
Haikyuu The One Above All

A young boy died in front of hundreds people that were watching him. as he was losing his breath he calmly let out a few words as he was gonna die. "I hope I'm extremely powerful the next life.." He said while dying inside a stadium full of people watching Volleyball. ---- Wish fulfillment, fuck plot, author handsome, author big pp, and author handsome. Take place in Haikyuu.

BedisLaifu · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Team


A loud sound resounded the whole stadium, as it hit the ground causing for the people inside to cheer.

The team that scored was happy, the team that got scored on wasn't. As they got their morale destroyed with their spirits and faces disgruntled, all they wanted to do was go home and eat some ramen to pass the time. But there was one that didn't give up.

It was a small boy that kept jumping, receiving, and setting. He was trying his all to win the game only to injure himself and kill himself inside the court as one misstep broke his bones and penetrated his brain causing him to die in front of people. He only had one wish left as he spoke calmly.

"Make me stronger next time..."

Like that he closed his eyes as the screams and people in front of him blurred as the next second he couldn't hear anything anymore. A couple of seconds more.



A sound of an alarm clock was making itself annoying as he woke up.

"I'm.. alive..?" He thought as he moved his body around.

He went outside as he looked at the lawn in front of him perfect for him to test himself.

He counted to 3 and jumped.

Like an airplane flying up, he kept going up, up, up, up until he made it all the way to the roof.


What the hell..?!

He was shocked how the hell did he jump so high?

He was still in the air while he was thinking and began falling down.


He started screaming inside him as he started falling in a fast speed, he thought he was gonna die again but his reflexes were faster as he caught him self on the ground perfectly landing.


He then started running across the lawn back and forth as he was extremely fast.

What is this body!

He stopped to gather his thoughts as he saw a volleyball near a chair.

He grabbed it and threw it to the sky.

He jumped.

And spiked.


Like thunder enveloping the sky, the ball that was in front of his hand dissapeared as it was immediately in the ground.


It made a loud sound as it hit the ground leaving a dent in them.

This.. is this me..?

He started cheering as he jumped up and down to express his excitement.

He grabbed his bag and went to school to start his day. A day in the life of Kira.


After 2 minutes of running all the way to his school he was again shocked. He was fast, extremely fast. He also had monstrous stamina as he didn't even sweat. This was amazing!

He went inside the school as he started his day.

Like he thought, he also had incredible intelligence as he easily got all of the questions right his classmates and teachers were shocked as to what happened to him.

He could easily ace one of the hardest tests and apply to a prestigious school if he wanted to!

As he thought of that, it seemed as if it was time for club activities as he head to the volleyball Court. But for some reason there was a block in his memory, or this previous body's owner as he couldn't remember where it is.

He just winged it and walked in a direction.

After a few minutes of walking he finally heard the sounds of shoes sprinting and balls hitting the ground he smiled as he entered. But it seemed he was in the wrong place.

He looked at the big men in front of him that were playing basketball.

There was a red head that had a buzz cut, a gorilla, and a handsome guy.

He saw the red head screaming at the handsome guy making a shot.

"Oi Rukawa give the ball you idiot!" He screamed outloud and tried to take the ball from his teammate but failed as the guy named Rukawa ankle braked his own teammate.

The red head fell down and had a tick on his forehead.

"You... and in front of.." He said and got angry as he stood up ready to fight him.

But the gorilla came close and slapped both of their heads.

"Get along you idiots!"

This was a weird sight, it looked like a zoo. A gorilla, a dog, and a fox.

He quickly made his way out of there as he once again tried to find the volleyball club.

After a few more minutes he finally found them.


He shouted as a bunch of faces looked at him and scoffed.

Why is he here?

Shouldn't he be embarrassed at what he did?

We already teached him a lesson and he still showed up?

Kira, while I do admire your braveness, you should realize that you don't belong in this place anymore.

They all thought as they went close to each other and decided to teach him a lesson again.

Kira didn't know what was happening as he greeted them.

"What's up guys, ready to play?" He said while the other guys scrunched up their faces and started running up to him intending to injure him.

Kira saw this and his joyful face turned into a cold look as he said.

"Why are you guys doing this? Do you wanna die?" He said as the first guy that was big and looked like the leader tried to tackle him.

He let it be as the fat guy grabbed his waist.

"Haha! Your dead you should've known not to come back here Kira!" He shouted as he tried to put Kira down but couldn't.

Huh..? What's going on....

As he thought that he felt as if he was dreaming as he saw the ceiling lights.

What a beautiful light..

As he tried to grab out and reach it.

"Takumi senpai!" They all shouted as they all at the same time attacked him.

Kira narrowed his eyes and put them all down while clapping his hands.

"Good job! Now get your asses up or I'll break your bones, from now on I'm the leader around here. Whatever I say you will follow, if you don't I will destroy you. Got that?" He said while smiling.

"Y-yes.." They all said but deep inside they all had the idea to resign from the club.

"And if you think of running away or resigning.. I will follow you till I break your bones, so don't think of betraying me."

Like a volcano exploding they all quickly gave up on that thought as they nodded their heads hysterically.

The coach on the side had his hand on his chin as he watched the members of his get absolutely dominated.

He clapped as he said.

"Get up and follow what he says, from now on Kira will be the leader of the team he will be allowed to do anything, assign you guys to do anything, but he still needs to go to me first for me to confirm if it's a good idea or not." He paused as he coughed and continued.

"Now if anyone has anything to say about this raise your hand." He said and waited for five seconds as no one raised their hands.

Everyone still had a bad face on them as they wanted to reject, but it was their fault for doing that to Kira. Saw they naturally just lowered their heads with regret.

"Alright, Kira is the new leader taking over Takumi, and Takumi is now the Vice Leader."

"What!" Takumi shouted as this was unfair.

The coach eyed him down as Takumi felt the chills and lowered his head.

"Again, as no one objected. This is official as Kira is now the leader of the team. And will be leading the team to nationals."

"Nationals? You must be joking coach, we haven't even passed a single round and the games will start tomorrow! How do you expect us to get to nationals?" Takumi again said but more calmer as he didn't want to agitate the coach any further.

"You guys? There's no way."

"See? I told you."

"But there is one guy that will take us to nationals, we may even win." He said as he pointed to a direction.

They all looked and found that the coach was referring to Kira.

"Are you kidding coach? Please tell me your joking or I'm about to lose my mind."

The coach didn't say anything as he just kept pointing at Kira.

"You must be kidding me.." He held his head as he was about ot faint.

"This is all for today. Go home and rest, make sure to sleep well as our first game starts tomorrow."

They all stood up and shouted.

"Yes coach!"

They all started packing as Kira started to leave as well.

The coach came to him and slapped his back. He said with a smile.

"Take us to nationals with your incredible talent Kira."

"Don't worry coach, I won't fail you." He smiled as well and fist bumped the coach.

He left the place and started walking.

He once again heard the sounds of balls touching the ground as he peeked.

He was again at the basketball club as he looked at the person that was playing.


He kept watching but then the man slipped and banged his head into the floor. It was a funny sight as he laughed and left.

He went home, took a shower, and slept.