
Haikyuu: Untold Secrets [SakuAtsu]

It was supposed to be my mission to kill you so how did I end up falling in love with you? Miya Atsumu who's a secret spy of Division of Intelligence located in Ichigaya district in Tokyo was assigned with a mission to be a hitman of the most popular yakuza group in Japan. Sakusa Kiyoomi, the new head of Sakusa-kai, was forced to replace his father to continue the business. Did he made a mistake trusting Atsumu or would this be a new start to change his view in life?

thirdgymsquad · Action
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


10:24 AM January 31 Shibayama Mansion

"Let the game begin"

A tall, muscular but still with a slender frame guy sitting on a eames chair, guarded by twenty bodyguards inside a room, was talking to his right hand man. His features appear to be sly, with narrowed eyes and hazel colored cat-like pupils with a black hair that seems to be a bed-head that hasn't been fixed and with its fringe on his right side that partially covers his right eye. Wearing a red shirt under his all black suit, people call him as the 'Provocation Expert'.

As soon as he hung up the phone, one of his men walked in front of him and said,

"Kindaichi and Kunimi are here."

The guy blew out his smoke from his cigarette and tap the ashes on his ashtray. 

"Let them in."

Four of his men were pinning down Kindaichi and Kunimi as they were struggling real hard for them to escape. When they saw the guy walking close to them, the hope of escaping on that place was all gone. They felt horrified, frightened, nervous and intimidated by the aura that this guy was emitting. 

The guy forcibly pulled Kindaichi's hair making him groan in pain.

"I told you to bring Atsumu in here, right?"

"K-kuroo-san..." Kunimi whimpered as he tries to grab Kuroo's hand off of Kindaichi's hair.

Kuroo grabbed Kunimi's arm and twisted it in an unnatural position, making his ligaments to stretch out. Kunimi groan in pain while holding his twisted elbow. 

"Kunimi! P-please let me go!" Kindaichi said, trying to use his weight on his body to push the bodyguards away from him.

Kuroo walked beside Kunimi and held his other arm up.

"Why did you failed on bringing Atsumu in here?"

Both of them were silent not wanting to answer.

"Oh? So you don't want to answer my question?"

Kuroo held Kunimi's arm up and twisted it while kicking his shoulders, making his whole arm dislocated from it. He then grabbed Kunimi's hair and forced him to stare at Kindaichi.

"Are you seeing this Kindaichi? This is what happens when you fail to do what I order you."

Kindaichi looked away not wanting see the pain Kunimi is feeling right now. 

"If you won't answer my question, I will break both of his legs."

Kuroo suddenly removed his grip off of Kunimi's hair, making his face fall flat on the floor. 

"Why didn't you bring Atsumu last night in here?"


"You what?" Kuroo walked beside Kunimi's left leg, trying to threaten Kindaichi.

"We met Sakusa at the bar last night." Kindaichi hastily said, stopping Kuroo on what he's about to do.

"Stupid" Kunimi muttered.

Kindaichi looked at Kunimi's direction who is now looking at him while both of his arms are stretched out on the floor. 

"You should have lied..... of not meeting Sakusa last night. He'll.... gonna kill us."

"Oh? What a good suggestion you have there." Kuroo grabbed his gun from his waist and pointed at Kindaichi's head. 

"If Sakusa already knows your faces, it will be bad for me if I'll use the both of you to do the dirty works, right?"

"K-kuroo-san, please don't kill Kindaichi. It was all my fault that we didn't bring Atsumu in here. I forgot to cover Atsumu's face which was my job to do it, it was all my fault that's why Sakusa noticed that it was Atsumu that we were dragging out of the bar. I'm... begging you.... please don't kill Kindaichi." 

Kunimi crawled using only both of his legs and placed his forehead on top of Kuroo's shoes. 

"I'll do anything you want so please don't involve Kindaichi on this."

"Don't fuck with me! You are the one that needs to be out of this! I am the reason why you joined this line of work, right? I forced you to work with me that's why I am the main reason why you're suffering right now!"

"Don't think highly of yourself! There's no way you are the reason why I joined in here!" Kunimi shouted.

"Kunimi, atleast once in your life, please be honest with what you are feeling." Kindaichi looked at Kunimi, as if begging Kunimi to stop and he'll handle the rest. 

"Kuroo, please don't listen to him. It was all my fault that we failed last night. He already suffered enough that's why I'm begging you to please don't involve Kunimi on this." Kindaichi added. 

A loud laugh escaped Kuroo's mouth, holding his stomach as he tries to stop himself from cackling. 

"Can't believe you two are acting lovey dovey in front of me as if you're not on the verge of dying." Kuroo wiped the tears on his eyes and pointed the gun back to Kindaichi.

"He'll follow you soon after i kill you so don't you worry about him."

Kuroo removed the safety on of his gun and put his ring finger beside the trigger, preparing his self to shoot.

"It was nice working with you, Kindaichi."

Kindaichi's eyes started to fill with tears as he knows that Kuroo never joked about killing. He knows that any second from now, he'll hear a shot and it will be the end of him. That's why....

