
New moto and regulars ?

Chapter 8

« I'm proud of all the progress you've made, I'm proud of all the effort this team put in their training even when some of them didn't seems to help you level. I'm proud to say that you're my team, and that in the worst or best moments we will be one. As I said earlier, we are going to decide the regulars' players and each role for the team, I said we because I believe you want this team to win as much as everyone in this gym want it, so I'm not stress or worried about you making a proposition in your interest before the interest of the team. But first lets decided our new motto. Who got some proposition?" Said the coach.

"Just try new things." said Atsumu and Osamu at the same time.

"Power will breakthrough." Said calmly Aran.

"Do our best and nothing less." Said Shinsuke, every player had a chilling feeling as he said that.

"Power doesn't come with age but effort." Said Ren. I was surprised when he said that because, as the second older one, it's the type of remark he used to say, but I guess the training and our motivation help him. As he said that I watched the coach smiling at Ren like he understood something.

"If the normal way doesn't work, let's get it done by the weird way." Said Rintaro.

"Why not: Between freestyle or strategies we can do it all." said coach Kurosu.

"We don't need memories." I said as the whole club became silent and started looking at me.

"That's it! Man, you're so good with the catch phrase, would you help me later if I make a restaurant." said Osamu.

"Man, each time you're stealing the light." said Atsumu.

"Well guys I think we have it, does anyone have a problem with it?" Said the coach happily.

"No, absolutely not" said the plays as one.

"Guys, it was just a proposition, it wasn't even that good. Why would you take it that seriously?" I replied.

"I don't even want to listen to your new proposition if this one wasn't even a serious one, how can you be so good with names, man don't put me in depression;" Said Atsumu.

"So now the regulars, who has a proposition to give?" Said the coach.

"Coach we all know who the sevens are !" Said Shinsuke

"Yeah coach we all know are strength and weakness so the regulars are pretty obvious however that does not mean that I'm agreeing to stay on the bench for the all season, I'm coming for your place on the court guys you better be prepared !" Said Rintaro

"Okay guys so as we all know then the effectif is going to be Atsumu as our setter, you have great inspiration and talent at this post, I wish from you the best you can do, be unpredictable. Michinari you're going to be our libero, you're the best at bump and your dig are impressive, I wish from you to be able to pass perfectly Tenshi serve before the championship. Ren you're going to be the center block, you've got the most experienced one on the team and I know you are really respectful of others but when on the court I need a scary wall that could block the best spiker of the other teams ! Osamu, I know that you're a pretty aggressive player on the court, but the team needs a defensive player, I plan to train you to be the best aggressive defensive players of the championship, for that we will need to work on your back attack. Rintaro I know that you want to play, and you will but if you want to be a regular you will need to create your own style of play, I can help you with that, meet me at the end of the training we will discuss it. Shinsuke you are the captain of the team, this team will need your cold blood and your quick thinking. I know that you pretty much know how each player is, and I will help you train this capacity to max power. Aran you will be our left spiker, your power could make you one of the best, be sure to continue training at this rhythm and I'm sure you will be able to do great things however you know that you can not be our ace, Tenc…

I interrupted the coach before he could finish and said : " Actually coach with a setter as capable and observant as Atsumu we could be both ace and be pillars of the team."

The coach looked surprised at my proposition but after a few instant he said : " Well it would need serious training from Atsumu in stamina and Aran will need to up his play a bit to be able to do more then powerful strike but it could be done ! Guys what do you think ?"

"Yes" cried the team

The coach looked at me and said :"Well you have it, the team is going to have two ace Aran and Tenchi." Aran and I were smirking at each other as the coach continued his speech.

"Tenchi, you're always training the most with Aran, you motivate the whole team to grow alongside you and to follow you, this is your greatest strength and I thank you for that. Also your capacity in front of the net is the best in the team, as is your vertical elasticity. You're quite unpredictable in your play and your serves are top notch but I would like you to work on your pass, I know you used to be a pretty good setter, but I don't know why you stop however the team needs it, and we will help you through that.

This surprised me a lot, I didn't think that the coach would ask me that, but I guess that if each player is doing his best I must at least try. Aran looked at me and said that he would love to strike my pass, it made me smile as I watched Atsumu grumble. We train the next 2 hours in exercice the coach ask us to do, mine was a passing one where I had to pass a balls in differents hole and Atsumu was on the other side and would had to do the same but as the exercice go we quickly understood that not seeing where the ball was coming force us to do pass in difficult position and we had to manage our precision in it to so that was pretty difficult.

Each player had different exercises to do for the next 2 hours and this only would be the regulars training. After our precedent stamina training Shinsuke and I decided that it would be pretty good if we continued on a slower rhythm the stamina training so we organise a training 3 times a week with the all team and we had one today so everybody knew that they weren't going to get home intact after today.

We were super tired after this training but we all did the same stamina training that we always do, except Rintaro, he arrived late after his discussion with the coach. As we were running I approached him and asked him : "what did you decide with the coach ?"


Next Chapter lol

Hey a little bit late from the usual sorry aha

I may have to pause the writing for a week because of my exam, we will see.

Thank you for the support and for read hope that you appriciate it.

See next week (maybe)

Hey a little bit late from the usual sorry aha

I may have to pause the writing for a week because of my exam, we will see.

Thank you for the support and for read hope that you appriciate it.

See next week (maybe)

Aluco_creators' thoughts