
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
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58 Chs

Ch 216 - Ch 220

Chapter 216: Thunder like Voice

"Hey girls, during competition, I will cut your heads off...." A tough man who was taller than two meters licked his blade as he stood in his own camp and saw the expeditionary forces from Chambord walking by.

"Woof-!" A huge black big unicorn forehead jumped onto the other side of the fence viciously and roared. It opened its mouth wide and blew out a bloody scent as the people of Chambord went by.

There was also a warrior in a full set of iron metal only with his eyes exposed. His eyes showed his murderous spirit as he stood up quickly in the camp of his kingdom. With his eyes fixed on everyone who walked by, he held the sword that was still dripping blood tightly in his hands as if he was going to attack any second.

Fei who was riding on [Black Tornado] heard a lot of loud chatter–

"Two headed dog flag? Which kingdom has that flag?"

"No sure, but from the look of it, they are just a tiny small kingdom..."

"Hehe, small kingdom... they are like bystanders in this competition..."

"But what are they riding on?... Huh? Those are level 4 Roaring Flame Beasts? Could it be the Chishui Kingdom? But the king of Chishui isn't that young. Look at the young man leading the troop, he probably is the king..."

"What is he riding on? ... Huh? I have never seem such a beast before... Horse? It doesn't look like a horse, but more like a dog..."

"Bullshit, how can a dog be that big?"

Fei and his troops walked pass by the majority of the camp sites as everyone else looked at them. Among 250 affiliated kingdoms, there were kingdoms that were prosperous, and there were kingdoms where even the kings were wrapped in animal skins like old hunters. The expeditionary force of Chambord was wearing shiny armor, and that attracted a lot of jealous and envious stares. Especially the level 4 Roaring Flame Beasts that the Saint Seiyas were riding on. Those made a lot of high level warriors drool in envy.

People who were daring enough even followed behind the troops and wanted to know how powerful this troop that was made of less than a hundred soldiers was.

"King Alexander, this space beside the river belongs to Chambord." The captain who was leading the way was very friendly. He pointed at the camp site by the river and said.

This was an empty space of about 20 acres. It was very flat, and it was beside a river that travelled through a majority of the camp sites. Since there was a thin layer of grass and it was beside the water sources, this site was very suitable for camping. This empty space was blocked off by iron chains and stone pillars from sites belonged to other kingdoms, and a ten meter tall stone pillar with the big word "Chambord" was engraved on it right in the middle of everything.

"Your majesty, my name is Torsy. If you have anything questions, you can send someone to get me from the first battalion of the [Blizzard Legion]. Since you guys traveled for a while, you all must be tired. I won't bother you guys long; I believe that we will see each other soon!"

This captain named Torsy was very friendly. From what he said, he was a member of the number on battle legion among the top ten legions, [Blizzard Legion]. This surprised Fei a little. After leading Fei and soldiers of Chambord to their camp site, Torsy also left a book of rules and guidelines that everyone had to follow during this competition, and then he left. Torsy was very smart in the way he talked; he didn't appear to be too close with Fei, but he showed his friendliness.

After saying bye to this captain Torsy, the expeditionary force started to set up. Unlike the temporary camps that they set up along the way to here, the camps this time needed to be used for about a month, and everything needed to be firm and tight. Oleg himself took the lead to instruct and work with the soldiers to build them. Many comfortable and fancy tents and magic building materials that were purchased at the Hot Spring Gate were now very useful.

The people who followed the Chambord's Expeditionary Force saw the word on the stone pillar at the center of the camp and knew where this troop came from. Most of these people's expression turned serious as they hurried back to their camps to report this news to their kings.

"Shit... so these guys are the rumored vicious killers of Chambord. I have to tell his majesty about this news. We shouldn't provoke them! The king of Chambord who defeated the Golden Sun Knight isn't someone who we, a level 4 affiliated kingdom, can handle!"

"Chambord? They are from Chambord? We can't get on their wrong side!"

"Looks like that black haired young man who rode that strange beast must be the King of Chambord who is really famous now at St. Petersburg. He is this young? Unbelievable! He really defeated the Golden Sun Knight from Imperial Knight Palace? These types of people, we can only be friends with and not enemies!"

"The king of Chambord who came to in a light and unexpected manner … the outcome from the battle of Dual-Tower Mountain is widespread... Hehe, I will let you enjoy the fame for now. However, the Imperial Knight Palace won't let you be this arrogant for long..."

After getting the report from their subordinates, some kings who were envious of the level 4 Roaring Flame Beasts got rid of their greed. These kings had their reliable sources of information, and they all knew about the result of the battle at Dual-tower Mountains. They knew that someone who defeated the Golden Sun Knight wasn't someone who they could take on, and they became very simple and didn't plan any more tricks or conspiracies.

