

All of the mercenaries still kept their previous poses, but they froze.

[Violent Lizard] Danti; he only half-drew his sword, and he lost the opportunity to continue drawing.

The mercenaries' armor shattered, and their weapons broke. Clothes, helmets, bones, muscles... all of that turned into small pieces.


Blood stained the path, and the scene looked like the battlefield that got destroyed by a huge monster, and it looked like the battlefield that got pierced by an invisible sword. As the metal pieces landed on the ground and made a series of crisp noises, none of the mercenaries could be found.

Pierce and Drogba turned around and were satisfied with the damage they dealt.

"Damn, it felt good acting like a master! Huh? I killed twenty-five... Hahaha, more than you!" Drogba counted the unrecognizable corpses and shouted.

"His Majesty taught us that the quality is more important than the quantity. Look at it, there is a mid-tier four-star warrior who had earth elemental warrior energy – he was probably one of the six top-tier fighters ..." Pierce rubbed his chin as he answered back.

At this time, the space beside them rippled.

Inzagi rushed out of the space and said in disappointment: "Huh.... All killed? I'm late again?"


Bang! Bang! Bang!

As a series of dense bowstring vibrating noises stopped and the magic energy surge disappeared, sixty to seventy human shaped icicles and ashes appeared by the south side of the exit. The mercenaries of Blood-Edge didn't struggle too much under the magic arrows of Elena. With the battle bow and delicate magic armors, the Valkyrie-like girl didn't feel any pressure. She was the Goddess of Archery from Diablo World. She closed her eyes and recovered her mana; she was waiting for the next wave of mercenaries from Blood-Edge to appear.

Inzagi rushed to Elena, and he was sweating so much that white steam was coming off of him. "Sister Elena, you... you are so fast as well..." Inzagi almost fell from running too fast.


"Hey, Fernando, let's make a deal. Can you just not move next time? So I can take the revenge for our fellow Chambordians who died in the pit as well?"

Looking at the mercenaries of Blood-Edge who died under Torres' arrows, Warden Oleg realized that his [Corpse-Piling Shock Wave] was too slow to activate. Before he could send out the wave, the enemies would be all killed. He felt like he was the world's unluckiest "brothel frequenter". Before he could "shoot", he was told to add money or else.

"Ok!" Torres answered.

At this moment, a series of noises appeared as a dozen mercenaries rushed towards them.

"Ahahaha, all mine this time! Corpse-Piling Shock Wave...."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of bowstring noises sounded beforehand, and all the mercenaries died under the arrows like wheat under a farmer's sickles.

Before Oleg finished the word "wave", he looked at Torres with a sad expression; he felt like crying.

Torres: "Ah, sorry, I forgot. Just like what His Majesty said 'conditioned reflex'... Hehehe, you know I would get furious when I see them..."

Oleg: "However, you said that at least six times."

Torres: "Ah? Really? I promise this is the last time."

Oleg: "You said that at least four times as well."

At this time, Inzagi who rushed here was about to cry. He propped himself up by pushing on his knees, and he was breathing heavily. He was so tired that he was breathing with his tongue. "Huh...Hu... His majesty... new order... Hu... You need to... try to buy more time... Huhu, his majesty made some new discoveries... Huh... So tired..."



The golden skeleton was standing there quietly, and it was reflecting off a light. It was obvious that this man or creature died thousands of years ago. His armor and flesh had corroded throughout the passage of time.

However, Fe still felt like there was a huge impeccable mountain in front of him. He felt like he wanted to kneel down and worship this skeleton.

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Chapter 260

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Chapter 260: "Demon King's Wisdom"

There was a huge powerful sensation coming off of this skeleton. The sensation was dense as mountains and limitless like the universe. It felt ancient as the earth, and it was vase like the ocean... The sensation coming off of it was so strong that Fei had a hard time walking under the level 40 Barbarian Mode. As if he was carrying a mountain on his back, his steps were heavy, and all of his bones were crackling like corns being popped in the popcorns machine.

"This golden skeleton must be a supreme entity before his or her death. Although this creature died thousands of years ago, the skeleton had been kept well. This sensation is probably one-thousandth of the actual power sensation of this creature, and it is still way too strong. Compared this, the assassin who was after me that day is like a small ant."

Fei was more terrified as he observed it more.

"What a lord-like powerful creature would leave behind such traces after death? In legends, a star-class warriors' bones would corrode after ten years, moon-class elites' bones would corrode after a hundred years, and the sun-class lords' bones would corrode after five hundred years... From the sensation, it is clear that this creature died thousands of years ago. Could it be that this creature is more powerful a sun-class lord? Also, this skeleton is only 1.3 meters tall, and it looks like a kid. But from the thickness of the bones, it seems like this creature was fully grown and was in his or her prime. Could this powerful entity be a dwarf?"


The existence of this golden skeleton was an unsolved mystery!

Fei then looked at the dual-blade axe in this skeleton's hands.

This battle axe was made from an unknown material. It looked golden, and the handle of the axe was about half a meter long. It was thick on both ends, and it was slender in the middle; a perfect curvature was formed from it. On the handle, a ton of mysterious pathings and symbols were engraved. They looked like magic pathings, and they also looked like rough sketches of animals and plants. These patterns were tightly connected, and they circled around the handle until they reached the blades.

