
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 15

It was now time for the training. The beach helps in many ways. The first thing I will train is my legs. By running on the beach I will improve my jumping ability. Running across the beach bare foot will help build up strength in my legs.

As for jumping to spike this will also help in balance. When jumping for spikes having a mid air form that has balance can give more air time. An example of this is with Ushiwaka during the Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno match where Ushiwaka jumped up for a spike. The blockers jumped as well after him but fell down first.

The balance also shows itself in receives. This is shown in the time skip when Shoyo goes to Brazil to learn beach volleyball. I'm going to do the same but I won't play it as I'll just use image training. I've already memorised moves from the tournament so I can use that to train.

Let the hell training begin.


Day 1: It was gruelling training. Running up and down the beach helped my legs but it didnt work right away.

I also practiced my jumps. To check if my air time increased I used a video cam to record my jumps. To check I used a stop watch to record the timing.

I then practiced with image training. It didn't work most the time. The sand didn't allow me the same grip I get when using the solid floor. I kept falling on my face.

Well time to rest and then keep repeating the training.


Day 7: I made more progress in the training. My balance increased a lot. By running across the beach a lot it also increased my stamina.

My running vertical jumping height has increased. My mid air form also has more stability. I can hold myself in the air longer than before.

Image training has going well. I can react on sand for most of the shots but not the fast ones or more powerful ones. Examples are Iwazumi quick attack with Oikawa and Ushiwakas spikes.

So far it's going okay but I'll need to have actual experience to test it.

Shoyo has also joined me in training. He's doing the same things I'm doing. The sand greatly improved his balance and trained his legs. His vertical jump has increased. His mid air form has also improved a bit but can still be improved.


It's been 3 weeks since I started this training and results are showing. My jumping height has been increased and so has Shoyos. Shoyos jump height is 210 cm while his running jump height is 333 cm. My jump height is 240 cm and running jump height is 370 cm.

Our mid air forms have improved a lot so we can stay in the air a lot longer. Image training for me has really helped. I can now move smoothly on solid ground better. The problem now is actual experience. While image training helped a bit real experience is better.

" Yo Dai chan. What's up? How's your training going? "

" Yo Oiwa chan it's been going great. However I want to know something. Do you know anyplace to practice volleyball?"

" Well as a matter of fact I do. There's a club high schoolers go to. I know where it is and have been going there for 2 weeks."

" Really. Is it possible for me and Shoyo to join? "

" Usually no but with yours and Sho chan skills it should be easy for you. "

" Really When can we come. "

" You can come tomorrow. I'll text you the location. "

I heard the notification sound on my phone. I checked it and it was the location of the gym sent Oiwa chan.

" Did you get It? "

" Yeah I got it. I'll see you there. "

" Same. See you then. " He said and hung up.


The next day me and Shoyo went to the place. Once we arrived at the entrance we went inside and looked around.

The place was huge. There were multiple courts for volleyball. Even seating arrangements were there.

" Yoho Dai chan, Sho chan. " Oikawa called.

" Yo Oikawa san. " Shoyo greeted him.

" Sup Oiwa chan. "

" Been awhile. Since your here let me introduce you. Hey guys come here. "

" Oh Oikawa are these the people you told us about? "

" They look strong. I don't know about the short one though. "

" Don't underestimate him height though. He is pretty good at what he does. " I say while holding Shoyo back from biting the poor bastard.

" Anyway, My name Obi. Nice to meet you. " Obi is a tall muscular guy who's hair is shaved on the sides of his head.

" My name Mibuchi Reo. " This is the guy who underestimated Shoyo. No he does not look like the actual Mibuchi Reo from Kuroko no Basket. He looks like Hayama Kotaro instead.


After introductions we then picked teams. It was 3 on 3 for the first game. Our team consisted of Oikawa, me and Shoyo vs Obi, Mibuchi, and another member.

" I'll flip a coin. Heads it's your serve first. Tails our serve first. " Mibuchi says. It landed on heads. Our serve.

" Seems it's our serve Oiwa chan. Should give them a taste of what's to come or would you?"

" Hmm tempting but I'll let you have the first shot. "

" Heh how kind of you. "

I take the ball and start to spin it on my hand. I took a deep breath. When the whistle blew I threw it in the air and did my power serve.

The ball went to other side in a second without any of them having a chance to realise what happened. Silence rained over the court until

" What the heck was that?!!" Mibuchi says.

" Damn that was one hell of a power serve!!" Boo exclaimed.

" Nice one Dai chan. "

" Thanks. Now then I believe it's time for us to have a little fun. Don't you think so?"

" You're right. Let's have fun." Oikawa says.

" Yeah. " Shoyo yelled.

To the other team all they saw were devil's smiling at them.


Daiki went up to serve again and did his power serve again. He once again got a point with out any one laying a hand on the ball.

This continued until he got 7 points in a row before missing the last one. The other team sighed in relief before serving the ball. The ball went to Daiki who sent it to Oikawa. He then sent it to Shoyo. Shoyo jumped up to spike the ball and was above the net. This shocked everyone in the stadium at how high he could jump.

Obi came to block him but he started to fall down first.

' How? How am I falling down first??!'

Once he fell down Shoyo slammed the ball down to the ground.

" Yes "

" Nice one Shoyo. The training is paying off. "

" What did you do?? His air time was insane!!" Oikawa states.

" Just some hard training. "


This continued with Oikawa, Daiki and Shoyo making havoc. Shoyo used his training and kept improving integrating it into his body. He kept this up for the whole match. Oikawa showed his strength as a setter. His sets were one spot each time for both of them. His other skills are also top notch as well. Daiki used this match to train. Everything he did one the beach he kept using in the match.

This continued for the whole day. The three of them kept playing the whole day improving there skills while playing. Once they finished they went home.

This continued for the rest of the summer and before they knew it school started again.