Of course, not all kings had good information flows. Even though the news of the battle of Dual-tower Mountains wasn't new, for the kings whose kingdoms were remote and couldn't enter St. Petersburg to access anything, the king of Chambord wasn't someone who defeated one of the ten Executive Knights of the Imperial Knight Palace, but a king of a weak level 6 affiliated kingdom. Based on Fei's age, they didn't think that Fei was much trouble.

Some greediness started to overflow...

"This is not fair, why can Chambord, a level 6 affiliated kingdom, enjoy a high-quality camp site that only other level 1 or level 2 affiliated kingdoms can enjoy?"

"These people from Chambord are being treated too favorably!"

Some of the kings questioned.

Before these kings could move, someone already did.

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded as if it was a thunder. Everyone in these camp sites within 10 kilometers heard it clearly –

"King of Chambord, I, Kelud challenge you to a battle! Tomorrow noon, at the first Sword Testing Ground, I will be waiting for you!"

This voice resonated in the sky.

Every single king heard this voice, and they were all shocked.

"Kelud? He is ranked number seven among all ten Executive Knights. He is someone of power and influence, and he is going to challenge the King of Chambord already?"

"Haha, looks like the fact that the King of Chambord defeated Golden Sun Knight brought some shame to the Imperial Knight Palace. All the rumors at St' Petersburg have harmed the reputation of the Palace, and that's probably why an Executive Knight challenged the King of Chambord in less than ten minutes after their arrival!"

"This is a great opportunity to see if King of Chambord is as invincible as he is in the rumors!"


Fei heard this voice as well.

"Kelud? Who is he?"

The king was able to tell from the tone of the voice that this challenger wasn't weak. At least, this challenger was stronger than Sutton. "Is it because of my face? Does my face automatically provoke people to challenge me? Why are there people challenging me all the time? Or am I too kind so everyone feels like they can show off in front of me?"

"Your majesty, Kelud is ranked number seven among all ten Executive Knights, and he is a lot stronger than the Golden Sun Knight Sutton. He is technically a warrior of the generation before you." Old Zolasc reported. He and Modric spent a lot of time on collecting information and although the information gathering system of Chambord was really bad and almost non-existent, the information on the Executive Knights, who were really famous and well-known in the empire, was at least gathered to a certain degree.

"Another Executive Knight?"

Fei rubbed his chin. He instantly knew why he was challenged. The saying goes, "After you beat the youth, the elders will come."

"So he is here for redemption? But if this number seven knight loses, would the number three, number two, or number one Executive Knight come and challenge me as well? Isn't that the same as poking a Hornet's nest?" Fei thought.

"This time, I have to so cruel and dominating that no one dares to bother me again!"

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Chapter 217

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Chapter 217: 50 Sword Testing Stage

Before the sunset, the soldiers were finally able to set up all the tents.

The other several kingdoms that were beside Chambord's camp were all surprised because of one reason: it was just too luxurious. All the tents were the premium tents where magic arrays were engraved on them to give them a warm temperature inside. On top of letting the soldier live comfortably in the winter that was about to come, these tents were also able to warn the soldiers when there were attacks coming their way, and they offered a good amount of defense.

Every single tent of this level would cost at least a thousand gold coins. Also, magic gems were required to operate and run the magic arrays on this tents, and a single low-tier magic gem could only power a tent for three days. Some kings of weaker kingdoms couldn't even enjoy this level of luxury, but even a groom at Chambord could live in such tents. This made all the kingdoms around Chambord both envious and jealous.

Of course, more and more people were surprised by the force that Chambord was demonstrating.

Except these 50 magic tents, other military supplies and items seemed to be magic imbued as well, and the whole camp site had a magic surge around it as if it was a temporary magic tower that was being constructed here. At the same time, ten tower-shields that were three meters tall were being placed at each side of the site and protected the site like watchtowers. On top of each tower-shield, temporary watchtowers made out of wood were being placed, and archers stood in place to guard and spectate the surroundings with awareness.

This level of setup was on par with the setup of the ten level 1 affiliated kingdoms.

The wealth that Chambord showed shocked a lot of the people who were watching them.

"These Chambordians... so rich!"

"This is unbelievable! A small level 6 affiliated kingdom located at the northern remote region... I heard that they were so poor that they couldn't even buy their armors for their soldiers. Why are they so rich now? What happened?"

"Huh, doesn't matter how they show off, they are just a bunch of hillbillies that got some money overnight!"