"K-kunimi...  I'm sorry... for being the worst person that you have met." Kindaichi smiled at Kunimi as tears started falling down on his cheeks. 

Kuroo stepped on Kindaichi's head and pulled the trigger. Blood started flowing on Kindaichi's head after the shot that made Kunimi hurriedly crawl where Kindaichi is, and used his head and legs to flip Kindaichi's body. He quickly placed his head on Kindaichi's chest, trying to fool himself that he is still alive.

"K-kindaichi.... hey.... don't die on me.... please.... wake up. I'm begging you....."

Kunimi buried his face on Kindaichi's chest, as his tears fell down on Kindaichi's white shirt, now filled with blood.

"If you beg me to spare for your life and continue working in here, I will consider it. So get off of that failure and start begging." 

Kuroo tried to lift up Kunimi's face but he resisted, not wanting to be separated to Kindaichi. 

"So you're still siding with that loser, huh? You think he can still save you from this knowing he's dead already? That guy made your life miserable by dragging you in this mess!" Kuroo pulled Kunimi's hair hard making him groan in pain.

"Do you ever wonder why he forced you to join the clan? It's because his family owes a huge amount of money. Since his family left him all alone, the debt and all the responsibility was all transferred to him. And what did this bastard do?" Kuroo kicked Kindaichi's body three times and went back on pulling Kunimi's hair.

"He asked you to join him in order to pay for the debt before his deadline. And you, who's fucking stupid, didn't asked him the reason why he involved you with all of this." 

Kuroo let out a chuckle as he saw Kunimi, who's tears kept falling continuously.

"You regret everything that happened in your life, right?"

"No, I didn't." Kunimi answered as he stares at Kuroo with a surprised look on his face.

"I know that his family was in debt with a huge amount of money. I know that he was forced to work in here to pay for it. I know that he invited me in here for that reason. And I know that Kindaichi is a kind-hearted person that will never hurt others just for his sake."

"Kind-hearted?!" Kuroo laughed upon hearing what Kunimi is saying.

"Do you think a kind hearted man will do something like this to you?" 

"He doubted."

Kunimi crawled a little closer to Kindaichi and pour all of his strength on his right arm to hold Kindaichi's hand.

"I was the one who forced him to let me join. All of what happened in my life was all because of my will and not his. That's why.... "

Kunimi caressed Kindaichi's face for the last time and said,

"You're the most amazing person that I have met, Kindaichi."

"Stop with the fucking drama."

A gunshot was soon fired from Kuroo's gun, leaving two dead bodies in front of him. He ordered his men to carry them and throw wherever they can't be readily seen. As soon as the clean up was done, a guy around his 40's entered the room. 

"So you killed two of our men today, huh. That makes it seven this week, Kuroo."

Kuroo hurriedly looked from the voice's direction and saw the man that he respects the most.



10:53 PM January 31 Sakusa Mansion

"Stay the fuck here!"

Kageyama slowly opened his eyes as he was taking a quick nap because for the past few days that he's been in the basement, sleeping was never easy for him. He sat up on his bed and opened the door, seeing a orange haired guy lying on the floor, tied up on both of his legs and hands. 


He hurriedly run next to him and tried to untie the ropes. He looked at him and saw bruises and blood all over his body. 

"You know him, Kageyama?" 

Sakusa let out a loud laugh as he saw Kageyama who tries to remove the ties on Hinata. 

"I guess not letting you set free for another day was a good decision. If I didn't, I wouldn't even know that you are one of the cops."

"What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything."

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" Kageyama grabbed Sakusa's collar and landed a punch on his face.

Sakusa spit out the blood off of his mouth and said,

"Do you think you have the rights to punch me in the face?"

He stood up, grabbed Kageyama's shoulder and landed a clean hit on his gut, making Kageyama collapse on the floor, groaning in pain. 

"I'll fucking show you what we did to that kid!"

He kicked Kageyama on different parts of his body over and over. 

"We fucking kicked him till he begs us to stop."

He grabbed the wooden chair besides the table and smashed it on Kageyama's head that made his stitches open and bleed. 

"We fucking smashed a chair on his head that made it bleed."

He then flipped the wooden table and cut one of its leg to use it as a bat. He strike a hundred times on Kageyama's body that made him whimper and groan because of the pain he was feeling.

"And we fucking tortured him until he lost his consciousness." 

Sakusa threw the wooden bat he was holding and said,

"The both of you will surely die tomorrow so cherish the remaining hours you have."

Sakusa stormed out of the basement leaving the two of them behind. Kageyama tried his best to crawl back to Hinata who was still unconscious that time. As soon as he removed all of the ropes on Hinata's body, he stood up and used all of his remaining strength to carry Hinata on his bed. He walked to the bathroom, grabbed a basin and filled it with water. He then opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a towel that he can use to wipe the dirt and blood off of Hinata.

