
Haikyuu: The God

AHHHHHHHHHHH! WHERE AM I?! WHO ARE YOU...welcome boy your dead and i have granted you 5 wishes you also will be reincarnated into another world

Zoned0utAniya · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

CAN I?!?

As I was done getting ready I ran out of my room and jumped down the stairs and ran to the kitchen for my birthday breakfast "Mom where is dad?" I asked as I ate my pancakes "That's a secret" my mom said as she placed bacon onto my plate 'a secret?' I thought to myself as I zoned out while eating.

"Tai!!" My mother yelled with a worried expression as I looked up from my plate to her "Yes hag?" I replied with the most innocent face "Are you ok brat? You look like you are planning world domination.." My mother said with a worried expression as I smiled away "Mom where is dad?" I asked again now piquing interest in my mother "Oh your dad should be here by now ill give him a call ok" My mother said with a smile as she got up and walked away.

"Tai let's go outside your father is here!" My mother yelled from the living area as I got out of my chair and walked toward the front door "Where is he?" I questioned as I looked for him as my mother began to step outside.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry he is down the street at the park let's go ok?" My mother said now grabbing my hand as we walked. As we were walking I noticed we were walking to a park because I spotted some kids running around with some friends, playing... Something I couldn't do right now...

"Ok brat we're here!" My mother said as she pushed me to the park "OI WHO YOU PUSHIN HAG, but why are we at the park for my birthday?" I asked as I saw a ball come flying my way as I stepped back avoiding getting hit "Tch who threw that" I said as I looked for who was responsible "GOMEN SON!" I heard as I saw my father now running towards me with a worried expression.

"Ah it was you father I guess I can accept your apology." I said looking at my nervous wreck of a father "Anyways son I know you always complain about not having friends so" Father was saying 'HAAAAH WHO COMPLAINS ABOUT NOT HAVING FRIENDS, DEFINITELY NOT ME!' I thought to myself as I came back to reality "This boy here named is Kuroo he is the son of me and your mom's good friends here!" Father said 'Wait did I hear that right? Kuroo as in KUROO TETSURO?!' i thought to myself as a blush spread across my face quickly.

"Are you ok? Your not sick are you?" Kuroo asked as he put his hand on my forehead as I swatted it away "GOMENDE KUROO~SAN IM NOT SICK I JUST- I JUST" I yelled as he started to laugh. "Oi, what's so funny." I said as I glared at him "Ah nothing your just adorable!" Kuroo said as a blush spread across my face again "Anyways what's your name I never got it heh" Kuroo said rubbing his neck " Tai... Tai Siaki" I mumbled as I looked away with a small smile. "Ah Well Tai~Sama You get flustered easily has anyone ever told you that?" Kuroo asked while looking at me "Well no because uhm because for like 2 years I have been playing volleyball and never went to school." I said as I looked down at my shoes embarrassed "Cool I wish I could stay home are you home-schooled?" Kuroo asked as I looked at my parents.

"Well yea but they kinda know I'm a little smarter than a high schooler," I said as Kuroo grabbed my hand we both walked to the swings and sat down, and began to play like kids.

"Tai! Come here brat!" My mother yelled as I got angry and ran towards her "What Hag!" I yelled as I stood in front of her as she bent down "Do you want to do volleyball camp? your already as good as a pro-volleyball player" mother said as I looked at her with practically stars in my eyes. "CAN I?! can I really I would love to arigato mother!" I said as I hugged my mother "I can't wait!" I yelled as we all celebrated my birthday, played, laughed, and said our goodbyes ' I think I'm gonna like it here.