Around Chambord's camp, a ton of warriors and officials of other kingdoms got together and started to chat and comment on what they were seeing despite the fact that some of them didn't know each other well. These kingdoms that established secret alliances beforehand to exchange information chatted, and some of them were envious and wanted to get on the good side of Chambord. Some of them admired and sighed, some of them were silent, some of them were full of disdain and jealousy, and some of them were being vicious and planning things.

At this time, the atmosphere of the camp site that stretched out for 10 kilometers seemed peaceful, but it was actually very intense.

Although in the eyes of the nobles and powerhouses of St. Petersburg, this competition was only a platform where the top kingdoms could show their strength and gain some profits, there were gains to be made by the smaller kingdoms as well. The bigger kingdoms could get the big pieces of the pie, and the small kingdoms could get the crumbs. Some of the smaller kingdoms had high hopes and wanted to level up their kingdoms, and other kingdoms just wanted to maintain their current level. The structure and the rules of military exercises made it that every kingdoms could face any kingdom. Therefore, before the competition, it was best to gather as much information on each other as possible.

Since as soon as Fei came in, Chambord got one of the best camp sites. This drew a lot of attention already, but one of the Executive Knight of Imperial Knight Palace Kelud openly challenged this king. This drew almost every kingdoms' attention to Fei.

It didn't matter the outcome, just being able to be challenged by one of the top warriors in the empire was an unreachable honor that many other kings couldn't get; this was in a way confirming the power of this king of Chambord. Many people who never heard of Fei got curious, and the news of the battle on the Dual-Tower Mountains was spread again. It caused a series of questionings, and it made people look forward to the battle even more.

The area between Moro Mountain and the holy capital that was about 20 square kilometers was being divided into squares of several sizes. Every square had the troops of a kingdom camped there. Looking down from the sky, it looked like a huge chess board, and the 250 affiliated kingdoms were the chess pieces that were about to begin a bloody and deadly battle.

As one of the sources of attention, Chambord enjoyed the "privilege" of being monitored.

From noon till sunset, almost every kingdom had sent someone from their kingdom to Chambord to see what was going on. According to the tradition and the rules of a competition, the fact that a master warrior who was able cause an Executive Knight to challenge him was in a level 6 kingdom was not good news for any kingdom. This tiger could be encountered by any kingdom, and this warrior would pose great threat to them. Since this was going to be the outcome, Chambord somehow seemed like the enemy to almost all other kingdoms.

Around night time, there were even more people gathered around Chambord's camp site.

There was nothing to hide. Maybe in the next few days, they could meet in the competition. It was common for the battlegrounds of the competition to be stacked with corpses. Among all the kingdoms, the most elite soldiers and warriors were brought to the competition, and these people were typically the most murderous. It was also common for them to draw their weapons and fight in the moment. The empire didn't prohibit the private duels of soldiers and warriors, and the empire even prepared 50 Sword Testing Stages where these people could duel. Recently, more than a hundred people had died on these stages. There were some star warriors among them; a four star warrior with the wood element warrior energy died there.

Therefore, all the warriors who came to spectate around Chambord's site with weapons on their back were very obvious. There were so many people around here that it looked like the most popular casino in St. Petersburg.

Among these people, there were three to four young man who looked most outstanding. Around them, there were more than a dozen guards with shiny armor and warrior energy surging around them. No one dared stand close to them. They only stood far away and looked these young man with fear and respect.

"Prince Solo, what do you think? Would they be a threat to us?" A good-looking young man with blue hair and a blue gem hairpin asked. He was wearing a gold color robe.

"Humph, they are only a bunch of hillbillies that haven't experienced anything!" Prince Solo sneered. He had brown and thin eyebrows, and he looked somewhat handsome, but his hook nose made him look gloomier. His expression looked very arrogant and full of disdain.

"Your highness, don't underestimate him. This king of Chambord defeated the tenth Executive Knight, and the seventh Executive Knight even challenged him. He couldn't be that dumb! Even though your highness is now a mid-tier five star warrior, you might not be a match!" The other young man with purple hair and a gold hair band smiled as he said. With his hands placed on his hilt, he appeared to be more calm and collected. Lights flashed through his eyes, and he appeared to be more calculative. Also, from his tone, he seemed to be provoking Prince Solo a little.

"Humph!" Prince Solo sneered. He didn't say anything, but he looked a little angry and seemed to want to fight with Fei to prove himself.

"Your highnesses. I have met with this king of Chambord before. He is not a bad warrior, but he is really arrogant and crazy like a mad dog. Also, he is really lustful; all the woman around him are rare beauties!" An elder who was standing behind these princes suddenly said as he stroked his goatee. He only had one ear.