The body of the blades was about two-thirds of the axe. The tip of the blade was as thin as paper, but its back was as thick as a tree. With six blood groves on each side of the blades, the axe looked like a Phoenix that had opened its wings. The wings created two perfect half circles, and the halves met in the center and created a deadly oval.

From all angles, this battle axe looked like an excellent art piece; it was breathtaking.

Finally, Fei concentrated onto the six small hexagonal dents on the axe.

Intuition told Fei that things were inlaid in those dents, and they were lost.... The blade in front of him wasn't in its final form.

However, Fei was not able to touch the blade.

The impressive sensation coming off of the skeleton repelled him away. Fei tried his best, and he found that he couldn't walk within a ten-meter radius of the skeleton even when he tried to risk injuring himself. Even after the buff under Barbarian Mode as well as the Hulk Potion and strengthening under heat and chill energies in the underground cave in Chambord, Fei's iron-like body was about to explode when he tried to walk into that zone.

After several attempts, Fei gave up and focused on other stuff in this space.

This space was like a basement or an underground tomb. It wasn't big; it was only about two to three hundred square meters. It was surrounded by a type of light yellow stones, and the walls were very smooth. Silver light would flash through the walls mysteriously and orderlessly. What surprised Fei was that those silver lights didn't emit a powerful sensation; they were very calm.

Except for the portal behind Fei, there weren't any other exits in here.

Behind the golden skeleton, a cloud of silver energy was flashing around. This silver energy gave off a similar peaceful sensation as the silver lights on the walls. Fei slowly circled around the golden skeleton and walked towards that silver energy.

It was a book.

A book that was floating in the air.

The book was five-fingers thick, and it was in a square shape with thirty centimeters on each side. As if it was stained with blood, the book was in a dark red color. Interestingly, the pages were flipping automatic themselves.

Every time the page turned, numerous silver characters would appear on the vague and white page. It was really magical.

Fei observed it carefully.

He realized that the characters were the ones used on Azeroth that could be traced back to the era of gods and demons. These characters were hard to understand; the spelling and grammar were really different from the language that was being used on the continent now. Since this language was only rarely used and not lost, Fei studied this language before in Chambord's Royal Library, and he was able to understand 10-20% of the meaning.

"This books covers knowledge about the mechanisms, traps, architectures, forging, smelting, gathering ..."

Fei was stunned. He realized that the knowledge recorded in this book was so vast that it was like an encyclopedia.

The book was more than a hundred pages long, and there were a lot of illustrations. The pages contained information and pictures of weapons, buildings, traps, palaces, defense walls, and etc. All of these were displayed by the silver energy while the pages turned themselves.

On the last page of the book, a few lines of bigger characters were writing in a different font. These characters were written in the book rather than being displayed by the silver energy.

The lines were simple: "These are all the generous gifts... from Demon King His Majesty... [Demon King's Wisdom]... [Demon King's Punishment]... [Demon King's Sword]... [Demon King's Memory]... [Demon King's Wishes]... [Demon King's Calculations] ... [Demon King's....] ... Despicable Gods... Lost... escaped... I'm about to die... They came... Battle until death... protect ... We die with grudge... Demon Deity's Honor... Inherit..."

There were only three to four hundred words, but Fei had a hard time reading through them. The writing was choppy themselves, and the grammar was bad. With Fei's bad understanding of the language, those were all the information he could extract.

After the last page, the book flipped back to its cover page.

Fei saw a few characters –

[Demon King's Wisdom]

So this book was called [Demon King's Wisdom]

After seeing these words, Fei immediately understood what the generous gifts meant. The names such as [Demon King's Wisdom] and [Demon King's Punishment] were all the treasures that the "Demon King" left. Just from the knowledge in [Demon King's Wisdom], Fei could tell that this "Demon King" was an ingenious figure. Although Fei wasn't sure how powerful this "Demon King" was, this entity was at least a very wise figure.

"Except this book [Demon King's Wisdom], what about the others, like [Demon King's Punishment] and [Demon King's Sword]? Are they books as well? Or something else?"

Fei realized that he discovered a huge treasure by accident.

Just this book in front of him was more valuable than all the stuff in the main hall. Fei who had all seven classes' knowledge from Diablo World, the accumulation of wisdom he learned from Akara and Cain, as well as the miraculous skill [Learn], he was able to identify the good from the bad. As soon as he read [Demon King's Wisdom], he knew what kind of treasure he got. If he was able to turn the knowledge in this book into actual production in the real world, Chambord's civilization and strength would be comparable to level 9 Empires on this continent.

"So this is the strength of Chambord?"

[Zenit's God of War] Arshavin who was standing on a tower was shocked by what he saw.

Chambord's strength was beyond his imagination.

In the last twenty minutes, he witnessed the massacre that the mercenaries of Blood-Edge went through. The four exits in four directions were the design that Blood-Edge was proud of. Using this design, Blood-Edge's headquarter was as secure as the royal palace. In several battles between the mercenaries groups in St. Petersburg, Blood-Edge was able to avoid being wiped by others using this design. However, the design they were proud of turned into death traps.

All four exits were guarded by terrifying warriors of Chambord.