
New Opportunity

Chapter 5

I settled in my room, lost my way in my thoughts and started to think about my future, about my dreams and my motivations.

I spent the night thinking about my memories and dreams to decide if I wanted to continue playing volleyball or abandon my dreams and promise to my mother.

She would have wanted me to continue playing volleyball but that was too easy to say. How could I know what she would have wanted, I know she would have wanted to continue living but I almost took that of her and I don't even know if I will be able to change that at one point.

After a sleepless night I began to prepare for my first day of school, it was kind of exciting, knowing that it will be a new environment for me and I was really looking forward to seeing my new team. Yeah I finally decided to continue volleyball, I didn't want to stop in the hope that one day my mom will be able to see me play at the beast level.

So I took the bus from Norimune's house to school, he wanted me to go with him by car for the first day but I quite like to travel in public transport, because I could think about my life, it was kind of a ritual for me.

However today my ritual was interrupted by someone.

"Can I sit here ?I noticed that you had the same bag as me, so I guess that means we will go to the same school" said ???.

"Well yeah I guess, I'm on my way to Inarizaki high school, I'm Tenchi" I replied.

"Yeah I go to the same school, I guess first years too ? I'm Aran Ojiro" Said the stranger.

"Nice to meet you Aran, you have quite the physique, I'm sure your smatchs are quite the punch" replied Tenchi.

"Nice to meet you too, wow how did you know that I play volleyball ? Do you play too ? I play as a wing spiker and I plan on becoming the ace of the team" Bombard Aran of question

"Wow you surely are enthousiast when speaking about volleyball, maybe try to calm yourself to be able to think of the best solutions in each situation ahah. But yeah I play volleyball, I'm an outside spiker myself. I changed position recently so I can more or less read players, that's how I did. But I'm sure I will be able to go for the ace status in the team" I replied calmly.

For the rest of the bus trip we discussed volleyball and how we thought the school was, I quite like him and I think that maybe we could be good friends.

We discovered that luckily we were in the same class so that was quite a good news. Aran entered class before me and I heard that the other students were surprised by Aran's skin color, but the surprise wasn't really long because apparently he wasn't the only foreigner in the class, apparently there was also a russian girl. I entered a little bit after him and a big "wow" was heard. I turned my head and saw that almost every girl in the class was speechless, some even had their mouth open. Only the russian girl and Aran weren't speechless. I didn't even know why. Maybe after all the news about my family when my dad quit volleyball my face became known ? [AN : Really you believe you're famous ?..]

I then went to a desk next to the windows at the back of the classroom, because it was the only place where I could watch volleyball practice. [AN : MC's desk is obligatory]

The classes were a lot more boring than I thought they would be, I didn't have any difficulties understanding or remembering what the teacher taught us. Actually I was quite happy, because It would let me have more time to train and play.

At the end of the day some girls wanted to go to the karaoke with Alan and I, but we had our first volleyball practice so we had to cancel on them. On our way to the gymnast we met the russian girl looking through some model magasin. [AN : Do you know who she is ?]

She didn't see us so we just ignored her and continued. I noticed some older students rushing to the gymnast saying that they didn't want to be late for practice otherwise "Devil Coach '' as they called him would train them to the death.

After changing into our training uniform we entered the gym and wow, it was …

Hey I tried to add some AutherNote to this chapter, to get more interaction between us so tell me what you think of it.

The days in a serious volleyball team are near and a possible wife for the mc is tease, more will come next week ahah

Thank you as always for you support and your comment.

See you next week

Aluco_creators' thoughts