"Oh? Rare beauties?" Among the four young man, the one who hadn't spoken got excited. He had a lack of hair, and most of his head was exposed. When he opened his mouth, everyone was able to see his yellow teeth. He was short and looked strange as if he was recovering from a serious illness. However, as soon as he heard about the beauties, he became more energetic.

A vicious light flashed through this elder's eyes, but he said respectfully, "Prince Zivitan, pardon my words. But they are at least ten times more beautiful than the four maids you have!"

"Ten times! Haha, hehe, interesting, really interesting!" Prince Zivitan who was very ugly licked his lips and laughed, "Maybe I should visit this king of Chambord!"

"It would be his honor to meet the elder prince of the Tomsky Kingdom, the number one kingdom among the top ten level 1 affiliated kingdoms..." The elder said so politely.

Not too far away from these fancily dressed princes, a few dark and thin young boys stared at the gate of Chambord's campsite. Their eyes were excited, and they had been standing there for the entire afternoon. They wanted to go through the gate, but they were hesitating as if something was bugging them in their minds.

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Chapter 218

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Chapter 218: An Invitation from an Old Friend (Part One)

At the same time.

A thousand meters upstream from the water bank beside Chambord's campsite, inside a giant heavily barraged military camp that occupied almost ten times the area that Chambord's camp did.

Inside the giant tent in the center, a figure sat alone on the stone slab in the middle, gently wiping the sword in his hand.

The sword was an ordinary one.

But this man was surrounded by a sharp lingering atmosphere.

This scent was like countless swords spread out at once. The sharp horrifying breath surged and lashed, yet such an atmosphere was very well controlled to within ten-meters around his body. A lonely yet exciting curvature appeared on the side of his mouth, as if he finally found something that could allow him to slow down and take a look at his toy.

"18 years old, a man that defeated the Golden Knight Sutton. Hmph, he is worthy for me to try my sword!"

Time flew.

In an instant, the golden sun by the west side of the Moro Mountains only had half of a smile left. The sky gradually turned darker, putting an end to the day-training, and the camps of every subsidiary kingdom became noisy, and soon, the entire plains had begun to bustle together.

Every day at night, it was the noisiest moment in the camps.

Among the 20 or so battalion camps, besides the elite warriors from the participating kingdoms were also big and small caravans from each kingdom, as will as artisans and hawkers. The Arms Drill Competition was also a grand occasion full of business opportunities for them. They gathered at a special district specifically drawn by the Empire, and when night fell, they opened for business. All of the sudden, voices of merchants yelling to attract to buyers went off endlessly, fragrance of alcohol and meat overflew, laughter and curses roared, and the whole district with bustling with noise and excitement.

"If you want to take revenge yourself, first you must improve your own strength. However, there's always a limit to an individual's strength. To want to be able to kill Kulun under the heavy defense of the Tolemy Family, you must become a lone executor that walks in the darkness, and have the most outstanding assassination techniques. You must be familiar with every structure and function of each part of the body, and learn to grasp the psychology of all kinds of people. You need to learn how to hide and protect yourself, how to seize opportunity, how to endure, how to choose, how to setup, how to distinguish falsehood, how to confuse opponents, how to use all kinds of weapons… Of course, most importantly, you need to learn how to make your heart become harder!"

Inside Chambord's camp, Fei was guiding Inazagi and the four survived orphans on training.

These four orphans name were Kawani, Michael-Irvine, Gonzalez, and David. When they were young, they experienced an unimaginable life-sharpening experience, and then the tragedy that just happened. After seeing those most dear to them dying right in front of their eyes, their mental maturity level far exceeded any ordinary people. The unforgettable hatred made their hearts extremely tough, even holding the butcher knife, there will not be the slightest hesitation. Even though they didn't have the miraculous talent of Inzagi, they still had the talent to become an assassin due to what they had experienced. The four orphans and Inzagi were like brothers, and their loyalty towards Fei for saving their lives could be absolutely guaranteed. So, Fei had made up his mind to train these four orphans to become assassins like Inzagi, and that plan inside his mind of cultivating dark guardians could finally be achieved. These five young men will be the first batch of Grim Reaper assassins that Fei trained.

"Assassin, darlings of the night that wanders in the shadows, they don't have prominent titles, but can achieve illustrious merits…"

Fei switched to [Assassin Mode], unleashing his full energy without reservation, making others able to clearly feel this erratic, dark and exotic scent. As his body flashed, he already changed places in the camp 20 to 30 times, and every time after he teleported, the sharp feeling that he was emitting didn't weaken by the slightest. This was a very magical state, you clearly knew that there's a terrifying assassin beside you, but you would easily and unconsciously forget his existence the moment you lose focus.

