
Harry and Morgana travells

Hadrian now was bored in Camelot and decided the time is right, he told Morgana they are going to travel around and marry.

But Uther vehemently denied it"You are not going now?"

Morgana glared at Uther and said"You maybe be my guardian, but I have the right to do as I wish.Also you forget, I am going to marry Hardrian."

As time passed Arthur and Merlin faced many trial and live the stories Arthur fell in love with Gwen, which was something his father was against.But there was nothing he could do about it.

Morgana and Hadrian married too,but soon Uther died because of assassination by the hands of Morgause.

Because of this incident Arthut became the king and Gwen the queen of Camelot,but there was few issues like Arthur was going the same route as his father,before Morgana,Merlin and Gwen had to smack some sense into him.

He also started the kights of the round table.Arthur even knighted Mordred a Knight of Camelot, but Merlin still did not trust him.

But there biggest trial came in the form of Morgause.Who was hell bent on destroying Camelot, although her initial attempts were stopped.

Hadrian saw Morgana didn't harm either,since both are related to her by blood and both of them cared of her.Making it hard for her to do anything and same can be said first Hadrian, who was also was stuck in the middle.

Everything changed when Mordred's love interest Kara was captured and executed by Arthur, Mordred decided to turn against Camelot and ally himself with Morgause.

In the final battle Arthur was fatally wounded by Modred and Merlin couldn't save him.

Camelot after Arthur's death Camelot was in turmoil and Gwen who was the regent didn't have the support or power to enforce her laws.No matter how much Merlin tried Camelot fell during Gwens reign and it was devastating for both Gwen and Merlin.

Gwen moved away to her father home village away from the memories of Arthur, while Merlin completely focused on the prophecy and magic, but Hadrian felt the burden on Merlin was too great and told him the prophecy was null and voided.

Merlin was now an oldman

was in a daze and muttered"So everything I did was for nothing.

Hadrian winced, he could tell Merlin seems to completely made the prophecy and restoring Albion and old ways is purposes.So this destroyed him,but for some reason he didn't feel that bad especially since Death told him,how Morgana changed and both Merlin ans Gaius hand in the whole thing.

"You have been obsessed with the prophecy for a long time, it is best to let Arthur rest now."said Hadrian with a said tone.

Merlin just slumped into his chair, while Hadrian walked away and outside was Morgana young as ever, she had become immortal to be with him.

Morgana questioned"How is he?"

Hadrian shook his head and replied"He didn't take it well."

Morgana nodded, while both apparated from there.

While Merlin was known to be a great sorcerer,he never became an immortal nor did Arthur have any decendants.

Merlin did gradually grew past his issues and became a well known healer.He died at the age of 100.

So as time passed Hadrian, Qetsiyah and Morgana would move to what would in the future known as Mystic falls.