

When Hael found out his true identity, the first thing he did was to make a truce with the creator. And then he was teleported to the world, where he decided to take a student. Let's follow Hael's students together.

Nuh_Encu · Fantasy
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3 Chs


When I learned that I was not a human being, I met the creator. After a long conversation together, from my point of view, we announced a 1 billion-year cease-fire. And then I teleported to the weakest planet. It was a small but beautiful magic world. When I came to Earth, I decided to practice to get used to my abilities. Since I am one of the strongest, this World would not be destroyed either, and I could destroy the Earth I was on at any time, but that would not work for me.

I stopped thinking about all this and started walking in the forest. Since I am nothing itself, no being could sense me. Only to all universes, dimensions, etc. my pieces scattered on the floor would have noticed me if we were in the same world. And when he realized, he was going to come back to me. I was already integrated with my part of the World I was on. All the knowledge and treasures he had collected were now mine. Although technically it had always been mine, now they were right next to me.

I learned all the spells instantly. The information that I consumed them with my energy was also filled in my mind. Now I could create as many as I wanted from all the treasures that my piece had collected. I was the strongest person and I was older than the creator. That's why I watched the creator discover his talents. Even though my memory didn't include the one before the modern, non-magical world, I somehow remembered all of his abilities.

When I thought about the spells for a while, I saw that it was in the spells created by my piece. These spells could have greatly improved people in the world I was in.

I could have started a cult for myself and taken over the whole world, but I decided not to do it because it would be too boring to manage. It remains an option, at least for now.

I created a sword for the creation experiment. The sword was quite ordinary. First, I threw it at a tree. The tree was split in half. Of course, it broke on the sword, I applied too much force and threw it quite erratically.

I fixed the sword with my energy and threw it away, covering it with energy this time. No matter how much I held myself, the whole forest was cut in half. I had exhausted the forest with my energy, and now the place where the forest was had turned into a meadow.

I stabbed the sword into the ground and teleported to a random plain before the masters of this world arrived. When I walked a little, I saw two wizards fighting. When I looked at their souls, I realized that they were more than a hundred years old.

I started watching because I had never seen an inter-wizard war before. Dec. Anyway, before I get my powers back, it's 21.century.i was an ordinary person who also lived. I was very interested in fantastic things.

When the two noticed me, they stopped fighting and turned to me.

"Who are you?"

"I am a traveler passing by here."

They both looked at me in disbelief. I waved my hand and destroyed them both.

I picked up the jade stone shining on the floor. After adding the jade to myself, I started walking. A 5 in jade. there was the art of magic to the people. Although it was not useful to me, I could have created copies of it and raised a few subordinates. 5. since it was a ring, it was worth a diamond to those here.

I was on the second day of my walk when I saw a small village. When I entered the village, I felt the gaze of many people. I stopped and looked at them.

"Do you mind if I set up a house around here?"

My question surprised them a lot.

"Not as long as it doesn't bother us."

An elder had come forward. I thought he was the chief of the village.

"I won't bother. I will visit from time to time Decently for necessary things. Other than that, I'll be near my house."

When I turned to the crowd looking at me, I saw a little girl standing away from everyone. I went to him out of curiosity.

"Little girl, where are your parents?"

As soon as she heard my question, she started crying.

"I understand that. Do you want to come with me? You can be happier and stronger with me."

The girl looked at me with incredulous eyes.

"Are you strong?"

"Yes, I am quite strong."

"How strong are you?"

"If I want, nothing will exist. If I want, all empires and kingdoms will disappear."

It was obvious that the girl did not believe me.

"Prove it."

"How shall I prove it?"

"Kill a monster in the forest."

I smiled at the girl, got up and brought the most powerful being in the forest with me with his telekinesis.

"Will you accept it if I kill you?"

"It's-it's a dragon!"

One of the villagers shouted. When the girl heard this, she was scared.

"Do you accept?"

"I accept."

I killed the white dragon lizard I pulled out of the forest.

"Too weak for a dragon."

The villagers who saw him die knelt down in front of me.

"We ask for forgiveness for our disrespect to the supreme immortal."

I took the little girl in my arms and turned to the villagers.

"I forgive you all and give this lizard as a gift to the neighbors."

We teleported to the top of the hill together.

"I'm going to build my house here. Do you have any belongings in the village?"

When the little girl nodded no, I wanted to make one of the sketches my piece had drawn, and I decided to build one that looked quite nice, with a mana collection formation for magicians. I put the girl down. While creating the materials on the one hand, I completed the house by placing them on the other. The little girl was watching from the side in a rather puzzled way.

"Little girl, what is your name?"


"My name is Hael. From this day on, I am your master."

"I understand, master."

A few 4.I took out clothes in public and threw them at him.

"Your room is on the second floor, the room with the door open. Get dressed and come."

When the girl quickly entered, I took out the magic art of life and death, which is at the grandmaster level. It was quite suitable for the aura. Even if I knew everything that was written in the book, it would be very useful for me to think about it. He knows everything that I put into myself, but I completely did not understand. I decided to do meditation to understand. On the one hand, I was going to train Aura, and on the other, I was going to improve my understanding of what my piece was collecting.

When the girl got dressed and came, I cleaned the pollution from her body with my energy. Now he had the pure body that all magicians would want. First, I was going to teach you to read and write, strengthen your body, and then give you the art of magic. I was planning to send him to the academy when he was strong enough.

I smiled at Aura and created four half-pound bracelets.

"Put these on your wrists."

Aura wore it unquestioningly. He was pretty determined for a five-year-old.

"Now do the movement I showed you five times."

"I don't know how to count."

"I get it, I'll count for you. Stand up when I say it's over."

I did push-ups a few times and showed him. And when he got into the push-up position, I showed his shortcomings, and he started doing push-ups. When we did the same thing for the shuttle, I turned to him.

"Start running around the house."

Aura did as I said without objection. So I hunted various cavars with his telekinesis and filled the house's storage. The contents of the warehouse were designed not to rot.

I cooked the meat of a deer from among them. When the five rounds were over, I cleaned him up with a simple spell.

"Come eat, this meat is quite useful for you."

Although Aura was tired, she ate by listening to my words.

"I'm going to teach you to read, write and count."

The girl suddenly looked at me.

"Don't look like that, since it's necessary for you to learn spells, I'll teach you."

"I'm going to learn magic."

"Yes, but you'll find out when you're strong enough."

We had dinner together with Abura, and I taught her to read and write until the evening. When he went up to his room, I went up to your room. Although I wanted to sleep psychologically, I started to understand the things I added to myself by meditating and to develop new ones.

The formation I set up with the knock on the door woke me up. I stood up and opened the door. Aura was standing at the entrance of the door, waiting for me.

"Let's have some food and then we'll continue our training."

We ate together. At dinner, I saw that Aura looked more alive than yesterday. While he was practicing yesterday's program, I felt that several soldiers had come to the village. As I understand from their energy, 2.it was at the end of the ring.

"Aura, there are soldiers in the village, do you know why they came?"

"Master, they may be soldiers who came to collect taxes."

"It means taxes, since I decided to live here for a while, I have to pay taxes too. Go get ready, we'll go down to the village."

"Now, master."

Aura entered her room with a rush and put on one of the clothes in her closet.