Chapter 218: An Invitation from an Old Friend (Part Two)

"Before practicing real assassination skills, you need to train you energy, and also increase your body's sensitivity to changes in the environment."

After letting Inzagi and the other four people feeling how it felt to be a real assassin, Fei gave a very normal one-star energy technique scroll and an assassin training manual which he created after referencing countless Diablo world assassin skill scrolls and consulting Akara, Grandpa Cain, and many others, to Inzagi, and instructed him to take good care of them and lead the four other brothers to work hard to train.

Fei's skills all came from the Diablo world. Therefore it wasn't very realistic to get Inzagi and the others work on learning these skills right away, so he could only let these five children cultivate their energy first, and then follow the energy technique scrolls Fei created to learn assassin's skills. To be honest, up until now, as to how to train these apprentices to really become those terrifying and undefeatable assassins as he imagined, Fei didn't have the most solid plans yet, and everything was still in the trial and error process.

After he finishes guiding his apprentices, Fei had the leisure time to check around the camp.

Very soon he could feel the strange atmosphere around him. There was a lot of hostility intent among the tension, and of course there were some people that were hesitant whether or not they should reach out to them. The Chambord camp seemed to have become a prominent focal point in the area, but His Majesty the King didn't seem to mind this situation that much, because he was much more attracted to the night-market-like environment at the camp sites at night. As an otaku in the past life who didn't get out of his house often, wandering the roadside stalls was one of his few hobbies. The night market in the district of their camp was not only lively but also exotic. Many interesting things that couldn't be found here could all be found here, and undoubtedly, that aroused Fei's intention to stroll in the night market with his beauty.

A lot of people thought that after the Chambord King received the Seventh Execution Knight – Blood Knight Kruder's challenge, even if he wasn't scared shitless, he would still feel mounting pressure, and go prepare a quiet place to train in. However, when they saw how Fei first guided his soldiers in training, and then casually took a stroll around the campsite, and ultimately also had the intention of bringing his people to go check out the night market, they were suddenly a bit lost.

However, Fei's night-market plan didn't really come true.

This was because right when he got Oleg and Torres to finish preparing the magical carriage and was about to go get Angela, Emma and the others to go out, a team of tall mighty knights in shiny armor suddenly came galloping from afar. They disturbed the military camps to the point of chicken and dogs flying and jumping everywhere, but no one dared to open their mouth to curse or complain, because the two-headed bear symbol carved on these knights' armor revealed their identity as royal guards, so even if it was a tier-1 subsidiary kingdom, they still wouldn't dare to show any disrespect towards these knights that represented the dignity of the imperial royal family.

When the knights got to the Chambord Camp, they unexpectedly stopped. The tall muscular man in the lead got off the horse, and then got into the Chambord Camp by himself after the bylaw enforcement officer reported to Fei. Then, he came to Fei, after he looked from top to bottom for awhile, he paid a brief greeting ceremony and respectfully asked, "Are you His Majesty the Chambord King Alexander?"

"That's me."

"Our Master wants to invite you to the Wind-Speak Tavern in this camp district for a meet."

Fei slightly paused for a second and asked, "Your master? Who?"

The tall and mighty knight took out a folded white paper and carefully delivered it to Fei, and he smiled and said, "Your Majesty will know after seeing this."

Fei opened the paper, but only saw four words on the letter –

"An invitation from an Old Friend."

Old friend inviting me? Who the f*ck is that?

Fei was a little confused. These four words were really elegant, clearly being a woman's handwriting. However, at the vicinity of the Empire City, he didn't seem to have any female friends, could it be the Elder Princess? Suddenly, Fei smelled a faint ray of fragrance emitted from the paper. The smell was familiar yet unfamiliar, some memories not long ago suddenly came to his mind.

Could it be her?

And then Fei felt it's even more strange.

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Chapter 219

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Chapter 219: The So-Called Friend

Wind-Whisper Tavern, also known as Wind-Speak, was one of the most famous pubs in the Twenty Mile District.

The reason it was famous, besides its large area, prime location, having the most fragrant wine, most beautiful maids, and most delicious dishes, was the fact that it had tough fists. In the Twenty Mile District that never lacked chaos and blood, no one dared to stir up any trouble within a hundred meters around the Wind-Whisper Tavern. Perhaps there had been a few not-so-clever guys, but they eventually disappeared into the darkness off the face of this Earth.

From what some well-informed guests revealed, there seemed to be the shadow of the Imperial Army looming behind this tavern.

