
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 48

Hoshiumi took the ball and used a power jump serve. The ball flew across the court. Osumu saw the ball coming and got under it. The ball hit his arms as it flew into the air.

' The receive shook a little. No time though. '

Osumu ran to towards the net. Atsumu set the ball to him. Osumu jumped to the ball. Koshiumi saw it and jumped as well.

He got in front of Osumu. Osumu looked at Hoshiumis wrist. Hoshiumi saw that and right as Osumu was about to hit the ball he turned his arms to block. However the ball went to his left as Osumu faked him out with eye contact as he set the ball to his brother who was in the air.

' SHIT he looked at my wrist while also looking at his brother. Damn. '

Atsumu hit the ball but it got back in the air as Daiki came out of no where. Atsumu say this shocked as Daiki grinned.

The ball was in the air as Hoshiumi sent the ball to Daiki. Daiki went to the ball and hit the ball down the middle. However Osumu was there as he blocked the ball with a soft touch.

Atsumu went to the ball as he used a high set. Osumu saw it coming and jumped. Hoshiumi once again jumped but Osumu got past by hitting the ball over the block to the edge of the line.

' Damn. ' Hoshiumi thought.


The ball headed to Atsumu as he got under the ball while giving a glance at his brother. Osumu saw it and ran towards the net and jumped. Atsumu set the ball towards him for an A quick.

Daiki saw it coming so he jumped to block it. The ball hit the ground. No time was wasted as Daiki took the ball to serve.

He threw the ball into the air and used a jump floater at the top of the net. The ball fell forward but Atsumu got there in time to get the ball into the air.

Osumu saw the ball go towards the net so he turned his body and hit a cross shot with his right to the left. The ball hit the line.

' Damn. ' Daiki thought.


Atsumu took the ball to the line. The crowds were screaming and cheering. He raised his left arm and brought it down silencing them.

He threw the ball into the air and hit the ball. The ball floated out of the court.

' Its going to come back in.' Daiki thought. ' I can use this. '

Daiki looked at Hoshiumi as he ran towards the ball. Hoshiumi ran towards the net and jumped.

' Wait what are they doing? Is it a quick?' The ball curved as Daiki got into position.

' He's going to set it straight from the serve!! SHIT! Hoshiumi is already in the air. But I should make it. '

Atsumu ran towards the place were Hoshiumi was going to it the ball only to see the ball hitting the beach.

' What??!! ' He looked at his brother and saw him also being shocked.Hoshiumi was starring at is hand while Daiki took a breath.

" Bro what happened. " Osumu looked at him.

" When I was watching the ball it went into his hands. The next it was at Hoshiumi when he hit the ball!! It was like the ball teleported from his hands to Hoshiumi before he hit it." Atsumu looked shocked.

' Holy flying fuck!! That was faster than first tempo then. ' Atsumu grinned.

" He brought another weapon. This is so much fun. "

" Can't disagree with that. " They turned towards Hoshiumi and Daiki with grins on their faces.

As for Hoshiumi.

' Damn. When I hit that set, I feel so satisfied. The stopped in mid air to. I dont know how he did that but damn. I have no words to describe that.' He turned his and looked at Daiki.

" Oi Daiki give me more of those sets. "Daiki looked back at him with a blank expression.

" Heh that's fine with me. "

Hoshiumi grinned as Daiki grinned back. They looked at the Miya twins who were shocked but still had excited grins on their faces.