He soaked the towel in the water and twisted it to remove the excess liquid off of it. He gently wipe Hinata's face first as he caressed his cheeks using his other hand. He switch on wiping Hinata's arms, his chest, stomach, down to his legs and his feet. He opened another cabinet, grabbing a pair of clothes for him. He tried to slowly sat Hinata up but he felt a sharp pain on his back. He collapsed on his knees while covering his mouth, trying to suppress any noise that might wake Hinata. He stood up after a few minutes of resting, and went back on changing Hinata's clothes. It was big on his size but it was only the pair of clothes left inside the cabinet.

He was wobbling as he brought back the basin in the bathroom. He used the wall as his support in order to walked back to the room because the pain he was feeling is getting worse as he force his self to walk back and forth just to get the things he needed for Hinata. 

Kageyama slowly lay down next to Hinata and placed a blanket on top of them. He lightly raised Hinata's head up and put his arm below it, making use of it as a pillow. He then pulled Hinata closer to him, kissed his forehead as tears fell down on his cheeks.  


3:13 AM February 1 Sakusa Mansion


Kageyama suddenly woke up as soon as he heard Hinata calling out for his name.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt somewhere?!"


Kageyama hurriedly stood up, and walked normally so that Hinata won't notice that he's extremely in pain right now. He helped Hinata to sit and put the glass of water on his lips. 

"The lights... it's so dark in here..."

"P-power... shortage!" Kageyama blurted out.

The both of them went silent not knowing what to say. Hinata patted the space beside him signaling Kageyama to lie down. He grabbed the blanket and placed it on top of them. He squeeze his body close to Kageyama, burying his face on his chest and giving him a tight hug.

"You're in a bad condition right now, aren't you?" Hinata roamed his hands around Kageyama's body and he felt open wounds and liquid flowing out of it. 

"I can feel the bruises, wounds and blood flowing out of it."

"That's just sweat." 

Hinata laughed on Kageyama's lame excuse and lightly pinch Kageyama's sides.

"You're a bad liar. There's no way you can fool anyone."

Kageyama chuckled and hugged Hinata close to him even more. 

The both of them went silent for a few minutes, feeling each other's warmth. No one dared to bring the topic about work, just feeling each other's bodies and hearing the sound of their heartbeats soothes the pain they were feeling. 



"Do you regret meeting me and being a part of my life?"

Hinata pushed Kageyama away from him and hurriedly turned on the lamp beside the bed. The light illuminated Kageyama's face, as his tears continuously fell down on his cheeks. He saw all the bruises on Kageyama's body and the bed that they were lying on, is filled with a lot of blood coming off of his wounds. 

"Please lie down for a minute." Kageyama grabbed Hinata's arm and pulled him closer to him.

"K-kageyama..... you're bleeding.... a lot." Hinata wanted to hug Kageyama back but he was so worried he might hurt him.

"I regret meeting you and being a part of your life."

Hinata tried to look at Kageyama's face but was stopped by pulling his head deep on Kageyama's chest. 

 "I regret joining the agency. I regret meeting you in there and falling in love with you at first sight. I regret getting close to you just to be your friend so that we can spend more time out of working hours too. I regret forcing you to love me and made you to decide to be my boyfriend. I regret all the dates that we did together, the happy nights and the memorable days that I've spent with you."

Kageyama let out a sob as he can't suppress the guilt he is feeling anymore.

"I regret everything, Hinata."

"No... please stop."

"If I didn't met you at the agency, if I didn't fell for you, if I didn't get so close to you, if we weren't together, this will never happen. It's all my fault that you're suffering right now."

"It's not your fault."

Hinata hugged Kageyama tightly,  not caring about the wounds and bruises that Kageyama has. He wanted to let him know that he is there for him.

"I'm so sorry for making your life miserable, Hinata."

"Listen here, you dumbass." Hinata grabbed Kageyama's face using both of his hands and pulled it close to his face.

"Meeting you at the agency was a coincidence. We both dreamed of becoming part of that agency so don't blame yourself because of that shit. You falling in love at first sight with me? Blame that to my parents for having their beautiful genes passed to me. You're also blaming yourself that you got close to me and you befriended me? Dude, I'm friends with everyone so don't feel special. And lastly us being together? Yeah blame that to yourself because even though you're dumb and stupid, you are so cool when we do our work, you are so reliable and you are so handsome even if you have that kind of grumpy face."

Hinata flicked Kageyama's forehead and smiled.

"That's why don't blame yourself because of what is happening right now. Be happy that you're spending the rest of your life with me."

Kageyama was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"Or you regret that I'm also here with you?" Hinata pouted. 

Kageyama smiled and caressed Hinata's hand on his face.

"Nope. That was all because of your stupidity that you're here." 

"W-what?! So you still have the energy to tease me like that?!"

Hinata tickled Kageyama's sides but soon stopped because he was groaning in pain. 

"That hurts, dumbass."

The both of them spent the next hours chatting and laughing, trying to reminisce the memories that they have been together. Kageyama soon noticed that it was already six in the morning. He stared at Hinata's smiling face that shines bright like a sun that lightens up his world. He caressed his face and kiss his forehead, trying to cherish the remaining hours that he'll be with, the guy that he's been in love with for the past years. He then felt a hand caressing his back while Hinata was looking up at him with a serious look on his face.

"Kageyama, will you die with me?"