The royal noble knights freely travelled here without any one daring to block their way, and the knight in the lead brought Fei to the front of the Wind-Whisper Tavern. The most passionate waiter was already waiting at the front as he hurried out to greet these guests. He led them into the tavern, and the climate immediately warmed up. The magic spell here worked even better than the central air-conditioning from Fei's past life, and from the moment Fei stepped into the Tavern, he already felt the atmosphere and force of the Wind-Whisper Tavern.

Rather than calling it a tavern, it was in fact a six-story building.

Fei followed the stairs and quickly arrived at the sixth floor which would allow him to see the entire Twenty Mile rooftop. The royal knight that had been accompanying Fei wasn't qualified to enter the sixth floor, so only Fei was admitted.

The entire sixth floor only had one hall, and the level of luxurious decorations was far beyond an average person's imagination.

There wasn't the kind of lively scene of hustling and bustling maids and guards as Fei expected. The luxurious hall seemed very quiet, and there wasn't even a single server. At the near-east direction of the hall beside the window, there sat a purple ebony wood table that was covered into the shape of a giant dragon spreading its wings. The four little dishes on the table exuded a little warmth, and the crystal gold wine bottle with a simple yet elegant design exuded an intoxicating wine fragrance. The whole world seemed to have been cut apart from the hustle and bustle of the street outside, everything was extremely elegant, graceful, fresh, and pleasant.

Fei's eyes soon focused onto the window-side.

Because there stood a person.

A woman.

An elegant woman with peerless beauty.

To Fei, this woman indeed counted as someone from the past – the flirtatious beauty Hilton Paris.

In the past during the coronation ceremony, at Chambord City's eastern mountain top at sunrise, she was the terrifying woman who almost successfully killed Elder Princess Tanasha and the [Zenit Military God] Arshavin.

If it was half a month ago, seeing this scary woman, Fei would have probably turned around, covered his head and ran right away. After all, on that day of the Eastern Mountain Top battle, he p*ssed off that woman too much. If this woman would go all crazy again and try to take revenge, Fei would probably be in big trouble. But, now Fei's strength had risen sharply and was absolutely enough to protect himself, so he was able to quickly calm himself down.

"King Alexander, we meet again."

Paris, in a graceful white dress, slowly turned around. Her peerless smile was able to easily snatch most men's soul. Her golden hair slightly danced with the wind, and there was a budding blood-red rose inserted in her hair. She elegantly walked to the small table, reached out her hand towards the table as an invite and said, "Your Majesty, please sit."

Fei slightly smiled, then went to the table and sat down.

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to be surprised at all, could it be that you already know it was me that invited you?" The slender white arms gracefully began pouring wine out of the gold crystal wine bottle. Her elegant manner with her tempting demeanor made it hard for anyone to associate her with the cold blood sinister female devil back on the Eastern Mountain top.

"Haha, on the invitation, there was a faint fragrance, and if I remember correctly, I once sensed this smell before on the Eastern Mountain top, so I was able to make a guess."

Fei was extremely relaxed, his eyes swept past the few dishes on the table. Although they are all normal dishes, but they were clearly from the hands of master chefs. The scent, appearance, and taste were all there. The work was delicate, and they it was enough to make a man drool. Ever since Fei arrived at the Chambord camp at noon, Fei indeed hadn't had dinner yet, and he was for a second attracted by these exquisite dishes. Without hesitation, he took out a delicate pair of bamboo chopsticks and began treating himself to the feast.

"Your Majesty is indeed full of surprises, at the war in the past, whether it was me or the elder princess, we both underestimated Your Majesty." Paris didn't mind Fei's impoliteness. She brought up the little glass in front of her, covered her mouth with her sleeve and drank the whole cup.

"Haha, you are over-praising me."

"No, not at all. In my opinion, Your Majesty deserve such praise…" Paris picked up a soft piece of meat into her mouth, slightly smiled and said, "It's just that, I'm very curious, since you already guessed that it was an invitation from an enemy of yours from the past, you still dared to come alone. Could Your Majesty really not be worry at all that I would set up a death trap here? Or do you really think that, I dare not to kill you?"

Right after the voice ended, Paris's face suddenly changed, the elegant and tempting smile immediately disappeared without a trace, and what replaced it was an aura that would chill one to the bones. This was a sharp killing intent only cultivated by experienced masters, and if it was someone else in front of Paris right now, they would've already been scared shitless.

