
Haikyuu: A Life of Joy

Emiko was a successful businesswoman with a carefree attitude. One day when coming back from work, her computer notified a strange survey. Emiko, like the lousy person she is, completed it for fun. So it wouldn't be a shock for her to end up in a 2d world, right? Especially if it was about volleyball.

Yellow_Marguerite · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 9 [Elementary Days (pt.6)]

It's been 3 years since that cursed day. Thankfully, the girls were no longer traumatized, but let's talk about the painful process, shall we?

Starting off with Queen Chaos, Mayumi REFUSED to sleep alone for a whole year! Though her clinginess was a bother, it lessened once she got over the nightmare. As a result, the wonderful storyteller got more creative and sadistic.

Kazuo, the boy who stayed pure, became a victim of wariness. The girls watched him carefully since that day, constantly unsure if it's the real him or the little boy from long ago. It did stop once they graduated 2nd grade, but the four bonded closely from the "observations."

Emiko remained as the group's "goddess," persistently admired and protected. Throughout the years, her beauty didn't falter but glowed up every single day! Now, she shines much brighter than before. Of course, it was at a cost. During her "trauma phase," the lovely girl studied harshly to distract herself from any paranoia she felt. This led her to being in the top 5 of her school (and nonstop nose-bleedings) but in 3rd grade, when she got over the ghost-incident, Emiko dropped her scores to the top 10 (which is still pretty good!) to make up for the loss of her childish years.

Surprisingly, Sachie was the one who made the biggest change! She, too, wanted to distract herself from the mindful threats she had. This introduced the sweet lady to the world of music! Specifically, rock music. The whole school was tremendously shocked to see the once rule-follower become a loudmouth overnight! She'd even skip school from time to time to go watch some rock concerts, along with few classmates who were helplessly dragged to join. Like the others, that era for her ended by 3rd grade. Sachie returned to her sweet persona but continued to listen to music, which was considered a huge blessing to the school!

Now, during the middle of 4th grade, the kids were finally! At last! Joined together, in the same homeroom! They were exuberant of the tear-jerking news at first, but quickly wore off by the week. During this specific freetime of theirs, the four was glaring at each other. Seriously. While the remaining classmates were playing outside in the grass, this particular group was clustered deeply in the middle of the classroom.








"You three are worried about the future?"


"...why is that so?"






"Well then," Mayumi whispered, "I see. Hmmm, I found it!"

"Found what?" Kazuo asked.

"The solution...to your worries."

The three gulped simultaneously.

"What is it?"


"Wowwwwww, thanks a lot Mayumi."

"Like seriously, is that the only thing you can think of?"

"Hey! I'm being real generous here! Now give your mochi!"

"AS IF!!!"

"Back to the answers, Sachie, shouldn't you be reporting that cousin of yours to the police by now?"

"I wish but do you think I'll make it out alive it I do?"

"Hmmm...probably not."


"At least kick her out, you know? You'll be considered an accomplice at this point."

"I told mom and dad about that millions of times but they say 'Your cousin is just in love. Let her be happy, I mean, that's how I met your mother/father.'"

"That's just dark."

"Thank you for the sympathy I don't need, but what do you mean Emiko? About that baby sister?"

"Oh yeah! My mom finally got my baby sis!!!"

Yes, Emiko Shimizu, finally got a baby sister-almost! After the devastating sacrifice of trying to sleep through not-so-soundproof walls, it was worth it! Two months ago, Kasumi broke the news to her family. Never did this reborn girl, think that she'd sob in front of her own family. Emiko already thought of the name, Kiyoko. The parents warned their eldest daughter that the child might not be a girl but Emiko knew. She knew she'd just have a baby sister.

"You say that but how do you even know that child will be a girl? It could be a he, you know?"

"I just do. Omg, I can't waiiiitttttttt!!!"


"*GASP* Gramps...did you just shout...at the gorgeous Emiko-sama?"



While Mayumi was chasing Kazuo around the complicated structure of the room, Sachie giggled to Emiko.

"Pfft, those two never stop, do they?"

"Yep, just like you and Mayumi."

"And you and Kazuo."

"Haha, I guess."

"But Emiko," the respondent turn to Sachie, "Kazuo is right in a few ways. You've been talking wayyy to much about your baby sibling these days. Ah, I don't mean anything rude-"

"It's okay, I understand."

Emiko knew too well of how annoying she was being. The two sat next to each other in tranquility. The other two still didn't stop their Tom & Jerry chase. After a thorough process of thinking, she finally thought of a topic to converse about!

"Hey, do you all have anything after school today? It's been a while since we had a play date."

