
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 46

Daiki and Hoshiumi did a exercises to warm up and played with a volleyball for a few minutes.They also talked about games mainly FNAF and it's impossible lore.

Well it kept them occupied until the tournament started. Daiki and Hoshiumi meet with the twins and watched each match closely.

Soon it was time for Daiki and Hoshiumi match. There was a coin toss and it ended with DH serving first.


" So you want to serve or should I? " Daiki asked.

" You'll serve first. " Hoshiumi said.

" Alright. " ' I'll keep my full power serve under wraps. I'll just use jump floaters and lower powered jump serves.'

Daiki took the ball to the end of the court and got into position. When the whistle blew he threw the ball into the air. He ran up and spiked the ball. It wasn't at full power but the serve still managed to hit the ground getting a point.

The opposing team couldn't get there in time as the sand slowed them down.

' Oh I forgot. Not many people here play volleyball and there is sand. Well fuck. '

" Nice serve do another. " Hoshiumi said.Daiki nodded and did another. He managed to gain 8 points from his serves before the ball finally got into the air.

" Finally!!" They yelled out. One of them set the ball while the other jumped and hit the ball. Hoshiumi came up with a flat face and crushed their spirits.

Hoshiumi walked towards Daiki with the ball.

" We should lower our strength. "

" I know. Since we are let's take our time and work on our teamwork for attacks. "

" Alright. "


Hoshiumi served with less power but still looked like he was trying. The ball went to the other team. They got the ball into the air.

They hit the ball but Daiki was there to block it with a soft touch. He delayed his jump so and made it so the ball would go to Hoshiumi.

" Chance ball. "

Hoshiumi got the ball into the air. Daiki got under the ball as Hoshiumi ran forward.

' Okay he seems similar to Shoyo but likes aerial battles. I'll give him a high set. '

Daiki sent the ball to him. Hoshiumi ran up and jumped up.

' Thank God that I did my training in the sand. Thanks coach. ' Hoshiumi thought.

The ball came down as the other team came to block it. Hoshiumi saw it and hit the ball to the lower left corner on their side.

Hoshiumi stared at his hand for a few seconds.

' That toss was perfect. He new what my perfered set after meeting me for a minutes.'

Hoshiumi gave out a grin.

" Oi Daiki give me more sets. " Daiki grinned.

" If you insist. "


The match continued with Hoshiumi and Daiki taking their time to practice their teamwork. They took it slow.

Daiki set for Hoshiumi was getting better as he increased his familiarity with Hoshiumi play style. He can now predict what Hoshiumi will do and what set to give him.

Hoshiumi on the other hand was practicing recieves. He did training on the beach to increase jumping power but he hasn't used it for recieves. When the other team hit the ball he made sure to look where the ball was going to go and got to it first.

They won in the end.


" So you guys held back a lot huh? " Atsumu asked.

" Yep. " Daiki said

" Pretty much. " Hoshiumi said.

" Makes sense. This is mainly for fun. "

" True. Looks like we won't be able to have a serious match until we meet in the finals. "

" Sigh your right. "

" Will Team AO and SC come up. Your match will start. "

" Looks out match will start. " Atsumu said. " Lets go bro. " Osumu nodded.

" Don't lose. "

" Well not to anyone until us. " Hoshiumi said.

Atsumu came up and patted his head.

" Don't worry kid. I'll win. "

A tick mark appeared on Hoshiumis head.

" I thought I told you don't call me a kid! " He yelled while doing a flying kick at Atsumu. He dodged while laughing.Before heading towards the court.

" I swear one of these days I will get him back. " Daiki had I maniacal grin on his face.

" Well what about pranks? "

Hoshiumi looked at him and saw his grin. He felt a chill go up his spine but at the same time felt excited.

" Pranks it is. "

They chuckled softly. On the court Atsumu suddenly felt a chill.

' SHIT someone's after me. I'll have to activate defence protocols. No later I have to match to win first. '

Osumu just watched his brother get the ball and got into position.