Fei raised his cup and drank it all. He shook his head and smiled and said, "Under the demonic moon by the window, there's good wine on the high floor. Such a beautiful scene, like a peerless beauty, I thought you would talk about something interesting, why would you bring up such a serious topic? Ok, since, as a beautiful lady, you are that straightforward, I have no choice but to be more straightforward… Yes, to be honest, I am indeed not worried at all. Back then you couldn't kill me at the Eastern Mountain top, now you have even less of a chance in succeeding!"

"Sometimes, being overly confident, is being hopelessly stupid!" The devil-like woman sneered, "Chambord King, I know you defeated the Golden Sun Knight Sutton at the Twin-Tower peak, but such an achievement is nothing. In the Empire Capital, the number of people that could defeat Sutton is not a minority!"

Fei touched his chin, smiled but didn't say anything, not wanting to argue.

Paris coldly stared at Fei. Such dreamy eyes should not emit such a chilly feeling, but she stared for a full minute, yet the guy she was staring at was still casually eating and drinking. The depth of her eyes flashed with a hint of frustration, and suddenly she covered her mouth and smiled. The thousand-year frost ice on her peerless face instantly melted, and the familiar seductive smile reappeared. Her whole person instantly became a ball of passionate flame as she laughed and said, "Heehee, after the depart on the Eastern Mountain Top, within just a few months, Your Majesty's fame already shook the entire empire. Upon meeting you today, such grace, is indeed at a level I have no choice but to look up to!"

"Grace, is forged on top of having strength." Fei was not modest.

"I heard that tomorrow at noon, you will be dueling with the Seventh Execution Knight on the First Sword Testing Stage. I don't know if your Majesty knows about this execution knight that goes by the name [Bloodthirst]?" Paris gently got up to pour a cup of wine for Fei.

"Nope." Fei honestly replied.

"In that case, here I have something about the Seventh Execution Knight – [Bloodthirst Knight] Kelude's strength's most detailed report, including his most energy technique [Burning Wild Flame Blade]'s features, as well as his top ten combos and tactics explained. I will give this to Your Majesty!"

Paris said, took out a black steel box, placed it on the desk, and pushed it to Fei's side.

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Chapter 220

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Chapter 220: Then Save Me Please

Fei paused on the chopstick action, looked at the black iron box, hesitated for a second, then looked up at the coquettish witch, and smiled and asked, "There's no free lunch in this world, now if I accept this gift, will I have to pay back a corresponding price?"

"Why? Afraid?" The witch-like woman spoke lazily, her eyes were very provocative.

"In fact, this kind of information is not much of a significance to me. A real master only believes in the strength of himself. No matter who the opponent is, I can kill them all with one punch!" Fei said very arrogantly, but his hands didn't hesitate as well. With a flash of white light, the black iron box was already taken into his storage ring.

"You… Your Majesty is indeed the most distinctive king I have ever seen!" The devilish woman saw this scene and was absolutely speechless. She couldn't help but start to despise Fei.

"You are flattering me!" The King's face wasn't humble at all. Faced with the peerless beauty in front of his eyes, he was not moved at all, and he was even shameless enough to say what Paris really wanted to say, "I think you meant that I am the most shameless king you have ever seen right? Haha, whatever, after all it was something you are trying to shove into my hands. In order to not hurt your feelings, I had no choice but to take it, but don't expect me to pay you back with anything."

Paris seductively stood up to pour Fei another glass of wine, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face, "Okay, you are right, I indeed wanted to say that Your Majesty is the most shameless King I've ever met, and no one will ever come close to being second!"

Fei gave her the white eye, drank all the wine, looked at the bright moon rising by the window, and suddenly exclaimed, "Not long ago we held steel weapons in our hands fighting to the death. Now we are here sitting together and flirting with love. Fate is really a wonderful thing, did we turn from enemies to friends now?"

"What flirting with love? Your Majesty, you are a little rude." The witch's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of anger. This woman, when calm, had a deadly attraction, which was sometimes noble, sometimes pure, sometimes moist and sometimes seductive. Her temperament changed between thousands of forms, and the switch between the temperaments didn't have any jerky abrupt feelings. She was indeed an addictive beauty that only appeared once a generation.

Fei laughed, and his words couldn't be more honest, "Haha, old habit. When I see beautiful girls I will habitually flirt with them for a bit… By the way, speaking of flirting, Chambord was assigned the prime location of the Twenty Mile District by the water. I thought about it, it's also arranged by you right?"

"Since Your Majesty knew very well, then you should be able to feel my heart for you right~" The little witch began to tempt Fei again.

Fei gently tapped the table, and his face suddenly became serious, "Matters of your people have nothing to do with me, just don't provoke me and I won't get involved."