Though the kids had more freetime after their "Wounded-era," they still were busy nevertheless. Sachie with piano practice, Mayumi with tutoring lessons, and even Kazuo picked up some tricks on soccer(or football, whatever you call it). Only Emiko was left with nothing to do but loneliness and studying.

"Sorry, I have-"

"Afterschool stuff, I get it. *sigh*"

"But Emiko, I'm kind of surprised."

"Hm? About what?"

"Well, we just thought you'd be doing something by now. Like, piano! If you want, I could teach you the basics!"

"Huh? How dare you take the first step Sachie! Don't listen to her Emiko! You should tutor with me!"

"As if Emiko needs any tutoring," Kazuo informed. "Sports are the to-go here!!!"

As usual, bickerings formed into a massive fight. Amidst this continuous mayhem, Emiko deepened further in a certain word. Sports.

'Sports...why do I feel so...weird about it?'

Suddenly, Emiko got the lightbulb!

"I know it now!"

The rest were flabbergasted of the sudden change of their friend.

"Know what?" Sachie questioned.

"What I want to do!!!"

"Huh? Wait-Emiko!"

The girl rushed outside the door and below the stairs. She suddenly saw her homeroom teacher!


"Hm? Shimizu-san? Is anything wrong?"

"Urgh, well...I...feel sick?"

'Please work!'

"Sick? But you look quite healthy...*sigh* just this one time."


"Wait! At least let us contact your parents first!"


Emiko then ran further away from the school building, not listening to her teacher's worry from miles behind.

(A/N: Don't do this kids, this is really dangerous!)

'Of course, how could I be so stupid! Kiyoko was destined to be on the track team, but will join the volleyball club later in Karasuno! I have to be an amazing example for her, so I'll obviously have to learn those stuff!'

Road by road, wall to wall, Emiko ran faster and faster until she finally reached her house. The girl opened up and closed the black fence, then continued onto the path of concrete stairs. While passing the green lawn, she made it to the lovely, marble porch and dug her hand into a flowerpot. She took out a grey key and dusted off the soil, only after she neatly patted the pot back to its original form. She pushed the key into the doorknob and twisted it.


The girl returned the key to its previous spot and headed inside the door.


"Huh? Oh, it's just you Emiko. I thought you were somebody else!"

The lovely daughter turned her head to the voice and saw her angelic, blonde mother. Holding a knife.


The two female beauties stared at each other with silence, quite unsure of who should make the first noise. It was Emiko.

"Not sure who this 'somebody else' is but I assure you, there's no need for the knife."

"Oh," Mama Shimizu hid the weapon behind her back, "don't mind me."

'Kaa-san, that's exactly what serial killers do.'

"Nevermind all that, why are you home so early? And you DO know that we have a doorbell, right?"

"Of course I know we have a doorbell, just, the key is more satisfying."


"Don't ignore my FIRST question, young lady."

"Well...I wanted to ask if I could start track or volleyball?"


"I know you're very confused but please just listen to me-wait, what?"

"I said sure. And before you ask 'why,' let ME explain. Our family is sort of athletic. Your father used to run and even got his team 2nd for nationals, same goes for your grandfather and great-grandmother. As for me, I was a professional photographer exclusive for athletes. That's how I met your dad. Then there's your maternal grandmother who was a baseball professional."

"...wait, give me a sec, that's way too much info for me."

"You can easily to pthugore therem but not memorize your family lineage?"

"First of all, it's pythagorean theorem. Secondly, I told you to give me some time...got it. In summary, my family is full of professional athletes?"

"Except for me, yeah. Pretty much."

"Okay...so I can do track and volleyball?"

"As I said, sure. Your dad can help you with the running stuff but not so sure about volleyball. Where did you even get this idea though?"

"Well...have to give the credits to my friends."

Emiko gave a slight smile.

"Ohhhh, that makes so much more sense!"

The young Shimizu got an irk.

"What does that mean?"

"You know what I mean," the mother side-eyed, "this daughter of mine who's a unique, study maniac that would've never, appeared in our family for centuries suddenly. SUDDENLY wants to do SPORT?!? Hell nah, even with the genetics, it'll take decades of suggestions for it to even mold into her brain!!!"

"...that was so warm of you mother."

"Indeed it was. Anyways, if you came over, why hadn't I gotten a call from your school yet?"

"Hm? Oh...that's because...um...so you see..."

"I'm waiting...wait, did you come over...without telling anyone?"

"NO! I told sensei! She even excused me!!!"

"...but I still didn't get a call?"

Emiko, who ran out of excuses, turned to prayers.

'God, if you can hear me, please don't let me die!"

(A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for the late chapter, things have been busy lately that my brains got scattered! As a new author, please be patient with me. Tysm for all of your love and support, I will continue to work my best!!!)