"But if at a critical moment the Elder Princess requests Your Majesty to act?" Paris asked, seemingly laughing but also not.

Fei was silent.

After a long time, he then slowly replied, "If she is in grave danger, then I will act to rescue her."

A hint of surprise flashed past Paris's face, seemingly very satisfied but also not very satisfied with that answer. That strange expression disappeared right away so Fei didn't catch it, and this witch's face also became serious as she asked, "Then if my life is at risk, will you come to save me?"

"Yes." Fei's answer was very simple.

"Oh? Why?"

"Because you are a beauty. I am the type of person that doesn't like to see beautiful things get ruined by some idiots in front of my eyes. I don't like tragedies." Fei seemed to be full, he wiped his mouth and drank the last bit of wine.

Paris smiled happily, "That's great, Your Majesty, now, save me please!"

"What?" Fei became dumbfounded for a second.

At this moment, outside of the tavern, the atmosphere suddenly changed~

A dark crossbow arrow that seemed to have melted into the night suddenly shot out from the wall below the window, and it was bursting directly towards Paris's temple.

This arrow had no signs in advance, it was abnormally sudden, and extremely strange!

But Paris seemed to have predicted that something would happen. She waved her sword and the sword light cut through the sky. With a "ding" sound, a spark bloomed in the night, and the dark crossbow arrow containing terrifying energy was sliced into a pile of iron dust by the demonic woman's sword.

The demonic witch beauty Paris, her peerless beauty could easily trick people into forgetting that she was also a master.

Pew pew pew pew pew!

At the next instant, countless dark arrows appeared again, like a rainstorm, penetrating the wooden walls of this Wind-Whisper Tavern's sixth floor. The holes were as big as bowls, and the arrows came directly for Paris's slim body under the sawdust of the wood!

Blue flame bloomed everywhere.

Paris's whole body was shrouded by this dense cyan light, her full body of wooden energy was madly being channeled, her exquisite body was constantly flashing with incredible movements. Together with the long sword in her hand, she continued to dodge or slice down the dark arrows that was covering the sky. The sixth floor that was just elegant and peaceful was instantly full of murderous intent. The noise of metal clashing and the sparks that were flying everywhere, it was a storm-like violent symphony!

Paris's swordsmanship and energy was indeed extraordinary.

But those waves of dark arrows covering the sky were seemingly endless, like a thirsty locust swarm looming over Paris's body in the dark night.

At this moment, the royal guards downstairs finally realized that something was wrong.

"Protect Lady Paris!"

The guards were shocked and angry, they shouted as they charged up the stairs, wanting to rush onto the sixth floor to protect their master.

But just at that moment, things took another turn.

With a deafening sound within an instant, the walls on the fifth floor suddenly burst open.

Six pitch black figures shattered the wall and struck in the storm of sawdust. The swords flashed a chilling light, and all kinds of colors of energy brightened the darkness. The attackers chopped down the stairs towards the sixth floor with the fastest speed, and then lunged towards those royal guards that wanted to reinforce Paris. Both sides instantly clashed, swords light flashed, miserable sounds were heard, blood flew everywhere, and chopped off limbs fell…

At the same time, Paris who was on the sixth floor finally run into trouble.

Three sharp sword lights shattered the wooden walls. The pale white sawdust fell like falling flowers, and followed by the three streams of sword light were three assassins that were covered in black scale armor. After the storm of dark arrows just passed, Paris didn't even get a chance to take a breath, and the three ghost-like figures rushed towards the exquisite body that was shrouded by the ball of cyan light.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Three deep roars were heard, as if the sound from the depth of hell coming to take your life.

Paris's face was dignified. Her sword danced, her white robe fluttered, and her yellow blonde hair jumping up and down like flames, she swiftly moved her body, leaving traces of silver sword light in the air to guard her slim body, and she went into an intense battle with the three assassins. The dense sounds of swords clashing came, and on the sixth floor, sparks bloomed in the dark like fireworks, magnificent and bright

During this whole time, Fei had been sitting quietly by the rosewood dragon table.

The dark arrows that covered the sky almost shattered the wall by the table, and Fei was naturally within the range of the dark arrows. However, Fei's performance had reached a level far beyond the coquettish witch Paris. He just sat there motionlessly, and those sharp dark arrows that could penetrate a five-fingers-thick hard wood wall as if instantly became rapped in an invisible swamp the moment they came within one meter away from his body, and couldn't move a single inch ahead. Clear water ripples appeared in the air, and the dark arrows all fell onto the ground.

The torrential rain-like murderous intent filled the floor, Fei was still in place.

Until the sound of a sharp sword being dragged across the floor came. Another person appeared.